Author Topic: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?  (Read 5433 times)


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Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« on: February 20, 2017, 11:37:01 PM »
Have you guys seen this? I came across a bunch of interesting messages expressing the similarities between the Dorje Shugden and the Rangzen Free Tibet movement group! Apparently we're all the same! We disagree with the Dalai Lama and it is interesting that all this time Rangzen Tibetans and non-Tibetans have been blaming us for being against the Dalai Lama, but what about the Rangzen people?

Look, actually we should THINK why is it that WHEN someone has a different view from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we are basically labelled as dangerous and an enemy of Tibet like what you see in some of these messages. Why are the Rangzen people any better than the Dorje Shugden practitioners? This is especially true when we're not the ones opposing the Dalai Lama's Middle Way approach to achieve autonomy for Tibet, and that contributes to destroying ANY chance for HH the Dalai Lama to get back to Tibet and hope for a possible better future for Tibetans.

Another point in the messages which was very TRUE is that why is it both groups disagree with the Dalai Lama but we Shugden are the ones being cursed, spatted on and abused almost every single day. Why are we being discriminated? I'm not saying that Rangzen people should be discriminated too but pointing out the double standards of the Tibetan leadership.  I personally have no issues with the Rangzen people, I understand their struggles and their plight in fighting for what they believe in, just like Dorje Shugden practitioners do with our own belief.

The cause for the disharmony and the idea that someone is an 'enemy' of the Dalai Lama just because we have a different view is definitely not democratic, which shows us what kind of administration CTA is all about - their pockets!

By right, claiming to be a democratic administration, no one should be punished for having a different point of view. Tibetans are already dispersed, so WHY divide them even further?   


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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 02:09:14 AM »
[...] all this time Rangzen Tibetans and non-Tibetans have been blaming us for being against the Dalai Lama, but what about the Rangzen people?

Rangzenpas and the evil dalie are not against each other, they just so pretend so that the evil dalie can pose as a moderate peacemaker.

The evil dalie customarily threats to unleash Rangzenpas against the Chinese in case his pseudo-Midde Way proposals are not accepted, which shows that Rangzenpas are just the evil dalie's para-military, avowedly violent arm.

Look, actually we should THINK why is it that WHEN someone has a different view from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we are basically labelled as dangerous and an enemy of Tibet like what you see in some of these messages.

And the reason why always Shugdenpas but never Rangzenpas are so labeled by dalaites as the enemies of Tibet is that Rangzenpas but not Shugdenpas are tools of the evil dalie.

Why are the Rangzen people any better than the Dorje Shugden practitioners?

What a strange concept of “better” you hold! “Better” to you means to be tolerated and indeed supported by the evil dalie, as Rangzenpas are?

This is especially true when we're not the ones opposing the Dalai Lama's Middle Way approach to achieve autonomy for Tibet,

Of course any self-respecting Shugdenpa does oppse the evil dalie's pseudo-Middle Way approach, because it is just a travesty of Middle Way which is actually only intended at delivering Tibet in the hands of his Western puppet masters so that they more easily can control and ultimately destroy China.

and that contributes to destroying ANY chance for HH the Dalai Lama to get back to Tibet

However, the thought of the evil dalie and his Western puppet masters is that only violence will get the evil dalie back to Tibet, that being precisely why such Western puppet masters awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to the evil dalie, so that the latter can perpetrate every kind of violence while seen as “peaceful”.

For no other reason the Nobel Peace Prize is consistently awarded to war criminals and mass murderers such as Kissinger, Obama, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Jimmy Carter, and the such.

and hope for a possible better future for Tibetans.

Then even a supposed Shugdenpa believes that bringing back the evil dalie to Tibet, so that he can better enforce his abominable witch hunt against Shugdenpas is a better future!

With friends like this Shugdenpas hardly need an enemy!

Another point in the messages which was very TRUE is that why is it both groups disagree with the Dalai Lama but we Shugden are the ones being cursed, spatted on and abused almost every single day.

And the explanation, as above, is simply that this point in the messages is as untrue as any other, just because Rangzenpas do not actually disagree with the evil dalie, but rather just bark to do so, so that they can be used by the evil dalie as his attack dogs.

Why are we being discriminated?

Shugdenpas are discriminated because they cannot be used as tools by the evil dalie's Western puppet masters; because they do not accept the pollution of pure Buddhadharma by the admixture of un-Buddhistic tenets as done for centuries by the evil dalie together with many of his Nyingma accomplices; because the pure Buddhadharma as protected by Shugdenpas is an obstacle to the Abrahamization of Tibet, China, and Asia as a whole, as obsessively wished and planned by the evil dalie's genocidal Western puppet masters; because Shugdenpas follow the example of Lama Tsongkhapa and as oppposed to “rimey” prostituted charlatans refuse to mix religion with politics; because Shugdenpas honor the legacy of the great and glorious Pabongkha Rinpoche and therefore do not work for international drug dealers; and so forth.

I'm not saying that Rangzen people should be discriminated too

While not even the most heinous criminal should be discriminated, Rangzenpas who propose un-Buddhistic, violent, terrorist methods should definitely be placed together with their crypto-leader the evil dalie where they belong, the garbage bin of history.

but pointing out the double standards of the Tibetan leadership.

There are no double standards. Rangzenpas are just crypto-dalaites, whence their obsession with violence.

I personally have no issues with the Rangzen people, I understand their struggles and their plight in fighting for what they believe in, just like Dorje Shugden practitioners do with our own belief.

What a shame for a self-styled Shugdenpa to compare the actual plight of Shugdenpas with the pseudo-plight of Rangzenpa, crypto-dalaite terrorists!

The cause for the disharmony and the idea that someone is an 'enemy' of the Dalai Lama just because we have a different view is definitely not democratic,

Your fundamental mistake is to believe that the little dictator the evil dalie and his Western puppet masters have anything to do with democracy.

which shows us what kind of administration CTA is all about - their pockets!

Which explains why it is supported by the evil dalie, whose face you wanted to save.

By right, claiming to be a democratic administration, no one should be punished for having a different point of view. Tibetans are already dispersed, so WHY divide them even further?

Because of a desperate hope to assert the petty dictator evil dalie's rule among Tibetans, so that he can deliver Tibet in the hands of his Western Abrahamist puppet masters, which is their wet dream, frustrated however by the integrity of Shugdenpas, whence their opponents' poisonous, obsessive, hysterical anti-Shugden hatred.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 08:14:04 AM »
In my understanding, I am not against the Dalai Lama and I have been taught by my teacher that we must have the highest respect for HHDL and all other religious leaders and their practitioners even though they have different religions.
Just because I have listened to the advice of my teacher and continued with the practice that he have so kindly given to me does not mean that I am against the Dalai Lama. Is it so wrong to worship the deity of my choice? What about violent and abusive people who discriminate and cause sufferings to Shugden practitioners? Is that not against the preaching of HHDL to practice kindness and harmony towards everyone?


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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2017, 04:44:32 PM »
The Tibetan leadership will say you are wrong

In my understanding, I am not against the Dalai Lama and I have been taught by my teacher that we must have the highest respect for HHDL and all other religious leaders and their practitioners even though they have different religions.
Just because I have listened to the advice of my teacher and continued with the practice that he have so kindly given to me does not mean that I am against the Dalai Lama. Is it so wrong to worship the deity of my choice? What about violent and abusive people who discriminate and cause sufferings to Shugden practitioners? Is that not against the preaching of HHDL to practice kindness and harmony towards everyone?


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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 06:49:51 AM »
And the explanation, as above, is simply that this point in the messages is as untrue as any other, just because Rangzenpas do not actually disagree with the evil dalie, but rather just bark to do so, so that they can be used by the evil dalie as his attack dogs.

IF this was true then why some of the big guns in Rangzen movement being treated like so called dogs by Dharamsala? Why are they having issues with the CTA administration? If you say they are Dalai Lama's puppet, then why is Lukar Jam not accepted and elected into the position of Sikyong? And what about the case of RTYC NY / NJ Issue which showed the rangzen group (who are against the Dalai Lama’s umaylam) had a total of 1000 people showed up for a meeting that's being addressed by the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC). Watch the video here...

The man in the video is saying that they are all Tibetans and just because they fight for rangzen, the umaylam people despise them and tried to sabotage their meetings. No matter what it is, people who support rangzen are also Tibetans. The man requests His Holiness the Dalai Lama to inform supporters of umaylam that supporters of rangzen are not malicious, and asks them not to create division and problems.

So clearly the Tibetan exile people are actually split up into 2 groups and not HH the Dalai Lama's/CTA's supporters. So I don't really buy what you say, it just does not add up.


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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2017, 03:50:31 PM »
In my understanding, I am not against the Dalai Lama and I have been taught by my teacher that we must have the highest respect for HHDL

A Buddhist should never accept a teaching just because it comes from their teacher. This is the explicit teaching of the Buddha. Therefore you have just confessed not to be a Buddhist, which explains why you show such a subservient respect for the evil criminal dalie.

and all other religious leaders and their practitioners even though they have different religions.

Why then don't you go and prostrate to the “religious leader”, the Chief Rabbi of Israel and evil dalie's friend Yona Metzger (“metzger” meaning “butcher” in German and Yiddish,

Indeed, this is the “religious leader” who proposed a “religious UN” based in Jerusalem an “led” by the evil dalie ((, but now sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for bribery, fraud, money laundering, attempting to silence witnesses, and so forth (

As you can see, your teacher is flatly wrong, and your subservient respect for a criminal such as the evil dalie just because he is labeled a “religious leader” is not different from the subservient respect of a mafioso minion for his capo mafioso.


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Re: Have You Seen This About Rangzen Online?
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2017, 05:13:36 PM »
IF this was true then why some of the big guns in Rangzen movement being treated like so called dogs by Dharamsala?

Maybe you suffer from some severe memory disfunction, because you yourself have just said that

“Another point in the messages which was very TRUE is that why is it both groups [Rangzenpas and Shugdenpas] disagree with the Dalai Lama but we Shugden are the ones being cursed, spatted on and abused almost every single day.

Why are they having issues with the CTA administration? If you say they are Dalai Lama's puppet, then why is Lukar Jam not accepted and elected into the position of Sikyong?

Merely not being allowed to be elected into the position of Sikyong is a far cry from being “treated like dogs”. You have just naively introjected the Rangzenpas' discourse.

And what about the case of RTYC NY / NJ Issue which showed the rangzen group (who are against the Dalai Lama’s umaylam) had a total of 1000 people showed up for a meeting that's being addressed by the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC). Watch the video here...

This is your problem, you watch videos too much and think too little, which is why you so gullibly buy into Rangzenpa's political discourse.

The man in the video is saying that they are all Tibetans and just because they fight for rangzen, the umaylam people despise them and tried to sabotage their meetings. No matter what it is, people who support rangzen are also Tibetans. The man requests His Holiness the Dalai Lama to inform supporters of umaylam that supporters of rangzen are not malicious, and asks them not to create division and problems.

Despite the dramatic discourse you so gullibly buy into, in your own words (which meanwhile you have forgotten) they are *not* “the ones being cursed, spatted on and abused almost every single day”.

Lack of memory and gullibility are the worst enemies of meaningful of political analysis.

So clearly the Tibetan exile people are actually split up into 2 groups and not HH the Dalai Lama's/CTA's supporters. So I don't really buy what you say, it just does not add up.

Some degree of disagreement is bound to happen among any group of greedy politicians. Why should it not happen among Umaylampas and Rangzenpas?

Indeed, these two groups just represent two different, but complementary tactics to regain control of Tibet from China, but they are all terrorism-ready traitors serving the same Western sponsors. Only Vanity Fair readers would believe that the evil dalie is not as much of a Western-foot-licking separatist as any Rangzenpa.

That's why Rangzenpas respect and are respected by the traitor-in-charge, the evil dalie, despite their theatrical whinings, and despite any tactic, superficial differences among Rangzenpas and Umaylampas. As you yourself said, Rangzenpas are *not* “the ones being cursed, spatted on and abused almost every single day”.

Look at Democrats and Republicans in US: they cannot stop fighting each other, but in the important issues such as serving their overlord Israel first, over and above US own interests, in this they are all “bipartisan”. Bush respects Obama who respects McCain who respects Clinton, but all disrespect Trump if he goes against the military-industrial-intelligence-financial deep-state establishment.

Shugdenpas on the other hand are a bit different. Even though some renegades among them would love to belong to the Western-sponsored dalaite separatist bunch, in general their loyalty to Buddha's and Je Tsongkhapa's teachings would not allow them to prostitute themselves to Western Buddhist-hating Abrahamist neocolonizers.