Author Topic: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"  (Read 11258 times)


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Admin and forum members,

Yet again, has shamelessly produced an article praising the ban as a "divine comedy". I support the majority of information on this site, but I can't accept the view that the ban is a comedy or the skillful means of a Buddha or Bodhisattva, or the propagation of this view by people who supposedly oppose the ban.

The Dalai Lama is a corrupt criminal politician who delights in the cultural revolution, delights in ethnic cleansing, delights in weapons of violence, delights in abandoning and slandering his Gurus and lineage, delights in destroying the Three Jewels….

So what has it come to when practitioners of Buddhadharma praise the actions of such a person. When Buddha said the Dharma will be destroyed from the inside, he was also referring to the mind of practitioners. The propagation of the view that the ban is the skillful comedic actions of a Holy Being is incorrect, insensitive, and totally inappropriate.

If you put together a list side by side of the qualifications of a Lama and the actions of the Dalai Lama, a person in their right mind will immediately recognize not only that this man is not a valid representative of the Three Jewels, but that as a Buddhist it is totally contradictory to praise the suffering of others and the destruction of the Three Jewels. Though you may not believe it, that is how your actions appear - while you say you want the ban to be lifted, you praise the suffering of others and you praise the destruction of the Three Jewels.

I know we are free to share different opinions on this site, but I am nonetheless pointing out the inappropriateness of your actions and asking you to stop it. On behalf of everyone suffering immensely from this unlawful ban, and on behalf of the Three Jewels, I ask you to stop writing things that praise the Dalai Lama's ban and it's effects.

If you want to praise the virtuous actions of the Dalai Lama, great, but don't praise the ban and related sufferings and obstructions as a comedy of divine actions!

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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 07:26:39 PM »
Totally agree with the previous comment. I find the portrayal of the Ban as a comedy as being of the poorest taste and makes a mockery of the suffering of Shugden Buddhists.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2015, 07:51:47 AM »
In the practice of religion and especially of Buddhism it is thought every view is from within and is dependently arise. The practice of deity yoga is for example exclusively for the practitioners, otherwise the statue, image and the representation of the deity need not exist.

In the sutra we find the Buddha teaching that a Buddha can manifest in any form, a bridge, a rock, an animal, a chair or anything if it benefits sentient beings. It follows then a Buddha can manifest in the form of a murderer, politicians, actor and certainly the Dalai Lama albeit a "false" one or a "greedy" one or a "political" one. A Buddha by the power of his Boddhicitta aspiration when in the path has no problem having a bad reputation.

Having said that so was Hitler. Can we say Hitler was a Buddha. How do we differentiate Hitler and a Buddha. The answer is by the results.

So, whether this site is right or wrong, let's not judge. Let us check the result of the Dalai Lama's actions. All I can say, even in his worst actions, there seem to be some very positive things going on.

But then, like I said above about deity yoga, it is how I view it. How we can turn the "negative" into Dharma practice that is the most important thing.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2015, 09:20:37 AM »
Eyesoftara, it is becoming quite clear from your responses that people such as yourself will debate endlessly to justify the Dalai Lama's ethnic cleansing, and since the admin and members of this forum refuse to be more empathetic and sensitive and stop contradicting themselves by praising and supporting the ethnic cleansing, I will no longer support or participate in this website.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2015, 05:10:45 PM »
Admin and forum members,

Yet again, has shamelessly produced an article praising the ban as a "divine comedy". I support the majority of information on this site, but I can't accept the view that the ban is a comedy or the skillful means of a Buddha or Bodhisattva, or the propagation of this view by people who supposedly oppose the ban.

The Dalai Lama is a corrupt criminal politician who delights in the cultural revolution, delights in ethnic cleansing, delights in weapons of violence, delights in abandoning and slandering his Gurus and lineage, delights in destroying the Three Jewels….

So what has it come to when practitioners of Buddhadharma praise the actions of such a person. When Buddha said the Dharma will be destroyed from the inside, he was also referring to the mind of practitioners. The propagation of the view that the ban is the skillful comedic actions of a Holy Being is incorrect, insensitive, and totally inappropriate.

If you put together a list side by side of the qualifications of a Lama and the actions of the Dalai Lama, a person in their right mind will immediately recognize not only that this man is not a valid representative of the Three Jewels, but that as a Buddhist it is totally contradictory to praise the suffering of others and the destruction of the Three Jewels. Though you may not believe it, that is how your actions appear - while you say you want the ban to be lifted, you praise the suffering of others and you praise the destruction of the Three Jewels.

I know we are free to share different opinions on this site, but I am nonetheless pointing out the inappropriateness of your actions and asking you to stop it. On behalf of everyone suffering immensely from this unlawful ban, and on behalf of the Three Jewels, I ask you to stop writing things that praise the Dalai Lama's ban and it's effects.

If you want to praise the virtuous actions of the Dalai Lama, great, but don't praise the ban and related sufferings and obstructions as a comedy of divine actions!

You cannot accept the view of the article, it doesn't mean others don't accept it. No one forcing you to accept it.

The Dalai Lama is a corrupt criminal politician who delights in the cultural revolution, delights in ethnic cleansing, delights in weapons of violence, delights in abandoning and slandering his Gurus and lineage, delights in destroying the Three Jewels….

If you want to praise the virtuous actions of the Dalai Lama, great, but don't praise the ban and related sufferings and obstructions as a comedy of divine actions!

You're contradicting. You are alright with people praising Dalai Lama and you yourself condemning Dalai Lama.  ???

Yet again, has shamelessly produced an article praising the ban as a "divine comedy". I support the majority of information on this site, but I can't accept the view that the ban is a comedy or the skillful means of a Buddha or Bodhisattva, or the propagation of this view by people who supposedly oppose the ban.

So you're right?

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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2015, 05:43:19 PM »
This website has become a complete sham! I am so disappointed, it could have actually helped exiled Tibetan Shugden Buddhists, instead it has become a platform for the few to promote their own agenda.

Have the past few decades not told you anything... religion and politics just do not mix!


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2015, 10:04:53 AM »
Well you may not find this website useful but many Dorje Shudgen worshippers and lamas do. Tibetan and non tibetans many have said so on social media.

Look we are all working towards the same end, the removal of the ban. We may differ in terms of certain ideas but live and let live? Agree to disagree? Must we really agree to the last dot? 


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2015, 11:19:58 PM »
This website has become a complete sham! I am so disappointed, it could have actually helped exiled Tibetan Shugden Buddhists, instead it has become a platform for the few to promote their own agenda.

Have the past few decades not told you anything... religion and politics just do not mix!

Why blame when you can do something constructive about it? Aren't you having your own agenda as well by making claims without any reasons given?

Unfortunately it is Tibetans mixing politics and religion together. People needs to know the consequences of their motivations and actions. Therefore we can make some headway towards a resolution.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2015, 09:40:52 AM »
I would not say the religious persecution is a "comedy" simply because it is not funny and many have and are continuing to suffer. What I can say it that the law of cause and effect applies in that there will be not suffering if one has not created the cause for it. But that is not to say that we go around causing suffering for others.

We must remember that the Gurus of the Dalai Lama were HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Ling Rinpoche who were great masters and surely they would know if the Dalai Lama is fake. Hence, if he is not fake, he must be the real Dalai Lama and is one continuum with Gendun Drub, the First Dalai Lama who is a direct disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa.

Hence, the real question is why did Avalokiteshvara ban Manjushri? This itself is where the complexity of skillful means is hard to understand.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2015, 10:09:48 PM »
The ban that is being enforced is indeed a joke for all people. The Tibetans and families are being separated because f the differences and the enforcement by the CTA. Due to the enforcements by the CTA, the Tibetans are not able to practice what they like to freely. They have to live their lives in constant fear as they will need to prevent the other Tibetans from attacking them due to the different viewpoints with regards to the religion.

With this, is H.H Dalai Lama doing something that is really called love, compassion, and kindness? I beg to differ from that point. If there is really love, compassion, and kindness the discrimination against all Shugden practitioners should be stopped and not carried on.

Why did the Dalai Lama not voice out even though when he could easily done so for the self-immolation acts, and to remove the hit list on the CTA's webpage so that the Tibetans will be able to live in peace with each other?


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2015, 02:10:08 PM »
Well here is what i think about Dorje Shugden.coms post.

People say that the ban is a divine play, like how the 5th Dalai Lama ordered high Lamas to do fire pujas to rid the "evil spirit" which was harming Tibet. In the end though the so called evil spirit was not subdued. And in fact the "spirit" was Dorje Shugden. People might say that the Dalai Lama had no clairvoyance to see that the spirit was in fact a Dharma protector. But the truth is this: If the 5th Dalai Lama just went and said ohh deity would be our Dharma Protector from now on, most people would doubt that the new Dharma protector had any power, so instead of saying that, the Dalai Lama ordered high lamas to do fire pujas to kill the Dorje Shugden, the fire pujas did not work, That showed that Dorje shugden is indeed a being of a really high level, and thus could not be killed.

Religious prosecution is not a joke nor is it funny. Hence it is totally unorthodox to label Religious prosecution as comedy.

Since Dalai Lama is an emanation of Avilokiteshvara why would he ban Manjushri? Surely a Buddha won't cause suffering to others just because of a reason unexplained right?
That is going to be a question that will always be on my mind.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2015, 06:40:39 PM »
If the 5th Dalai Lama just went and said ohh deity would be our Dharma Protector from now on, most people would doubt that the new Dharma protector had any power

If so, this shows how much the evil “5th” lacked credibility.

Since Dalai Lama is an emanation of Avilokiteshvara why would he ban Manjushri?

Which is clear proof that the the evil, murderous, envious, power greedy “5th” was just an evil, murderous, envious, power greedy usurper, having nothing to do with Avalokiteshvara.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2015, 08:19:17 AM »
This shows samsara is a farce. Only actions of the Boddhisattvas that leads to the Liberation or Enlightenment of others are worthy. Hence, one should generate the wish to be enlightened for the sake of others daily and take advantage of this optimum rebirth to practice the Dharma. Otherwise we will remain in this farce. Samsara is a comedic farce.


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2015, 04:55:36 PM »
I don't agree with the religious ban by HH Dalai Lama because it has created (and still continue to create) much suffering to millions of people, especially the Tibetans.

However, my Lama/Guru told me HH Dalai Lama is indeed Chenrezig, and is a living Buddha. I trust my Guru 100% and He cannot be wrong.

Then, how do I explain the reason for this ban?


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Re: Praise for the Dalai Lama and religious persecution as "comedy"
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2015, 05:27:04 PM »
@Kris a ban that will truly bring Dorje Shudgen and Tsongkhapa's teachings to the world including the Chinese people.