Author Topic: How to help dalai lama to end the ban  (Read 3333 times)


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How to help dalai lama to end the ban
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:39:17 AM »
I think by now many people should have already discovered that dorje shugden is an authentic buddhist practice given so many logical reasoning behind. I even saw tsem tulku rinpoche saying dalai lama has approved the practice of shugden, but it still lack of official, concrete open announcement of this.

Is Dalai lama or CTA afraid of something that will arise once the ban is lifted.
Personally I think that if they lift the ban, following will happen:
Dalai lama reputation will be affected. How can a high lama made such mistake? Is he real and so on..
Public will start to have doubt on vajrayana path. There are already many controversy in many lineage, yet the officially highest leader again made mistake. Is this path worth to follow?
Not to mention the impact to the CTA etc.

But then even if there 10 reasons not to lift the ban, I am sure there are also sufficient reasons to lift the ban.
Just the heavy bad karma to criticize buddha, chase monk out of monastery, create disharmony in the lineage, these alone is enough for a person to suffer very severely.

So my questions is there any method or even excuse that DL or CTA can use to lift the ban while minimizing the impact to vajrayana. Some reasons that I can think of is:
1) Dorje shugden was a powerful spirit, and was subdued by some high lama few years ago, and take the oath to protect the dharma.
2) Some minions of dorje shugden is unenlighetened and due to some mistake and improper practice, they are offended and created some disharmony and evolve to be some misunderstanding.
3) Some other worldly deity that look like shugden appear either in dream or in real, and DL misunderstood and think shugden is harming him.

Any idea our shugden practitioners here can think of, please kindly share.
Even if it is not convincing enough at least better than nothing, rather than let millions of buddhist criticizing a buddha. I really pity for their karma.


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Re: How to help dalai lama to end the ban
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 08:09:56 PM »
Shu2016_11_5, I don't think your given reasons are good at all. Why are you lessening the status of the enlightened Protector Dorje Shugden to make way for CTA's wrong look good? It should be the other way that CTA who had put down a Buddha for worldly personal gains, be the one to apologise for their mistakes. As for the Dalai Lama, I can't comment on attained beings as I am not realised.

Dorje Shugden arose from compassion & Guru Devotion, fully enlightened and definitely not subjugated to be a Protector. His Oracles take trance within the holy temple and not outside as unenlightened protector does. Dorje Shugden is emanation of Buddha Manjushri and of the same mindstream. If you had faith and trust in him then never demean him in anyway. Many high Lamas and practitioners like HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, HE Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, HE Gangchen Rinpoche, Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, etc. trust in him and stood firm against the attacks from Anti Dorje Shugdens. Are you putting down their sacrifices to keeping their pure lineage practice when you suggest Dorje Shugden was subjugated? Dorje Shugden nor his entourage has ever created any disharmony for practitioners but help to create conditions for their spiritual attainments. And you are also looking down on the Dalai Lama as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara to not know if an imposter came to his dreams. Sorry but I humbly think you should strengthen your faith in Dorje Shugden as you clearly are willing to compromise his enlightened state to that of a mere Spirit.

What I personally think is that if the Dalai Lama were to declare that he accepts Dorje Shugden practice although he doesn't practice and lift the ban, I am sure that many do not need excuses to accept him as a recognised spiritual leader. May the Dalai Lama acknowledge the ban on Dorje Shugden and lift it to bring unity & harmony to Tibetan Buddhism soon. _()_

Harold Musetescu

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Re: How to help dalai lama to end the ban
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 09:57:11 PM »
How can the Dalai Lama now lift his own ban without looking suspect to this people and the world.

He is supposed to be a "Living Buddha" and "Living Buddha's" don't make mistakes and then change their minds.

The CTA are his puppets and their puppet actions last month clearly shows the Dalai Lama's true position on Dorje Shugden.

So how does the Dalai Lama change his mind and then shows to the world that he was WRONG in the first place. A ban going on over two decades, a ban he can not lift without seeming to be all to human.

The Dalai Lama's hatred of Dorje Shugden goes back over 400 years to the 5th Dalai Lama. Over those 400 years he has done thousands of "Fire Pujas" to destroy Dorje Shugden. Do you really believe he will surrender to his enemy of  400 years and declare Dorje Shugden the WINNER?