There is also another "Methar" related article on Tsem Tulku's website. You have to go to page 2 and look under the article starting with the title "The Spirit Nyatrul".
It is sad that in Tsem Tulku's article he "forgot" to thank the "Tengyeling Oracle" for so much of the information he provided him about "Methar". We did notice that he thanked his staff for their work but not the Tengyeling Oracle who brought Methar, Nyari Tulku, Demo Tulku and Tengyeling Monastery to his and the world's attention.
If you go to the comments section in the article on "The spirit Nyatrul" please read ALL the comments addressed under Harold Musetescu. If you scroll to the very bottom you will see Pastor Elena asking me and the Tengyeling Oracle to write the story about Methar.
I through the Tengyeling Oracle provided Tsem Tulku with the "Peaceful" mantra for Methar (Om Methar sarva siddhi hung". You can read it in the Methar article. The "Wrathful" mantra is "Om Methar shatroo maraya phet". The Tengyeling Oracle provided the "Wrathful" visualization of Methar to Tsem Tulku. This is Methar skinned alive from the neck down with a spear and a mala of human skulls. Tsem Tulku's staff provided thangka reproductions of both the peaceful and wrathful forms of Methar. You will not find this "wrathful" description of Methar in an Tibetan book, it came from the Oracle.
It was the Tengyeling Oracle that told Tsem Tulku that Methar carried a mala of "Human Skulls". There was no previous documentation of this skull mala in an other Tibetan literature.
I should tell you that the Tengyeling Oracle "Channels" Methar. He does not take "Trance" as most Oracles do. Tsem Tulku talks about the difference in his youtube video titles "Taking Trances". The Oracle also channels Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin.
It was the Tengyeling Oracle who "first" told Tsem Tulku and the world that H.H. Demo Tulku, Nyari Tulku and Methar were all innocent and were falsely convicted and murdered for crimes they did not commit. All the published Tibet books about Demo Tulku stated that he and Nyari Tulku were evil men who attempted to MURDER the 13th Dalai Lama. Now Tsem Tulku believes what the Tengyeling Oracle has be stating publicly for years. It was the Tengyeling Oracle and only the Tengyeling Oracle to was telling the world the truth. A truth that Tsem Tulku not only believes but he his now telling the world. It is Tsem Tulku who publicly stated what the peaceful mantra of Methar is. It was Tsem Tulku who publicly stated what the wrathful visualization of Methar is. Were did he get all this information from??? THE TENGYELING ORACLE!!!!!
It was the Tengyeling Oracle who stated publicly the real reason why Methar was skinned alive by the Tibetan government's troops. It was the Tengyeling Oracle who stated to the world the guru devotion, dharmapala devotion and Oracle devotion Methar had to Demo Tulku, Kache Marpo and the Tengyeling Oracle. No one else every spoke these words to the world.
It was the Tengyeling Oracle who in a private email to Tsem Tulku told him why Serkong Tulku believed that Nyari Tulku was an innocent man. He told Tsem Rinpoche that Serkong realized that Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) could have blinded him in one eye with the ember from fire but chose only to burn his nose to stop the fire puja.
Nyari Tulku first tried to stop the fire puja by causing it to rain. When that failed he burned Serkong Rinpoche's nose with a burning ember that stopped the fire puja. Had Nyatrul wanted to he could have directed the burning ember into on of the eyes of Serkong Rinpoche blinding him for life. He chose not to to show Serkong he was not a violent evil man.
So now you can see how important the Tengyeling Oracle has been in exposing the truth about Demo Tulku, Nyari Tulku and Methar. It was the Oracle who for years has fought a lonely battle to bring to the world Dorje Shugden's dharmapala "Methar". Methar who was forgotten by the world and it was only through this Oracle that we can now have Methar as our new dharma protector.
The Tengyeling Oracle is an old man and his health is not well. His doctor has him on medication and told him that he is at "High Risk" of either a heart attack or a stroke.
It is truly sad that His Eminence Tsem Tulku would turn his back to this great Oracle. In his telling of the stories of Methar, Nyari Tulku and His Holiness Demo Tulku he is in fact telling the story given to him by the Tengyeling Oracle.
Would have a few simple words of thanks been to much Tsem?
The world needs to know about the "Tengyeling Oracle" so that he is not forgotten as Methar, Demo Tulku, Nyari Tulku and Tengyeling Monastery were once forgotten. It is through the singular efforts of the Tengyeling Oracle that they now will never be forgotten.