Author Topic: The oppressors trying to play victims  (Read 6042 times)

Ringo Starr

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The oppressors trying to play victims
« on: December 08, 2016, 09:32:25 AM »
Sikyong Sangay is once again trying to legitimize his failed government, this time by latching on like a leech to the issue of downsizing in Larung Gar.

He has recently come out swinging, urging the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to "save" the Buddhist learning center in Tibet. He also requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to raise the critical human rights situation in Tibetin the forthcoming 34th UN Human Rights Council Session in Geneva next year.


I'll be the first to admit that I do have concerns regarding why the Chinese government is downsizing Larung Gar which according to them is for health and safety reasons. But one has also take into account the Chinese government's concern that this religious center could be or very quickly become a hiding place for organizing political uprising, certainly not in line with its function as a spiritual center.

Indeed according to the New York Times, "the two abbots in Larung Gar have not spoken out publicly against the demolitions, and have in fact told residents not to oppose the government. Their view, residents said, is that it is better not to protest the demolition, and instead let it run its course and live peacefully afterward."


So why is Lobsang Sangay latching on to this?

He is not only going against the advice of two abbots and very senior lamas, he is also a hypocrite for doing so given the many things his government has carried out against Dorje Shugden practitioners in India. Much evidence of this can be viewed here:

So my message to the UN Commissioner for Human Rights is, before you start raising the issue of Larung Gar as brought up by Sikyong Sangay, study and raise the issue of the decades old discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners in India with him first. See what he has to say.


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 07:50:02 AM »
Sikyong Sangay is always on the lookout for means to further himself and his interest and to strengthen his position. So long as he is seen to go on the tack of the Dalai Lama's wishes, he can always curry favour from the Tibetans. There is no longer independent thoughts by the Tibetans in exile.

Whatever the Chinese government is doing at Larung Gar, needs to happen for a reason, karmic or otherwise. Once that particular karma is done and over, then they can move forward. The dictates of karma. If there is no karma for that to happen, I doubt it will happen. So, for the Sikyong Sangay to say anything which is against the advice of the abbots pertaining to this particular matter is nothing but pure spin doctoring.

If he wishes to petition the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for anything, he better make sure his hands are clean first i.e. make sure that there is no discrimination within the Tibetan communities. He better make sure that the Karmapa issue within the Kagyus are resolved and the issue of the ban on Dorje Shugden is resolved before he started talking against others.


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2016, 06:20:10 PM »
I am not happy Laurang Gar is having this issue. But the truth is they never in the first place applied for permits for their expansion, number of people to staying and buildings. They were warned but they challenge athourities. What country can allow any place or building to expand without permits and approval. This point Tibetan gotv people never make clear and use the issue for gain. Tibetan govt people only want more donation money from West and US govt so they do all this for sympathy.

Lobsang Sangye is not respected by majority of Tibetans people. Look at choice for sikyong which only is him and drunkard penpa tsering. So it's like choose between devil and ghost. Not much choice.  :-\


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2016, 09:34:20 PM »
I too felt sad at seeing the displacements of the nuns and monks at Larung Gar but there had been cases of fire outbreaks and due to the haphazard construction of buildings, the firemen were not able to bring in equipments to put out the fires. And needless to say the sanitary control there is practically nil which means any outbreak of disease, I am sure the whole community will be infected. I can't really blame China in wanting to clean up the place as other than safety and health of the place, they also would like to present a beautiful place to the world. They had poured so much money into Tibet's infrastructure, rebuilding/refurbishing of monasteries/holy places and to uplift the living conditions of Tibetans in general.

Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is just using this as a political mileage to gain influence with the world leaders and his own people who are all losing faith in him. He in still in his dream world that countries or United Nations will back his call for actions against China? It is a different world now where most are trying to befriend China for ludicrous trade agreements. For a stateless Minister, Lobsang Sangay sure does not know his position in play. He should be trying to understand what China's intention was and maybe support to gain favour towards CTA and the Tibetans-In-Exiles' move back to Tibet. I rue for the Tibetans that they have such a weak Sikyong who can't decide one way or another and keeps flip flopping in his confused focus. On one hand, he is still hoping the world (specifically USA) will come to his aid in gaining back tibet, thus the propaganda against China. Then on the other, with the world shifting attention to support of China, he needed to make headway there and thus the classes on befriending China. Sorry but it doesn't work that way Sikyong. You need to take a firm stance on which is best for your people instead of confusing them of your directions. My advice is to go with China. Tibet is in their governance and it is also their decision if they will let you back in, not any other countries no matter how you petition.


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2016, 05:04:53 PM »
CTA had to beg for money when there is drought. CTA had to beg for money when there is a fire which destroyed many business. Sikyong can't even handle issues within Tibetan In Exile and he is trying to interfere with other people's affair? Obviously he just open his big mouth and trying to divert the attention of his bad job in administering the so-called nation.


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2016, 03:08:50 AM »
yes, @kris, imagine what will happen if they ever get back to rule Tibet. I shudder to think what will happen as then they will no longer be able to extend their hands and ask for more handouts!

Bad administration and a giant siphoning machine to take the funds out of the country's coffers into expensive mansion in the US.


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2016, 02:42:04 PM »
So many funds received by the US and the West and what is the result? Instead of finding ways for helping his people, Sikyong seems to search every way to create more problems.
When the conditions are like SabS describes he should be happy that the place becomes safe and the conditions improve.

The UN Commissioner for Human Rights is surely well aware what CTA is doing with his own people, the Dorje Shugden practitioners. I doubt that they will listen to Sikyong. They should ask him what he is doing to improve the living conditions of his people. Finding faults in the Chinese administration is easier than to find solutions for the self-created problems and disharmony within the Tibetan Community!


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2016, 05:18:50 AM »
It's getting tiring. All these preening and posing, for the benefit of their secular, political positions. This is pure politics. Why mix politics with religion? Why mix the secular with the spiritual? Because most people don't think? And the people in position  of power use it to fatten themselves?

That's why this is samsara. It will never end until everyone is enlightened?


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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2016, 05:47:56 PM »
CTA/Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is obviously just is trying to use the same trick of highlighting another issue to divert attention from their inapt administration to Tibetans and the world at large. Choosing to speak on Larung Gar issue is but another avenue for him/CTA capitalise on the situation to get some political mileage. If CTA was really serious about Tibetans’ welfare, they wouldn’t only selectively choose to speak up when the situation /issue can be used to their advantage. For example, why speak out on the purported oppression/harm to Tibetans due to eradication at Larung Gar but kept quiet in respect of the self-immolations which are more detrimental to Tibetans?

In fact, if one were to really examine the actions of CTA to date, such self-serving objective (i.e. playing the blame game in attempts to hide CTA’s failures and distract from real issues) would be painfully obvious. And that is not even touching on the fact that CTA has perpetuated an illogical ban on Dorje Shugden with serious detrimental implications on fellow Tibetans based on CTA’s contradictory claims, misleading statements and outright lies. 

What CTA/Sikyong Lobsang Sangay need to really understand is that times have changed and they can no longer get away with such trick. In fact, time is even running out for them and if they are wise they would focus on creating good ties with China (instead of CTA still taking contradictory actions to antagonise China and jeopardise all chances for goodwill negotiations). CTA is basically sabotaging itself by continuously demonising China especially since every other nation are trying to get on China’s good side, or at the very least not to be in China's bad books. Further, CTA does not have a strong mandate for them to render being important to the Tibetans and neither has CTA established itself to be of significant influence to the world at large.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: The oppressors trying to play victims
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 01:17:23 PM »
Raise the critical human rights situation in Tibet? Is that a little far reaching for the Sikyong who is comfortably living in exile in India? I wish he would look into urgent matters in his own backyard for a good start. Why won't he grant the Shugden believers in his own camp the very same rights that he so fervently begging for? If only he would voice it out to his charges to stop the discrimination towards the Shugden pas. Now that his failure to govern the Tibetans in exile are getting to be so obvious, the least he could do is to stop tormenting the Shugden practitioners.