Given their horribly poor performance or track record, the CTA IMHO has no other other option to bolster their legitimacy except by making China and Dorje Shugden the bogeymen.
But they forget that Mao is no longer, Deng is no longer, the Cultural Revolution is no longer. What we have now is a modern, progressive and growing China keen on going back to its spiritual roots - Buddhism. Is that bad? No I don't think so.
The CTA also forgets that if they want to carry on making enemies out of countries who have in the past transgressed their boundaries, then this would have to include Mongolia, Nepal, and even Britain.
The CTA should just step aside when is come to spirituality, just like many progressive governments do, and not make spirituality a political enemy.
And if they still want to do so, do please be more consistent and also ban the religions which Mongolia, Nepal and Britain support and are patrons to.