Author Topic: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku  (Read 12960 times)

Harold Musetescu

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The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« on: May 17, 2017, 12:01:12 PM »
The word "Tsem" in Tibetan means "Tooth".

This would seem a very odd name for a Tulku to have.

But its not.

It has to do with the story of the "Buddha's Tooth (Tsem)".

The story version of the story is this.

A man in Tibet was a travelling merchant.

One day upon his return home his Mother asked him if he could get a bone relic from the dead Buddha's body.

The man loved his Mother very, very much and promised her he would.

While returning home on his next long trip the travelling merchant remembered his promise to his Mother.

He knew that he could not return home without the Buddha's Tsem.

Not wanting to hurt his Mother by breaking his promise he came up with a plan.

He came upon a dead dog on the road and took one of its it's teeth.

Upon his arrival home he presented his Mother the dead dog's tooth(Tsem) claiming it was one the "Buddha's Tooth" (Tsem).

His Mother was so happy that she prayed ever day to her fake "Buddha's Tooth (Tsem)".

The moral of the story is, even if "Tsem" is fake, if you have faith in something you do not know is "Fake" it can still help you.

That's the story of "Tsem" the fake "Buddha's Tooth".


Harald Musetecu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2017, 01:23:56 PM »
The word "Harald" in English means "immigration officer".

This would seem a very odd name for a Canadian immigration officer to have.

But its not.

It has to do with the story of the "immigration officer who was fired".

The story version of the story is this.

A man was traveling to Canada to speak.

One day before his arrival to Canada his case encountered an "immigration officer" who was willing to break the law. The "immigration officer" would go on to plant falsified information in the intelligence system to deport someone from Canada.

The man loved his Wife very, very much and promised her he would.

While returning home on his next working day the traveling merchant remembered his promise to his Wife.

He knew that he could not return home without planting the falsified intelligence.

Not wanting to hurt his Wife by breaking his promise he came up with a plan.

He came upon an opportunity and decided to plant the fake information.

Upon his arrival home he presented his Wife the fake information claiming it was the truth.

His Wife was so happy that she laid ever day with her fired "immigration officer".

The moral of the story is, even if "Harald" is fired, if you have faith in something you do not know is "Fired" it can still help you.

That's the story of "Harald" the fired "immigration officer".


Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2017, 01:37:29 PM »
You had to troll a Neo Nazi, Skin Head website to get that piece of false info.

The author of that story was David Irving whom I deported for life for "Lying to an Immigration Officer to enter Canada".

Check him out on Netfixs under "Denial".

It's a great movie and the courts used by "Deportation Order" against him in the real trial.

I'm sad that they didn't use that part in the movie.

My "Deportation Order for Life" has been used to keep Mr Irving out of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. 

Sorry, but I was not fired, I retired after 20 years service to take care of my dying brother who had MS.

Do try to check your facts straight.

But do continue in your rants.

 8) 8) 8) 8)

Ringo Starr

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2017, 01:41:31 PM »
Dear Harold,

I have been reading (some) of your extensive comments including this post and sometimes wonder what your motivation is.

For the sake of clarity, the story you "quoted" comes from the "Liberation in the Palm Of Your Hand" as taught by Kyabje Pabongkha "Rock" Rinpoche Dorje Chang, and written by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche Dorje Chang from his notes of Pabongkha Rinpoche's discourse.


You must see him as a buddha because you want a profit, not a loss. You
want a profit, so if you regard your guru as a buddha, whether he is or not,
you will effortlessly achieve all your wishes in this and future lives—a great
profit indeed.To illustrate: an old woman had faith in a dog’s tooth [thinking
it was a tooth of the Buddha]; the tooth then produced relic pills.

The Blue Book of Spells says:
The guru’s blessings are not really
Great or small: it all depends on you.

That is, the guru’s blessing in itself may be great or small but the blessing
you receive depends on how far you are able to see him as a buddha, bodhisattva,
and so on. Whether you will achieve siddhis or not depends on
whether your reverence for him is great or small. Atisha said thatTibet had
no adepts because Tibetans only regarded gurus as ordinary people.

The guru may actually be a buddha, but unless you train yourself to
have faith, you will not see his qualities; instead you will only sustain a
loss—different kinds of suffering. The Buddha had infinite numbers of
qualities, but Devadatta and Upadhana could see only the aura of light
that extended an arm’s length from his body; they could not see Buddha’s
other qualities. So they suffered a loss. Geshe Potowa said:

If you have no respect for gurus,
Even relying on the Buddha himself will not help,
Just as with Upadhana.

Note: Emphasis in bold, mine.

Harald Musetecu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2017, 02:32:17 PM »
You had to troll the depths of your depraved imagination to get the piece of what you think is true info.

The author of that story was Harold Mustecu whom I found has been lying about various people who are just trying to promote their spirituality.

Check him out on the web under

It's a great website and the courts used the "information" against him in a real trial.

I'm sad that they didn't use that website in the movie.

My website has been used to harass, embarrass, provoke and incite hatred against people who have the religious freedom to do whatever they want.

Sorry, but I was not fired, I was dismissed after 20 years service because my Wife had me appear in a video staring at a woman.

Do try to check your facts straight.

But do continue in your rants.

8) 8) 8) 8)

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2017, 02:44:08 PM »
You checked me out under my old website that has not existed in over 6 years.


The more you written the more mentally ill you show yourself to the readers.

Please keep writing the moderators will see you for who you are.

Harald Musetecu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2017, 12:02:17 AM »
You checked me out under my old website that has not existed in over 6 years.


The more you written the more mentally ill you show yourself to the readers.

Please keep writing the moderators will see you for who you are.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2017, 09:57:39 AM »
Here's the "Dog's Tooth".

From Tsem's (Tooth) Rinpoche's in his own words from his own website.

"Recognition & Enthronement

A long line of incarnations…

Tsem Rinpoche recognized as a tulku

For many years, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche stayed in a tiny leaking room belonging to Zong Ladrang and lived mostly on bread and tea. Whilst living in Zong Ladrang, he was formally recognized and enthroned as the reincarnation of Gaden Shartse’s 72nd abbot, Gedun Nyedrak, by H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche and the oracular pronouncement of Gaden Shartse’s Protector Setrap Chen. The final confirmation of his reincarnation status came from the Spiritual Head of Tibetan Buddhism.

Rinpoche was enthroned in 1990. As had been the case throughout his life, his family was not there to support him. He was once more alone.

Tsem Rinpoche enthronement and recognition

“I’m going to sit on this throne with the motivation that I will benefit others.”

The following is a summary of the many recognitions of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s reincarnation status as a high lama.

When Rinpoche was seven months, monks came and recognized him as a reincarnated Lama
H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Rinpoche’s root Guru, gave verbal recognition
H.E. Ayang Drupchen Rinpoche gave verbal recognition
The Dharma Protector of Gyuto Tantric College, Dorje Yudroma, via oracle
H.E. Drigung Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Chozin, one of Rinpoche’s Gurus, knew his incarnation status upon sight. He had his recognition officiated with his own personal stationery and seal. He also recognized Rinpoche as a mahasattva, which indicates that his line of incarnations go back further beyond Kensur Gedun Nyedrak
H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche, Rinpoche’s Guru and abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery at that time
The oracle of Sera Monastery
Gaden Shartse’s Dharma Protector Setrap Chen, via the Monastery’s oracle, recognized Rinpoche following a request from H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. This session has been recorded down and bears the seal of Setrap’s office. It serves as Rinpoche’s main recognition paper as issued by his Monastery. Rinpoche’s personal seal, as well, has the official backing of Lord Setrap Chen, and hence the entire Monastery
Final confirmation was bestowed by the Spiritual Head of Tibetan Buddhism, during a special audience requested for this purpose by H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche"

All talk and not one single document.

Tsem (Tooth) Rinpoche, "Show me the money"

Show me the "Documents".

His "Final confirmation was bestowed by the Spiritual Head of Tibetan Buddhism"???

Can't you say it was the Dalai Lama"?

Why not?

Can't say when and were this "special audience" was"?

The Dalai Lama didn't give you an "Official Document" stating your the true incarnation of the real Tsem Tulku?

"Rinpoche was enthroned in 1990".

Where was it, the exact date and who did the enthronement ceremony"?

Zong Rinpoche and Ayang Rinpoche gave you "verbal recognition"?

When and were.

They did not provided you with a document to confirm their "verbal recognition"?


A "verbal recognition" is not a "FORMAL" recognition and you know it.

"Gaden Shartse’s Dharma Protector Setrap Chen, via the Monastery’s oracle, recognized Rinpoche following a request from H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. This session has been recorded down and bears the seal of Setrap’s office. It serves as Rinpoche’s main recognition paper as issued by his Monastery. Rinpoche’s personal seal, as well, has the official backing of Lord Setrap Chen, and hence the entire Monastery"

No date and place were all his occurred Tsem (tooth.

Why not!

Show us the document!!!

"H.E. Drigung Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Chozin, one of Rinpoche’s Gurus, knew his incarnation status upon sight. He had his recognition officiated with his own personal stationery and seal. He also recognized Rinpoche as a mahasattva, which indicates that his line of incarnations go back further beyond Kensur Gedun Nyedrak".

No date and location again Tsem (tooth).

Show us the document.

"When Rinpoche was seven months, monks came and recognized him as a reincarnated Lama".

No proof, just Tsem's (tooth) story.

Every thing Tsem (tooth) has lists on his website about his recognition has not documentary proof.

Why no documents?

If you have them you would have shown them to the world.

But don't worry Tsem (tooth) I'm here to help you solve all that.

I have contacted both the Dalai Lama's office and the CTA and asked them for their help in proving your the real Tsem Tulku.

Not a "Dogs tooth".

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2017, 11:11:06 AM »
I've contacted the Dalai Lama and the CTA to help protect Tsem (Tooth) Tulku from any possible criminal or civil actions in the Malaysian criminal and civil courts.

If they deny what he has written on his website then ex members of Kechara could go to the Malaysian National Police and ask that Tsem (Tooth) Rinpoche be criminally investigated for "Fraud by False Pretence".

Ex member and present members could attempted to go "Civil Court"  to attempt to sue him for "Fraud by False Pretence".

If Tsem (Tooth) Tulku does not have legal proof to his claims that he is a "Tulku" he could be sued and possible lose everything.

I do not want to see Tsem (Tooth) Tulku in jail or bankrupt.

Please Tsem release all the documents you have to show you are a real Tulku.

Please continue you great works for the sake of all sentient beings.

Pray for Tsem (Tooth) Tulku.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2017, 11:49:39 AM »
Oh my God what have I done.

If the Dalai Lama and the CTA publicly deny that Tsem (Tooth) Tulku is a "Real Tulku" what would they do next?

Would they or one of their people go to the news media in Malaysia and state that Tsem is a "Fake Tulku".

Would the Malaysian news media the TV and newspapers reports about Tsem being a Fake Tulku" and taking millions of dollars in donations falsely?

Please Tsem show the world the documents you did not post on your website showing you are a Tulku.

Oh my God what have I done going to the Dalai Lama and the CTA asking for their help in showing your a "Real Tulku".

Pray that Tsem Tulku can show all of us the truth.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2017, 05:32:09 PM »
Please Tsem show the world the documents you did not post on your website showing you are a Tulku.

It would be interesting to compare such documents with those proving that you are the Tengyeling Oracle, which you have apparently been hiding from the world, according to the below quoted passage:

I wish all of you  to know that I am in fact the Tengyeling Oracle.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2017, 05:46:48 PM »

You can read all about it when my book is published.

In it I expose Tsem (Tooth), Madi Nolan, Tara Wangchuk and Dhyani Ywahoo.

I already told Tsem (Tooth) and his Ladbrang all about it a few days ago.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2017, 05:50:46 PM »
You can read all about it when my book is published.
In it I expose Tsem (Tooth), Madi Nolan, Tara Wangchuk and Dhyani Ywahoo.
I already told Tsem (Tooth) and his Ladbrang all about it a few days ago.

The funny thing here is that not even your unpublished book seem to bring the documentary evidence that you are the Tengyeling Oracle, which is the only case in point here.

You seem to try to hide your own lack of evidence exposing others' supposed lack of evidence.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2017, 06:02:49 PM »
I will spell it out real simply for you.

I am NOT nor was I ever the Tengyeling Oracle.

I was all part of the dance to get into contact with Tsem.

I made up the story of Methar and how he died.

I made up the peaceful and wrathful Mantras.

I made up the "Wrathful" visualization of Methar.

I made up the "Mala of Skulls" he wears around his wrist.

I made up that "Methar" was placed into Kache Marpo's mandala.

It was all made up.

Methar was the "Key" and the "Key" worked.

The one nice thing I did was reintroduce Methar back into the Dorje Shugden world.

Now do you get it Matibhadra?

I busted "Cults" as a Federal Agent and I'm still busting "Cults" in my retirement.

I wish to thank all the ex members of Tsem (Tooth) Rinpoche for their help.

I wish to thank the parents and family members who child is still a member of the Kechara Cult for their help.

It was they who first contacted me over three years ago and asked for my help.

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2017, 06:22:02 PM »
Remember that on Tsem's own articles on Methar and Nyatrul I had asked on numerous ocassions to check me out with either the Panglung or the Gameng Oracle.

See if I was either the real deal or full of bull shit.

He either did or didn't and one of them may have gave him a green light to tell the story of Methar and Tengyeling Monastery.

If one of the Oracle's told him my story was correct when it was all made up, what does it say about that "Oracle".

Tsem never corresponded with me regarding my claims.

Should have done his home work.

If he did he would have seen my background busting fake Tibetan Tulkus.

I hoped they would make me the "Tengyeling Oracle".

I would then be deep inside Tsem's organization.

Oh well it didn't work so my covert operation was at an end.