Author Topic: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct  (Read 8566 times)

Ringo Starr

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Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« on: December 28, 2016, 02:00:27 PM »
This is what Dorje Shugden practitioners have said all this while, that whether His Holiness or any other lama or teacher lives long is dependent on his students/disciples. But why does the CTA keep blaming Dorje Shugden practitioners? They should immediately stop.

DHARAMSHALA, December 22: His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that whether a lama or a teacher lives long depends on the conduct of his disciples, during the celebration of the 600th Anniversary of the founding of Drepung Monastery at Drepung Lachi Assembly Hall in Mundgod.

“You have made prayers and I also pray that I will live long. If no one were to listen to what I have to say, there would be little point, but I have made suggestions and you have followed. You have worked and studied hard,” the Dalai Lama said after the long-life ceremony while adding that “if the Bodhisattvas and the Nalanda masters were to see what we’re doing, I think they’d be satisfied that we are keeping our traditions alive.”

The 81-year old stated that the Nechung Oracle insists that he should live to 108, an auspicious number. He however, pointed out that whether the Lama lives long depends on the conduct of the disciples.



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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 04:16:37 AM »
That is something that Dorje Shugden practitioners have maintained - that Dorje Shugden practice cannot harm the Dalai Lama. Now, even the Dalai Lama himself has come out and say that how long he lives is dependent on his disciples.

But, then again, the CTA has always wanted a scapegoat for their failure. It was just political expediency for them to point the finger at Dorje Shugden practitioners. And, if they and the Dalai Lama's disciples continue to malign other lamas who practice Dorje Shugden that will create negative karma to shorten the Dalai Lama's life. Maybe that's how the Shugdenpas can shorten the Dalai Lama's lives?

Well, telling them to stop the blame game will just fall on deaf ears as even the Dalai Lama cannot get through to them as evidenced by their vulgar language and threats of violence against Shugdenpas.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2016, 01:38:18 PM »
This address by the Dalai Lama regarding his longevity is directed to those who claimed to be students of the Dalai Lama. Especially those who spew vulgarities and anger towards the Shugden practitioners, should take heed of this subtle message to them to stop harassing, accusing and using harsh words towards Shugden practicing lamas and lay persons. Hopefully it will dawn on them that all of their bad actions and words would only reflect on their teacher and would lead to shortening HHDL's live.

It's time for the people to question the CTA on why is it that only Dorje Shugden practice can bring dangers to HHDL but not the practice of others deities.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2017, 08:01:22 AM »
It is true that Dorje Shugden cannot harm the Dalai Lama and even the Dalai Lama has mentioned before that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him or the Tibetan cause. However, it is a shame the CTA and pro Dalai Lama still insist on putting Dorje Shugden down for their own interest. Dorje Shugden practitioners are still shunned upon, abused, threatened, discriminated and harassed; they have suffered so much. It’s about time the CTA and pro Dalai Lama heed the Dalai Lama’s advice and create peace and harmony among dharma practitioners.  May the Dalai Lama live long  to the auspicious age of 108.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2017, 10:43:24 PM »
Isn't it wonderful that the Dalai Lama finally stated clearly that whether the Lama lives long depends on the conduct of the disciples. And this came after his declaration that Dorje Shugden had not and never will harm him as well as that Shugdenpas can practice. So when will CTA and the Dalai Lama's followers take heed of his words. For him to live long, the students should keep their samaya clean which means following his words/teachings. The Dalai Lama teaches all about universal compassion and kindness to all. So are they practicing these? The way that they treat Shugdenpas in such vulgar and abusive manner, one would be hard pressed to believe they are real students of the Dalai Lama. CTA certainly doesn't pay heed to the Dalai Lama's wishes but instead created so much schism, discrimination, segregation and persecution that karmically they just don't have the capacity to carry off returning Tibet to their people. It's really sad that so much of the sponsorship monies went into campaign against a 400 years old legitimate Protector Practice and not funnelled to their people who needs it so much, especially those who faced draught in South India. I really do pray that CTA will wake up quickly that if they lose the Dalai Lama, they are nothing and so should seek to preserve and lengthen his life with good dharma practice. That is if they remember how. ::)


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 04:06:47 PM »
It is indeed not logical that the Dalai Lama could be harmed by anyone, let alone by Dorje Shugden. But now as the Dalai Lama teaches Buddhism, it is logical that the Buddhist principals also apply to him and his students. We pray that the Dalai Lama students apply his teachings and be of benefit to the world.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2017, 07:49:12 AM »
Pema8, it is important for the Dalai Lama's students to go back to basics and reread the Refuge Vows and understand it. If nothing else, these basics 10 vows should remind them the foundation of all that they are to receive and share.

 Three of the Body

a. Killing
b. Stealing
c. Sexual Misconduct

Four of the Speech

a. Divisive Speech
b. Harsh Words
c. Idle Chatter
d. Lying

Three of the Mind

a. Envy
b. Hatred and Malice
c. Wrong Views

That itself should tell us to keep our mouth shut if we have nothing positive to say.; and to keep our thoughts clean and positive.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2017, 10:30:05 PM »
But now as the Dalai Lama teaches Buddhism,

The evil dalie, himself an evildoer, teaches only and strictly evildoing, no matter how much he disgracefully labels it “Buddhism”.

We pray that the Dalai Lama students apply his teachings and be of benefit to the world.

This they already do, as for decades they have consistently engaged in every kind of violence, from gruesome executions in front of the Potala, to CIA sponsored guerrilla warfare, to inducing self-immolations, to racist, murderous riots, to religious persecutions, to whatnot.

Actually, of one analyses the evil dalai's disciples' violence records, they do put to shame even Islamic State terrorists. The latter merely decapitate children with chainsaws (as shown by many Youtube videos), but I have never heard of them skinning people alive and so forth as the evil dalie's minions were used to in Tibet.

“Trader Gyebo Sherpa was subjected to the severe corca whipping for selling cigarettes. He died from his wounds 2 days later in the Potala prison. Tashi Tsering, a self-described critic of traditional Tibetan society, records being whipped as a 13-year-old for missing a performance as a dancer in the Dalai Lama's dance troop in 1942, until the skin split and the pain became excruciating.

Yet, incidents of mutilation have been recorded in Tibet in the period between the start of the 20th Century and the Chinese occupation. Tibetan communist Phuntso Wangye recalled his anger at seeing freshly severed human ears hanging from the gate of the county headquarters in Damshung north of Lhasa in 1945.

The top level Tibetan official Lungshar's eyes were gouged out by direct order of the Kashag or Tibetan Government was carried out in 1934. An attempt was made at anesthetizing the alleged criminal with intoxicants before performing the punishment, which unfortunately did not work well.

In 1950, the six Tibetan border guards that had been involved in the killing or wounding of Frank Bessac's companions (one of them Douglas Mackiernan) as they were fleeing into Tibet from the Communist advance, were tried and sentenced to mutilation in Lhasa's military court: "The leader was to have his nose and both ears cut off. The man who fired the first shot was to lose both ears. A third man was to lose one ear, and the others were to get 50 lashes each." (The punishment was subsequently changed to lashings on Bessac's request).”

Bottom line, dear friends, what we are dealing with is a gang of the most unconscionable terrorists who stop at nothing to secure their unconscionable boss the evil dalie's medieval, theocratic, absolutistic power, which has nothing to with Buddhism.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2017, 12:37:44 PM »

This they already do, as for decades they have consistently engaged in every kind of violence, from gruesome executions in front of the Potala, to CIA sponsored guerrilla warfare, to inducing self-immolations, to racist, murderous riots, to religious persecutions, to whatnot.

Actually, of one analyses the evil dalai's disciples' violence records, they do put to shame even Islamic State terrorists. The latter merely decapitate children with chainsaws (as shown by many Youtube videos), but I have never heard of them skinning people alive and so forth as the evil dalie's minions were used to in Tibet.

“Trader Gyebo Sherpa was subjected to the severe corca whipping for selling cigarettes. He died from his wounds 2 days later in the Potala prison. Tashi Tsering, a self-described critic of traditional Tibetan society, records being whipped as a 13-year-old for missing a performance as a dancer in the Dalai Lama's dance troop in 1942, until the skin split and the pain became excruciating.

Yet, incidents of mutilation have been recorded in Tibet in the period between the start of the 20th Century and the Chinese occupation. Tibetan communist Phuntso Wangye recalled his anger at seeing freshly severed human ears hanging from the gate of the county headquarters in Damshung north of Lhasa in 1945.

The top level Tibetan official Lungshar's eyes were gouged out by direct order of the Kashag or Tibetan Government was carried out in 1934. An attempt was made at anesthetizing the alleged criminal with intoxicants before performing the punishment, which unfortunately did not work well.

In 1950, the six Tibetan border guards that had been involved in the killing or wounding of Frank Bessac's companions (one of them Douglas Mackiernan) as they were fleeing into Tibet from the Communist advance, were tried and sentenced to mutilation in Lhasa's military court: "The leader was to have his nose and both ears cut off. The man who fired the first shot was to lose both ears. A third man was to lose one ear, and the others were to get 50 lashes each." (The punishment was subsequently changed to lashings on Bessac's request).”

Bottom line, dear friends, what we are dealing with is a gang of the most unconscionable terrorists who stop at nothing to secure their unconscionable boss the evil dalie's medieval, theocratic, absolutistic power, which has nothing to with Buddhism.

It seems that Tibet and its leaders are seen by many Westerners through rose-coloured glasses! How the situation was in old Tibet is not know to most of the supporters of the Dala Lama and the CTA.

Thank you Matibhadra for giving us a scary overview about the old Tibet.

May the ban on Dorje Shugden practitioners stop as soon as possible!

The Tibetans deserve better than to be segregated and discriminated because of their religious practice and political opinions! (such as Lukar Jam

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2017, 08:00:35 AM »
"Bottom line, dear friends, what we are dealing with is a gang of the most unconscionable terrorists who stop at nothing to secure their unconscionable boss the evil dalie's medieval, theocratic, absolutistic power, which has nothing to with Buddhism." Quote from Matibhadra.

I have the tendency to believe in the above, and it is time for the Ban to be lifted.  No necessity for contradictory remarks from CTA and the Dalai Lama. No more need to confuse the world.  Let us practice true and pure Buddhism.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2017, 12:22:53 PM »
No necessity for contradictory remarks from CTA and the Dalai Lama.

No need for any “CTA” and evil dalie at all, except for in the garbage bin of history.

Belinda Mae

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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2017, 04:16:59 PM »
I find that the statement said by Dalai Lama is quite absurd. Then why in the first place ban Dorje Shugden if the longevity of the Lama depends on disciple's conduct? Will Dalai Lama now tell us that he did not ban Dorje Shugden all this while? If the longevity of the Lama depends on disciple's conduct meaning to say that Dorje Shugden does not harm Dalai Lama in one way or another. Then I guess it's time for Dalai Lama to publicly announce to lift the Dorje Shugden ban so that all sufferings can be stop immediately.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2017, 05:38:50 PM »
Yes, a Lama's longevity depends on the disciple's conduct. It is true. If the disciples are not doing what the Lama teaches, not following the instruction the Lama gives, then there's no necessary to have a Guru. And the Lama will find a way and reincarnate to a place where Dharma and the teaching is more needed and practiced.
But since this statement came out from H.H Dalai Lama's mouth, now question asked, "Does H.H Dalai Lama's longevity depends on his disciple's conduct or Dorje Shugden?" If it depends on his disciple's conduct, then what about the statement he made before, saying that Dorje Shugden practice will shorten his life? He even said there are monks in the monastery still practicing Dorje Shugden. So? Which is true? If Dorje Shugden is not the main reason that will shorten his life, then may H.H The 14th Dalai Lama swiftly announce that the ban on Dorje Shugden is lifted. Announce that, hospitals, schools, public places like hotels, restaurants should not discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners and chase them out from their shop. Because of his announcement of the ban, has already created load of discrimination, segregation, separation, and fights. Recently he's slowing unveiling many things he said was contradicting.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2017, 01:49:08 PM »
This address by the Dalai Lama regarding his longevity is directed to those who claimed to be students of the Dalai Lama. Especially those who spew vulgarities and anger towards the Shugden practitioners, should take heed of this subtle message to them to stop harassing, accusing and using harsh words towards Shugden practicing lamas and lay persons. Hopefully it will dawn on them that all of their bad actions and words would only reflect on their teacher and would lead to shortening HHDL's live.

It's time for the people to question the CTA on why is it that only Dorje Shugden practice can bring dangers to HHDL but not the practice of others deities.

Unfortunately, those who spew the vulgarities and anger, create schismatic talks, spread lies and basically break other people's spiritual connection with their Shugden lamas etc. has not heeded this advice. If they really have then they would stop all discrimination towards Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The Central Tibetan Administration pretends to be a democratic administration but the truth is Dalai Lama still control the ship. Hence, there is no way they are ever going to question the Dalai Lama. But there is one thing they should really question, that is once the Dalai Lama goes, what will become of them? Because they are nothing without the charisma of the Dalai Lama to woo the world with talks on compassion and religious tolerance, harmony and love.... all of it being deprived of Shugden people. But not for long, not forever.


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Re: Dalai Lama says Lama's longevity depends on disciple's conduct
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2017, 08:08:33 AM »
Isn't it amazing that everything about the Dalai Lama will be used and twisted into the Dorje Shugden controversy by the Tibetan Leadership? Didn't the Tibetan Leadership realize that they are mainly the cause for the failure of CTA and Dalai Lama's long life and stable health? Their losing of Tibet is a clear indication that they do not practice what the Dalai Lama preaches and even listening to Nechung's advice.

Before Tibet was taken over, Nechung advised the Tibetan Leadership to erect a stupa for the obstacle to come. None of them took that advice and did what was necessary. The result was they lost their country. The worst case is, they continue to create more negative karmas by doing nothing to make it better. They continue to use all the kind donations which are hard earned money from citizens of different countries, especially the US, to accumulate their personal wealth. They may be rich now but let's just see what horrible death awaits them and place they will go after that.