Author Topic: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?  (Read 23888 times)

Ringo Starr

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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2017, 06:44:58 AM »
Tsem Monastery is not in Lhasa area, it is in Yarra. Tsemcholing is actually another monastery that belong to a very powerful incarnation line that used to serve as one of the regents of Tibet. So, I think you got your info mixed up. Furthermore, the shape of the stupa you pointed out is quite common in Tibet. You would see it almost everywhere in the Tibetan world.

Thank you Big Uncle for pointing that out. Yes it doesn't make sense either for the monastery to be in Lhasa for it took the late 103rd Gaden Tripa 3 months to trek from Tsem Monastery to Lhasa. Thank you.

The Tsem monastery referred to must be the Yagra Tsem monastery.

Yagra Tsem monastery's alumni include, from what I have found on the www:-

the late 103rd Gaden Tripa;

H.E. Tsem Rinpoche's previous incarnation Gedun Nyedrak;

Khensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche who is pictured together with Tsem Rinpoche and the late 103rd Gaden Tripa in Tsem Ladrang in DharmaDefender's post above;

Possibly Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen who is also from Kham and likely the 103rd's warden in Tsem monastery.

Hence there are many karmic links via Tsem monastery amongst these high lamas.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2017, 07:10:39 AM »
Dharma Defender raised important points about the 103rd Gaden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin. It is interesting that this person who did not believe in Dorje Shugden Gyenze, had requested and received help and sponsorship from a Dorje Shugden lama, Tsem Rinpoche, for many years. But after the ban on Dorje Shugden practice was enforced, the 103rd Gaden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin did not even promote tolerance among the Gelug practitioners that include Dorje Shugden followers. The 103rd Gaden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin had the right to not believe in Dorje Shugden, but at least as a spiritual leader, he should have discouraged discrimination towards Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The fact that the 103rd Gaden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin passed away after only several months since he was enthroned as Gaden Tripa, is a testament of his attainment and merits. He did not have control over his lifespan and his death. He did not have what it takes (i.e., merits and attainments) to be the representative of Lama Tsongkhapa on earth. I hope the next Gaden Tripa would be someone that not only has the intellectual understanding of Dharma, but also spiritually attained and can complete his tenure successfully.

Ringo Starr

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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2017, 07:40:50 AM »
I have been following the main line of reasoning in this post and wonder if it is not all part of illusory play too (I mean there is the karmic side which has to be fulfilled and there is also the illusory play side which will show its results)

1. If is was HH Dalai Lama who picked out the 103rd Gaden Tripa, and before that the same as Abbott of Gyuto Tantric College, and it turned out this way, so HH Dalai Lama is not attained enough to pick the right candidate?

2. If HH Dalai Lama is not attained and has committed such troublesome demerits, why has he lived so long and healthy and is predicting many more years to come?

BTW, I saw that there were auspicious rainbows at the 103rd's cremation.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2017, 03:50:27 PM »
This is mysterious that the death of the 103rd Gaden Tripa is not publicly announced.  When did he pass away?
What did he die of?

Yeap the pictures were definitely with Tsem Tulku.

It's funny that the cause of death is nowhere to be found. Something suspicious?  :-\

From The Tibet Post:
Dharamshala — Spiritual head of Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, 103rd Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche, has died at Max hospital in New Delhi after a prolonged illness. This is a traditional appointment that takes place every seven years.

The influential Tibetan teacher and respected Kyabje Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche, who was born in Eastern Tibet in 1937, passed away at 11:45 pm on 21 April at Max hospital in New Delhi after a prolonged illness.

From CTA's website:
Rinpoche passed away at 11.45 pm on 21 April at Max Hospital in New Delhi after a prolonged illness.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2017, 04:06:39 PM »
i noticed that dalai lama didnt even say a word about this 103rd gaden tripa's passing, why not? after all dalai lama is the one who appointed him as the 103rd gaden trip last year, and gaden tripa passed away in office as the highest throne-holder of the gelug sect, which is also dalai lama's sect, so why isnt dalai lama saying anything? an eulogy, a statement, a condolence...nothing...why???

Maybe because His Holiness knows this Gaden Tripa sorry to say is a sham and for him to have passed away just 4 months into his tenure as the throne holder of Lama Tsongkhapa sends s very strong and big message to all the Tibetan monks who knows this very well, that he lack the merits and is definitely NOT qualified or he had a bad motivation? Basically, it is not positive and actually quite shameful, given the fact that he was actually picked by HH the Dalai Lama.Look at the previous Gaden Tripas like the 101st Gaden Tripa who is just glowing and looking fresh even at 90!!!

well from the story shared by dharmadefender, it seems the 103rd gaden tripa is not a grateful person, he didn't seem to embody dharma but more like a political person. the gaden tripa seat is very sacred, it is like lama tsongkhapa on earth, previous gaden tripas are highly attained beings like panchen sonam drakpa, ling rinpoche...if one does not have enough merits, he cannot hold up to the name of gaden tripa, his lack of merits does not sustain it, looks like this is what happened to the 103rd gaden tripa.

YES this is very very obvious and clear and in fact it is a huge sign of degeneration for the Gelugs, it's like a bad omen.

then the next question is, why did the dalai lama appoint him as the 103rd gaden tripa? the dalai lama has no clairvoyance to see that his merits (the lack of it) did not qualify? why still appoint him? perhaps he would not have died so early if the dalai lama did not appoint him as gaden tripa? why did the dalai lama do that???

This is a very very GOOD QUESTION ---- Why did the Dalai Lama pick a Gaden Tripa that is obviously not qualified... just because he is on the Dalai Lama's side against Dorje Shugden??? I wonder where this current Gaden Tripa will end up and will he return? Can he? How can accept all the money and sponsorship from Tsem Tulku yet pretend he does not know him and cut all ties when the ban on Dorje Shugden came up. This clearly indicates his true motive for being friendly, visiting and being nice to Tsem Rinpoche in the beginning.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2017, 04:15:20 PM »
Here are some recent pictures of 103 Gaden Tripa's funeral. I wonder who is the next Gaden Tripa the Dalai Lama will pick. I hope is not another one with ulterior motives because real Buddha Lama Tsongkhapa would never be so ungrateful, power hungry and discriminate another person's spiritual beliefs.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2017, 04:30:29 PM »
I have been following the main line of reasoning in this post and wonder if it is not all part of illusory play too (I mean there is the karmic side which has to be fulfilled and there is also the illusory play side which will show its results)

1. If is was HH Dalai Lama who picked out the 103rd Gaden Tripa, and before that the same as Abbott of Gyuto Tantric College, and it turned out this way, so HH Dalai Lama is not attained enough to pick the right candidate?

2. If HH Dalai Lama is not attained and has committed such troublesome demerits, why has he lived so long and healthy and is predicting many more years to come?

BTW, I saw that there were auspicious rainbows at the 103rd's cremation.

Interesting point of view, Ringo Starr. Whether or not it is illusory play, the point to be illustrated here that broken samaya is very dangerous, and it is very obvious.

A few years back, there were talks that Lama Zopa Rinpoche manifested stroke to absorb the broken samaya of FPMT as a whole of forsaking their founding Lamas' (Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa) protector practice. Lama Yeshe is a well known Dorje Shugden practitioner while Lama Zopa received the Dorje Shugden life entrustment initiation (sogtae) from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the tutor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself. Lama Zopa's devotion to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is still seen in 2012 when Lama Zopa, Phari Rinpoche and Khadro la were doing puja in front of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's stupa in Dharamsala, India.

Watch the video here:

I believe that such a lama would not go [/url]against his spiritual commitment and hence would not go against Dorje Shugden, despite having to advice against Dorje Shugden practice (many Lamas had to do this). It was also said that a monk from Kopan Monastery went to Phelgye Ling to ask for Dorje Shugden puja to be done when Lama Zopa suffered from stroke.

You can follow the discussion here:

« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 04:38:30 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2017, 04:32:41 PM »
i noticed that dalai lama didnt even say a word about this 103rd gaden tripa's passing, why not? after all dalai lama is the one who appointed him as the 103rd gaden trip last year, and gaden tripa passed away in office as the highest throne-holder of the gelug sect, which is also dalai lama's sect, so why isnt dalai lama saying anything? an eulogy, a statement, a condolence...nothing...why???

Maybe because His Holiness knows this Gaden Tripa sorry to say is a sham and for him to have passed away just 4 months into his tenure as the throne holder of Lama Tsongkhapa sends s very strong and big message to all the Tibetan monks who knows this very well, that he lack the merits and is definitely NOT qualified or he had a bad motivation? Basically, it is not positive and actually quite shameful, given the fact that he was actually picked by HH the Dalai Lama.Look at the previous Gaden Tripas like the 101st Gaden Tripa who is just glowing and looking fresh even at 90!!!

Just to reiterate what I said... guess what I stumbled upon floating around on twitter... this sure explains exactly what I thought above!


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2017, 04:49:36 PM »
And the 103rd Gaden Tripa is never going to tell you this but he even got sponsorship for his Labrang (household) from Tsem Tulku even though he knew Tsem Tulku is a Shugdenpa. At the time the Gaden Tripa was poor, he asked Tsem Tulku for help to raise construction funds for his Labrang. My contact told me that Tsem Tulku raised over 400,000 INR for the Gaden Tripa to build his house. Yeah thats right - the current house of the most recent Gaden Tripa was fully sponsored by Tsem Tulku. Didnt know that did you? 8) Tsem Tulku even found financial sponsorship for several of the Gaden Tripas personal students for many years, because the Gaden Tripa asked and because of their connection (familial, monastic). Tsem Tulku also found personal sponsors for the Gaden Tripa and sponsored his personal needs for many years.

Anyway, despite taking all of this help, the 103rd Gaden Tripa isnt beyond making some unbecoming remarks. The Gaden Tripa used to make regular visits Tsem Tulku at his home and on one of those trips, Tsem Tulku showed his altar to the Gaden Tripa. And despite knowing that Tsem Tulku is a devoted Shugden practitioner, the Gaden Tripa said he didnt believe in Gyenze.

But what are you going to do? Everyones free to say whatever they want. It didnt become an issue and their relationship continued until the ban on Dorje Shugden was enforced. It was only then, despite the help he had received, did the Gaden Tripa lessen his connection with Tsem Tulku. Oh yeah, and he didnt return any of the money or property offered to him by such a 'polluted' Shugden lama.

I will never understand this about them. Why hate the person practising Dorje Shugden but take their money? Tsem Tulku gave so much financial help to the Gaden Tripa. And when all of this help was taken, Dorje Shugden wasnt an issue...  :-\

This is amazing. If Dorje Shugden practitioners are so bad, why not return the money, or give up the premise?  8)

I am not surprised. This is the same ingratitude shown by Sera monks. When the monks of Sera first arrived in Bylakuppe from Buxar, they only had a mere 10,000 rupees (approximately USD 165) to their name. Sera Mey accumulated significant debts while building the monastery to contractors, suppliers as well as the then Tibetan Government in Exile (TGiE) now known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), who sent their representatives to collect levies from the monastery.

The financial plight of Sera Mey went on for some time until Kensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche, one of the benefactors who paid off all the monastery’s debts from funds raised through his center in America. With the advice of his root teacher, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kensur Rinpoche also initiated a number of projects to support the Sera Mey monks, thus supporting them to rebuild Sera Mey Monastery in South India to what it is today. However, when this great Abbot Emeritus visited Sera Mey’s kitchens even before the separation, he was denied food and drink – the Sera Mey monks refused to serve him just because of his practice of Dorje Shugden.

They still have Khensur Rinpoche's name as the founder on the Sera Mey Food Fund.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2017, 07:29:51 AM »
Here are some recent pictures of 103 Gaden Tripa's funeral. I wonder who is the next Gaden Tripa the Dalai Lama will pick. I hope is not another one with ulterior motives because real Buddha Lama Tsongkhapa would never be so ungrateful, power hungry and discriminate another person's spiritual beliefs.

I would not get my hopes up too high. Only those who toe the Dalai Lama's line and are prepared to abandon all principles to be in his good books will get anywhere these days. Look at the recent appointments in the Gelug spiritual and secular hierarchies and you will see that pre-requisite.

I too was wondering why the Dalai Lama picked such a short-lived Ganden Tripa but it now makes sense that the seat is no longer to be occupied by the most qualified but most willing. I think the Dalai Lama cannot take any chances after the 101st Ganden Trisur left Shartse and made his allegiance to Dorje Shugden clear. That was a blow to the Dalai Lama.

Putting unqualified people positions where they have to be responsible for upholding a sacred lineage is a death sentence to them as well as the lineage but I guess we see from this event that the survival of the pure Gelugpa lineage is not that important after all to the Tibetan leadership.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2017, 04:37:00 PM »
It is indeed very sad to see that a Ganden Tripa who passed away in his tenure. It is event more sad to hear that such a high lama, who criticised and discriminated Tsem Tulku, who had helped him so much when he needed financial support, just because Tsem Tulku is a devoted Dorje Shugden practitioner. Whether it is his bad karma he collected to passed away in such a short period in his tenure or not, it is not up to us to say. But, as a human, as a dharma practitioner, as a Buddhist, it is really bad to treat someone who had helped us before like that. Don't even need talk about not returning the money, the discrimination and criticism are already enough to break the relationship and Tsem Tulku's heart. The ban is really bringing so much trouble and bad things to the people. So, is the organisation that started the ban going to get bad karma soon? Maybe we should wait and see.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2017, 04:52:12 PM »
Sad to say, It is really bad to see Gelug has degenerated in this this state. Gelug when started by Lama Tsongkhapa is all about discipline, but right now, "political" seems to be the name of the game. Anyone who is politically correct by agreeing with HH Dalai Lama and condemn will get all the funding and fame. Otherwise, you will get defamed and worse, death threats.

Is this what it is called the degeneration age?


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2017, 02:05:59 AM »
Sorry to say but you can see in this video that the 103rd Gaden Tripa did not look very healthy already at the beginning of his position:

Lets hope that the Dorje Shugden ban comes down fast. Dorje Shugden can not be criticised, he is a Buddha.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2017, 08:02:36 AM »
Tsem Tulku has always been such a generous and compassionate Lama who's presence on social media helped so many people internationally with his teachings. I have found his teachings to be so helpful in changing my perspective on expectations and to gain more peace of mind, lessening the mental sufferings arising from ego. Anyone who had receive such generosity of help would have been grateful, so I am incredulous as to how the 103rd Gaden Tripa, as a high Lama could be otherwise. Discarding someone when he no longer suit your purpose is really really low. And just because Tsem Tulku practices Protector Dorje Shugden? That shouldn't interfere with friendship as the world does not live in segregation of religious groups and most countries practices freedom of religions. I live in a neighbourhood comprising of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. and that doesn't interfere with our interaction with each other. Why would a "high practitioner" of holy Buddha's teachings not strive for equality or equanimity with acceptance of others? It is sad that he brought such negative karma on himself for disparaging others, especially enlightened Buddha/protector Dorje Shugden and Lamas with enlightened minds who came back lifetime after lifetimes to teach us the Dharma. In this effect, he had reject compassion of the enlightened ones and as such will not reap any by the law of karma.


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Re: Tsem Tulku connected to 103rd Gaden Tripa?
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2017, 04:29:25 AM »
After viewing the whole post carefully, I am inclined to agree with Ringo Starr's remark "I wonder if it is not all part of the illusory play also".  I too agree with Pemachen who quotes the example  of Lama Zopa suffering a stroke to show "the dire consequence " of breaking samaya with his Guru Lama Yeshe for giving up his Shugden as the case of a compassionate holy being's way of teaching beings of this degenerate age what happens when you break samaya and give up the practice of Shugden.

 Yes, I also think that  the whole sad story of the 103rd Gaden Tripa is a teaching by a compassionate holy being about the dire karmic consequences of giving up all shreds of spirituality and becoming thoroughly political, debased and corrupted and devoid of basic qualities like gratitude and , above all, breaking one's samaya with one's guru by giving up the Shugden practice(all 'diseases' of this degenerate age). Furthermore,the dire consequences were manifested so immediately and swiftly.

Yes, the whole sad story of the 103rd Gaden Tripa does point to the fact that the Gelug tradition has degenerated. Yet, this has not stopped compassionate beings from returning and manifesting in various ways to guide and teach beings who are in dire need of Dharma and spirituality.