Author Topic: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered  (Read 18791 times)


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Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« on: January 29, 2010, 04:20:04 PM »

Extract from Pg 208 of The Fourteen Dalai Lamas:

"A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation" by Glenn H. Mullin

Another controversy surrounding the Great Fifth concerns the details of the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, a famous Gelugpa lama of the period. He was one of the most prominent lamas of his day, and in fact in some circles was held in even higher regard than was the Great Fifth, for the Fifth at the time was still in his youth.

One day Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was mysteriously murdered. His followers claimed that the culprits were followers of the Fifth Dalai Lama, although there was no suggestion that the Great Fifth was personally even aware of the plan.

The theory was that the Great Fifth was being eclipsed by the towering stature of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, and thus would greatly benefit from the death. As long as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was alive the Fifth Dalai Lama would be number two in the Gelugpa School; his death allowed the Great Fifth to rise to the position of number one.

Whether or not the followers of the Great Fifth were involved in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s murder was never proved, but the rumours persisted.

The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

Although the Great Fifth tried to discourage the practice of worshipping this deity, it caught on with many monasteries. The practice continued over the generations to follow, and eventually became one of the most popular Protector Deity practices within the Gelugpa School. In particular, during the late 1800s, when four Dalai Lamas died young, it became an all-pervasive monthly practice within almost all provincial Gelugpa monasteries, and was especially popular with Gelugpa aristocratic families.

The controversy surrounding the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the deity that emerged from his disturbed spirit has shadowed the Dalai Lama office until the present day. By the time the Tibetans came into exile in 1959, worshipping Dorje Shugden was still a common monthly practice of most Gelugpas.

In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.

Tibet watchers will be aware of this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it."

Thank you Glenn for saying this much and we know there is more to share one day.
Sacred Treasures Of Tibet/Tibet House/1991,Bob Thurman's own words that belie the truth painted upon a monk's robe.
is also a source that depicts exactly the position of the lamas right before the Dalia took over.
Extracted From Thomas David Canada (Guestbook post)


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 06:35:00 PM »
Thank you for the interesting findings tk. I've also learnt from the lineage history of Dorje Shugden that in Dorje Shugden's previous incarnations, he and the Dalai Lama was very close and often manifested as student
and teacher and vice versa. One example extracted from ...

Panchen Yeshe Wang-po : (1507-1566)

When the Third Dalai Lama and Panchen Wang-po, then twenty-two years old, were teaching in Kham and Mongolia, the Dharma king of Mongolia, Alten Khan bestowed a special name and high position to Panchen Wangpo. On their return to central Tibet, the Third Dalai Lama and Panchen Wang-po went to Demchok Choling in Dena; Chamdo Jambuling in Kham. The Third Dalai Lama told him to stay in Chamdo to resolve a political problem that was brewing there. He was also put in charge of the making of a large Buddha statue for Gerchen in Litang. The Third Dalai Lama wrote a praise of Panchen Wang-po's works. Panchen Wang-po wrote a poem of praise of the life of the Third Dalai Lama and also wrote a history of Buddhism and many other works.

Panchen Sönam Tsemo :  (1567-1626)

Ngawang Sönam Geley (Panchen Söman Tsemo) was born in the earth horse year (52nd) of the tenth rabjam (1567-1626) in Reboo near Yur-ka. His father's name was Saype and mother was Sönam Drolma. He was reciting many mantras at an early age and he also remember his previous life as Panchen Wang-po.

Yonten Gyatso, the Fourth Dalai Lama and Sönam Geley went to Chomoling, near Lhasa. They studied Sutra and Tantra together as well as being each other's teacher. At this time many Mongolian Pilgrims came to Lhasa and made offering to Sönam Geley and requested teaching. Sönam Geley and Panchen Chokyi Gyeltsen gave gelong vows to the Fourth Dalai Lama.


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 12:03:48 AM »
Dear dsnowlion,

You are right. The Dalai lama and Dorje Shugden's previous lives has very strong ties. So strong that even when their incarnations were found in the past, one child can be mistaken for the other one very easily as in the case of the 5th Dalai Lama. One of the stronger candidates for the 5th Dalai Lama's incarnation was actually Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. My point is that they are actually quite similar in thinking, practice, greatness, works, and activities. They have very similar thoughts. I will one day disclose from where I know that.

These days some see Dalai lama as the 'big bad guy', but there is a bigger mystical 'game' afoot. The bigger game explanation came from Trijang Dorje Chang the previous. Some may disagree, but it is ok. Minds, opinions and thoughts can change. Everything is impermanent.

But no matter what, we have to work hard, with dedication and great patience to make the emergence of Dorje Shugden as a Global Peace Protector faster. If we create the merits, then this Buddha Dorje Shugden will be able to manifest 'faster'. Dorje Shugden does not need us to confirm his existence, but we need to create merits for his activities to manifest. A reflection of the moon on the lake is clearly seen dependent on the stillness of the surface of the lake and NOT ON THE MOON.

Much good luck to you,



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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 04:20:19 PM »
Re the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen - i remember reading somewhere that though many people tried to murder him, they failed and it was Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who told them how to kill him, which was by stuffing the khata down his throat. I don't recall where i read it though so if anyone knows, and can confirm the source, I would like to read about it again.

Many thanks,
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 08:47:50 PM »
I love Dorje Shugden and I love his hat.
We did not have much to go on in 1956 and I was eight, except for a Smokey The Bear,Teddy Bear.
A Forest Ranger with a hat just like the Protectors,he carried a shovel and said, "Only you can prevent Forest Fires.
I loved that Bear very much. He taught me to love the Forest and he wore a hat that had authority.
Smokey taught me to put out fires, like the one we fight today, This immense Forest Fire scorches the earth as the Dharma proceeds unhindered by insignificant attempts to put it out is immeasurably insignificant.
As a fire sweeps through the underbrush to clear out the old and new seeds and sprouts emmerge with new blooms. So too the dharma starts anew with each one of us, renewing ourselves within the purifying blaze that burns brightly within each and everyone of us.
I loved Smokey The Bear! He was always there.
I love the Protector! He is always here.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 08:56:01 PM by Lhakpa Gyaltshen »


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 02:26:32 PM »
Re the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen - i remember reading somewhere that though many people tried to murder him, they failed and it was Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who told them how to kill him, which was by stuffing the khata down his throat. I don't recall where i read it though so if anyone knows, and can confirm the source, I would like to read about it again.

Many thanks,

Yeah I'd like to read too, someone please post up the source! I read that it was Nechung who led DS to becoming a dharma protector? During the time of Lama Tsongkhapa, Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen was receiving teachings from Lama Tsongkhapa, Nechung manifested as a white dove and told Duldzin to be a dharma protector. Then during the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Nechung appeared again and reminded Duldzin of his promise. Duldzin said he had got rid of all the anger from his mindstream so how could he become a wrathful being - Nechung said not to worry, he would manifest a situation that would allow for that to happen...hence the murder.

I always like to use the story of DS's origins as an argument against people who believe Nechung and DS are at odds, but it's a bit difficult to quote it if I don't have a source!


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 10:13:51 PM »
It's in Trijangs 'Music delighting an ocean of protectors'.


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2010, 11:08:58 PM »
I didn't find anything related to the white dove, but here is an excerpt from page 92 onwards of MUSIC DELIGHTING THE OCEAN OF PROTECTORS - by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang

Numerous times, during breaks between sessions of the great Manjusri Tsongkhapa's teachings at Ganden, there was a boy wearing white clothes who would come before him and demand,

'You must give me a helper!'

Gyaltsab Je and Kedrub Choje knew the boy was an emanation of Pehar but never said anything. Since, at that time, Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen was the elder leader of the disciples receiving teachings, one day he said to the boy,

'It won't do for you to keep coming here and disturbing Je Lama when he is giving teachings! I'll give you whatever help it is that you want!'

When he said that, the boy said, 'That is my purpose! It is your help that I have been waiting to find! Now, here at this time, among all of the disciples, you have accepted!'

Having said that, the boy became invisible and disappeared.

At the time of Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen's later incarnation, Panchen Sonam Dragpa, the overlord of all of the haughty gods and spirits that exist in the world, Dorje Dragden, said to the Panchen,

'Manjusri of Blissful Intelligence has insisted that I should principally protect the Geden Teachings, but since I have already sworn to Padmasambhava that I would protect all of Buddha's Teachings in general, there is no way that I can principally protect only the Geden Teachings. Now Panchen, you yourself, among holders of the Geden Teachings these days, have the highest qualities of learning and realization. Not only that, you must arise as a wrathful protector of the Geden Teachings to fulfill the commitment you have previously made!'

At that time, saying only that he would check, the master did not commit himself. Then, when his later incarnation, Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen, was urged by the Great Dharma King Nechung to remember his previous promise, Dragpa Gyaltsen asked,

'What promise?' seeming not to remember. Pehar gave him something from his hand, saying, 'If you take this and meditate, you will clearly remember.'

Just as he said, by staying in seclusion, the master was reminded and generated fierce courage that did not shrink from arising in the form of a powerful fierce swift Dharma protector uncommon to the Geden in accordanc with his previous promise. It is that demonstration of courage for which he is being praised in this verse.

The way that Nechung Gyalchen Dorje Dragden urged Panchen Sonam Dragpa to arise in the form of a fierce protector of the Geden Teachings is clear in the Drepung edition of the Panchen's biography.


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 05:01:48 AM »

Wonderful post. Thank you very much.

Do post more please.



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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 08:51:33 AM »
I honestly did not enjoy reading A Great Deception.

Although it has many facts, good points and evidence, I just still feel it is written with a vengence to go all out to get someone. In this case the Dalai Lama. The way it is written is very militant and does not allow the reader to think and make up his/her own mind, but rather accusational, aggressive words are used to persuade the reader to choose to see their side. So I would not entirely be in favour of what is written in their claims. Perhaps they should consider writting in a more neutral, objective aspect. Perhaps they would sound more credible and not like another party claiming they are not political but by pointing the finger, they also sound so political. I honestly found it as dodgy as the TGE's claims on Dorje Shugden. Sorry to say!
Perhaps the only chapter I did enjoy was the chapter describing about the incarnations of HH the Dalai Lama. There I learnt something new about Tibet and Dalai Lama :)

Well this is just my critic. There is always two sides of the coin at the end of the day.

Big Uncle

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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2010, 12:56:10 PM »
I believe there is also a tradition in the temple of Nechung (Tibet of course) that a door is sealed. According to tradition, the door is closed symbolically awaiting for the time when he will ascend the throne of the main Dharma Protector of our world. At that time, Nechung is said to have completed his duties and ready to ascend into the Buddha realms.  - Extracted from Demons and Oracles of Tibet

How exciting!  ::)


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2010, 02:14:53 PM »
I didn't find anything related to the white dove, but here is an excerpt from page 92 onwards of MUSIC DELIGHTING THE OCEAN OF PROTECTORS - by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang

Numerous times, during breaks between sessions of the great Manjusri Tsongkhapa's teachings at Ganden, there was a boy wearing white clothes who would come before him and demand,

'You must give me a helper!'

Gyaltsab Je and Kedrub Choje knew the boy was an emanation of Pehar but never said anything. Since, at that time, Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen was the elder leader of the disciples receiving teachings, one day he said to the boy,

'It won't do for you to keep coming here and disturbing Je Lama when he is giving teachings! I'll give you whatever help it is that you want!'

When he said that, the boy said, 'That is my purpose! It is your help that I have been waiting to find! Now, here at this time, among all of the disciples, you have accepted!'

Having said that, the boy became invisible and disappeared.

At the time of Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen's later incarnation, Panchen Sonam Dragpa, the overlord of all of the haughty gods and spirits that exist in the world, Dorje Dragden, said to the Panchen,

'Manjusri of Blissful Intelligence has insisted that I should principally protect the Geden Teachings, but since I have already sworn to Padmasambhava that I would protect all of Buddha's Teachings in general, there is no way that I can principally protect only the Geden Teachings. Now Panchen, you yourself, among holders of the Geden Teachings these days, have the highest qualities of learning and realization. Not only that, you must arise as a wrathful protector of the Geden Teachings to fulfill the commitment you have previously made!'

At that time, saying only that he would check, the master did not commit himself. Then, when his later incarnation, Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen, was urged by the Great Dharma King Nechung to remember his previous promise, Dragpa Gyaltsen asked,

'What promise?' seeming not to remember. Pehar gave him something from his hand, saying, 'If you take this and meditate, you will clearly remember.'

Just as he said, by staying in seclusion, the master was reminded and generated fierce courage that did not shrink from arising in the form of a powerful fierce swift Dharma protector uncommon to the Geden in accordanc with his previous promise. It is that demonstration of courage for which he is being praised in this verse.

The way that Nechung Gyalchen Dorje Dragden urged Panchen Sonam Dragpa to arise in the form of a fierce protector of the Geden Teachings is clear in the Drepung edition of the Panchen's biography.

Thank you for that Vajraprotector, that was a beautiful post. White dove present or not, that's more than enough for me...who dares argue with HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's words, is a fool! :)

dsnowlion - I didn't enjoy it either. I found it more about debasing HHDL's reputation, than about educating people on our Protector. A lot of imposition of Western ideologies, inferential statements and interpreting information as being in their favour (e.g. Nechung taking instructions from HHDL)...very tiresome to read! After about Chapter 1, I kind of got it - yes yes, they are against HHDL! It was a real big turn-off, I don't see how it could attract people to Dorje Shugden. If I saw that book and didn't know about Dorje Shugden, I wouldn't be tempted to follow a practice followed by people who appear so venomous!


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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2010, 03:00:15 PM »
Initially I was also a bit shocked to see the direct language in the WSS document , but then I thought about it and I sincerely believe that there is no other way to open the eyes of people to the true nature of this DL.

What could be accomplished with softspoken words ? Nothing. This situation asks for direct and wrathful methods. The WSS has had the courage to directly speak out and stand up against the Dl, ot being attached to reputation and has had great success.

Whatever is happening now, I believe , is due to the kindness of the WSS in bringing the behaviour of the DL out into the open. I am very grateful to the WSS and I know that a lot of emphasis is put on guarding our own mind whilst defending our lineage and Protector.   

I am in full support of the book "the great deception" and the actions of the WSS. Ofcourse I accept that people have different opinions and respect that but my question is; How do we change the publics view of the DL, if not by direct words and proof of his contradicting words and behaviour?

Anyway , just my two cents and a big thumbs up for the WSS !



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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2010, 03:05:50 PM »
Oh btw,

I have zero faith in the Dalai Lama and believe him to be an ordinary being with a selfish intention.
Does that make me a bad Buddhist ? I can see him as ordinary and develop compassion for him, so this doesnt disturb my mind. I have chosen to see him as ordinary, having thought about it for a long time, having also considered seeing him as a Buddha or Bodhisattva doing this all for the good of the Dharma, but I have come to my prsonal conclusion that for me he is a deluded being.

I am sorry if people still see him as holy and I do not want to damage your faith but I'd like to stand up also for others who have a similar view as mine.

My the DL one day see the error of his ways.

sarva mangalam



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Re: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen Murdered
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 06:35:38 AM »
Dear Shugdenpas,

i think we're going a bit off topic. I'm still not clear over how Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was killed. Did he allow himself to be killed or was he murdered? Is there a source anyone can share?

Also, i am curious. After The Fifth Dalai Lama regretted his actions and started propitiating Shugden, why was Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's lineage still cut off (or rather i believe they stopped recognising incarnations of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen?)

Anyone to shed some light on this?

Many thanks,
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being