Author Topic: H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on Dorje Shugden  (Read 3233 times)


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Dondrup Shugden

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Re: H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2015, 07:59:09 AM »
It took me a long while to read and absorb all the instructions by HE Tsem Rinpoche on the practice of Dorje Shugden.  It is so well explained and the dedication by HE Tsem Rinpoche is so profound that many will benefit from His explanation and practice.

It a complete retreat (both long and short version) on Dorje Shugden practice made for the modern times.  Reminds me of how Pabongka Rinpoche's Guru, Tagpu Rinpoche got the text from Tushita from the throne of Je Tsongkapa. In the similar essence that is how we are getting it from Tsem Rinpoche.

With great appreciation to HE Tsem Rinpoche.


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Re: H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2015, 11:05:38 AM »
Shugden practitioners around the world ought to feel extremely fortunate today.  We have a Shugden Lama, Tsem Rinpoche who has a heart of gold wishing to benefit as many people as possible with his compilation of this powerful protector practice made it available on the internet.  Besides making it readily available and easy for everyone to practice, it can be done without empowerments or initiations; it can be done by just anyone!

I feel deeply touched by the kindness of Tsem Rinpoche.  This is what Tsem Rinpoche has written on his Facebook -

Before I pass away, I wish to get as many teachings, practices, meditations and rites on Dorje Shugden out as much as possible to the world. Dorje Shugden has many beneficial practices that are varied but with one goal (removing obstacles and enlightenment) to suit the various karmic inclinations of sentient beings. Bringing Dorje Shugden to many in order to relieve some of their suffering has been a passion of mine for decades. It's just in the past we are 'not allowed' to speak about it. But you know what? As you get older, you fear less, worry less and give much less credence to 'authorities' and scorn from others who don't like what you are doing. My motivation for this is good and I will do it. My heart tells me to do this and I will share my knowledge about Dorje Shugden to many who are karmically ready for Him. I do this with all humility, care and sincerity to benefit others. When I see others in problems it really moves me to do something. I am ordinary and I can't do much. But Dorje Shugden is Manjushri in the form of a helpful guardian angel and protector and not ordinary. If we put our heart, practice and sincerity into Him, He will help us. If I can bring Dorje Shugden to many, then this is my legacy. The many other incredible teachings by Buddha and Tsongkapa many other great lamas are bringing to the world. They are doing a great job and I pay homage to them, but I will bring Dorje Shugden. I don't do this for any political reasons, financial gains or prestige but simply it will benefit others and that is what I live for. I've always committed myself to Dorje Shugden for only spiritual reasons the day my Teacher assigned Him to me 30 years back. It is for spiritual reasons I keep Him close to me and introduce to you all. May you be benefitted always. ~Tsem Rinpoche.

May you be blessed:…/…/dorje-shugden