Author Topic: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman  (Read 78659 times)


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #120 on: March 23, 2017, 11:22:20 PM »
This Stasi has done much damaged that he was 'featured' on some websites. Here are some quote just for your information. I do hope His Holiness can be informed about this fake monk, so that Tenzin Peljor doesn't use the opportunity to take picture with His Holiness, or get himself close to the Tibetan leadership to validate that he is a real monk, yet continue his work of defaming others online daily. It is sad that a monk like this is let loose and continues to harm people.

(From: New Kadampa Truth)

On Wikipedia he was the dominant editor for years, responsible for the weighted bias against the NKT on the articles: New Kadampa Tradition, Kelsang Gyatso, and Dorje Shugden. As kt66, he weaved his point of view throughout the article largely through spinning a supposed "neutral third-party source", a Lancaster university thesis by David Kay (who briefly attended NKT meditation classes in Lancaster), making Kay into the judge and jury of the NKT. These articles spread a lot of disinformation and pain while he was still their main editor. Many people have said they lost faith and many more have not tried out NKT meditation classes in the first place as a result of reading his version of Wikipedia and believing that, because it is an encyclopedia, Wikipedia must be neutral. Due to the introduction of reliable sources and facts, those articles have gradually become more neutral and balanced, but kt66 today still tries to use Wikipedia to push his own point of view. As can be seen on his own anti-Shugden websites and on various blogs (his own and others), Tenzin Peljor could not have a much lower opinion or a more extreme view of the NKT. His hostile views, though less strident, often appear disguised as passive aggression in Wikipedia, Amazon and elsewhere. When a number of independent reviewers looked at the article kt66 created, they concluded also that it violated NPOV (neutral point of view). Please see their comments here.

He has written hostile book reviews on Amazon. He wrote repeatedly to the BBC website and encouraged others to do so too, bombarding them with old articles (e.g. the Guardian article from 1996, long-since discredited as an unworthy piece of tabloid journalism from which no mud stuck) to tell them to include the word "cult" on their website. Eventually in one place they did add it even though there is no explanation of how or why the NKT is a cult and the rest of their description is fair and would seem to suggest the opposite, that the NKT is a time-honored Mahayana Buddhism tradition.

He posts almost daily under his different names (including just Mike or Michael) on different blogs and news outlets.

He boasts about how INFORM (an organization in Britain that tracks New Religious Movements) was writing a report against the NKT thanks to him getting people writing to them with their stories. He says he plans on posting this report all over the Internet. Luckily INFORM have been in communication with the NKT to reflect a more balanced viewpoint and have said they do not view the NKT as an NRM or cult. He has written in extensively to the Rick Ross cult forum to try and get the NKT indicted as a cult (and then disingenuously refers readers elsewhere to that forum).

(From Are Buddhist Racist)

Following his ordination by the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Peljor remained in India and began to assist the Tibetan government (CTA) with their disinformation campaign. He began by editing pages on Wikipedia, rapidly becoming the main editor for the page about the NKT.

In April 2008 another series of protests began as the Dalai Lama visited the US. In response to these Tenzin created two websites registered under an alias which according to him offered, "fair, neutral, and balanced information regarding NKT and Buddhist cults in general."

The websites were registered under the false name of Losang Tashi, to an address in Gotha, the town in East Germany where Tenzin was born. In a post on May 21st 2008 to the "survivors" group he said, "maybe we use the power of the many people here and the motivation to protect others (giving fearlesness) by setting up 1-2 websites."

Rather than offering fair or neutral information both websites were a continuation of his online campaign to undermine the protests by attempting to discredit the NKT. Had his intention been wholesome you would need to ask why a Buddhist monk with vows against lying was using a false name when registering websites?


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #121 on: March 26, 2017, 04:33:37 PM »
Whoever you are, you should not stop people from practicing other's choice of faith. What Peljor, McQuire and a few others have done is really evil, and it has a lot of bad karma. More so if Peljor is a monk. By committing such acts by wearing the monk robes is even a greater crime because he has broken the vows.

I pray people will stop using harsh & divisive speech.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #122 on: March 26, 2017, 06:39:35 PM »
He posts almost daily under his different names (including just Mike or Michael) on different blogs and news outlets.

He boasts about how INFORM (an organization in Britain that tracks New Religious Movements) was writing a report against the NKT thanks to him getting people writing to them with their stories. He says he plans on posting this report all over the Internet. Luckily INFORM have been in communication with the NKT to reflect a more balanced viewpoint and have said they do not view the NKT as an NRM or cult. He has written in extensively to the Rick Ross cult forum to try and get the NKT indicted as a cult (and then disingenuously refers readers elsewhere to that forum).

Wow, he sure it very determined, vindictive and extremely evil because he is supposed to be a monk. He represents the Buddha's sangha. If he wishes to do sly co-op work for the Tibetan exile government (CTA) or known as Dharamsala, then he should really just get out of his monk robes. It would be better and less negative karma collected from disparaging other Lamas and Buddhist centres. 

All this defamation and proof of him creating these websites will be held against him in the court of law. It is so easy to see who is behind all this. WHY does he think he can get away with different user names? So silly. Time to bring out the soap Peljor!


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #123 on: March 27, 2017, 12:04:54 AM »
I read online that in 2002 Tenzin Peljor made contact with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, and later in 2007 Ringu Tulku asked Tenzin Peljor to become a resident monk at his Berlin Centre.

Another interesting piece of history is that Sogyal Rinpoche and Akong Rinpoche were the people who invited Ringu Tulku to Europe, and since 1990 Ringu Tulku has been teaching in numerous Buddhist centers and temples around the world. His teaching activities in Germany began in 1993.

So, that means Tenzin Peljor is connected to Ringu Tulku who is connected to Sogyal Rinpoche. My question is then, why did Tenzin Peljor criticise Sogyal Rinpoche? Peljor had an article on his blog entitled 'Sogyal Rinpoche and the Slience of the Tibetan Buddhist Community and the Dalai Lama'. In it, Peljor also 'criticised' the Dalai Lama for not speaking about Sogyal Rinpoche.

"I find it also questionable that the Tibetan Community, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, just don’t speak up and allow, by their silence, that what appears to be an egomaniac, damaging behaviour can continue."

So is there really a 'side' that stasi is on, or just someone who will take advantage of the situation, and also serve his self preservation purpose of becoming famous?


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #124 on: March 28, 2017, 02:46:13 AM »
What could be the possible motive of  Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman to have such a rude and nasty blogsite that he likes to call controversial?

It is not befitting of a genuine monk?

Name me another monk in all of Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, or anywhere that has such a blog site promoting anarchy, disgust and distaste? As 'unique' as his blog site is, it does not attract much readership.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #125 on: March 28, 2017, 06:11:29 PM »
It seems like the ex stasi will continue with his plans to study in Italy. I wonder what kind of mental state would one have when on one hand you engage in comprehensive study of the great texts of the Nalanda tradition, then on the other hand during your break or 'free time', you go online and bash monks, Lamas, and teachers. Does that make sense to you  8) 8)?

Why study about the attainment of omniscience, and commentary on bodhichitta, when one's action and purpose daily is to harm others, especially Sangha who are teaching the Dharma to many. Tenzin Peljor does not only criticize one teacher mind you.

I may not be a big fan of Sogyal Rinpoche or wish to study with him as I have my own teacher, but he has people who has affinity with him, which he may lead them onto the path. Why criticize Sogyal Rinpoche or any teacher for that matter, unless you plan to do something with these people whom you consider were 'misled'. Is Tenzin Peljor qualified to teach all the students or potential students of Sogyal Rinpoche and other teachers he condemned if he deem Sogyal Rinpoche 'unfit' as a teacher  8)?


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #126 on: March 28, 2017, 08:55:52 PM »
I read online that in 2002 Tenzin Peljor made contact with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, and later in 2007 Ringu Tulku asked Tenzin Peljor to become a resident monk at his Berlin Centre.

Another interesting piece of history is that Sogyal Rinpoche and Akong Rinpoche were the people who invited Ringu Tulku to Europe, and since 1990 Ringu Tulku has been teaching in numerous Buddhist centers and temples around the world. His teaching activities in Germany began in 1993.

So, that means Tenzin Peljor is connected to Ringu Tulku who is connected to Sogyal Rinpoche. My question is then, why did Tenzin Peljor criticise Sogyal Rinpoche? Peljor had an article on his blog entitled 'Sogyal Rinpoche and the Slience of the Tibetan Buddhist Community and the Dalai Lama'. In it, Peljor also 'criticised' the Dalai Lama for not speaking about Sogyal Rinpoche.

"I find it also questionable that the Tibetan Community, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, just don’t speak up and allow, by their silence, that what appears to be an egomaniac, damaging behaviour can continue."

So is there really a 'side' that stasi is on, or just someone who will take advantage of the situation, and also serve his self preservation purpose of becoming famous?

Good one Prajna for pointing these out! What a hypocrite Mr. Peljor is! He can talk, his own teacher is friends with Sogyal and they both obviously are good friends. So why is Peljor attacking his own teacher's friend? Does he have any loyalty towards anyone? Even if you do not like someone your teacher likes, you could probably keep your distance and not say anything negative. But what does Peljor do? He goes and criticises and mocks them. When he condemns his teacher's friend, he indirectly criticises his own teacher and claims he knows better, which in fact criticises himself as well!

Shame shame Peljor, whatever you are doing you are shaming your own self too!


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #127 on: March 31, 2017, 11:42:27 AM »
What level of hypocrisy is this? Stasi Peljor uses all facilities, well fed and well taken care of in the Berlin centre founded by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche. Ringu Tulku has a long relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche and it would make sense that Ringu Tulku has been supported by Sogyal and vice versa. Ringu was invited to Sogyal's Dzongchen centre to teach and I believe it was the beginning of Ringu Tulku's career. Meaning to say, it maybe the beginning of Ringu Tulku's dharma activities that funded the founding of the Berlin centre which Mr. Stasi is now comfortably live it. Disparaging and criticising Sogyal is the same as bitting the hands that feed him. The more you know about Stasi Tenzin Peljor, the more you see how unmonkly he is. He should not be in the robes anymore! Shame on him!


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #128 on: April 01, 2017, 06:10:40 AM »
Who would attend a Dharma talk by Tenzin Peljor? I would not but would you?

No thanks. And get sucked into his anti-Shugden / anti-NKT / anti-Sogyal / anti-everything cult? Yeah right. You name me one 'monk' who has spent so much time going against so many things, people, groups, organisations and deities. What kind of 'monk' has so many things hes against? I couldve sworn it was non-duality were meant to accomplish.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #129 on: April 11, 2017, 05:15:28 PM »
As one can see from Ringu's website, he receives his money from Tsadra Foundation, owned by the Jewish-American billionaire and terrorism supporter George Soros, widely known for being the most active promoter of violent mobs and coups-d'état against legitimate governments around the world under the usual smokescreen of “promoting democracy and human rights”, the so-called “color revolutions”.

With China's Tibet it's not different, and given the political influence of lamas within Tibet, the terrorism-supporter Soros choose to employ anti-Gelugpa, mainly Nyingma and Kagyupa “rimey teachers” as his tools, a job which such politician-lamas of course eagerly accepted. The “rimey” agenda, as any child knows, is essentially a destructive anti-Gelugpa, and specifically anti-Shugden agenda.

Therefore, dear friends, instead of being angry with Peljor as a dog is angry with the stick hitting it, please look at who holds the stick, and why they do so. Peljor is just a stick hit by Ringu, himself just a tool in the hands of the Jewish bllionaire George Soros, hell bent on dividing and destroying China as his predecessor, the Bombay-based Jewish drug dealer David Sassoon, did at the time of the opium wars.

The main goal of such Jewish-British-led opium wars was the destruction of the Gelugpa Chinese Qing Dynasty. The unconscionable, systematic destruction of Buddhist temples was beyond any limit. The great architectural wonder known as the Old Summer Palace, built by the emanation of Dorje Shugden, the Gelugpa Kangxi Emperor near Beijing, under the direction of Pabongkha Rinpoche's previous incarnation, Jang-gya Rolpay Dorje, was razed to the ground together with its hundreds of Buddhist and Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhist temples.

Therefore it is just natural that current-day Jewish anti-China activists and terrorism-separatism promoters such as George Soros associate themselves with and employ as convenient tools anti-Gelugpa activists, such as the so-called “rimey” politician-lamas, as is the case with the notorious Shugden-hater Ringu, Tenzin Peljor's mentor. The Jewish anti-China and anti-Buddhist hatred coopted the rimeypas' anti-Gelug, anti-Shugden, anti-Pabongkha Ripoche hatred. The minuscule useful idiot Peljor is just their discardable tool.

What we have therefore is just the fulfilment of the Kalachakra prophecies, according to which the mlecchas (barbarians), followers of the Abrahamic prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses (Jewish prophets) and Jesus, Mohammad, and Mahdi (Christian and Muslim prophets), would wage relentless war against Buddhism. Corrupt self-styled Buddhists such as the evil dalie, Ringu and many rimeypa, Kagyupa and Nyingma politicians, delighted with Abrahamic fake money, have obviously chosen their side.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #130 on: April 12, 2017, 12:32:20 PM »

So is there really a 'side' that stasi is on, or just someone who will take advantage of the situation, and also serve his self preservation purpose of becoming famous?

It is patently clear that Michael Jäkel is on whatever side that benefits himself. When it is convenient he uses the Dalai Lama as justification to attack Dorje Shugden practitioners. And when the Dalai Lama's friendship with Sogyal Rinpoche is an inconvenience to his efforts to discredit Sogyal Rinpoche, he questions the Dalai Lama. We have also seen how he uses others to do his dirty work and when necessary he sells them out to save himself. Look at how many times he has taken ordination and disrobed when the situation doesn't suit him. This is not the actions of a person who is committed to something he believes in and is prepared to stand his ground and stick it out. Jäkel simply has no loyalties to anyone or anything and being a monk is simply a trade, not a commitment to the Dharma.

We learn in Dharma that we have to control our minds and ease the sufferings of others. Jäkel manipulates his environment and creates suffering for others. As a Buddhist, the very least we can do if nothing else, is not to harm anyone. Jäkel blog and his comments and endeavors all aim to defame, discredit and hurt.

The Dharma is a very potent force and people who are real practitioners ooze kindness and wisdom. They infuse peace wherever they go. Jäkel is just the complete opposite.

Everything this person does is to get fame at whatever cost. Within this post alone we get a glimpse of his deception and there is more that will be uncovered. I don't know why people still refer to him by his monk name. He is not a monk.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #131 on: April 13, 2017, 03:30:08 PM »
Everything this person [Peljor] does is to get fame at whatever cost.

Not only fame, but dirty money for his survival as well.

Indeed, Peljor's mentor Ringu “tulku” explicitly and confessedly receives dirty money from the terrorist financier George Soros, via Tsadra Foundation, whereby the same necessarily applies to Ringu's minion, the minuscule agitator Peljor.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #132 on: June 23, 2017, 07:53:40 PM »
Stasi is back attacking Sogyal Rinpoche. A monk who is supposedly busy with his study has so much free time to write such hateful posts on Sogyal Rinpoche, and the Kadampa, and the Triratna, and Dorje Shugden?

His latest post to criticise Sogyal Rinpoche includes a translation of the transcript in English and a video of the Dutch current affairs program “Brandpunt”.

This is not the only one. There are already many other posts criticising and defaming Sogyal Rinpoche on his website.

Why would someone spend so much time just talking about the controversy and abuse? Perhaps this is his only way to get some attention due to his lack of success in his studies or his career as a monk. It's sad that one uses dramatic, negative events to get traffic to his blog. Why can't he write Dharma content on his website? Why is he such a propagandist of tabloid? Surely that is against his monk vows, causing disunity among the sangha community through untrue slander or taking sides in a disagreement.

Stasi Peljor's teacher, Ringu Tulku is a good friend of Sogyal Rinpoche. It was Sogyal Rinpoche who invited Ringu Tulku to Europe in the 1990s, I think it was Dzogchen Beara in 1992 and subsequently many other Rigpa centres. Ringu Tulku taught in Sogyal Rinpoche's centre before and has connection with Rigpa centres till now.

Ringu Tulku on the left and Sogyal Rinpoche in the middle, at Dzogchen Beara.

It's obvious that the stasi defected Ringu Tulku and now trying to get his way into a bigger, more glamourous FPMT, that is why he dares to openly criticise his teacher's sponsor and good friend Sogyal Rinpoche on his website. I heard from one source that the ex-stasi was elated when Ringu Tulku gave permission for him to leave the centre to go to Italy. This just shows how ungrateful the ex-stasi is  ::).


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #133 on: July 01, 2017, 01:12:00 AM »
A “Gelugpa” monk (Peljor) attacking a Nyingma “lama” (Sogyal). What better than just this in order to instigate intersectarian hatred among Tibetan Buddhists?

Sounds like a page taken from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or from the Jewish rabbi Jesus, both of which propose precisely pitting everyone against everyone else (see Matthew 10:34 and on).

Now that “Peljor”, just like his mentor Ringu “tulku”, are well established as salariated assets of their supreme mentor, the Hungarian-American-Jewish terrorist financier George Soros, this sounds rather as anti-Buddhist, Abrahamist, mleccha, barbaric strategy aimed a bringing incontrollable chaos, hatred, and division among Buddhist communities.


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Re: Stasi Tenzin Peljor aka Michael Jäckel aka Mick Jackman
« Reply #134 on: July 01, 2017, 01:17:56 AM »
A “Gelugpa” monk (Peljor) attacking a Nyingma “lama” (Sogyal). What better than just this in order to instigate intersectarian hatred among Tibetan Buddhists?

Sounds like a page taken from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or from the Jewish rabbi Jesus, both of which propose precisely pitting everyone against everyone else (see Matthew 10:34 and on).

Now that “Peljor”, just like his mentor Ringu “tulku”, are well established as salariated assets of their supreme mentor, the Hungarian-American-Jewish terrorist financier George Soros, this sounds rather as an anti-Buddhist, Abrahamist, mleccha, barbaric strategy aimed at bringing incontrollable chaos, hatred, and division among Buddhist communities.