Author Topic: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman  (Read 77248 times)


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2017, 12:12:43 AM »
What you said about Shugden issue being a scapegoat makes perfect sense. It was soon after Tenzin Peljor's ordination in 2006 by the Dalai Lama that he became active in countering the protests or Dorje Shugden people. His approach followed the same style or modus operandi as the Central Tibetan Administration, finding methods to undermine the credibility of the other party by attacking the people/group and not the subject matter. If he was genuinely concerned about the Shugden issue, he could have started his 'cause' earlier.

For the sake of others who do not know the history, Tenzin Peljor joined the NKT in 1995/96 according to his biography, becoming ordained in 1998 and later disrobing and leaving the group in 2000. Tenzin Peljor and his NKT teacher decided to leave NKT at the same time, after which Tenzin continued to be her student  :o He took ordination again in 2002 in Nepal, but disrobed after only 2 months and began studying with a new teacher from the Rime tradition. In March 2006, after 4 years in Rime he then took ordination from the Dalai Lama in India, who gave him the name Tenzin Peljor.

Such a track record of taking on robes and then disrobing, joining and then leaving one group or tradition to the other makes people wonder whether Tenzin Peljor is indeed serious about his Dharma practice. I don't believe that it is a coincidence that Tenzin Peljor became active in countering the protests or Dorje Shugden people soon after his ordination in 2006 by the Dalai Lama. I think his ordination could be part of the deal for his appointment/job in CTA, something to make Tenzin's job easier, some sort of 'credibility' as he had none.

Also, following his ordination by the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Peljor remained in India and began to assist the CTA with their disinformation smear campaign, starting with editing pages on Wikipedia, he became the main editor for the page about the NKT.

Later on, when Tenzin's campaign to discredit the NKT on Wikipedia started to lose ground, he then switched towards online Buddhist chat groups, in particular he became very active on a group called e-Sangha. It was on this group that he struck up a friendship with David Cutshaw, a disillusioned ex-NKT member and encouraged him to start a new discussion group.

The 'survivor' group was created on May 22nd 2007 and Tenzin was the first person other than David to post on it. He assisted with moderating the group, approving new members, editing its settings and more. It  was set up to focus only on the negative aspects of the NKT, and any pro-NKT messages were to be strictly forbidden. The idea was that the group would encourage people to leave the NKT and only post their negative experiences and opinions of them.

With this background of work experience or career history, it's not difficult to believe that he would engage in dirty work with other 'survivors' such as McQuire et al.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2017, 12:14:09 AM »

It is obvious that Tenzin Peljor and Dhardon Sharling's connection is because both work for the CTA. Why would His Holiness take time off his busy schedule to meet a group of self-proclaimed victims called 'survivors'  to tell them about Dorje Shugden when His Holiness has spoken so many times in so many places. Obviously this group of survivors did not 'survive' as they are still going on and on blaming their ex-vajra brothers or sisters for their failed spiritual path, and always wishing their ex-teacher GKG dead.

In 2015, Tenzin Peljor had attended both the Dalai Lama's press conference in Wiesbaden and also Lobsang Sangay's in Frankfurt. Let's not even ask why a monk attend such secular/political press conference in the first place  ::). Attendance is limited to the most reliable or reputable of journalists where event journalists are required to apply several weeks in advance. They must complete an application form similar to the one for the Dalai Lama's 2008 Berlin visit with proof they are accredited and a member of a journalist trade organisation such as the Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV), the Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union (DJU) etc. It is impossible for someone who isn't a professional journalist to pass the accreditation process, unless they work for the CTA. Guess which department is in charge of the process of accreditation? The CTA Department for Information and International Relations (DIIR).

When Tenzin Peljor was found out, he claimed that he was in both events as an "expert" on Shugden Buddhism in case there were any questions about it. He even posted on his blog (see below). There are many Tibetans and Western monks and lay scholars, Geshes and Rinpoches, yet Tenzin Peljor is an expert on Shugden Buddhism? Lol  ::) ::) :o.

I know Mick or Tenzin Peljor as he prefers to be called these days.

Mick has always been ambitious but did not get very far in the ordinary world. Apart from his training with the East German Army in a division which is best described as propaganda, he is not qualified for much else. He has good ideas sometimes but never did have any soul in anything he does if it does not provide instant reward.

Some of Mick old friends will remember that he was always jockeying to meet influential people, not necessary good spiritual teachers but people who could help him advance his careers. Perhaps Mick wanted to be a real Buddhist but sadly he never remained with a teacher long enough to accomplish much. I must admit that Mick does like the idea of Buddhism but may have been a good Buddhist but he never got over his insecurities and the chip on his shoulder for reasons that I will not get into here. His foray into Buddhism was not so much a conviction but more, shall we say, a method and strategy. Anything Eastern is more easily accepted in the West given the West's romanticisation with all things Buddhist and Eastern. This gave Mick a space to operate on which he never had in the ordinary world. It was made him 'unique' and 'special' in the eyes of his peers and gave him opportunities he was not qualified for under normal situations.

Mick wanted to stand out but he had some knowledge but not enough to teach. Especially so in an arena which real masters who are scholars are readily accessible. Trading in gossips, rumors and scandals was Mick's only way. The world was at the same time fascinated with Tibetan Buddhism but at the same time threatened by it. Scandals and controversies are delicious baits in this dull and curious world. Still Mick did not get far because other than second rumours, Mick had nothing to offer. He never had any real scoop and material to offer and he was never taken seriously. Those who know him used to laugh at him and the way he used to send himself gifts pretending that they are from important people. Don't be surprised if his audience in his web pages are in fact mirages in Mick's mind.

The Shukden conflict gave Mick the opportunity he had been waiting for. Mud slinging at the Dzogchen lama didn't stick. Mick simply was too inconsequential for the lama to be bothered. Shukden however was Mick's ticket to Gyalwa Rinpoche's inner circles. Put simply, he was prepared to do a job others would not touch with a barge pole. The Tibetan establishment needed a henchman and Mick was more than ready. I remember that Mick would only pray to land jobs with the Tib government. When the opportunity came, Mick worked very hard and set up his own little Minitrue. But he had to enrol others in his plot.

Problem here is that Mick was now working with other 'micks' with similar mental problems and as some of Mick's work landed its mark in the victims of his smear campaign, others were being noticed by Gyalwa Rinpoche's coterie and that in Mick's eyes was stealing his limelight. Hence he now foolishly takes risks and admit that he is behind all these cyber attacks. Desperation made him make stupid decisions. But he had to protect his turf so to speak and his ticket to the Tib establishment. Mick doesn't see that he is nothing to them. He doesn't hear what they speak of him. He is white and german and this is not a favorable mix to the establishment. To add his arrogance made him unpopular and unlikeable.

Many people say Mick is paid to do the dirty job. He is but he would have paid to do this. He has to win at all costs and he needs the Tib establishment to keep him looking special.

I used to work with Mick but it got more and more weird and grotesque. In the end, I guess he doesn't much like women and prefers the company of young monks. Whether Mick planned it or this is what he has become but anything around him eventually spiral down.

Personally I  hope he wakes up and decides to get his act together. I doubt he will though. Too deep in.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2017, 11:51:26 AM »
What you said about Shugden issue being a scapegoat makes perfect sense. It was soon after Tenzin Peljor's ordination in 2006 by the Dalai Lama that he became active in countering the protests or Dorje Shugden people. His approach followed the same style or modus operandi as the Central Tibetan Administration, finding methods to undermine the credibility of the other party by attacking the people/group and not the subject matter. If he was genuinely concerned about the Shugden issue, he could have started his 'cause' earlier.

For the sake of others who do not know the history, Tenzin Peljor joined the NKT in 1995/96 according to his biography, becoming ordained in 1998 and later disrobing and leaving the group in 2000. Tenzin Peljor and his NKT teacher decided to leave NKT at the same time, after which Tenzin continued to be her student  :o He took ordination again in 2002 in Nepal, but disrobed after only 2 months and began studying with a new teacher from the Rime tradition. In March 2006, after 4 years in Rime he then took ordination from the Dalai Lama in India, who gave him the name Tenzin Peljor.

Such a track record of taking on robes and then disrobing, joining and then leaving one group or tradition to the other makes people wonder whether Tenzin Peljor is indeed serious about his Dharma practice. I don't believe that it is a coincidence that Tenzin Peljor became active in countering the protests or Dorje Shugden people soon after his ordination in 2006 by the Dalai Lama. I think his ordination could be part of the deal for his appointment/job in CTA, something to make Tenzin's job easier, some sort of 'credibility' as he had none.

Also, following his ordination by the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Peljor remained in India and began to assist the CTA with their disinformation smear campaign, starting with editing pages on Wikipedia, he became the main editor for the page about the NKT.

Later on, when Tenzin's campaign to discredit the NKT on Wikipedia started to lose ground, he then switched towards online Buddhist chat groups, in particular he became very active on a group called e-Sangha. It was on this group that he struck up a friendship with David Cutshaw, a disillusioned ex-NKT member and encouraged him to start a new discussion group.

The 'survivor' group was created on May 22nd 2007 and Tenzin was the first person other than David to post on it. He assisted with moderating the group, approving new members, editing its settings and more. It  was set up to focus only on the negative aspects of the NKT, and any pro-NKT messages were to be strictly forbidden. The idea was that the group would encourage people to leave the NKT and only post their negative experiences and opinions of them.

With this background of work experience or career history, it's not difficult to believe that he would engage in dirty work with other 'survivors' such as McQuire et al.

Thank you for highlighting this very surprising information about Mr. Peljor's track record of taking on robes and then disrobing, joining and then leaving one group or tradition. This goes to show what kind of mindset he has and what kind of motivation he has which is obviously NOT A GOOD OR LOYAL ONE.

This is so sad to know that someone would take on the robes and do such horrible disgusting things. He is like a wolf in sheep's clothing! This is how Buddhism degenerates. These are the kind of people that destroys people's spiritual path, as well as Buddhism as a whole! Really this guy should just disrobe for good. Why does he want to become a monk if his motivation is to get involve in dirty politics, take sides, criticise others and boast of who he is? So sad, because of him, I wonder how many people's minds he has harmed to turn them away from the Dharma?

These are the kind of people who are worst than thieves, because they pretend to be holy, using the Dharma and robe you of your enlightenment and fool you into creating more negative karma. I guess he and his culprit friend Carol do not really believe in karma. Their selfishness and ego wins and the worst part is that they actually believe they are right and doing something good. Real practitioners meditate not start so many blogs to rant about other Lamas, centres and deities. Amazing, Appalling!


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2017, 07:43:00 PM »

Other lamas and monks are focused on their work to benefit many sentient beings, while you are focused on criticizing other people. Instead of using your time to jeopardize other people's good work, why don't you make something of yourself? Is it because you are incapable of doing good things and therefore you resort to one thing that you know how to do best? To find faults in others.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2017, 10:07:02 AM »
Thanks for posting about this. Tenzin Peljor has a site section to talk about my tsawey root lama Sogyal Rimpoche. Sogyal Rimpoche has Dharma centres globally and it is one of the largest organisation and the Dalai Lama supports and accepts him. So who is Tenzin Peljor to talk about Sogyal Rimpoche in this way? I think Tenzin Peljor has not accomplished much and that is why he needs to talk about famous lama and spread bad and wrong news about them. If you think about it with logic, Sogyal Rimpoche has given help to thousands of people around the world and his books are helping a lot of people. So after all that, only a few people are talking bad about him. Who are you wanting to believe? Thousands of people who have been helped or few people talking bad about him? Dalai Lama who supports him or few people are talking about him? I think answer is very clear to most all people?

Wrong or right anyway Tenzin Peljor does not have experience with Sogyal Rimpoche so he cannot know what is the truth about him. He is just taking these people's stories and putting to his website so he can exploit them to become more famous. How does he know these stories are true? If he has evidence he should show it. Otherwise he is just being irresponsible to spread stories when he doesn't know what is true or not.

So I agree with you Erstvollzug which is to say this is not a monk. Monk do not use people to make themselves famous and anyway if you are a monk why are you trying to be famous? Also to what you said which is that no other monk talks in this way or starts up website like this. So people must question HIS Tenzin Peljor's real motive to start up the website. If the accusation about Sogyal Rimpoche turns out to be true and these people need help then Tenzin Peljor should be helping them to connect with counsellors or therapists? How come nothing on his site is about some kind of help? It just encourages people to talk and talk and talk and talk so he can... get traffic to his site? For fame? And when no one is talking then Tenzin Peljor pretends people are commenting on his blog hahaha we know Brian is you.

Anyway on behalf of all Sogyal Rimpoche's students we are watching you too. Sogyal Rimpoche never talked about you and a great lama like Sogyal Rimpoche will never bother to talk about someone like you. It's only small people like you who have no accomplishment for themselves who need to talk about other people to hope some of their reputation and fame will transfer to you. Sad sad sad.

All this is fine KarmaRandrol but someone like Tenzin Peljor cannot be stopped with words alone. I think the students of the lamas he has mocked and denigrated must not let him get away. What kind of guru devotion is this if we all stand by and witness someone like this person baselessly undo the works our teachers?

These days it is not difficult to  hire lawyers and investigators to pursue such cases and there are established laws to prosecute Tenzin Peljor by. In this case, its even more simple especially given the fact that he has openly and publicly defamed so many reputable teachers.

Don't let Tenzin Peljor get away with this.

You are right but I think you somewhat underestimate the power of social media. Whatever tactics this cowardly weak as MF uses on Rimpoche, anyone else can use too. In fact WE should use it too though I think the only reason why no one sets up a site for him is because he's a nobody and he's done nothing and he's doing nothing that makes him worth the time and effort hahaha why would someone set up a site about him?

But there are a lot of us at Rigpa and given critical mass, when there's a large enough group to track down his works and what he's been up to, and throw the book at him then maybe he will take a step back and shut up once and for all. If Rimpoche was guilty he would've been charged but Rimpoche was never charged with anything and this guy has set up a website spreading rumours about him and defaming him? I really think Rimpoche and the rest of us should pursue some legal strategies against this guy.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2017, 10:09:03 AM »
Anyone familiar with WeChat? This was sent to me a few days ago. Interesting since Erst-what's your face brought up Dhardon Sharling


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2017, 06:10:15 PM »
Wow this certainly is a very interesting news indeed. I did have that suspicion when Ms. Sharling was appointed to be not only the youngest but the rose amongst the thorns in the Tibetan exile parliament. Yes she specifically nominated by Mr. Sangay himself..."she was proposed as minister by Sikyong Lobsang Sangay. The Parliament approved the proposal, but later on found that she did not quite meet the age requirement in the Tibetan Charter of 35 years. Sangay had to dismiss her from his cabinet for the same reason. As soon as she turned 35 on 23 September, Sangay proposed her to the Parliament for the Information minister post on 24 September, but she was voted out. After this, Sangay appointed Dhardon to the post of Information Secretary." 

Well it sure seems that Mr. Sangay was extremely determined to get Ms. Sharling into the administration! "I got a phone call from Kashag on the 26th of September, asking me if I would like to serve DIIR. I have been mentally prepared to do that for the last couple of months, and I immediately said yes.

It suits my interests, and it’s giving me a platform to hone my skills that I have developed in the past years, through my experience in universities and in the work space." So now she does gets a chance to hone her skills in causing more disharmony, disunity and disgrace to the Tibetan exile people! And she seems to be eager to please the CTA and H.H. The Dalai Lama and Mr. Peljor seems to be the Western face puppet for all their dirty work. Just look at their faces, do they look like people you can trust?


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2017, 02:06:46 AM »
Seems Tenzin Peljor has been complaining about some websites he's done about other people? Wonder what his problem is.

On the one hand he tries to paint himself to look like a victim. On the other hand it makes him look ridiculous pointing out the fact people do this because he's attacked them. For those who can read and can see his websites and how they attack others, he is basically saying that there's just cause for people to highlight all the nasty things he's been doing online! It shows he's definitely NOT a victim and more than capable of fighting back for himself. Look man - if you're going to set up websites (plural!) attacking other people, you open yourself up for critique. Deal with it.

Anyway Tenzin you're not the victim so don't even go there. You started this whole thing. You started websites to attack other people. So if you can comment about other people, yeah that's right, they can comment back about you.

You can end it.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2017, 03:55:55 AM »
You can end it.

No he cannot, because he powerlessly fell prey to, and became the zombie of, a cult leader, the evil dalie.

In this he is not different from many so-called Shugdenpas, whose wet dream is to be cozy again with the very same cult leader, whom they even reverently call “His Holiness”.

One of such so-called Shugdenpas even said that “Dorje Shugden is just a small part of me”, thus showing his readiness to negotiate his newly-proclaimed beliefs, in the vain hope of regaining the missed grace of the same cult leader, the evil dalie.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2017, 09:16:22 AM »
You can end it.

No he cannot, because he powerlessly fell prey to, and became the zombie of, a cult leader, the evil dalie.

In this he is not different from many so-called Shugdenpas, whose wet dream is to be cozy again with the very same cult leader, whom they even reverently call “His Holiness”.

One of such so-called Shugdenpas even said that “Dorje Shugden is just a small part of me”, thus showing his readiness to negotiate his newly-proclaimed beliefs, in the vain hope of regaining the missed grace of the same cult leader, the evil dalie.

Then there are those like you Matibhadra who would love it if the conflict never ended regardless of how many people get hurt on either side and what the damage is. I guess you only know ONE way which is your way or highway. In that you're no different to those who impose the ban.

Write something constructive instead of your usual snide and sarcastic comments that add nothing, or don't write at all.

Dulzie Bear

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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2017, 09:36:06 AM »
Tippy seems to be getting some attention. Maybe not the sort that he wants but the ones that he deserves.

As I read his profile I see clearly that Tippy does not have any real and firm beliefs and causes and I won't be surprised if being a monk is just his way of getting ahead since he didn't get any success anywhere else.

All his writings attempt to portray himself as a reluctant 'hero' of Buddhism but he is as spineless and corrupt as they come. Take away the maroon and he is just an insecure and petty criminal trying all kinds of ways to get the attention he needs. I dont know. Maybe he was taken off breast feeding too early when he was a little weiner.

Anyway by the looks of it, where he is going, he's gonna get a lot of 'soapy' attention soon.

Say this Twitter flying around about Tippy. Poetic justice is all I can say.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2017, 10:42:27 AM »
You can end it.

No he cannot, because he powerlessly fell prey to, and became the zombie of, a cult leader, the evil dalie.

In this he is not different from many so-called Shugdenpas, whose wet dream is to be cozy again with the very same cult leader, whom they even reverently call “His Holiness”.

One of such so-called Shugdenpas even said that “Dorje Shugden is just a small part of me”, thus showing his readiness to negotiate his newly-proclaimed beliefs, in the vain hope of regaining the missed grace of the same cult leader, the evil dalie.

You accomplish nothing by calling the Dalai Lama "dalie". Anyway say what you want, I couldn't give a crap about Shugden and whatever deities you want to believe in. I'm here for Tenzin Peljor and Peljor has made it a career for himself out of attacking other people. So yes, he can end. Just turn off his damn websites.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2017, 01:40:22 PM »
Looks like Tippy is literally making a living out insulting, inciting hate, condemning others he doesn't even know. He needs to do this because he is not really attracting many with any Dharma at all, just look at his websites, what Dharma is in there? It's more like a gossip tabloid blog of a bitter, closet, twisted personality, who just did not get very far in life. So he is probably happy to be paid by the CTA and writing negative hateful stuff about others, true or false really does not matter as it is none of his business what this or that Lama is praying or doing.

The way he writes it is so schismatic and does not feel it is with good motivation at all and his cheap comments about people, even what they wear and how they is so childish and so secular, so unfitting of a monk! If he was a REAL monk he would not be gossiping so much and instead be meditating or teaching Dharma. Oh sorry I forgot he does not have much of a following/students. Well, I guess he needs to make a living and this is probably the only way he knows how.

So what on earth is grumbling about? Since he likes to be nasty, to attack people, why is he even surprised that people would talk back? Hey dude, it's called karma so wake up a smell the coffee!


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2017, 02:22:30 PM »
Tippy seems to be getting some attention. Maybe not the sort that he wants but the ones that he deserves.

As I read his profile I see clearly that Tippy does not have any real and firm beliefs and causes and I won't be surprised if being a monk is just his way of getting ahead since he didn't get any success anywhere else.

All his writings attempt to portray himself as a reluctant 'hero' of Buddhism but he is as spineless and corrupt as they come. Take away the maroon and he is just an insecure and petty criminal trying all kinds of ways to get the attention he needs. I dont know. Maybe he was taken off breast feeding too early when he was a little weiner.

Anyway by the looks of it, where he is going, he's gonna get a lot of 'soapy' attention soon.

Say this Twitter flying around about Tippy. Poetic justice is all I can say.

Takes a real class act to complain about people doing to you the very thing you've made a career out of doing to others. I guess this is one case of someone not being able to take a dose of their own medicine.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2017, 06:56:48 PM »
Seems Tenzin Peljor has been complaining about some websites he's done about other people? Wonder what his problem is.

On the one hand he tries to paint himself to look like a victim. On the other hand it makes him look ridiculous pointing out the fact people do this because he's attacked them. For those who can read and can see his websites and how they attack others, he is basically saying that there's just cause for people to highlight all the nasty things he's been doing online! It shows he's definitely NOT a victim and more than capable of fighting back for himself. Look man - if you're going to set up websites (plural!) attacking other people, you open yourself up for critique. Deal with it.

You can end it.

Why is he a victim of content that he put up himself? Creating websites to defame and to misinform the public is not a new trick to him. In fact, he has been in this business of creating nasty sites for a while now.

Dr. Suzanne Newcombe, a researcher with the religious watch charity Inform stated, "We are aware that he works towards the [sic] promoting the Dalai Lama's position on various issues.", adding, "it is clear from his many public websites that Tenzin Peljor works actively in ways that support the agenda of the CTA."

In relations to anti-Shugden sites created by the CTA, the fact that Tenzin Peljor was redirecting his own domain ( to the new CTA anti-Shugden site before anyone had told him about it is a clear indication that Peljor is paid by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), and involved in the website.

Tenzin Peljor originally registered using his legal name, Michael Jaeckel and used the address of Bodhicharya Centre in Berlin (see attached file 1 below). Later, he updated the registration of his domain ( through the same anonymous service as and hosted it on the same servers as (see attached file 2 below). Both domain names then had exactly the same settings (compare attached file 3 with file 2 below).

Another clear indication is that his "independent websites" are listed as resources for journalists by the CTA/ Tibetan exile leadership, and he is promoted to journalists by Tibetan NGOs. Why would CTA do that? We all know that Tenzin Peljor is not a journalist  ;D.

Tenzin Peljor's connection with Carol McQuire and Dhardon Sharling of Department of Information & International Relations (DIIR) is also obvious. McQuire is Tenzin's recruit and in her own words, her "greatest refuge for a long while was Tenzin Peljor". She admitted that Tenzin Peljor primarily attacks the NKT because he is, "involved in looking after the Dalai Lama’s interests in the most profound way", aka paid by the CTA.