Author Topic: Dalai Lama is Not a Valid Teacher  (Read 3253 times)


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Dalai Lama is Not a Valid Teacher
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:16:36 AM »
I just spoke with one of the ISC main organizers about this. They explained that it is helping immensely. Many people of the public and media and attendees of the Dalai Lama talks are intrigued by the use of the term 'false' and ask what is meant by it. They can immediately understand it is mainly because he is constantly lying and contradicting himself and this is easily verifiable by looking at quotes by him or watching recordings if him speak. The use of the term 'false' also helps because it reveals that he is not the real Dalai Lama and was going to be dethroned by parliament before China invaded, so this encourages Tibetans that it is ok to accept this is not the emanation of Chenrezig and it is ok to disagree with this person.

People need things to keep being put into perspective:

A person who disrespects their teachers, encourages persecution, and constantly lies and contradicts themself is not a Buddhist, not a valid teacher or representative of the 3 Holy Jewels, and should not be validated or trusted. By disrespecting his own teacher, Lhamo Dondrub has broken his connection to lineage blessings. Furthermore, he was wrongly chosen as the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama as is clearly explained in the Reting Lama issue, he has admitted publicly that he is not the incarnation of the Dalai Lama, and was about to be dethroned around the time the Chinese invaded. Though he has done some virtuous things in his life just as any sentient being does, he has no validity, and his silence and avoidance of debating the actual valid teachers shows this. Following him is due to infatuation with his personality, or the various pressures and real dangers of the social politics surrounding the controversy if one disagrees with him.

It is so sad really, because if he would have respected his lineage Gurus, and respected everyone's human religious rights, he would have been able to help people without all the disharmony, bad reputation and so forth.

Many people here bring up as a support for maintaining faith in him, that the late Trijang Dorjechang said to keep faith in Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama, but this was said before the Dalai Lama had engaged in his reckless actions, and we must also not fail to recognize the context of social politics in which such a thing was said. Rinpoche still lived in the Tibetan community and still had direct dialogue with the Dalai Lama so of course he would publicly say to keep faith. Imagine the Chaos if he would've said differently or told the truth about this Lhamo Dondrub. Also his meaning of 'keep faith' may have more specifically referred to faith in his potential to become a Buddha, or faith that he would lift the ban. We can still respect someone as a person, and respect the virtuous things they've done, yet lose respect for them as a valid Teacher, or lose respect for the honesty, accuracy, or validity of their word; lose respect for their harmful actions and so forth.

If he were to admit his lineage Gurus were right and he is wrong, lift the ban, tell his followers to respect Buddhas teachings and so respect and help everyone including Dorje Shugden practitioners. If he also shows great remorse for his many lies and encouragement of harmful actions, goes into prolonged solitary retreat on Vajrasattva, and comes out of retreat as a humble monk that has great admiration and respect for his Gurus and everyone in the international Dharma community, maybe, just maybe at that point would he become someone worthy of respect and who's words might be trustworthy. Until then, wisdom and common sense says to rely upon people that respect their lineage Gurus, and who try to set a good example by acting in accordance with Buddhas teachings.


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Re: Dalai Lama is Not a Valid Teacher
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 04:53:00 AM »
We may inwardly and privately view the Guru as a Buddha, but with respect to the behavior of their human aspect that lives in human society, if they constantly lie, disrespect their Gurus, act in contradiction to Buddhas teachings and strongly and continuously encourage others to do the same over an extended period of time, this "emanation" is showing the aspect of an invalid Teacher who's actions must be called into question, and if they cannot give a sensible response that accords with the Dharma, or change their actions so as not to be a constant hypocrite, they should not be followed for they will lead us most certainly to the lower realms.


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Re: Dalai Lama is Not a Valid Teacher
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2015, 09:32:14 PM »
Wait a minute, I'm confused, did I just start this topic on an adult Buddhist forum? I see, sorry, my mistake, this was meant for a children's Dharma lesson about common sense.