To begin with, I don't understand why the Dalai Lama should be commenting on the foreign affairs of another nation.
This is his job. As a good Western puppet and posterboy, he is hired and paid by his puppet- master, the Jewish financial terrorist and international troublemaker George Soros, to give opinions on every topic at hand, of course always reflecting the terrorism-promoting policies of Soros' “Open Society Foundation”.
Therefore, the evil dalie supports self-immolations and bloody riots in China's Tibet and in Nepal, anti-Buddhist Muslim terrorism in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, cozy friendly agreements with Islamic State terrorists in Syria, the Muslim invasion of Europe, the genocidal US wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, and what not as long as it fits his Western bosses' agenda.
The evil dalie, while defending his petty, parochial intra-Tibetan interests, has no genuine, independent views, when it comes to international topics. He says what his hegemonic, megalomaniac, schizophrenic-paranoid Western bosses tell him to say. He is just a tool under the control of the most barbaric forces destroying life and civilization on Earth.