Author Topic: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia  (Read 10720 times)

Big Uncle

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Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:40:28 AM »
There's an interesting article on that highlight the effects of the Dalai Lama's recent visit to Mongolia. This had disastrous effect on Mongolia's economy and its sad that the Tibetan leadership would allow this to happen and then kept quiet and offer not even a moral support to Mongolia during this trying times.


Mongolia is reeling from impending economic meltdown in March as previous measures to solve its almost $600 million financial commitment to bond holders dissolved into thin air amidst qualms over His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit. Originally in negotiations with China to help solve its dire fiscal situation, the Tibetan religious leader’s visit to Mongolia led to a breakdown in talks between the two countries. The economic situation in Mongolia has now degenerated so badly as to warrant private citizens donating their personal assets to the government in a last ditch attempt to save the country’s economy from financial ruin.

In hindsight this fiscal maelstrom, as reported in the article below, could have been easily avoidable through talks and deals with China and the International Monetary Fund. However negotiations with China collapsed after the Dalai Lama’s visit to Mongolia. Despite warnings from China that such a visit would strain relations between the two countries, the visit proceeded, something that the Central Tibetan Administration publicised heavily on its own website. In the aftermath of China pulling out from the negotiations, the Mongolian government even banned the Dalai Lama from entering Mongolia in an attempt to placate China back to the negotiation table. With such disaster hitting, the Central Tibetan Administration remains silent in regards to Mongolia’s current situation. Having fully supported the Dalai Lama’s visit, the Tibetan leadership now choose to ignore the outcome of their endorsements.

Mongolia and Tibet have a long, complicated but mutually shared spiritual history, something that has led to strong relations between the two countries, since before the time of His Holiness the 4th Dalai Lama, Yonten Gyatso, who was born in Mongolia, and was a great-grandson of Altan Khan. Altan Khan himself is remembered for instigating and strengthening ties between Mongolia and Tibet.

The Central Tibetan Administration’s promotion of this event was originally seen as an extension of their support for Mongolia, its people, its spiritual traditions (that stem from Tibet) and the fact that many people consider the Dalai Lama to be their spiritual leader. They had couched the visit in terms of spiritual wellbeing and harmony, but given their lack of support or even mentioning the fallout from the visit, it is evident that their intentions were not all that pure after all.

Well aware of Mongolia’s dependence on foreign support, the Tibetan Administration have conned the Mongolian leadership to stand up to China for their own ends. In pulling out the sovereignty card and standing up to China, through their heavy support for the Dalai Lama’s visit, the Tibetan leadership has worsened Mongolia’s economic situation. Adding salt to the wound, they do nothing to support Mongolia, do not promise aid or political help but kept quiet when their so-called friend is in urgent need to stave off the worst fears of any leadership – economic breakdown. For all intents and purposes, the Tibetan leadership has used Mongolia for its political usefulness, but offer nothing in return when the country is in serious trouble. They simply chewed on them until there was no taste left, and spat them out to be discarded once their usefulness was over. A simple glimpse of Mongolia’s financial situation and events over the past year, makes the Tibetan leadership’s exploitation of the country glaringly obvious.

For a leadership that claims to follow the Dalai Lama, a Buddhist monk, the actions of the Tibetan leadership by pulling out the sovereignty card, shows the underhanded and wholly un-virtuous exploitation of an entire country to fulfil their selfish aims. Mongolia now teeters on the edge of disastrous economic ruin, and the Tibetan leadership – the direct cause of the situation, which could have been avoided – are nowhere to be seen and offer not even a statement of support, betraying their own selfish intent. Strangely, India said they would step in among other countries to assist, but it looks like the assistance was too meagre to bail Mongolia out. Unfortunately, it will be the average Mongolian citizen who will need to bear the brunt of this costly political predicament with China while the Tibetan leadership gets away scot-free with yet another one of their underhanded political manipulations to assert their sovereignty at the expense of another country. You can read more about the dire situation that Mongolia faces below.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 02:33:28 PM »
This is so typical of the CTA. Where are they now? Why are not helping Mongolia? They pushed Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia and now the damage is done, so now what? Why all quiet and nothing to say now? They were so arrogant before to say that Mongolia should not be afraid of China right, so why now not a sound from them when China has basically pull out in helping Mongolia? Why do they just stay quiet in times of need, shouldn't they step up since they are so close to Mongolia as they claim. So what happened now?

CTA should know better not to create problems for Mongolia or any other country. They should really stop annoying China, it does not help them in getting the autonomy they want and it does not help other countries when they so need help in their economy. Really the Tibetan leaders should stop making trouble for others already. Stop destroying their own chance also of getting Tibet to be an autonomous region or for the Dalai Lama to return there. They should stop playing all these games, using Dalai Lama card, because seriously what will happen when the Dalai Lama is gone? They will have no one else to use and pawn.

So CTA better wake up and stop embarrassing themselves and creating trouble for others. They are now not only harming themselves, they are also harming others. Seems like whatever the CTA, it is always to cause more harm, trouble, disharmony, disunity and division. So sad, coming from a so called Buddhist society. They drag everything down.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 04:16:53 PM »
After all the Mongolia has done for the CTA and the Dalai Lama, I find it amazing that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is not helping Mongolia. They do not even offer a word of support, but instead continue to promote their cause only worldwide.

I am not surprised if Mongolia opt not to support the Dalai Lama or the CTA anymore. Congratulation CTA for jeopardising centuries of relationship between Mongolia and Tibet.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 09:35:58 PM »
It is sad that Mongolia who has been enjoying rapid growth for the last few years on the back of strong Chinese demand and a commodity boom is now moving into stagnant growth and sharply increased financial fragility.

China’s was Mongolia’s top investment source and it was a foolish move to jeopardise the economy just for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit. China took in 83 per cent of Mongolia’s exports in 2015 and accounted for 36 per cent of imports to the country. A slight slowdown in demand or supply in this neighbouring giant could easily play havoc with the Mongolian economy.

When Mongolia hasn’t recorded a surplus in six years and its latest deficit last year at $1.5 billion was a record, anyone can tell that the Dalai Lama’s visit will definitely anger China and the negotiations with China will fall apart. To pacify China, the Mongolians finally reacted by banning the Dalai Lama from ever visiting the country again.

I wonder why the Central Tibetan Adminsitration (CTA) had allowed the Dalai Lama to be hosted at such a time when they are fully aware that his visit would ruin the chance of Mongolia getting the $4.2 billion loan from China :o. Then again, I am not surprised because CTA’s Sikyong Lobsang Sangay also recently asserted that India should prioritise the Tibet issue above India’s own national interest and cross-border issues matters with China  :(. What kind of an administration would dare ask so much of a kind host who has provided a home for the Tibetan refugees for more than 50 years? I must agree with Ugyen Gyalpo of The Tibetan Sun that Tibetan politicians are only interested in seeking out what benefits them without further calculating much else  :-\.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 02:11:42 PM »
CTA only acts for their own benefits and they do not mind whose head they put on the chopping board to achieve their aims. How can any country stand with them when the CTA is so careless with the economic situations of those they wish to be their allies? They think they are the centre of the world and expect other countries to prioritize their concerns over the country's very own issues as they are expecting India to do? Why should India do that?

After how they ignored Mongolia's plight following the Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia, how can they expect India to even give them the time of day? What self-respecting government will give any credibility to the CTA?


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 05:14:59 PM »
Now there are more bad news for Mongolia. In addition to the economic crisis, they are experiencing other problems such as:

1. A deadly virus in Mongolia Threatens Cashmere and Local Food Supplies ( )

2. Toxic's Smog ( )

It is very bad that the Mongolians need to sell/ give up their personal jewellery to ???bail out government bond. Now they are experiencing multiple disasters. Deadly virus that threatens cashmere and local food supplies and heavy pollution because the people are burning coal to keep themselves warm.

It is amazing that to date there are still no help and support from the CTA. Instead, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is in Japan to promote Tibetan cause and another of the CTA delegation was meeting the United Nations to promote the same thing. There is no support or effort to help Mongolia from the CTA.

We should remember that the economic problems were caused by the recent Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia. This visit irritated China and cause them to withdraw from their intention of giving Mongolia a US$4.2 billion loan. The other situations (i.e., toxic smog and the deadly virus) make the situation even worse. Mongolian government is now helpless in helping their own people or implementing mitigating actions to address the additional problems because they are cash strapped.

All those people who supported and praised Mongolia for allowing the Dalai Lama to visit recently are all quiet because they do not want to be held accountable.

How pathetic!

Big Uncle

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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 09:41:50 PM »
After all the Mongolia has done for the CTA and the Dalai Lama, I find it amazing that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is not helping Mongolia. They do not even offer a word of support, but instead continue to promote their cause only worldwide.

I am not surprised if Mongolia opt not to support the Dalai Lama or the CTA anymore. Congratulation CTA for jeopardising centuries of relationship between Mongolia and Tibet.

It's actually not surprising that CTA does nothing for Mongolia although they had made claims of being so close with Mongolia, historically and spiritually. The truth of the matter is that the Tibetan leadership are users and although many of the Tibetans have grown to be prosperous in India but you never hear of any Tibetans doing anything charitable in India, where there are millions of people suffering in poverty.

Tibetans just take and are given many opportunities in India and while many have risen in prosperity but very few and least of all, the Tibetan leadership does nothing to help or assist India, their kind host. Hence, its no surprise that CTA does nothing for Mongolia. It's really no surprise, really.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2017, 12:09:59 AM »
Instead, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is in Japan to promote Tibetan cause

This would be news indeed. Since when greedy, disgruntled Tibetan feudal aristocrats have ever promoted the “Tibetan cause”?

The only cause this evil bunch have ever promoted is their own, the anti-Tibetan cause of their own personal benefit and embezzlement.

And in Japan they look after the support of their equals, revivalist mass murder- and mass rape-supporters. Like dogs, criminals smell each other.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2017, 09:38:42 PM »
Things are not good in Mongolia right now. After the economic crisis, deadly virus, and toxic smog, Mongolia is suffering from harsh winter that is killing their herds

Red Cross respond as Mongolian herders struggle to survive winter Dzud amidst rising livestock deaths

Severe winter conditions in Mongolia, known as Dzud, are threatening the livelihoods of thousands of Mongolian herders in eastern and northern parts of the country. Dzud is caused by the twin impacts of drought in the summer, resulting in insufficient grass in pastures and low production of hay, and harsh conditions in the winter, including heavy snowfall and extremely low temperatures.
More than 157,000 people are affected across 17 of Mongolia’s 21 provinces. Livestock deaths have risen in recent weeks and according to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), by 7 February over 46,000 animals had perished from starvation and cold.
Today the IFRC launched an International Emergency Appeal to support the Mongolian Red Cross who are responding to the crisis in four of the worst-affected provinces - Uvs, Zavkhan, Khuvsgul and Selenge. The IFRC appeal aims to raise 655,500 Swiss francs (Euros 614,000 Euros, USD 654,000) to target assistance at more than 11,000 people considered to be most at risk.
Herder Uranchimeg Terbish, from Khuvsgul province has already lost dozens of her animals due to starvation and cold.
"Dzud is impacting almost all the herders in this region. Winter started early and we had heavy snowfall already in November. Since January, I've lost 22 cattle and around 30 goats and sheep”, she says.
Uranchimeg Terbish is afraid she will lose even more animals if the cold weather persists in the coming months.
“Most of my livestock are already weak and exhausted. In the spring, when the animals start to give birth, they become even more vulnerable. I don’t have enough hay and fodder to feed them and keep them alive”, she explains.
Under the IFRC appeal, each family will receive an unconditional cash grant of 245,000 Mongolian Tugrik (100 Swiss francs) to be used to purchase food, clothing, fodder for their livestock, or for any other priority they see fit. The appeal will also support a range of health interventions and initiatives designed to prepare herder communities against future Dzuds.
“Livestock is the only source of food, transport and income for almost half of the Mongolian population and we have to act now to help herders survive over the coming months”, explains Madame Nordov Bolormaa, Secretary General of the Mongolian Red Cross.
This is the second successive year in a row that Mongolia is experiencing Dzud. Last year’s disaster caused the death of over one million animals.
 “We are concerned that we will see a repeat of last year when many herders sold their animals while they were still alive and oversupply of livestock resulted in very low market prices”, explains Gwendolyn Pang, Head of the IFRC’s Country Cluster Support Team in Beijing.
“Families with fewer animals to sell are particularly vulnerable. Many will lose their livelihoods and will have no choice but to migrate to slum areas on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar and other urban centres where they will face great social and economic hardship”


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2017, 04:33:52 AM »
Mongolia is prioritising Ties with Russia and China over relationship with US and EU. If Mongolia is trying to amend relationship with China, it would be bad news for the CTA. This is like the wheel of sharp weapon turning against CTA for leaving their ally, Mongolia, to suffer their own hardship after the Dalai Lama's visit. Too bad for Lobsang Sangay and his chronies

*Mongolia Foreign Minister: We Prioritize Ties with Russia and China*      

ULAANBAATAR – Mongolia can now be considered “locked in” between two great powers as Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsendiyn Munkh-Orgil acknowledged in an interview with EFE, adding that ties with Russia and China are still priorities, though relations with the US and EU will also continue.

Munkh-Orgil, a lawyer trained in Moscow and at Harvard, has been leading Mongolian diplomacy since July 2016 from his office at the ministry’s headquarters, one of the many Soviet-styled buildings still preserved in the capital.

Mongolia, whose economy has mainly been supported over the past decade by mining, reached 17 percent growth annually. However, like other countries dependent on raw materials, the industry has been in crisis due to low international prices.

“It is an open secret that we are facing a very difficult economic and fiscal situation” admitted the minister, who did not only blame the falling commodity prices for the situation but also “a lack of consistent strategic economic management and lack of structural reforms that should have been done quite some time ago.”

Munkh-Orgil has been in office since the victory in last year’s elections of the ex-communist and now social-democrat Mongolian People’s Party, which had been in the opposition for the past four years.

“This government inherited serious budget deficits, ballooning foreign debts” and an unsustainable economy, he said, adding that the government of Prime Minister Jargaltulgyn Erdenebat is trying to steer the course with spending cuts and negotiation of international financial assistance.

“I am optimistic that in the next few days, Mongolia and international financial institutions (including the International Monetary Fund) will be able to come up with a positive announcement” of these negotiations, he said.

Munkh-Orgil proudly recalled that “it is not that Mongolia was subjugated or was dependent on the superpowers, there was quite an extended period of time in history that we were the dominant party,” a reference to the time of Genghis Khan, the founder of the second largest empire in history.

Although Mongolia has, since the fall of its communist regime in 1990, celebrated its independence after living 50 years in the Soviet Union’s orbit, Munkh-Orgil recognized that “there is a clear-cut priority in our foreign policy to develop friendly relations with China and Russia.”

It does not have to be exclusive, emphasized the minister, adding that the ties with the United States, the European Union, Japan and Turkey are also very important for Mongolia in a globalized world.

“Absolutely excellent relations with the European Union. This month, in fact, the European Parliament is expected to ratify the partnership agreement with Mongolia,” said the minister.

With the US, “We have a clear commitment from the new administration (of President Donald Trump) that it will continue with its projects and cooperation with Mongolia,” which, he recalled, are not only in the political and economic fields but also in the military, exemplified by the group of Mongolian soldiers operating in Afghanistan.

Chinese-Mongolian relations became strained in November, when the Dalai Lama visited Mongolia – where Tibetan Buddhism is the dominant religion – sparking protests and pressures from Beijing.

“On the other hand, notwithstanding the religious nature of his trip, it put significant strains on Chinese-Mongolian relations,” said the minister, confirming that as a result of the diplomatic conflict, Beijing suspended some bilateral contacts and negotiations.

The Minister and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, eventually agreed through a telephone call that “for the time that this government stays in power, the Dalai Lama will not be visiting Mongolia,” which reopens the door for trade and economic negotiations between the two countries, an issue which Munkh-Orgil plans to discuss next week in Beijing.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2017, 07:56:31 PM »
Mongolia is prioritising Ties with Russia and China over relationship with US and EU. If Mongolia is trying to amend relationship with China, it would be bad news for the CTA. This is like the wheel of sharp weapon turning against CTA for leaving their ally, Mongolia, to suffer their own hardship after the Dalai Lama's visit. Too bad for Lobsang Sangay and his chronies

In a way I am glad that Mongolia is being smart,  and doing this for the sake of their citizen. Look there is no way Tibetan leadership is going to help them in anyway. They are the ones who got them into trouble in the first place! And when they are in deep shit, Tibetan leaders are all quiet. How come?

They like to make a lot of noise and praising Mongolia when they accepted the Dalai Lama, but when Mongolia got into trouble, they shut up and hide. Typical. All just empty vessels. If they were any smarter they should also prioritise creating ties with the right group. All this time they have just been sucking up to America, and look where has it got them? It seems to just benefit those in power. What did the people get? Not even citizenship in India!  >>> Lawyers file contempt petition against MEA regarding Tibetan passport issue
Tibetans living in India who have long been hoping to obtain Indian passport should expect to gain more clarity on the controversial issue.

It really makes you wonder, what is the CTA really doing with all that money, sponsorship and taxes they get from Tibetans in exile? What on earth are they doing? 


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2017, 04:34:21 AM »

Mongolia is prioritising Ties with Russia and China over relationship with US and EU. If Mongolia is trying to amend relationship with China, it would be bad news for the CTA. This is like the wheel of sharp weapon turning against CTA for leaving their ally, Mongolia, to suffer their own hardship after the Dalai Lama's visit. Too bad for Lobsang Sangay and his chronies

*Mongolia Foreign Minister: We Prioritize Ties with Russia and China*      

ULAANBAATAR – Mongolia can now be considered “locked in” between two great powers as Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsendiyn Munkh-Orgil acknowledged in an interview with EFE, adding that ties with Russia and China are still priorities, though relations with the US and EU will also continue.

Munkh-Orgil, a lawyer trained in Moscow and at Harvard, has been leading Mongolian diplomacy since July 2016 from his office at the ministry’s headquarters, one of the many Soviet-styled buildings still preserved in the capital.

Good news that Mongolia is prioritizing their ties with the countries that can help them, especially when they are now in crisis. I read that Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsendiyn Munkh-Orgil and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently signed a cooperation agreement in Moscow, and that they have agreed to boost ties through joint implementation of the projects specified in the Tripartite Programme on Establishing the Mongolia-Russia-China Economic Corridor. Tsendiyn Munkh-Orgil should be on an official visit to China now.

China is Mongolia’s largest export market. As of early November 2016, about 80 percent of Mongolia’s total exports went to China. By a smaller margin, China is also Mongolia’s largest import market, making up about 30 percent of total imports by early November 2016. The second largest import market was Russia. Definitely Mongolia should prioritize its ties with these 2 countries.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2017, 10:38:37 AM »
It is not surprising though. CTA cannot even help its own people, the Tibetans. Why even expect it to do some good to help Mongolia after the damage done after the visit of HHDL recently. The sole purpose of CTA 's existence now seems to be getting other nations into trouble by souring their good relationship with China. All of the CTA's visits to other nations is looking like a last ditch desperate efforts win over support to their non-existence cause.
It is upsetting to hear and read of the speeches the Sikyong is making. Everyone knows that it is not wise to get on the bad side of China.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2017, 04:37:19 PM »
It is not surprising though. CTA cannot even help its own people, the Tibetans. Why even expect it to do some good to help Mongolia after the damage done after the visit of HHDL recently.

The funny thing here is that who visited and thus damaged Mongolia was the evil dalie rather than the CTA, but people keep brazenly blaming CTA for the misdeeds of the evil dalie.

Such people are the same as those blaming the CTA rather than the evil dalie for the evil dalie's anti-Shugden witch-hunt.

It's clear therefore that such people, while cynically posing as victims, are the main accomplices of the actual criminal, the evil dalie.

Such people come to this website in order to whine about the CTA and shower praises on the evil dalie, because all what they want is to be cozy with the criminal, to regain his favor, to regain all the privileges and money of Western sponsorship, and they dress all such base intentions under the travesty of “guru devotion”.

Even more than Western financial mafias, or their puppet the evil dalie, or his puppet the ridiculous CTA, these fifth-colunists are the real enemies of Shugdenpas; the enemy inside which is always the worst enemy.


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Re: Tibetan Leadership Cons Mongolia
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2017, 02:43:25 PM »
It is not surprising though. CTA cannot even help its own people, the Tibetans. Why even expect it to do some good to help Mongolia after the damage done after the visit of HHDL recently. The sole purpose of CTA 's existence now seems to be getting other nations into trouble by souring their good relationship with China. All of the CTA's visits to other nations is looking like a last ditch desperate efforts win over support to their non-existence cause.
It is upsetting to hear and read of the speeches the Sikyong is making. Everyone knows that it is not wise to get on the bad side of China.

The thing is even the CTA's visit to other nations to win so called support to their non-existence cause is becoming useless. So useless that whatever they do, is becoming more and more unrecognisable by other nations, so much so even the travelling papers they issue is not accepted..

CTA is slowly becoming redundant? If they continue to divide their own people and continue to discriminate against their own people, Shugden practitioners and such, the more the world is going to look down upon them, not take them seriously and eventually ignore them as they side more and more with China, growth, economy, and progress. What has CTA got to offer them? Nothing.

These Western powers may be polite and give face to host and welcome Dr. Lobsang Sangay, but the reality is that is all he is going to get.

Better clean up your own house with your own human rights issue which is a breach when you have discrimination on Shugden people even in monasteries! And stop demanding the same freedom rights you do not give to your own Tibetans!