Wow! I'm totally astonished! I can't believe that this is the first time that the King Dorje Shugden would take trance, perform the destroying of the obstacles dance in Malaysia and the chanters are not even Tibetans, they are Malaysians. Man, and the King Dorje Shugden came right away after the chanters requested Him to. In some occasions, when they have a Dorje Shugden ceremony/trance, the King doesn't even enter the Oracle's body, sometimes the King will only come after a few requests and sometimes He doesn't even accept the tea that has been offered to Him and He just leaves. But this time, he accepted all the offerings. I wish that I was there in Malaysia when the King and Kache Marpo took trance in the 7th Panglung Khuten's body. I really can't wait for the next when the 7th Panglung Khuten takes trance and I have to be there to see it!!!