Author Topic: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport  (Read 13360 times)


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2015, 06:34:37 AM »
"Now the latest news is that detention of Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche in Bangalore airport is over and he is being deported. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is getting on a plane to return to Hong Kong." as posted by DS Star.

Glad to read that sentence. Luckily it didn't take too long for the Indian Immigration to do the right thing in a difficult situation. If it is true that the HH the Dalai Lama did get someone from the Tibetan Administration to exert influence to deny Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche entry into India, the poor Indian immigration officers did the right thing by releasing and deporting.

This again may be a game of tit for tat by the CTA for what was perceived as elbowing by Shugdenpas when HH the Dalai Lama was denied entry into South Africa. At least, South Africa denied visa at the early stage, unlike this situation where a poor old monk is accused of having "invalid visa" when others in the entourage has 'valid visas' although all visas were applied and approved at the same time. If it is true that influence was exerted here, it is akin to 'hitting below the belt' in boxing terms.

"The Dalai Lama said South Africa Government is a bully by denying him visa to South Africa." as posted by Icy.

At the end of the day, as Pope Francis said (even if in reference to Charlie Hebdo)  "you cannot insult the faith of others".

Please Dalai Lama, bury the hatchet and allow Tibetan Buddhism to return to it heydays.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2015, 10:28:02 AM »
Dorje Shugden followers had suffered immeasurable pains either spiritually, physically and mentally from the ban on Dorje Shugden practice.  Now Dalai Lama, CTA and the "unexpected" new ally the Indian Immigration are adding on more damages.  We are witnessing the stop of the turning of Dharma Wheel!  And this is coming from Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism.  This is really getting into the nerves of every Dorje Shugden follower or any Buddhist.  It is too much already!  How could Dalai Lama stop Dharma from flourishing? Dalai Lama has created so much destruction.  How much more harm would Dalai Lama do to Dorje Shugden, Dorje Shugden lineage and His followers?


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2015, 02:13:22 PM »
Theres been a development to this story. In summary, Dharamsala exposed themselves and the schism they caused by enforcing the ban. You can read more about it here:


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 02:21:44 PM »


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2015, 01:21:38 AM »
This is indeed a sad news. The pressure given to Dorje Shugden practitioners have been upgraded. Last time I used to hear is Shugden followers but now direct to Shugden great master. I hope this is just a simple issue about Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche visa and not other intentionally purpose. Otherwise it is really too much as the way they implementing the ban on Shugden practice.

I wish they realise the world is watching. The justice grow naturally from the heart. The world will make the judgement on the ban.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2015, 07:38:47 AM »
What is the consequence of stopping a dharma master like Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche from spreading and teaching the dharma in a monastic institution?

This is sending out "waves" and "direct message" to all Dorje Shugden practitioners in the world, that the CTA has run OUT of options to stop the support for DS. Will stopping an erudite Dorje Shugden dharma master from turning the wheel of dharma make DS practitioners give up hope?

No! We will not give up hope for the ban to be released.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2015, 08:03:55 AM »
We should all write similiar letter to the Indian Prime Minister to protest the deportation of Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche:

His Excellency Naraendra Modi
Prime Minister of Inida
South Block
Raisian Hill,
New Delhi – 110011, India

January 17, 2015

Your Excellency,

On January 15, 2015, His Holiness Yongyal Rinpoche was travelling to India, where he was scheduled to give teachings in Serpom Monastery, South India. Yongyal Rinpoche had the proper documents and permits necessary to travel to the Tibetan settlement. However on arrival at Kempagowda International Airport in Bengaluru, Yongyal Rinpoche discovered his visa had been invalidated for no good reason. He was denied entry into India, detained for many hours and then deported to Hong Kong.

We have strong reason to believe Yongyal Rinpoche’s visa was invalidated due to manipulations by the Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala, H.P. If it does turn out to be true, it deeply disturbs us that such manipulations of the Indian judicial system are possible. Because of Mahatma Gandhi's struggles, India is an independent nation today. Her government and ministers have a duty to protect this independence and should not take orders or suggestions from other governing bodies like the Central Tibetan Administration.

Denying Yongyal Rinpoche’s entry to India, thanks to Dharamsala’s input, was a terrible decision because:
1) It makes India and her government look unreliable and backwards when her ministers will ban people or take away their travel documents because of their faith and religion.

2) It makes India look weak to onlookers and other governments. For example, Dharamsala has now learned that with a big enough incentive, the Indian government can be encouraged to think in one way or another
3) It harms the country’s reputation with locals and foreigners. Yongyal Rinpoche’s teachings had been planned many months in advance and hundreds of people had made arrangements to travel to India to receive these teachings. These people would have booked hotel rooms, gone to eat in restaurants and spent their money in the local communities on offerings and souvenirs. Thanks to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, the local Indian community have been deprived of this income. Tourists will also return to their home countries and let everyone know about the bad, disappointing experience they had in India.

This incident with our Guru Yongyal Rinpoche also disturbs us because it means anyone living in India cannot rely on the law to protect them. Tibetans have been in India since 1959, when we were granted the right to live and conduct our activities. Amongst these first Tibetan refugees were Dorje Shugden practitioners who have never broken Indian law or shown any disrespect to the Indian government. We have always cooperated with the Indian authorities.

We have also always relied on the Indian judicial system to protect us. As guests of India, we follow the laws of the Indian government. This includes Article 25 of the Indian constitution which guarantees religious freedom. Yongyal Rinpoche’s detainment and deportation was obvious discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners who, in this instance, were denied our religious freedoms to learn from this great Guru who poses no threat.
On closer examination, there was no valid reason to prevent Yongyal Rinpoche’s entry into India. Gurus like Yongyal Rinpoche do not pose any threat to Indian security. They lived in India for many years without any problems, until they were forced to leave due to pressures from Dharamsala against their religious faith. These Gurus have not shown any history of violence or law-breaking activities. Furthermore, the Indian intelligence service had months to investigate the background behind these teachings which were publically announced. If indeed it was found that Yongyal Rinpoche posed a threat (which he does not), security for the teachings could have been arranged instead of deporting the Guru and creating such a bad reputation for India.
This incident has created a lot of unnecessary debate and damaged India’s reputation as a democratic system, which traditionally values tolerance, progress and modernity. In the interest of upholding these principles, and in the interest of religious freedom, we humbly request you investigate and intervene in this matter.

With respect,
Dechen Tulku


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2015, 05:52:37 PM »
Mother India has so much history and culture to back it i the 21st century. It does not need to follow or adhere to advice given by the CTA. Why would anyone want to do that? CTA is representing an idea of a Free Tibet, they don't even have a country to call their own.

India do not need to take CTA's words under advisement, being a nuclear superpower and biggest democracy in the world.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2015, 07:45:52 AM »
Such a shame to read of CTA playing a role in instigating the deportation and inconveniences to an old monk whose sole purpose is to spread the Buddha's teachings. It really baffles me though, that India, being home to the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation and the most populous democracy in the world, could be influenced to make this drastic move.
This is clear proof that Shugden believers are not paid by and associated with China as accused by CTA to create more hatred; and gain support from the exile tibetan community.  If  Shugdenpas are really associated with China, then the Indian external minister will organise a great welcome party to H.E Yongyal Rinpoche as Indian official always do when Chinese official arrived in India.
From this incident, I hope more eyes would be opened to more false accusations made by the CTA.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2015, 08:27:20 AM »
This is complete childs play by the CTA, Yongyal Rinpoche has been entering India for many years a great scholar and teacher he has given many teachings and initiation. A highly esteemed Lama the current abbot of Serpom Monastery in Bylakuppe what valid reason is there for the Indian immigration to deny him access into the country? India has always been a place which respect all religion and shown greater respect for anyone who has given their life to their religion like monks and nuns. This is really appalling for the CTA to have come up with a move like that.

If they have faith in HHDL, faith in the dharma, faith in their beliefs why must they go through the trouble to deny Yongyal Rinpoche from entering the country? Despite practicing DS, Yongyal Rinpoche still gives many valuable teachings from Buddha Shakyamuni why stop him from doing that? The prediction of Buddha Shakyamuni stating that Buddhism will degenerate, the main contributor is the CTA because of that and they will bare high consequences from karma in the future.

Its true Tenzin Malgyur I agree with your statement that this is clear proof that Shugden practitioners are not backed by China if so they would not have any problems as such.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2015, 12:34:12 AM »
Nevertheless, life goes on and the teaching at Serpom Monastery went on with Achok Rinpoche standing in for Kyabje Rinpoche.  On 18th January was the completion of the Great Empowerment of Yamantaka, bestowed on the entire sangha by Kyabje Achok Rinpoche.  On 19th January, Rinpoche granted the Blessing Empowerments of Medicine Buddha and White Manjushri.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2015, 01:43:24 PM »
Here are some pictures of Achok Rinpoche in Serpom Monastery.


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2015, 02:37:38 PM »
This news is extremely heartbreaking to read. I cannot imagine the condition Yongyal Rinpoche had to endure with his diabetic condition in the airport. And worst with so many students from all over the world congregating in India to receive teachings from Rinpoche.

Yongyal Rinpoche definitely had a valid visa as it was told that it was revoked. And it is highly suspicious that CTA is behind this out of vengeance or desperation. Whatever reasons they may have, it has shown their true colours on their intention and yet at the same time they say there is no ban. If there is no ban, why such action is necessary?

And if they (CTA) used the excuse that China is behind Yongyal Rinpoche, then the rest of India is also with China since the trade agreement were signed between these both countries recently worth USD 20 billion for India infrastructure. Whatever CTA accusation is, it will not make sense to anyone who can read. CTA must understand that the world has changed and they too should revolved with time. Their audience is no longer just villagers but the world. And we are looking at them and their conduct


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2015, 11:54:20 PM »
1. It took Rinpoche 1.5hrs from Taiwan to Hong Kong, furter 5.5 hr from Hong Kong to Bangalore, then further 6 hrs flying back to Hong Kong.  So it was total 13hrs on the plane, not counting the waiting time in Hong Kong airport during transit, trouble time in Bangalore, and further 1hr+ passport query time in Hong Kong airport after back when Hong Kong Immigration found Rinpoche got problem in India. Isn't it too much for an elderly close to 70, with not that a very good heath condition?  Surprisingly, Rinpoche just smiled heartfully when seeing us greet him in the airport!

2. If CTA claim China is behind Rinpoche, lets' count how many times Rinpoche been back to China since his 2nd exile in late 90s: 2.  Compare total 2 times of Yongyal Rinpoche's back to China after 1998 with his counterpart, Gosok Rinpoche's back to China every year(at least recent years), if that's an valid reason, who has really got China's 'support' and 'financing'?  The 'Dorje Shugden team' or the 'HHDL team'?


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Re: Yongyal Rinpoche detained at airport
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2015, 03:35:02 AM »
It is a shame that such an illustrious Lama was denied entry into India.  Yongyal Rinpoche has entered many times to give teachings and initiations, so why denied him the right to enter. It is so sad that Yongyal Rinpoche had to go through this stupidity from the CTA who is all out to hurt, harm, and destroy all DS practitioners.  Yongyal Rinpoche is diabetic and his health has to be taken into consideration. And because of this stupid action, Yongyal Rinpoche had to endure the difficulties and inconvenience. What about all those who came far and near to receive Yongyal Rinpoche’s teachings. How can the dharma flourish when highly attained Lama is deprived of their rights to teach?

CTA actions are getting more and more ridiculous yet they claim there is no ban. If there is no ban, why take such drastic actions!!!!