Author Topic: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions  (Read 10757 times)


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What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« on: January 31, 2010, 06:30:17 AM »
This question i ask myself...

1 His Holiness teachers would have taught him DS practice.
2 HHDL imposing a ban is making DS world famous.
3 Those that do practice will be stronger in their practice
4 Places like China will practice more because of HHDL stance.

Would it be fair to say that in HHDL next incarnation he will be very close to DS again?
While there are many who suffer now, those who will benefit from the practice of DS will far outweigh those who suffer now.

Also to truly make DS practice go down in history, HHDL ultimate act of compassion would be to incarnate with the ban still in place. By being the bad guy in this sense i believe HHDL will come back again as a strong practitioner of DS.

What do others think?


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 06:40:55 AM »
I'm assuming that no one replied because there's no answer to your question.  We don't know the Dalai Lama's nature or intention and so we cannot say where's he's going to end up in the future.

My own view is that he's an ordinary politician who's using the Dharma for his own purposes.  He's harmed Shugden practitioners and tried to destroy the practice, and indirectly Je Tsongkhapa's tradition as taught by his root Guru, therefore, how could he be close to Dorje Shugden in the future?  You don't create the cause to be close to something by rejecting it.  Even someone like Devadatta who was very learned and appeared in the aspect of a monk (like the Dalai Lama) is now in the seventh hot hell because he used the Dharma for selfish purposes and caused a schism in the Sangha (just like the Dalai Lama).

It does seem as if Dorje Shugden is becoming more famous as a result of the Dalai Lama's actions, but I think this says more about the power of Dorje Shugden.  The Fifth Dalai Lama couldn't make him disappear either!

« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 10:24:47 AM by Lineageholder »


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 02:17:16 PM »
I think even if HHDL ends up in hell, it will not be a suffering to him but more as an opportunity to manifest there and benefit those beings...isn't suffering a result of your own perception?

It could be a result of Dorje Shugden's power...or perhaps him and HHDL are working closely together so DS becomes famous. I always think that the lives of the Fifth and Fourteenth Dalai Lamas mirror one another (HHDL always says they share a close connection anyway) in that both, at one time, suppressed the practice. So who knows, maybe one day the Fourteenth Dalai Lama will have a change of heart and publically support DS again!

a friend

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 02:12:03 AM »
I´m sure that you have excellent intentions but by saying this type of things you are objectively harming the Dharma and demeaning the Buddhas and particularly the Buddha´s actions.

I already wrote an answer to this matter so please try to read what I said in a couple of other threads and please think about it.

Thank you.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 12:57:13 PM »
Interesting question.

For those who think HHDL is an imposter / politician who has his own interests at heart, if HHDL reincarnates and is recognised and enthroned again, wouldnt it be a sign that:
1) he is the real thing
2) he is not breaking his samaya with his gurus
3) the DS ban is part of a much bigger picture

Just like HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and HH Zong Rinpoche have reincarnated despite the furor over Shugden practice and how his practitioners will be reborn in hell...

What do you think?


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 01:43:02 PM »
I don't think that anybody can judge someone's motivation but more through their consistent actions and their results.

So far HH the Dalai Lama is the only one Lama that can actually give teachings and thousands of people around the world goes for it. No other Lama can compare to that ability in spreading the Dharma for now. And if it was not for Dalai Lama most of us outside Tibet would not really have heard much about Tibetan / Vajrayana Buddhism.

So although HH the Dalai Lama may seem to be "NOT GOOD" because of "the BAN DS CAMPAIGN" NOW. We should not forget about his previous deeds, his teachings which ahve benefited many and also how in previous lives, like in the 5th Dalai Lama and the 13th were very close to Dorje Shugden's previous incarnations. They often worked hand in hand together as student and sometimes teacher.

Just read the lineage history on this site.

I do agree with Vinayaholder if HH Dalai lama is truly bad, then there should not be any reincarnation in the future. However, rest assured, Dorje Shugden practice will be well planted to billions of people. Thank to this DS BAN DRAMA.

How do we know if all this DS and Dalai Lama drama has not been orchestrated together by both?

It is even said that it was "Nechug" who appeared as a Dove to remind Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen of his previous commitment to become Dorje Shugden.

Perhaps there is a bigger picture?


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2010, 05:57:52 PM »
Interesting question.

For those who think HHDL is an imposter / politician who has his own interests at heart, if HHDL reincarnates and is recognised and enthroned again, wouldnt it be a sign that:
1) he is the real thing
2) he is not breaking his samaya with his gurus
3) the DS ban is part of a much bigger picture

What do you think?

Even if the Dalai Lama were to 'reincarnate' again, I'm afraid it doesn't prove anything because the tulku system, especially in these degenerate times, is notoriously unreliable.  As you probably know, WSS claim that this present Dalai Lama is an imposter and was enthroned due to the deception of the Reting Rinpoche.  If this were true, what would stop it from happening again next time? Someone could claim that a child was the incarnation of the 14th Dalai Lama but it could either be a mistake or deliberate deception, so even if this were to happen, it wouldn't prove anything.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 08:04:06 PM »
I´m sure that you have excellent intentions but by saying this type of things you are objectively harming the Dharma and demeaning the Buddhas and particularly the Buddha´s actions.

I already wrote an answer to this matter so please try to read what I said in a couple of other threads and please think about it.

Thank you.

I say it because even Buddha Shakyamuni ended up in hell, did he not?

Sorry to bother you a friend, but can you please point me in the direction of a relevant thread? I can't seem to find it...thank you in advance :)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 08:06:29 PM by DharmaDefender »

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 08:22:27 PM »
Please, do not lynch me anyone, but here is my view... :P

For those who think HHDL is an imposter / politician who has his own interests at heart, if HHDL reincarnates and is recognised and enthroned again, wouldnt it be a sign that..............

..........What do you think?

It is a sign of nothing.

No matter what is the actual spiritual status of the current Dalai Lama, when he dies, the Chinese Communists will of course recognize their own rebirth-candidate, enthrone him, and indoctrinate him. The Tibetan Party will panic, and quick'a'find their own candidate, promote him, and so forth.

As to whatever has happened to the "real Dalai" is something that only Buddha knows, for no-one in the upcoming "years of promoting their own candidates" will have any interest in the truth of it all. It will be feudal faction against feudal faction once again, as it has always been, albeit now it has reached global proportions. The Panchen-issue and the Karmapa-issue will be nothing compared to what's coming. We, humans, will be left with two "next Dalais" upheld by two opposing political camps, the Chinese Party and the Tibetan Party. At that point, nobody is interested in what happened to the real thing. At that point, all that matters is that whose candidate gets the most of support in the important circles. (My bet: Chinese Dalai will get the political approval of all Western Countries, and the Tibetan Dalai will be upheld by TGIE and associated tibetofascist groups, ie. Youth Congress, et al.) There will be no place for truth. It will be stately politics from the beginning to the end. The "real thing" will in all likelihood be somewhere else, not recognized by anyone.

And now, my bet of the following 25 years: It will also be the end of Tibetan Buddhism as a unitary whole. Also the end of Tibet. The courageous traditions and lineages will withdraw into themselves, and self-declare themselves as independent of any state (as some have already done), and the wussy lineages will coalesce around the TGIE-approved baby, known also as the contestant to the title of Dalai Lama XV. The Tibetan State, in China, will be engulfed permanently into China, by the smiling approval of all the other Nations of the UN, and the TGIE-faction will, after the majority of the exiled Buddhist traditions of Tibet have "flown away" into freedom from both China and TGIE, form a "Jasser Arafat type" of terrorist army, that tries to get China out of Tibet, and also "suspicious tibetans" (read, those who bow to the "wrong" Karmapa, "wrong" protectors, etc) out of TGIE-controlled territories, ie refugee areas in India. They indeed will do so, since their "Leader" is at that time just a baby, so now the psychopaths in the organizations will be the New Lords, and believe me, they will show their strength (and non-buddhist attitudes).The free and proud traditions will walk away and find homes outside of China and India, the China-engulfed monasteries will remain loyal to China, and the TGIE with their XV-Baby Lama will become pariahs of the world. Sad future. I do hope I'm mistaken in my prognosis, but sadly, I usually ain't.

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 11:12:47 PM »
Dear Dharmadefender, and whoever has been writing along the same lines as yourself.

There is a difference between it doesn't mean I'll ever talk bad about the Dalai Lama and propounding that the Dalai Lama did what he did out of some secret good motivation, because he is a Great Bodhisattva.
There is no Buddha that ever campaigned against his Gurus,
ever campaigned against the lineage Gurus,
ever dared say that his Gurus are WRONG, yes, with this tone, WRONG, and he, right;
ever forced people to break their samaya with their own Gurus,
ever forced a schism in the Sangha
ever persecuted people, let alone for religious reasons.

Lord Atisha didn´t do it
Lord Tsong Khapa didn´t do it

This should suffice for anyone that uses his mind with the tools of reasoning --a very special characteristic of our lineage-- to stop saying such nonsense as we´ve read from some posts in the last days. I would like those who are writing along those lines, whether they are one or many, Noobs or oldies, to think twice before demeaning the enlightened actions of our Buddhas by comparing them to the actions of the Tibetan leader.
One thing is to say I don't know which his intentions were, another, entirely different, is to speculate that he might´ve had good motivations. In Buddhism there is no good motivations for the list of actions described above, in particular there is no good motivation to mistreat your Lama, to betray him. So instead of speculating about the bad karma that those who criticize the DL might incur, think on the karmic repercusions for yourself or those who are disseminating this terrible view, that Guru Buddhas can act in such non Dharmic ways and still be called Guru Buddhas. Now, this brings the destruction of Dharma, to confuse people about such serious matter. So please for your own sake, think twice.

And, by the way, Buddha Shakyamuni didn´t end up in hell. What is this? Another nicety to confuse people or yourself? And don´t give me a Jataka tale please, because at that time he was not Buddha Shakyamuni. Please, again, think twice.

a friend

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2010, 11:29:53 PM »
Zhalmed Pawo,

It´s very sad the destiny of nations, it´s always been. Tibetans are just one more nation among those, unaccountable, that have developed and then vanished from the human horizon. It happened to the people who inhabited the proud Mayan empire ... they left their land and dissolved as a nation. It happened to the proud Byzantine empire ... And to so many many others. This is just the natural course of things. Sad, but natural.

The Dharma of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni is also going to vanish from this Earth, as it happened to the Dharma of Lord Buddha Kashyapa and all the unaccountable Buddhas of old.

But we have some nice millenia to try and accomplish the benefit of ourselves and others.

The great Domo Geshe Rinpoche manifested a vision that many many people were able to contemplate up above in the sky: the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with their korlos in a magnificent procession walking towards the West. This migration from the Buddhas just started, so your description is accurate, it follows to the letter that holy vision. Except that this should not be considered sad. They are finding homes, they will find more homes. You can be sad about Tibet, but please don´t be sad about Dharma. We have some nice times left. We can work for that. By the way, I don´t think "West" is merely a cardinal direction, it´s a symbol, I think, for lands where Dharma can develop without major hindrances.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2015, 08:54:16 AM »
Buddhists believe that Buddhas no longer has Karma.  So if we believe that the Dalai Lama is a manifestation of Chenrizig, then he is a Buddha.  As such for whatever restrictions and sufferings are inflicted on Shugdenpas, will the Dalai Lama be free of any repercussions?

Question had always been on my mind?  Any resolution to my question will be my own realisations of what a Living Buddha is and whatever is manifested by them will only be for the benefit of sentient beings. 


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 07:45:21 AM »
If we believe HHDL is a buddha then we should not comment on all his activities because whatever decision he make is fir the benefits of all living being so is not very right to comment so even criticism his action. I think right now we just continue our practice I believe the ban will lift soon.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2015, 04:14:23 AM »
If we believe HHDL is a buddha

Since Buddhists believe that buddhas are never harmful, believing that the evil criminal dalie is a buddha is a non-Buddhist belief.

then we should not comment on all his activities [...] so is not very right to comment so even criticism his action.

Wrong. Buddhists are supposed to bring just everything under scrutiny, even the actions of a buddha, let alone the crimes of a demented criminal such as the evil dalie.

Bottom line, you hold wrong, non-Buddhist beliefs, such as the belief that buddhas are harmful, and that Buddhists should not scrutinize everything. Therefore, your conclusions are inept and inconsequential.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2015, 08:45:49 AM »
I agree with @Dondrup that HHDL is Buddha and therefore He is not subject to Karma. Whatever He is doing, it is for the benefit of many (although from my lay person point of view, there are many people who suffered from this ban of Dorje Shugden).

However, I don't agree with @kelly that we cannot comment about His activity if we have a good intention. Everything in Buddhism is subject to debate, with good intention of course, for the sake of better understanding and stronger faith.