Author Topic: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!  (Read 8600 times)


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HHDL states that the Western Shugden Society is a bigger threat to the so-called liberation of Tibet than the People's Republic of China ever has been.
This included any and all Shugden Devoted across the world.
Now, why would he say that a group of Shambala Warriors are more fearsome than an entire Nation?
The Nation that Liberated 95% of the enslaved peasants, the Serfs, the ones he held in bondage for over four hundred years. Yet ! he fear us. Why would he be afraid of intelligent and dedicated people? Maybe, because we have educations and the experience gained by observing his antics since he decided all has failed, he needs someone to blame and someone to kick around.
He is mistaken and we support the true liberation of brainwashed Tibetans that know no better than to follow their old master, like a dog kicked around just wants to be fed.
He is mistaken and we Westeners will kick his butt, just like we did Nixon.
Sooner than later, he will meet his fate. I like to think this spring in Bloomington that he will be exposed for what he is. A Mississippie River Boat Grifter that gambled his country away decades ago and now tries to pretend it was taken away.
So tenuous is his hold that this VooDoo King of Mumbo Jumbo travels to Bloomington to meet his match and people can see what it is we say. He is the pretender gone completely insane. His anger is funny as he tries to look calm, but we know inside he is eaten up with his own self inflicted cancers that dissolve his resovle to destroy what is impossible to exile. Master Shugden knows no political boundaries like this lama is trapped in a cage of his own making.

The above extracted from Thomas David Canada:

WSS or Western Shugden Society has been protesting against the ban on Dorje Shugden by HHDL all year last year. They requested for dialogue with HHDL. HHDL refused.
Now if HHDL says WSS is a bigger threat than China, he would want ppl to protest against WSS? Raising hostility toward WSS?? I hope not.

click and see samples of last year's protest if u haven't already done so.

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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 06:20:09 PM »
Tibet quest won't die with Dalai Lama: Envoy
Agence France Presse

TOKYO: The quest for greater Tibetan rights under Chinese rule will continue even after the Dalai Lama dies, a senior envoy to the spiritual leader said in Japan today.

“What we believe very strongly is that the issue of Tibet will not die,” said Tempa Tsering, the chief representative of the Buddhist monk who has been based in India after fleeing his Himalayan homeland in 1959. “Once his holiness is dead and his soul is in the air, whatever guidance he gives ... they’ll follow it,” said Tsering, the former foreign minister of the Tibetan government in exile in India. China indicated in March it would take a hard line on the selection of a successor to the 74-year-old Dalai Lama.

Qiangba Puncog, Tibet’s former governor, insisted the final decision on the reincarnated successors to the Buddhist top lamas lies with Beijing.

Many Tibet experts believe China is waiting for him to die and then install its own Tibetan spiritual leader.


"Qiangba Puncog, Tibet’s former governor, insisted the final decision on the reincarnated successors to the Buddhist top lamas lies with Beijing."
Statements leading to even greater mixing of politics and religion. I hope not.

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 06:49:31 PM »
"Qiangba Puncog, Tibet’s former governor, insisted the final decision on the reincarnated successors to the Buddhist top lamas lies with Beijing."

Statements leading to even greater mixing of politics and religion. I hope not.

It has always been so. In Tibet.

See Tibetan Chan IV: The Great Debate


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 07:16:05 PM »
Here's an article that some may enjoy

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 07:12:32 AM »
One should be careful while reading the writings of Carreon family. They have for quite some time preached against the very concept of Vajramaster, and when they write 'compromizingly' about any Teacher, they are not pointing to specific wrongdoings as such, but are rather criticizing the whole idea of there being "power differences" between practitioners and Teachers. They are not trying to elevate practitioners, but are trying to take all Gurus down. So please be careful with the American Buddha -stuff.

Lee Dhi

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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 01:05:09 PM »
Thanks Lhakpa Gyaltshen for the inspiring phrase!

With the ruling in favor of Dorje Shugden practice in New Delhi (as posted by Lhakpa Gyaltshen) coupled with the consistent and sincere motivation of Dorje Shugden practitioners, a big part of the cause: religious freedom with specific focus on Dorje Shugden Practice, is achieved. Therefore, the statement by H.H about WSS and Tibet liberation is of no real relation because that is more politically focused, which the WSS never participated in any way.

From this ruling, I believe that the most important thing is we must practice pure Dharma with clear motivation to benefit all sentient beings and NEVER permit anything, be it China, the Dalai Lama, anti-Shugdenites, pro-Shugdenites, “Dharma politician” etc. threaten pure Dharma practice.

May this mark the swift return of Dorje Shugden practice into mainstream Buddhadharma and may the lives and practice of all Dharma practitioners become united, smooth and safe to cause the freedom of Tibet and its people.


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2010, 10:12:22 PM »
No mention of the WSS here...

Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day

Today marks the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan people's peaceful uprising in 1959 against Communist China's repression in Tibet, as well as the second anniversary of the peaceful protests that erupted across Tibet in March 2008. On this occasion, I pay homage to those heroic Tibetan men and women, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet, and pray for an early end to the sufferings of those still oppressed in Tibet.

Despite the great hardships Tibetans have faced for many decades, they have been able to keep up their courage and determination, preserve their compassionate culture and maintain their unique identity. It is inspiring that today a new generation of Tibetans continues to keep Tibet's just cause alive. I salute the courage of those Tibetans still enduring fear and oppression.

Whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, it is the responsibility of all Tibetans to maintain equality, harmony and unity among the various nationalities, while continuing to protect our unique identity and culture. Many Tibetans in Tibetan areas are working in various responsible posts in the party, government and military, helping Tibetans in whatever way they can. We recognise the positive contribution that many of them have made up to now, and obviously when Tibet achieves meaningful autonomy in the future, they will have to continue to fulfil such responsibilities.

Let me reiterate that once the issue of Tibet is resolved, I will not take any political position nor will members of the Tibetan Administration in exile hold any positions in the government in Tibet. I have repeatedly made this clear in the past. To understand the situation of the Tibetans in exile and their aspirations, I invite Tibetan officials serving in various Tibetan autonomous areas to visit Tibetan communities living in the free world, either officially or in a private capacity, to observe the situation for themselves.

Wherever Tibetans in exile have settled, we have been able to preserve and promote our distinct cultural and spiritual traditions, while generating awareness of the Tibetan cause. Unlike other refugees, we have been relatively successful because we have also been able to give our children a sound modern education, while bringing them up according to our traditional values. And because the heads of all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the Bon religion are in exile we have been able to re-establish various institutions for religious training and practice. In these institutions over ten thousand monks and nuns are free to pursue their vocations. We have been readily able to provide educational opportunities for those monks, nuns and students who continue to come from Tibet. At the same time the unprecedented spread of Tibetan Buddhism in both East and West and the prospect of continuing to flourish in the future gives us hope that it may yet survive. This is some solace to us during this most critical period in Tibet's history.

Today, the Chinese authorities are conducting various political campaigns, including a campaign of patriotic re-education, in many monasteries in Tibet. They are putting the monks and nuns in prison-like conditions, depriving them the opportunity to study and practise in peace. These conditions make the monasteries function more like museums and are intended to deliberately annihilate Buddhism.

Tibetan culture based on Buddhist values of compassion and non-violence benefits not only Tibetans, but also people in the world at large, including the Chinese. Therefore, we Tibetans should not place our hopes in material progress alone, which is why it is essential that all Tibetans, both inside and outside Tibet, should broaden their modern education hand in hand with our traditional values. Above all, as many young Tibetans as possible should strive to become experts and skilled professionals.

It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves. Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other.  I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding.

Whether the Chinese government acknowledges it or not, there is a serious problem in Tibet. As the world knows, this is evidenced by the fact that there is a huge military presence and restrictions on travel in Tibet. It is good for neither party. We have to take every opportunity to solve it. For more than 30 years, I have tried my best to enter into talks with the People's Republic of China to resolve the issue of Tibet through the Middle-Way Approach that is of benefit to us both. Although I have clearly articulated Tibetan aspirations, which are in accordance with the constitution of the People's Republic of China and the law on national regional autonomy, we have not obtained any concrete result. Judging by the attitude of the present Chinese leadership, there is little hope that a result will be achieved soon. Nevertheless, our stand to continue with the dialogue remains unchanged.

It is a matter of pride and satisfaction that our mutually beneficial Middle-Way Approach and the justice of the Tibetan struggle have gained growing understanding and support year by year from many political and spiritual leaders, including the President of the United States of America, reputed non-governmental organisations, the international community, and in particular from Chinese intellectuals. It is evident that the Tibetan issue is not a dispute between the Chinese and Tibetan peoples, but has come about because of the ultra-leftist policies of the Chinese Communist authorities.

Since the demonstrations in Tibet in 2008, Chinese intellectuals inside and outside China have written more than 800 unbiased articles on the Tibetan issue. During my visits abroad, wherever I go, when I meet Chinese in general, particularly the intellectuals and students, they offer their genuine sympathy and support. Since the Sino-Tibetan problem ultimately has to be resolved by the two peoples themselves, I try to reach out to the Chinese people whenever I can to create a mutual understanding between us. Therefore, it is important for Tibetans everywhere to build closer relations with the Chinese people and try to make them aware of the truth of the Tibetan cause and the present situation in Tibet.

Let us also remember the people of East Turkestan who have experienced great difficulties and increased oppression and the Chinese intellectuals campaigning for greater freedom who have received severe sentences. I would like to express my solidarity and stand firmly with them.

It is also essential that the 1.3 billion Chinese people have free access to information about their own country and elsewhere, as well as freedom of expression and the rule of law. If there were greater transparency inside China, there would be greater trust, which would be the proper basis for promoting harmony, stability and progress. This is why everyone concerned must exert their efforts in this direction.

As a free spokesperson of the Tibetan people I have repeatedly spelled out their fundamental aspirations to the leaders of the People's Republic of China.  Their lack of a positive response is disappointing. Although the present authorities may cling to their hard-line stand, judging by the political changes taking place on the international stage as well as changes in the perspective of the Chinese people, there will be a time when truth will prevail. Therefore, it is important that everyone be patient and not give up.

 We acknowledge the Central Government's new decision taken at the Fifth Tibet Work Forum to implement their policies uniformly in all Tibetan areas to ensure future progress and development, which Premier Wen Jiabao also reiterated at the recent annual session of the National People's Congress. This accords with our repeatedly expressed wish for a single administration for all those Tibetan areas. Similarly, we appreciate the development work that has taken place in Tibetan areas, particularly in the nomadic and farming regions. However, we must be vigilant that such progress does not damage our precious culture and language and the natural environment of the Tibetan plateau, which is linked to the well-being of the whole of Asia.

On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to the leaders of various nations, their intellectuals, the general public, Tibet Support Groups and others who cherish truth and justice for continuing to support the Tibetan cause despite the Chinese government's pressure and harassment. Above all I wish to pay my heartfelt gratitude to the Government of India, the various State Governments, and the people of India for their continued generous support.

Finally, I offer prayers for the happiness and well-being of all sentient beings.

The Dalai Lama

10 March  2010


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2010, 08:20:48 PM »
"We commit ourselves to the enlightened Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. We will remain steadfast without resorting to negative comments or actions towards those who do not agree with us or criticise us.
We will carry out our holy practice peacefully and be REAL Buddhists.
With all the kindness and help that Dorje Shugden has done for my family and I, this is the least I can do for him."

Okay! The Challenge is to Skillfully State the Truth Without Destroying Ourselves in the Process.
Surely of the 84,000 Remedies given to us by Lord Buddha and Written down in the moment.
Preserved for All Times and Protected by the Supreme Dharma Protector, Shri Dorje Shugden
We can find one or more of Lord Buddha's Remedies to Solve our Dilemma!

Dear Lhakpa Gyaltshen,

What a challenge indeed but i don't see it as an impossible one. Yes, there are 84,000 ways so there must be a way. We just have to think out of the box. I was taught that being open-minded means 'do not reject', so we should not reject an idea, even if it seems so crazy and out of this world like the possibility of the Dalai Lama having an ulterior agenda. It may or may not be true, but it's possible, isn't it?

If we trust and believe in our Protector, Dorje Shugden, he will definitely show us the way out of this mess, don't you think?

I believe it.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 01:48:08 PM »
About New Delhi,
 I'm aware the judgement already went against DL and he was given a stern
final warning from the judge who said that there was ample evidence of
deity discrimination on his part. Seems like he thought that India was
going to be a little bit more tolerant of his antics than they have been. I
believe that they have pretty tough laws in place with respect to religious
intolerance, which is very necessary in view of their history of religious

As far as I can see people are just getting on with doing their own thing
now. Even the former Ganden Tripa has moved to a monastery that still does
the protector practice. That doesn't make it a complete non-issue, but it
does show the limits to DL's power and influence.

It appears the Tibetans will prefer a War of the Roses that will lead nowhere, except to add confusion
as a blonde woman claiming to be the Dalia Lama incarantion.

Dear Lhakpa Gyaltshen,

I've been looking online but i cannot find the reference to the ruling by the New Delhi court. Could you please let me know if there is an internet report or reference to it?

Many thanks,

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2010, 04:30:40 PM »

WSS or Western Shugden Society has been protesting against the ban on Dorje Shugden by HHDL all year last year. They requested for dialogue with HHDL. HHDL refused.
Now if HHDL says WSS is a bigger threat than China, he would want ppl to protest against WSS? Raising hostility toward WSS?? I hope not.

Something "positive" that might arise out of Dalai Lama making such a statement is this: drawing more attention to the WSS may inadvertently also draw more attention back to himself and this whole issue. As well as the protests, the WSS have also provided the world with a lot of invaluable information about the truth of Dorje Shugden's sacred practice and the wrongly actions of TGIE towards DS practitioners.

In a roundabout way, by throwing the spotlight on WSS the Dalai Lama runs "the risk" of having more of the world find out all the negative aspects of himself as highlighted by the WSS. Yes, it may raise hostility towards the WSS among some people, but the world at large - educated and convinced by logic - may be more inclined to find out what this WSS is really all about and therefore learn more about what has really been going on. At the same time, research about WSS does point people back eventually to knowledge and information about Dorje Shugden himself - so hopefully some good that might come of this is that people actually learn more about DS instead of just what is bantered about by the press.

Lee Dhi

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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 04:16:05 PM »
Dear Lhakpa Gyaltshen, Thank you for your posting on 5 April 2010.

With the intention of upholding the truth and to benefit all sentient beings, I believe that we will eventually find the remedy to problems life presents us.

Naturally samsaric, we will be mistakes along the way that lead to undesired consequences. The good news is, if our motivation is purely for the benefit of Dharma and sentient beings, we get to make a new choice of (corrective) action. With the kindness from all the Buddhas and our Protector - Dorje Shugden, we receive a second chance to get-it-right as long as our intentions are pure and aimed to benefit others.

I came across the following verses from <If Not Now, When?> about Harmony and Conflict:

"Anger is impermanent; disharmony is impermanent. We must ask ourselves where we will be once that's over. That's more important than the moment of anger. Get over it."

"Let others win whether they're right or wrong. Let go of conventions, rules, projections, expectations. JUST BE and don't let any experience which happens at every moment be another factor for us to create more unhappiness because everything fades, just the results remain."

Perhaps these are 2 of the 84,000 Dharma teachings we can try out at this moment :)


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2013, 06:21:57 AM »
what i do find more amazing is that nobody processes this in a logical way or ever asks HHDL "how does this work? please explain to us in your great compassion". Everyone just says okay yes we accept whatever you say. Is this how Buddhists are supposed to act? I'd say that at least people have a right to ask for an explanation rather than just accepting things blindly. If HHDL is asked, I am sure he would retract his statement in some way or another but for WSS to be able to get the Dalai Lama's attention, it is quite remarkable indeed as their voice is now being heard of.


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 12:16:03 PM »
I believe that the bigger "threat" of Tibetan liberation, in this case the promoting of Dorje Shugden would be more successful by those who openly practice Dorje Shugden and are not afraid of promoting and sharing the benefits of Dorje Shugden practices to all.

I believe that the Dalai Lama has said this because the voice of the WSS in terms of promoting Dorje Shugden is much louder then China. Hence, the Dalai Lama is shifting the limelight from China to WSS. Letting the world know how strong that community is.


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2013, 10:27:46 AM »
Interesting to see that this topic was started almost 4 years ago, and we can look at it again today with the distance given by time.

And what do we see?
We see that China has not been a threat, on the contrary, in the last 4 years, we have seen many temples and cultural places in Tibet renovated and restored.
Tourism has been promoted, security has been improved, roads, electricity end other modern conveniences improved.
Many tourists are visiting the country, they can see the temples, they can see the monasteries, they can listen to Tibetan music, they are the eye witnesses that Tibet is Tibet once more.

Would the CTA have done a better job?
We can't say, we can't.
But also we can't say that China has done a bad job, maybe not a perfect job, but not a bad job after all. And that was not an easy job to do!

So the Dalai Lama was correct to say that WSS was a bigger threat to Tibet liberation than China, because China is not a threat.
As much as WSS is not a threat neither!
Both are scapegoats, they are hiding the failures of the CTA who cannot even keep the exiled Tibetan community united and does instate its own civil discrimination with the ban of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Dalai Lama Says WSS Bigger Threat to Tibet Liberation than China!!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2013, 12:10:26 PM »
Could it be due to the combined threats of WSS and DS.COM, the Dalai Lama can no longer stand to it and is making amends and calling quit to the DS ban?  Is it for this same reason He is summoning Trijang Rinpoche to Gaden Monastery to pass on all the lineage teaching?  I am speculating the possibilities and I cannot wait to hear the outcome.