Author Topic: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up  (Read 7083 times)


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Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:07:48 PM »

This is such an important article and useful check of the current situation of what is happening within the Tibetan community in Exile. The Internet and Wechat, have made information freely accessible, no one can censor this or that. No matter whether the Tibetans are Rangzen or Umayylam supporters they should take the responsibility to come together to resolve all the issues of the plaguing the them, like the Dorje Shudgen issue, two Karmapas, two Domo Geshes and so forth.

Without harmony and working towards the same goal, what can the Tibetans do to resolve all their issues that is making their society backward and unprogressive? So it is very inspiring to see more younger Tibetans embrace technology, and have voice of their own, that may not exactly fit CTA or Dalai Lama's mould.

DS Star

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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2016, 07:31:35 AM »
Yes indeed it is a very informative article. Agreed that without unity among Tibetans, there is no way they can progress to build their own nation and to gain respect from China authorities or to gather supports from international communities.

As stated in the article, even their main supporter and sponsor, the Americans are not too pleased with the current leadership i.e. CTA and their undemocratic manner in handling Tibetans issues.

The situation is so severe that the younger generation of Tibetans are now speaking up despite risking their reputation and even their lives for being labelled anti-Dalai Lama or the cause of Tibet.

Some like Lukar Jam Atsok, the candidate for Sikyong election, not a Dorje Shugden practitioner himself but he recognised the need to solve the Dorje Shugden issue and to unite all Tibetans without the discriminatory ban.

Let's hope more Tibetans will speak up to put pressure for the ban to be lifted for sake of peace and harmony among Tibetans and for the real Dharma to grow.


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 06:13:47 PM »
The Dalai Lama and the CTA under Lobsang Sangay operate based on fear and ignorance.

'Fear' because if you oppose the Dalai Lama, he will instruct his government to brand you as a traitor and then rile the people up to hunt you down. Its all very primitive but it has been a powerful instrument of oppression by the CTA within their exile community. Just look at how afraid Tibetans are to openly declare that they harbour dreams of Freedom and Independence in their hearts because the Dalai Lama forces the 'Middle Way' on them.

'Ignorant' because the Tibetan people do not know they have options. Living in exercise of their human rights is not a cultural norm due to centuries of living as serfs. 'Ignorant' also for Westerners who worship the Dalai Lama because they either do not fully understand Tibetan nuances, history or posses correct knowledge of their custom and religion to know when the Dalai Lama has fed them a fib. Many just assume he is Avalokiteshvara and there cannot be wrong. If that's the case, the Tibetan should not have had to lose their country, no?

So, its good when people speak up because they show another side of the Dalai Lama for the public to see and asses.

No smoke without fire as they say.

Big Uncle

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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 10:29:01 PM »
There should more Tibetans to speak against the ban on Dorje Shugden. The stigma of going against the Dalai Lama, the emanation of Chenrezig weights heavily for most Tibetans hence, you will not hear much. This is not to mention the lack good leaders who would look at everything including the Dorje Shugden ban objectively.

Hence you have Lukar Jam, a breath of fresh air and someone who would look at the whole picture and have a solution for the Shugden problem but he is a threat to the powers that be and hence, he was not even allowed to run for elections. So, exactly how popular he was, we will never know.                                                                             


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 11:22:28 PM »
Yes, from the article, I can see that more Tibetan are aware of what's happening and they are more exposed to the outside world and know the meaning of democratic. They will not just follow blindly what the current Tibetan leaders say and will think and find ways that will help them to grow in politics, social and economy.  I am very happy for them as with the knowledge and skill, it will help them to grow their nation.  8)
I hope they will also more exposed to what's dividing their people such as the Shugden ban and help to put pressure to the current Tibetan leadership to end the ban soon!


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2016, 03:59:24 AM »
This is a great start as Tibetans as saying NO to the CTA for their misconduct, misrepresentation and corruption. With more and more voices speaking up from within the Tibetan community as well as from the international arena, the CTA is being watched more closely and cannot abuse the Dalai Lama's reputation as blatantly.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2016, 07:00:50 AM »
The Tibetans have put up long enough with the empty promises of their Government in exile. As the years gone by, their worst fear of never getting back their beloved Tibet seems to be potentially coming real. It is timely they realize how the CTA have been spending much fund and effort to suppress the Dorje Shugden believers and to interfere with the organization matters of the various schools of Tibetan Buddhist.

So, the CTA must get their act together to unite the Tibetans and put the financial aids from other nations to benefit the Tibetans instead of breaking them apart.


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2016, 11:22:37 AM »
It is good that the younger generation of Tibetans are better educated and braver to speak their minds now. Also good that they are aware of politics.

They will slowly not be controlled by fear and ignorance as Vajratruth states. They are willing to put aside their fear of retaliation from the CTA for being able to think. They are educating themselves on the going ons in their community. They make an effort to know about Rangzen and Umayylam and other choices for them.

They are beginning to see that the CTA is using the old tried and tested method of dividing and conquering - shugden practitioners vs non-practitioners, 2 Karmapas, 2 Domo Geshes , 2 Panchen Lama....When the Tibetans are busy fighting among themselves, they will not notice very much what the CTA is doing with all the money they collected from Western supporters. There will not be questions asked of what the CTA is doing to keep their stranglehold on the community.

Even American Congressman is questioning the CTA on their practices and the management of the funds that was granted to the CTA for the alleviation of povertry within the Tibetans in exile. -

Hopefully these young Tibetans can carry that momentum forward and foster change for unity and harmony among the Tibetans.


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2016, 09:56:09 AM »
Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering are just using their position to create more diversion and disharmony between the Tibetans. It is good to know that the younger generation is using modern technology to voice out their views and are not afraid of the CTA. They have been suppressed too long, facing so many hardships and it is time that they speak up for their rights.

Let us hope that the conditions of the Tibetans will improve as more and more speak up. May the ban be lifted soon and all Tibetans be united and live in harmony.


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2016, 11:22:23 PM »
With the younger Tibetans being more exposed to Western education system, they would learn to be more vocal on the social media scene. They would have been taught more towards thinking for themselves and searching for the answers rather than old school memorising. I certainly hope that they will take this privilege of learning to seek the truth of the matter rather than be the pack mice that follow the crowd of mislead leaders. It is their future that is in their hands as the older generation had grew up in a control living condition where all they know is to follow the leader. I see the most vocal would be the Anti-Shugdens as they think they are siding the Dalai Lama but instead their vulgar actions are reflecting very badly on their religious leader who preaches only kindness and compassion. As for the Shugden practitioners, I think they don't speak up as much due to their practice of the dharma as well as fear of retribution and oppression by the CTA & it's followers.

With the new softening stance by the Dalai Lama, I hope that the ban will be swiftly lifted if all Shugden practitioners were to unite in peacefully voicing against the ban.


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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2016, 08:35:48 AM »
The young generation of Tibetans are starting to have access to the internet. The CTA cannot control that forever. Even China can't control that. They can limit, but there will always be ways to access internet freely.

Hopefully, with this, the younger generation can maintain the forward momentum and not give up questioning the actions of CTA and their propaganda. When the CTA realizes that they cannot pull the wool over their people's eyes, they may be forced to be more truthful and open. Anyone who is slightly intelligent and aware of human rights can see what the CTA is doing is very wrong indeed.

The the momentum started by these young Tibetans continue.

Belinda Mae

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Re: Tibetans Finally Speaking Up
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2017, 04:49:04 PM »
It is good that the Tibetans are speaking up for themselves. Every single citizen has their own rights to voice out the their opinions. They have to fight for their own right and what they deserve. I feel that the younger generation are more brave in voicing out their opinions while the older generation are not so brave to voice out their opinions and would rather follow what was instructed to them.