Author Topic: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!  (Read 18912 times)


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Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« on: March 17, 2017, 01:08:11 AM »

March 17, 2017

Good riddance to bad rubbish, finally these two anti-Shugden Twitter accounts @Tibetans and @BhoRangzen that kept on attacking and harassing Shugden practitioners are suspended!

It is okay if only they had just kept and focused on their Rangzen Free Tibet caused and not stray and start attacking Shugden people they did not even know. Their discrimination, defamation and false accusation of Dorje Shugden people being Chinese spies, Chinese 'dogs' who are paid by China, and even use vulgarities to spew their hate. How can they discriminate another Tibetan for their choice of faith and religion? That is totally unfair, unethical, against human rights cause for religious freedom. They have NO RIGHT to criticise China about lack of human rights and religious freedom when they themselves do not respect the human rights and religious freedom of their own Tibetan people to practice the religion of their choice.

How can anyone who work for a noble cause be so hypocritical? Rangzen is non-religious cause and is for the people and about Tibetan people's freedom, doesn't that count for Shugden Tibetans as well? Since when Rangzen became a mouth piece for CTA's (Central Tibetan Administration) lies and propaganda, these guys have got it all mixed up! So thank goodness for Twitter's new security policy, defamation, harassment, discrimination and such abuse is no longer tolerated! Justice is served!

Think about it... what kind of people are these to keep attacking people they do not know and keep defaming them? Is this how Buddhist, peaceful people representing a noble cause behave? Scary. No wonder HH the Dalai Lama can never get a dialogue with China. Definitely not gonna happen with these type of hateful people around and they should know whatever they do online is always recorded somewhere.

1. If we truly examine these accounts, you will realise that @Tibetans and @BhoRangzen accounts are actually against the Dalai Lama. Why? Because they oppose the Dalai Lama's mission and goal for Tibet, which is the Middle Way (Umaylam). It is clear that they do not respect the Dalai Lama and his views, for each Rangzen tweet they sent out, they are in fact saying that the Dalai Lama is wrong and they are against him. They defy him and so they actually hate him.

2. In fact, all their supporters and friends who support all their Rangzen activities are actually against the Dalai Lama's views.

4. Rangzen is a noble movement but these guys bring it down and made it NOT noble when they start to get personal and nasty, attacking people they do not even know.

5. Rangzen is actually about freedom for all Tibetans so why are these guys against Tibetans who practice Shugden? Who are they to judge who are good or bad Tibetans based on their choice of faith? Are they even themselves real Tibetans?

6. What Tibetans or people believe or don't believe is none of their business. It is up to them as it is their religious freedom so why are Rangzen activists like @Tibetans and @BhoRangzen attacking and discriminating people just because they practice Dorje Shugden, which were given by their Tibetan Lamas?

7. Samdhong Rinpoche said those who oppose the Dalai Lama are in fact more dangerous than the communist & Shugden people. They are actually the REAL ENEMY of TIBET and the Tibetan cause. So these two Rangzen activists really proved Samdhong Rinpoche is right when they start attacking Shugden practitioners. WATCH....

8. In reality, Shugden practitioners are not the ones harming the Dalai Lama but these Rangzen activist are. These Rangzen activists are the ones causing more problems for the Dalai Lama who seeks Tibetan autonomy and dialogue with China. The Rangzen people on the other hand, seek full independence and any effort for Rangzen will jeopardise the Dalai Lama's plan towards autonomy and his hope to one day return to Tibet and see his Tibetan people. @Tibetans @BhoRangzen accounts like these are causing disharmony, disunity in Tibetan people!

9. It is obvious that these 2 accounts are creating and using multiple accounts to like and retweet their own tweets.

10. These twitter accounts spew racist slurs all the time towards anyone who supports or are connected to China. This is outright RACISM and against human rights. They are very disrespectful of other Twitter users online and are always using vulgarities.

11.  True Rangzen activists shouldn't attack Tibetans or Tibetans Lama. Tibetan Lamas, such as the Dalai Lama, and other Lamas around the world are major contributors to the welfare of Tibetans after Tibetans went into exile. Many Tibetan Lamas contributed towards rebuilding monasteries, establishing schools and educational institutions, and charitable projects in their community, so why do Rangzen people, who supposedly CARE about the welfare of Tibetans, go against or criticise these sponsors/leaders in the Tibetan community? It does not make sense if they claim they care about the well being of Tibetans.


NEW UPDATE! 3rd Anti-Dorje Shugden Account CLOSED
March 18, 2017

More good news to share.

Just saw the latest post on this thread. Thank you PrajNa for telling us that 1 more account has been suspended ( Yes, I think most of us here know about @Snowlions. This account has been posting vitriolic, vulgar and nasty tweets constantly to many Dorje Shugden practitioners for many months.  I'm sure many of us were victims of his abuse at one point or another.

This account has been recently suspended and I can say confidently that many are extremely happy that the harassment will finally come to a stop. Why should we be victims of cyberbullies just because of our religious preference? We have never harmed anyone and we have the right to practice our religion as we live in countries where we are given religious freedom. Why should we be supressed by policies of a 'government', or rather an administration that is not recognised by the world?

As much as these accounts have the right to promote their cause for Free Tibet, we too have the right to practice our faith and passionately share with others about our Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. They have no right to attack us because of our belief as they too are promoting their own 'belief'.

As of now, there are 3 of these nasty accounts that are suspended, which are: @Tibetans, @BhoRangzen and @Snowlions. It is indeed good news for all Dorje Shugden practitioners that we don't have to wake up to loads of negative tweets, false accusations, and vicious targetted harassment which we do not deserve. I hope Twitter keep it up and make Twitter a safer platform for all users.

Also, even if these accounts are restored later, just remember that these accounts can be closed again. There's a limit of how many times an abusive account is suspended before being closed down for good. Any new accounts created to replace these accounts will not have the same 'prestige' as the old accounts that have many followers and tweets. The lesson here is to never harass other people, be polite online and Dorje Shugden will bless you.

If the new accounts that are started up to replace these old accounts begin to attack and harass others online again, definitely these new accounts will also be suspended too. It will be a waste because the online attacker will spend more time opening new accounts and building them up again instead of focusing on their real activism work.


ADDITIONAL UPDATE! 4th Anti-Dorje Shugden Account CLOSED
March 19, 2017

I have received news and confirmed that @snowlions backup account @sudoAnon which had 10.5k tweets is also suspended!

Very good news that Twitter really is working to clean up abusive accounts and accounts that engaged in targetted harassment. I really hope that this is a lesson for the attacker, as well as other attackers who attack Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide, that just because we are Buddhist and do not believe in engaging in harmful actions to 'subdue' our enemy, it doesn't mean justice won't be served. Others are not blind or deaf that we are the victims here.

I look forward to suspension of more accounts that continuously harm the Buddhist Sangha around the world so that they stop creating negative karma.


ADDITIONAL UPDATE! 5th & 6th Anti-Dorje Shugden Accounts CLOSED
March 20, 2017

2 more anti-Dorje Shugden accounts are closed today! These accounts are @_Laconian & @_Laconians

« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 05:15:02 AM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 03:02:52 AM »
It is very interesting these two 'noble' accounts (@Tibetan and @BhoRangzen) are closed. Nobody is above twitter rules. If you abuse, degrade and harass other people you are in violation. So good lesson for them to learn. Twitter won't close you down if there was no proof of your abuse. 
They had so many tweets in the tens of thousands on those two accounts and now all of that is gone!!! *Poof*like smoke! Bye bye baby bye bye as the saying goes!!

Even if they can reinstate their account from suspension, they have a mark in twitter records and if people keep complaining against them and twitter can see further evidence of abuse, then it's finished. They will be closed again. Too bad. Better be nice or complain, complain and complain to CLOSE DOWN YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNTS!

When you see all the tweets they sent to twitter BEGGING FOR REINSTATEMENT, IT LOOKS PATHETIC AND SAD. They should have been nice in the first place. They shouldn't have been nasty to others which probably caused the suspension.

They can open new accounts, but new accounts do not have the prestige of an older account that had thousands of tweets and thousands of followers. In fact the new account will just look like a spam account. Too bad.?

I am sure the people behind these two accounts were warned by the public and twitter to not be nasty and they DISREGARDED THE WARNINGS and now it's suspended. Can complain again and close it again if it is un-suspended. LOL. Anyone know who was behind these two accounts? The people behind the two accounts are anonymous which is not a good sign. They are not doing good things for sure, otherwise why hide? Show your face!

The may have other accounts too, they better be super careful because those can be closed down too! PEOPLE CAN EASILY COMPLAIN AND CLOSE DOWN THEIR REMAINING ACCOUNTS TOO. DON'T BE NASTY. WE LOVE THE DALAI LAMA AND THESE TWO ACCOUNTS REPRESENT THE DALAI LAMA BADLY ...THEY SHOW RANGZEN PEOPLE TO BE NASTY, LOW LIFE AND VULGAR. They misrepresent all the Rangzen people. Some Rangzen people are nice but not all. Too bad.

For people fighting for the freedom (rangzen) of Tibet, they should NOT be nasty, arrogant and overconfident because the result is they get their twitter accounts get shut down!!!! They should not degrade and abuse other people on twitter. These two accounts while open should not have attacked the Dorje Shugden practice and followers. Their karma came back. Wheel of sharp weapons returning. Too bad.  :'( :-[

Too bad. Looks like none of the other Rangzen account people are helping either. They look like they are united but in actuality they are all fragmented and do not get along. Too bad!! Everyone man for himself!!!! >:( :-\ :-\ :-\


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 03:11:23 AM »
Who are behind these two twitter accounts (@Tibetan and @BhoRangzen)? Any names or pictures?


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 03:43:26 AM »
Tibetan people and supporter of Tibetan cause, especially those educated ones, should reflect on the feasibility of the Middle-Way Policy. It is a practical and realistic objective that is very important for both China and Tibet, especially important during this time to create unity and solidarity and lessening regionalism among Tibetans.

This is not a new 'policy'. The Dalai Lama had mentioned in 1985, while visiting Leh that: “China would be a super power and Tibet would benefit being with China”. This is now becoming a reality. As such, Tibetans and supporters of the Tibetan cause must believe in the vision and goals of the Dalai Lama for the Tibetan people, as His Holiness is the real leader of all Tibetans whose mission in life is to take care of the welfare of Tibetans. It is more important than ever now to support the Dalai Lama's policy of Umaylam and autonomy.

@Tibetans and @Bhorangzen are always attacking anyone who supports or has connection with China, which includes attacking Tibetans! This obviously creates further split and disharmony among Tibetans. These 2 accounts and the rude tweets are very bad representation of the noble Rangzen cause. If these so-called Rangzen activists really are concerned and will fight for the welfare of Tibetans, such as in terms of human rights, why then sabotage the religious freedom and rights of their own Tibetans, such as those of the Dorje Shugden practitioners in their community now?

I believe real Rangzen people are concerned about how best to ensure the survival of the Tibetan identity, in Tibet and outside. I have been following Tibetan news for many years now, and from what I remember and read of @Tibetans and @Bhorangzen, they are more concerned with venting their anger and frustration of an almost lost cause and goal (Tibetan independence) that is yet to be successful after 50 years of trying!

I am glad that the 2 accounts are closed down, so that real Rangzen people's voice will not be muffled by these 2 spam accounts that do hundreds of retweets daily. Keep it up Twitter!  8)


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 04:17:58 AM »

When you see all the tweets they sent to twitter BEGGING FOR REINSTATEMENT, IT LOOKS PATHETIC AND SAD. They should have been nice in the first place. They shouldn't have been nasty to others which probably caused the suspension.

Too bad. Looks like none of the other Rangzen account people are helping either. They look like they are united but in actuality they are all fragmented and do not get along. Too bad!! Everyone man for himself!!!! >:( :-\ :-\ :-\

I saw a post by one of the friend or supporter threatening Twitter and tagged CEO of Twitter! Can you believe it? Instead of realising that they have created so much negative experience for others on Twitter, they threaten Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey!

I don't see many speaking up to ask to restore the accounts, perhaps the Rangzen people know that it's better for these 2 accounts to close down as they are a burden to the Rangzen movement, portraying Rangzen people as angersome, vengeful, racists and insensible.

I sympathize with the Tibetans, but the 2 twitter accounts are really bad representation of Rangzen people who want to push for Tibetan independence. Do you trust these 'angersome, vengeful, racists and insensible' people and their cause? Makes people think twice.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2017, 04:34:51 AM »
Tibetan people and supporter of Tibetan cause, especially those educated ones, should reflect on the feasibility of the Middle-Way Policy. It is a practical and realistic objective that is very important for both China and Tibet, especially important during this time to create unity and solidarity and lessening regionalism among Tibetans.

This is not a new 'policy'. The Dalai Lama had mentioned in 1985, while visiting Leh that: “China would be a super power and Tibet would benefit being with China”. This is now becoming a reality. As such, Tibetans and supporters of the Tibetan cause must believe in the vision and goals of the Dalai Lama for the Tibetan people, as His Holiness is the real leader of all Tibetans whose mission in life is to take care of the welfare of Tibetans. It is more important than ever now to support the Dalai Lama's policy of Umaylam and autonomy.

@Tibetans and @Bhorangzen are always attacking anyone who supports or has connection with China, which includes attacking Tibetans! This obviously creates further split and disharmony among Tibetans. These 2 accounts and the rude tweets are very bad representation of the noble Rangzen cause. If these so-called Rangzen activists really are concerned and will fight for the welfare of Tibetans, such as in terms of human rights, why then sabotage the religious freedom and rights of their own Tibetans, such as those of the Dorje Shugden practitioners in their community now?

I believe real Rangzen people are concerned about how best to ensure the survival of the Tibetan identity, in Tibet and outside. I have been following Tibetan news for many years now, and from what I remember and read of @Tibetans and @Bhorangzen, they are more concerned with venting their anger and frustration of an almost lost cause and goal (Tibetan independence) that is yet to be successful after 50 years of trying!

I am glad that the 2 accounts are closed down, so that real Rangzen people's voice will not be muffled by these 2 spam accounts that do hundreds of retweets daily. Keep it up Twitter!  8)

I totally agree with you. Rangzen is about the welfare and unity of Tibetans. @Tibetans and @Bhorangzen are not supporting the welfare and unity of Tibetans. They maliciously attack Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden and cause grief and disharmony within the Tibetans. They represent the Rangzen very badly with verbal vulgarity and hiding behind fake accounts.

They promote hate and discrimination and are totally against basic human rights of religious freedom. They tarnish the image of HH the Dalai Lama who promotes peace and harmony regardless of our differences. They also attack others who have been supporting Tibetans in improving the livelihood of Tibetan refugees such as building schools, give medical aid, building monasteries and so on, just because they practice Dorje Shugden.

There is enough attack in the name of Rangzen. I'm so glad that twitter is stepping up it's social responsibility in stopping online bullies. Promoting hate and harassing others should never be tolerated no matter what the reasons may be. Thank you twitter!!!

Brian Little

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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2017, 06:06:54 AM »
These sort of cyber bullying should not be allowed in any media stream. It is ok to voice out your opinion and championing your cause as it is your right but no one should do slandering, vulgarities name calling to anyone let alone a Sangha. I have been following on some of the hashtags and found some annoying posts really. Makes me think what was spreaded in the social media about CTA spreading lies against Dorje Shugden is real. By looking at the sort of comments and replies, it seems these masked attacks are vindictive, and motivated just to slander and more and more so to attack Dorje Shugden practitioners. Probably that is why these accounts are all profile photos of masked profiles. And when i think deeper, i wondered why these actions (which looks more and more like CTA paid) are not following what Dalai Lama said months ago about letting Dorje Shugden practitioners alone and let them do their practices. Strange, one way they said they are very respective of Dalai Lama while on the other hand they are going against His Holiness' teachings.   

I would say Good Riddance to these two accounts! You voice out your plight whatever in a gentle manner and be like a true human being (or even a Buddhist if they really are) with respect and not trying to bring people down through ill motivated posts. 



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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2017, 08:52:32 AM »
It is indeed good news that these accounts have been suspended, for the people behind them are unscrupulous. Freedom of speech is one thing, to put others down is another. People have the right to their religious choice, religious freedom is given and tolerated in all countries globally. For Twitter to suspend accounts would mean they have carried out thorough investigations before taking action. Social media is for socialising, not spreading hatred and creating social unrest among people. In this instance, among the Tibetans

Geraldine Sarie

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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2017, 09:51:46 AM »
  "People who create their own drama, deserve their own KARMA", as what been said. This is truly rejoicing news for DS practitioners and worshipers. Everybody have their right choice in choosing their spiritual path because this is deal with individuality believes not by other misleading influences or force. Attacking innocent people without any prove evidence is completely lunatic, senseless and it won’t make them any hero. In fact, it tells how shallow their mind was. Being live in this modern technology, social media is the most advance asset and we as a spiritual practitioner should use it wisely with good purpose.   

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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2017, 10:08:16 AM »
This is a very good news. I agree that we have free of speech but from the content of both accounts I see it’s more to harassment, vulgarities, lies and worst case here is creating separation within Tibetan. The entire motivation of Rangzen has taken off from the real objective and becoming more personalize to put down and discriminate other spiritual practice within Tibetan.

Instead of helping His Holliness the 14th Dalai Lama to unite the Tibetan it becoming a separative and how can this people be called as His Holiness supporters. This is very clear which we can see from what they have done and this obviously jeopardizing His Holiness name, his work and what His Holiness want to achieve.

How can Dorje Shugden practice be in the way of Tibetan cause as it’s a spiritual practice that has been practice 400 years ago. Why the 2 accounts just aiming for Dorje Shugden practitioners and not doing anything that is more beneficial to His Holiness from his teaching. I have not seen any of His Holiness teaching is to slander, to use vulgarity to anyone. Why they use His Holiness name to create such a bad situation for him? The only reason I can see is the actual motive is to actually to against His Holiness.

I’m glad Twitter has taken a fair action towards the 2 accounts to show that social media is a platform for the truth, humanity, peace and harmony. We have freedom but not for creating disharmony, separation, discrimination, ostracisation, vulgarity and hatred.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2017, 11:03:24 AM »
Wow, reading Pemachen's post, I am amazed at the audacity of these people to threaten Twitter's CEO. Instead of reflecting on their wrongs, they continue to perpetuate deeper ignorance of their "sickness" to the world. And they think they are proper representation of the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet? I agree with ShugdenProtector that their very actions speak of how they hate the Dalai Lama for his "Middle Way (Umaylam)" approach. That is why these Rangzen people keep up the vulgar discriminate attacks on the Chinese and those they think supports China. To spread hatred, they pick up on CTA's lies that Shugden practitioners are supporters of China without solid supporting facts. They are like a rabid group out to bite anyone without reason. I don't know why but with Erstvollzug's question of who they are, the name Penpa Tsering just flash. I have read that he had been associated with Tibetan gangsters and these Rangzen people act like gangsters, daring to threaten other without impunity. Of course, this is just pure speculation on my part.

I must say it is great to know that Twitter had acted to block their accounts and relieved many victims from the illogical attacks. I hope that Twitter will review many accounts that also uses vulgarity and malicious lies to tarnish the pure reputation of the Sangha, resulting in bad image of Buddhism and the Dalai Lama himself. To stop this scourge from continuing, the Dalai Lama should really come forward to publicly announce firmly his "Middle Way" plans, lifting of Dorje Shugden ban and allowing real religious freedom. People still have great respect for the Dalai Lama and his words will be heeded. If you believe the Dalai Lama to be Buddha Chenrezig, then support him in his Middle Way and stop antagonising China. Promote China and create cause for a successful dialogue for the return of Tibetans under Autonomous rule. Face up to the reality of Tibet in China and work from within.

KUDOS TWITTER and all who worked at reporting the harassment to stop the abuses.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2017, 12:08:07 PM »
Is glad to know Twitter are protecting their own account user for those mistake use their own account just to discriminate, put down people by using vurgal world. Twitter admin doing right decision has suspended two anti Dorje Shugden Twitter account which there are trying separate people believe and supporting Dorje  Shugden. Obviously both Twitter account are own by Tibetan leadership behind has created more hated and mislead people. This crime must stop continue hurting people.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2017, 01:10:30 PM »
This is indeed very good news! No one is above the law and it is good that Twitter has taken action to block those cyber bullies Social media is for socializing and disseminating good and positive information, it is not a platform for vulgarities, lies, hatred or harassment. Thank you, Twitter, for taking time to investigate and taking the appropriate action.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2017, 01:40:20 PM »
I believe that no matter what cause one is fighting for, one should be mindful and kind in their choice of words. I don't believe that being rude can help any situation. In any cause, there will be supporters and anti, therefore no one can be right as both sides will always argue about what is wrong or right. Instead of name calling and vulgarities, why can't one be logical and polite instead. We live in modern times now, everything can be recorded and brought up to the relevant authorities and actions will be taken. Its no use crying over spilled milk. They should have thought of the consequences before they did what they did.
Thank you Twitter for being fair and just in your actions.

Dear Dalai Lama, perhaps you can please tell your supporters to be kind to ALL people. Doesn't matter what cause they are fighting for. Freeing Tibet can be much more easier if not for these people.
Just be kind to ALL. The world is watching everything.


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Re: Anti-Dorje Shugden Twitter account suspended!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2017, 01:46:23 PM »
There is freedom of speech as they want but they have overstepped their boundary with the verbal abuse and threats and vulgar language. There is such a thing as stopping bullying and decent behavior. Voicing your opinion is very different from verbally abusing your opponent or whoever you dislike.

If they think they are above the law and threaten twitter and their CEO, do think they have even a decent bone in them and a iota of conscience? It is the right of twitter to suspend or close anything account which does not follow their rules, after all it is their application. And, they want other people to do as they want when it is not even their concern? much less their right?

Twitter has to make sure the rules and regulations are followed to maintain order in their app and their reputation for being impartial as well. They cannot allow cyber bullying and cyber terrorism to take place.

Kudos to twitter for doing the right thing.