Author Topic: HHDL concerned and anxious over growing division among exiled Tibetans.  (Read 5194 times)

Ringo Starr

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I see a one-to-one correlation between HHDL banning the practice of Dorje Shugden and what HH now observes as a growing division, moral decay and degeneration of the Tibetan community in exile.

Without naming names, you can count amongst the many flag-carriers of the anti-Dorje Shugden chorus, such people as referred to by HH above. There must be a turning point soon.

"The current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in his speech during the swearing-in ceremony of Lobsang Sangay, expressed his concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans. He said that moral values are degenerating in the community."

Read more at World Religion News: "Dalai Lama Urges Tibet Provinces to Unite"


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Dear Ringgo

Before the ban on Dorje Shugden practice was implemented in 1996, Tibetans in exile lived harmoniously.  It is because the ban the division among Tibetans in exile was created.  Children cannot contact their parents because either the children or the parents chose to practice Dorje Shugden.  Dorje Shugden practitioners were denied entry to certain shops, denied health care services, and denied employments in government positions.

All these discriminative acts further divide the Tibetan society in exile.  If the Dalai Lama and CTA are truly concerned over the growing division among the Tibetans in exile, then, they should lift the Shugden ban.



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It is like rubbing salt to wound. The article reports that the Dalai Lama "expressed his concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans. He said that moral values are degenerating in the community".

The fact is as Michaela pointed out. The Chinese annexation of Tibetan did not create the disharmony the Dalai Lama spoke about. Despite living under strenuous conditions, we see that from 1959 to 1996, the Tibetans in exile lived as one people but with differences due to the region they came from and also the different Tibetan Buddhist schools they follow. It was never a problem.

What split the people are in fact the actions of the Dalai Lama which are enforced by the CTA. The Gelugpa and the Karma Kagyu are the largest and second largest Tibetan Buddhist sects and jointly they account for approximately 60% - 70% of the entire Tibetan population both in exile and also the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). Therefore when you split these majority along strong religious lines, you in fact split the entire country.

The Gelug is now divided by those who chose to adhere to their vows made to their Teachers never to abandon any of their practices including Dorje Shugden, and those who chose to toe the Dalai Lama line. The Karma Kagyus are divided by the presence of two separate heads of the lineage - Karmapa Ogyen Trinly endorsed by the Dalai Lama, and Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje who was recognised and enthroned based on Karma Kagyu tradition, by the Shamar Rinpoche.

For good measure, the Dalai Lama splits the Tibetan people by confusing them with what the 'Tibetan Cause' should be - Rangzen or independence or Umaylam which is autonomous rule under China. In reality, both are just concepts and neither are any way close to being fulfilled. Therefore this choice was created merely as another fault line.

How can the Tibetan people or anyone survive such determined and wilful measures by their government to divide them? So, do we really think the Dalai Lama wants the people to foster Tibetan unity? Clearly not. A divided people is more easily handled by a government that is failed and corrupt.


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I read with amusement of the Dalai Lama's "expressed his concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans. He said that moral values are degenerating in the community".

The Dalai Lama himself had ban the practice of Dorje Shugden and CTA had enforced the ban with various means to drive out Shugden practitioners. Now there is the Anti-Shugden and Pro-Shugden group in contention, one to uphold the Dalai Lama's wishes and the latter for their religious freedom to practice. Families, friends and even monasteries were split due to differing choices. CTA imposed bans on providing medical aid, food, housing, education and monetary aid to the Shugden practitioners although they received millions in sponsorships or donations for ALL Tibetans-in-exile. Shugden practitioners faced discriminations, threats and lack of freedom everyday that they remain loyal to their Gurus and the practices given to them.

And the Dalai Lama expects UNITY??? And MORALITY???

Those Anti-Shugdens that had persecuted and acted harshly towards the practitioners had already long given up on their morality. Of course there will be degeneration when you keep pushing the people to up their ante on ways to persecute the Shugden practitioners. The younger priviledged generation who have the opportunity to learn other languages like English, uses it to swear and jeer at Shugden practitioners, even at highly attained Lamas. Their audacity encouraged by CTA's stance and their own ignorance.

If unity is what the Dalai Lama seeks then the ban on Dorje Shugden must be lifted and lies that he is a harmful spirit must be corrected. Apologies must be announced to restore the untarnished names and achievements of the lineage Gurus. There are so much that needed to be done for the positive effect to be felt that it just may take as many years as ban had been in placed.


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A whole generation has grown up knowing only the great divide. They do not know of a time when there was harmony and peace among the Tibetans. Only the older generation know of it.

I don't think the younger generation has even heard of the the Chushi Gangdruk, the army that was formed to escort the Dalai Lama safely out of Tibet.

All that they will remember is what the wikipedia spouts -

The only way to stop this "division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans. He said that moral values are degenerating in the community." is to lift the ban.

Even if the secret objective of the Dalai Lama is to spread the practice of Dorje Shugden, when will enough suffering be enough? Has the tremendous negativities of the Tibetans be expunged? Maybe it is a question only the enlightened H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama can answer.


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Well, Dalai Lama, if you expressed your concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans and that the moral values are degenerating in the community, just lift the Dorje Shugden ban.If you truly care for them,  just speak the truth that Dorje Shugden is not an evil demon but an Enlightened Being. There was never a problem with division before the ban. The problem started when you impose the ban!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Why is HHDL expressing his concern and anxiety now that the Tibetans are divided and killing each other? Did His Holiness not foresee this effect when he imposed the ban on the Dorje Shugden practice? Am also curious on how the moral values were measured.

I still cannot forget the video clip whereby His Holiness mentioned to expel those monks from the monasteries if they continue to pray to Dorje Shugden. Some families are being split due to threats by the authorities to disown family members who prays to Dorje Shugden.

It is a great thing that HHDL is aware of this divide. It is also within his ability to unite his people by lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden practice.


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It really is ironic for the Dalai Lama to express his concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans when he is one of the primary trigger for such division and even to date, remains the primary cause for the perpetuation of the unholy divide within the Tibetans. As the one behind the ban and supporting CTA’s action of questioning and policing the faith of people particularly the Sangha, renders his statement on unity and morality to the point of hypocrisy. After all, the discriminative acts carried out against Dorje Shugden practitioners (from deprivation of basic amenities e.g. food, denial of livelihood, prevention of schooling thus compromising the children’s better future prospect etc) continues to drive the wedge of division within the Tibetan society in exile when such issues are brought up to pit Dorje Shugen practitioners against lay practitioners. Bottom line is, if the Dalai Lama is really serious or security of our about dealing with the growing division, he should just lift the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. After all, prior to such ban when Tibetans in exile had lived harmoniously


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I see a one-to-one correlation between HHDL banning the practice of Dorje Shugden and what HH now observes as a growing division, moral decay and degeneration of the Tibetan community in exile.

Without naming names, you can count amongst the many flag-carriers of the anti-Dorje Shugden chorus, such people as referred to by HH above. There must be a turning point soon.

"The current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in his speech during the swearing-in ceremony of Lobsang Sangay, expressed his concern and anxiety over the growing division that is happening among the exiled Tibetans. He said that moral values are degenerating in the community."

Read more at World Religion News: "Dalai Lama Urges Tibet Provinces to Unite"

Concerned?! Thats a little fresh innit? The cheek when hes the one who has been empowering the Tibetan leadership to divide the community. Look Your Holiness maybe your a little busy and your mates arent telling you the right things and its got you into all sorts. This is what you have to do:

  • Stop appearing in photos with one or the other Karmapa. Its a Karma Kagyu problem, leave em to sort it out on their own. Its nowt to do with the Gelugs
  • Say summit about the self-immolations and stop your people from reducing themselves into ashes. Theres only six million of you, you know!
  • Get rid of anyone who has even a whiff of a scandal about them. Penpa and Lobs, Im looking at you
  • End discrimination in Tibetan societies for any reason. Give freedom of movement and travel and religion to your people. Its not dangerous and its what they want. Theyll be all the happier for it and youll win a lot more people over to your side and win their loyalties over to you for your benevolence
  • Chill and take a step back and get someone else started on taking over. Your much older now and deserve a little R&R, yeah? Sorts your community out for the future too when your no longer around

Its not hard really, in fact its pretty Simples!