Author Topic: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility  (Read 10927 times)


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Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« on: June 15, 2016, 02:51:08 AM »
This is a bit rich but the Dalai Lama who not only initiated but also persisted in maintaining conflicts within his own Tibetan community as well as Gelugpas worldwide, is now telling Aung San Suu Kyi to solve the conflicts between the Myanmar Buddhists and Muslims.

"She already has the Nobel Peace Prize, a Nobel Laureate, so morally she should ... make efforts to reduce this tension between the Buddhist community and Muslim community," he said".

Shouldn't the Dalai Lama put out the fires he started instead of continuing in his masquerade as a peace maker and having the audacity to lecture Suu Kyi?

What do you think?

« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 08:05:58 AM by vajratruth »


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2016, 03:32:08 AM »
Vajratruth, agreed, this is really a bit rich. In fact, so rich that it is nauseating.

"She already has the Nobel Peace Prize, a Nobel Laureate, so morally she should ... make efforts to reduce this tension between the Buddhist community and Muslim community," he said".

The Dalai Lama really should remember that when you point a finger at another person, the other 3 fingers are pointing backwards at himself.

He also has a Nobel Peace Prize. And look! There is the discrimination (if he doesn't want to call it a ban. I know, there is nothing in the Tibetan Language that says 'ban') against the Dorje Shugden practitioners and there is the 2 Karmapa issue. I don’t even want to mention more though if one were to trawl the net, one will find a lot more.

The Dalai Lama has kept quiet on the self-immolation of monks for the Tibetan cause. Isn’t that something that is a no, no in Buddhism? Why is he keeping quiet?

One only has to look at the old news and see that the Dalai Lama has not resolved or acted or remedied anything except to keep criticizing others and to support the violent ISIS.

So, I don't think the Dalai Lama has any credibility in this matter of Aung San Suu Kyi and the conflicts between the Myanmar Buddhists and Muslims.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 01:27:31 PM »
The Dalai Lama seems to be making a lot of statements that people find offensive as the statements contradict his own actions. Earlier he "advised" the European on the acceptance of refugees in Europe whilst he himself is still a "refugee" in India after more than 50 years without any progress.

Now he is giving "strong advice" to Aung San Suu Kyi on the advice to do something to reduce tension between the Buddhist and Muslim communities as the political head of Myanmar and a Nobel Peace Laureate.

Well, hellooo! The Dalai Lama is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize too. So why are his people suffering from segregation, persecution, lack of religious freedom and denial of humane amenities? What? All these on the basis of trumped up reasons for imposing a ban on Protector Dorje Shugden practise, a 400 year old lineage practise that had been proven beneficial through the years. Is the Dalai Lama implying that rules does not apply to him nor his CTA government? Amazing! He has been living the comfortable life, jetsetting and rubbing shoulders with Presidents, Prime Ministers, Movie Stars, etc for too long. He should really spend more time with his people in their refugee slumps (oops), I mean camps around India and Nepal to understand the enormity of their sufferings.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2016, 08:30:40 PM »
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

This is just another example how the Dalai Lama conflicting himself with his statements. He has in the past made so many comments to advise people to end religious discrimination, to have religious freedom, to treat people equally etc... yet he does the opposite with the Dorje Shugden people.

The Dalai Lama received a Noble Peace prize himself, yet he creates conflicts within the Tibetan community that incite rage among Tibetans in the name of Dorje Shugden.

The Dalai Lama himself should start walking the talk before he furthers conflict himself and cause others to lost trust in him, and eventually Buddhism. This is important and serious!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2016, 01:46:04 PM »
Vajratruth, the Dalai Lama have been making contradicting statements regarding his teachers, so I am hardly surprised he made this speech towards Aung San Suu Kyi. I find it so hypocritical. Sure we must all maintain respect and be harmonious among practitioners of other religions. But why is HH splitting up the Tibetan Buddhists by expelling Dorje Shugden monks from the monasteries?

The Dalai Lama should unite the Tibetans first before advising other leaders. Otherwise this piece of advice would just sounds to be another rambling of a senile old chap.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2016, 05:31:51 PM »
HH the 14th Dalai Lama’s international appeal and reputation is undeniably built upon values of human rights, peace, tolerance and compassion. Thus, it is foreseeable for him to speak on such topics to live up to “expectation” as a Nobel Prize recipient and generate continuous attention towards the Tibetans. Unfortunately, it is really hard to reconcile what he espouses since he also condones and supports the human rights violations by CTA (which is under his control anyway) against his own people. It further “rubs” people the wrong way as it appears that he sits on his high horse issuing “strong” view of the (shortcomings) of leaders of others countries whilst totally not lifting a finger to address the human rights atrocities happening on his own turf. And with the flair that any seasoned politicians would approve, he spins his statements with abstract spiritual angle (e.g. in this case moral responsibilities) to hoodwink those enamoured with him to perpetuate their support. Even if one accepts the possibility that HH Dalai Lama being an enlightened being, has a way of doing things which is beyond immediate comprehension of mere mortals, but with every seemingly controversial statements issued, it unfortunately not only erodes the trust in HH the 14th Dalai Lama but also Tibetan Buddhism overall.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2016, 03:41:28 AM »
Such a statement from the Dalai Lama is just unbelievable. Sad to say but the Dalai Lama himself creates such a difficult time for the Dorje Shugden Lamas and Practitioners. How about ending this conflict before looking around and giving advice to others?

Peace is not to ban people, restricting them from even the most basic needs like education, religious support and even medical care and buying food. To claim moral responsibility from others while being the leading figure for such discrimination is very provoking!


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2016, 04:19:22 AM »
The evil dalie is just performing the terrorism-supporting role ascribed to him by his boss and puppet-master, the Jewish financier and Islamic State-supporter George Soros.

Performing this very same role, the evil dalie has already called for “negotiations” with Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East. Now he wants tolerance for Islamic State terrorism in Myanmar, and thus criticizes the Buddhist Aung San Suu Kyi who opposes it. Of course trouble in Myanmar ultimately means trouble in China.

Those not aware that the evil dalie lame is sponsored by George Soros, please check here: and here:

Those not aware that the evil dalie's boss George Soros supports Islamic State terrorism, please check here: and here:

And as an interesting addition, the daughter of George Soros, Andrea Soros Colombel, is the owner of the nest of Shugden-haters Tsadra Foundation, and also of the Trace Foundation, responsible for social activism in the very same area of China where 100% of the self-immolations come from, as one can see here:

While Jews such as Soros and his daughter might be indifferent to Buddhist deities such as Dorje Shugden, they obviously realize how important are Gelugpas, and therefore Shugdenpas, to China's stability, and therefore they found a useful tool in the evil dalie, the local puppet-tyrant who wants to destroy the practice of Dorje Shugden in order to achieve his own petty ends, and of course also in other assorted Shugden-haters whose salaries are paid by Tsadra Foundation.

Therefore, the “big picture” is even clearer, as it shows that both the Jewish Soros clan and the Muslim evil dalie are unfailingly together when it comes to support Shugden-haters, turmoil in China, Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, and Islamic State terrorism in Myanmar, everything part and parcel of the Western grand geopolitical game, aimed at subduing and eventually destroying the Jewish-controlled West's perceived enemy, the rising power, and incidentally mainly Buddhist China.

Ultimately, one cannot help bringing to mind the Buddha's prophecies inscribed in the Kalachakra Tantra, where he foresaw the grand clash between the practitioners of Dharma and the barbaric “mleccha”, the latter explicitly defined as the followers of the eight Jewish, Christian, and Muslim prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mani (himself a Jew), Mohammad, and Mahdi (the future Muslim prophet), or in a nutshell the followers of Abrahamic religions.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2016, 06:33:58 AM »
Matibhadra, though sometimes I may not agree with your choice of words especially when it comes to calling evil names, as I believe in karma, I tend to agree with you this time. Diverting attention and resources away from world stability is quite evil indeed.

Thanks for the links to the various articles. It is quite an interesting read though I would be careful not to read too much into it. But, generally I concur that the Soros and the Dalai Lama are not doing any good for the peace and harmony of the world which is already full of strife.

I know you are entitled to your views and opinions, but for me, I prefer to err on the side of caution and on the right side of karma.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2016, 03:28:21 PM »
I know you are entitled to your views and opinions, but for me, I prefer to err on the side of caution and on the right side of karma.

Maybe you are just seeing too much in the word “evil”, which defines the evil dalie. Maybe you make some Jewish-Christian projection of some absolute evil onto the simple word “evil”.

“Evil”, according to standard dictionaries, just means harmful, depraved, vicious, morally objectionable, destructive, and so forth.

Therefore, it is perfectly suitable to call the evil dalie “evil dalie”, because on top of being a gross liar (the da-lie bit) he precisely fulfills the conventional definition of the word “evil”.

He is a lame lame liar as well, whence his full honorific name, evil dalie lame.

You might consider as well weighing the evil karma involved in showing deference to evildoers, thus further empowering them, so that they can keep harming the innocent. Or maybe you are just possessed by the evil spirit of hypocrisy, which ensures a free ticket to the hell of your choice.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2016, 05:08:37 PM »
Another interesting link here

Is the Dalai Lama a monumental fraud?
In a 1999 Washington Post article titled, In Tibet, a Struggle of the Soul, writer John Pomfret observed: "While love for the Dalai Lama overflows in Tibet, few Tibetans would welcome a return of the corrupt aristocratic clans that fled with him in 1959 and that comprise the bulk of the Dalai’s advisers. Many Tibetan farmers, for example, have no interest in surrendering the land they gained during China’s land reform to the aristocratic clans. Tibet’s former slaves say they, too, don’t want their former masters to return to power."

And yet, our government continues to support this deposed dictator with taxpayer largesse. In Change, Conflict and Continuity among a Community of Nomadic Pastoralist: A Case Study from Western Tibet, 1950-1990, author Melvyn, C. Goldstein describes how the CIA, until just recently, paid the Dalai Lama a personal annual salary of $150,000. Now, "...the National Endowment for Democracy and other conduits that are more respectable sounding than the CIA, the U.S. Congress continue to allocate an annual $2 million to Tibetans in India, with additional millions for 'democracy activities' within the Tibetan exile community. In addition to these funds, the Dalai Lama receives money from financier George Soros."

And who are these “corrupt aristocratic clans”, “the bulk of the Dalai’s advisers”, referred to in the article, apart from the notorious Shugden-haters, the so-called Rimeypas, this mess of degraded Sakyapas, Kagyupas, Nyingmapas and Bonpos, where all the tulkus are born in aristocratic families, where every child born in such aristocratic families is a tulku, where everybody is lavishly sponsored by the Soros terrorism-supporting clan or by equally corrupt Rockefellers, and where they all unanimously call Pabongkha Rinpoche a “fanatic spirit worshipper guilty of destroying Nyingma monasteries”, and Dorje Shugden an “evil spirit”?

Therefore, realities such as
  • the Soros-sponsored evil dalie's support to Islamic State terrorism against innocent Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka,
  • the Soros-sponsored evil dalie's explicit support to Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East,
  • the Soros-sponsored evil dalie's terrorist witch-hunt against law-abiding Shugdenpas,
  • the Soros-sponsored Rimeypa's anti-Shugden hate,
  • the Soros-sponsored evil dalie's support to self-immolations, 100% of which happen in Soros' daughter-targeted Tibetan areas of China
all of such realities point to a common source, the Jewish terrorism-supporting financier George Soros, himself representing Western Jewish-controlled capital, and all of such actions ultimately target the nemesis of this very same Western Jewish-controlled capital, the rising power of China.

And let's not forget that around 150 years ago Buddhist China was already targeted for destruction through opium by the Western Jewish-controlled capital, then represented by Jewish privately-owned British East India Company, and that such opium was introduced into China by the British East India's opium trade from precisely... Myanmar (then the British colony Burma).

Therefore, it is not unlikely that the Jewish Soros' grand plan for bringing the chaos to Myanmar and ultimately China includes reusing the country as a route for massive reintroduction of opium into China -- with a little help of the evil dalie of course.

An interesting detail is that another route for introducing opium into China was precisely the Eastern Tibetan area known as Kham (now western Sichuan), then mostly controlled by Shugden-hating Rimeypa aristocrats, and now again the target of Andrea Soros social activism, and where 100% of the self-immolations come from.

Bottom line, there is a strong connection between Soros-sponsored Shugden-hatred and Soros-supported turmoil in Myanmar, everything ultimately targeting China, and, again, everything with the evil dalie's little help.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2016, 07:54:30 PM »
Yes it is rather hypocritical of the Dalai Lama to say such things but not practice what he preaches towards his very own people just cause we have a difference in beliefs. We happened to want to follow the teachings on 50 stanza and maintain the practice our Guru gave us... so what is so wrong about that?

I do HOPE this is all a huge manifestation of a not so "on to it" Dalai Lama... warning signs that He is really not to be taken seriously any more... hence BRING THE BAN DOWN please!!! It is high time.

He is slowly but surely ripping his own reputation a part. It would be deliberate if He truly is Avalokiteshvara otherwise... it would be the other reason... simply Not On To It anymore and losing it? AND Could it be what this Indy Hack guy been circulating be true???   


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2016, 03:32:19 PM »
Another nauseating comment from Nobel Peace Prize winner Dalai Lama. If only the world can see and be more aware of the atrocities he have allowed and caused to the Shugden community, his words will lose it's power instantly.


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2016, 07:32:32 PM »

You might consider as well weighing the evil karma involved in showing deference to evildoers, thus further empowering them, so that they can keep harming the innocent. Or maybe you are just possessed by the evil spirit of hypocrisy, which ensures a free ticket to the hell of your choice.

Dear Matibhadra,

Does the mere fact that one does not agree in toto with your views constitute being possessed by the hypocrisy? If that were to be the case, then you might be the only non-hypocrite on earth.

Let's try and avoid personal attacks and the bashing of Jews or any other races, shall we?

Thank you


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Re: Dalai Lama Lectures Suu Kyi On Moral Responsibility
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2016, 11:25:10 PM »
Another nauseating comment from Nobel Peace Prize winner Dalai Lama. If only the world can see and be more aware of the atrocities he have allowed and caused to the Shugden community, his words will lose it's power instantly.

Bit harsh dont you think? Nauseating? Whats nauseating is the whole world falling over themselves to try and get in his good books. What do they get out of it? On the one hand, their courting Chinas money and on the other hand, trying to assert that they cant be bought? That their still sovereign? Trying to assert their independence? Politics, urgh.

You have to wonder though what the Dalai Lama talks about when he gets together with these leaders who you know, actually have a country? Haha how many times can he ask Obama to push for Tibetan autonomy and how many times can Obama say no? Whats he advising Obama on? Sure as hell not Buddhism, we all know Baracks a devout Christian. Would be interesting to be a fly on the wall.