Author Topic: "I Support and Encourage Harming Others"  (Read 4666 times)


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"I Support and Encourage Harming Others"
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:54:23 AM »
The complete absence of logic and common sense amongst "Buddhists" is by far the most bizarre thing to me about this whole controversy.

If having read the various Posts for Dummies, you still actually believe it is ok for Dorje Shugden practitioners to be persecuted for their beliefs, or that as you claim nobody is actually being persecuted, I figured someone ought to finally bring to your attention that you are quite likely possessed by malevolent spirits and they are causing you to think that it is ok to proactively go out of your way to harm people for their beliefs, and as a result you yourself are contributing to the destruction of BuddhaDharma in this world. These malevolent spirits are so strong that you are likely not even the ones reading this right now.


If you are able to read this, loving kindness is your protector. Stop being deceived into thinking it's ok or that the protesters have no reason to protesting. Eliminate the reasons they are protesting and the protests will stop - see how simple that is. Help your kind old Mother's regardless of their beliefs and you shall be greatly rewarded. You don't have to practice Dorje Shugden, and it is your freedom to encourage others not to practice, but you need to stop bullying people who disagree with you. Why do I have to tell "Buddhists" to be nice? Is it really that hard to be nice?


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Re: "I Support and Encourage Harming Others"
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 06:52:40 PM »
Firstly, I feel that many of those people who persecuted Dorje Shugden pracititioners are are not really Buddhists. If they are real Buddhists, they would have been kind to all "sentient being", and not "sentient being except Dorje Shugden practitioners". Many of them are being "brainwashed" since young by the CTA that Dorje Shugden is the reason why the Tibetans cannot get back their country. This is a very dangerous move, because on one hand it get people "excited" or "motivated" for a cause; but on the other, it planted the seed of hatred in their people, and they are just looking for something external to blame.

This, to me is very amusing. Anyone with pretty basic Buddhism teaching will know that we need to look within for a solution, not blaming others. CTA is formed under the leadership of HH Dalai Lama, and I would assume that CTA knows Buddhism, and yet, planting hatred in their people, and blame Dorje Shugden for their own failure, I think there is something wrong fundamentally.

CTA needs to stop encouraging the hatred in their own people before it back fire...

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: "I Support and Encourage Harming Others"
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 04:10:40 AM »
The points presented are very logical, but personally I seriously find no logic in what is happening in this Buddhist environment for Shugden worshippers.

The Protestors are very brave people and they have made the international media realise that as the Dalai Lama gives talks of care and loving kindness, the opposite is happening to this "small" (being illustrated by CTA) group of people (the Shugdenpas). How small can this group be to be able to organise such an terrific show of request for religious freedom all over the world.  There are many of us, Shugdenpas but sad to say out of fear inflicted they are in hiding.

Let Shugdenpas decide to go to the lower realms in their propitiation of their Protector and it will be proven wrong with the current incarnation of previous Great Masters like HH Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche and Domo Rinpoche to name just a few.


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Re: "I Support and Encourage Harming Others"
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 03:19:23 AM »
That's right Kris, the DL is not a real Buddhist. Someone who encourages the abuse of living beings and desecrates the Three Jewels is not suitable to be wearing robes or teaching the Holy BuddhaDharma.