Author Topic: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku  (Read 12974 times)


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2017, 06:43:06 PM »
I've contacted the Dalai Lama and the CTA to help protect Tsem (Tooth) Tulku from any possible criminal or civil actions in the Malaysian criminal and civil courts.
If they deny what he has written on his website then ex members of Kechara could go to the Malaysian National Police and ask that Tsem (Tooth) Rinpoche be criminally investigated for "Fraud by False Pretence".

Since, according to your own quotation from Tsem Tulku's website, nothing was stated about any part played by the “CTA” in Tsem Tulku's recognition, how could such “CTA” ever deny anything?

Again, since according to your own quotation from Tsem Tulku's website, the evil dalie's confirmation of Tsem Tulku's recognition was issued during an audience, and therefore merely verbal, and Tsem Tulku's website does not claim any documentary confirmation, the maximum the evil dalie can do is to publicly deny such confirmation, which he never did despite Tsem Tulku's high public profile, and which would still not be enough to characterize the claim that Tsem Tulku's recognition was confirmed by the evil dalie as “false”; it would at worst qualify as “denied” or “disputed”, but still not in any way as “false”.

Besides, having one's recognition confirmed by either the evil dalie or the “CTA” is not a requirement for someone to be held as a “tulku” according to Tibetan culture, and probably much less according to Malaysian law system.

Furthermore, according to your own logic, religions such as Judaism should be outlawed, because there is no documentary evidence that the Jewish “God” ever talked to “Moses” (or even existed, to that effect), let alone that it gave Palestine to the Jews, and so forth.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2017, 06:54:33 PM »
I am informing you that as per legal rules by the courts in Canada comments written on an open comments board are not protected by privacy nor copyright.

They are deemed "Public Domain" and as such may be freely reproduced.

I will be reproducing comments made on this website for inclusion in my book.

This will be my last communication on this website other than to inform you of the launch date of my book in roughly mid 2018.

Hope you buy it and who knows some of you will find yourselves and your comment in my book.

Thanks for all the fun.

The Tengyeling Oracle


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2017, 07:03:10 PM »
I busted "Cults" as a Federal Agent and I'm still busting "Cults" in my retirement.

It's all nice and dandy that you bust cults before and after retirement; as long as you are happy, why not. Afer all, Buddhism is all about busting cults.

However, until now you failed to explain exactly how and why the lack of a document signed by the evil dalie, himself an abhorrent cult leader, or by the “CTA”, itself a ridiculous mockery of a “government” supperted the maforementioned cult leader, makes of Tsem Tulku's Dharma center a “cult”.

Maybe your strange definition of “cult” is highly politically charged. Or maybe you are just a useful idiot. Or most likely both.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2017, 07:07:28 PM »
(reposted because of so many typos in previous message)

I busted "Cults" as a Federal Agent and I'm still busting "Cults" in my retirement.

It's all nice and dandy that you bust cults before and after retirement; as long as you are happy, why not. After all, Buddhism is all about busting cults.

However, until now you failed to explain exactly how and why the lack of a document signed by the evil dalie, himself an abhorrent cult leader, or by the “CTA”, itself a ridiculous mockery of a “government” supporting the aforementioned cult leader, makes of Tsem Tulku's Dharma center a “cult”.

Maybe your strange definition of “cult” is highly politically charged. Or maybe you are just a useful idiot. Or most likely both.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2017, 07:15:21 PM »
This will be my last communication on this website

You have never fulfilled your previous such promises.

However, having become the laughing stock of, maybe now you want to restrict yourself to be the laughing stock merely of Malaysian and Canadian authorities, is it?


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2017, 08:09:23 PM »
I am informing you that as per legal rules by the courts in Canada comments written on an open comments board are not protected by privacy nor copyright.

The world does not abide by copyrights of only Canada. If you break the laws of international copyrights with defamation, this overrides Canadian copyright laws. Anyone can be charged for any defamation on the internet and in written material now. Do a good search.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2017, 08:19:47 PM »

This will be my last communication on this website other than to inform you of the launch date of my book in roughly mid 2018.

Please keep your PROMISE. Please let it be your last communication here. NO LOSS AT ALL.

You know nothing about Buddhism nor read up and learn to share, you do not help on the Dorje Shugden issue and this is a Dorje Shugden concerned forum, you are not concerned with the dilemma the Dorje Shugden people who are suffering. You contribute NOTHING to this forum. You add nothing. You give no research, no information and no learning. You don't help to discuss and understand other issues others post. All you ever talk about is Methar, yourself and Tengyeling. Frankly who cares about that! All you do is threaten, defame and seek so much attention. Being such an old man with so little left in life, wouldn't it be better instead of 'writing' defamation books, trying to get attention online, leaving absurdly nasty comments and demeaning others, you try PRACTICING KINDNESS for a change? As people age, they are sought out for their wisdom, tolerance and kindness. Be kind. Be a wise and kind old man. Not a bitter old man. Leave a good legacy behind in your declining years.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2017, 08:27:43 PM »
If you break the laws of international copyrights with defamation, this overrides Canadian copyright laws.

Indeed, while the talk about Tsem Tulku's fakeness or not is largely irrelevant, bold suggestions of a crime such as fraud by false pretense might indeed characterize defamation, with all of its civil and criminal consequences.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2017, 08:32:17 PM »

This will be my last communication on this website other than to inform you of the launch date of my book in roughly mid 2018.

Hope you buy it and who knows some of you will find yourselves and your comment in my book.

The Tengyeling Oracle

Please spend your money, write your book. Please spend the last years of your life and write your book. Spend all your energy on your book. Do nothing else and write your book...You can write about anyone you want in your book from this forum and your book is so eagerly awaited and I am sure it will sell in the millions since you are a SUPERSTAR and so famous and such a powerful established author and celebrity!!! I am sure billions of people will buy your can do what you like and threaten and defame all you want-nothing is for free. Keep on all your defamations in comments, writings and here. We will save it all. I am sure many will read your book and being the allegedly bribe taking person that you are and also dishonorably discharged from your job, it will go far.

Meanwhile I am shopping for a house. This one looks like it needs to be fixed up badly but maybe livable?


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2017, 08:34:25 PM »
If you break the laws of international copyrights with defamation, this overrides Canadian copyright laws.

Indeed, while the talk about Tsem Tulku's fakeness or not is largely irrelevant, bold suggestions of a crime such as fraud by false pretense might indeed characterize defamation, with all of its civil and criminal consequences.

Good point. Let him write what he likes. All will be saved.

Big Uncle

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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2017, 09:21:31 PM »
Good point guys. Who is Harold Musetescu? Who is he to ask questions about Tsem Rinpoche. He is not my lama. Personally, I respect Tsem Rinpoche for all that he has done for the movement. I am not in the least concerned about his recognition or the meaning of his name. What matters to me is what he stands for and that is for freedom of practice for Dorje Shugden practitioners.

He talks and talks a lot on his blog about that. I have learnt so much from his wealth of knowledge, which he shares willingly and openly all the time. What makes my blood boil is this Musetescu. How dare he come here to incite hatred against a Dorje Shugden stalwart. As an admin, I warn you to behave, this is a forum for all concerning Dorje Shugden. We do not tolerate lama-bashing.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 11:28:18 AM by Big Uncle »


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2017, 01:55:00 AM »
A few months later I found out what date were on its Canadian equivalents: using the Canadian Access to Information Act, I discovered that a Canadian immigration official, Harold Musetescu, -- later dismissed -- had been bribed by officials of the Canadian Jewish Congress (or alternatively by the Toronto arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center business-empire) to deposit phoney data about me on the Canadian Immigration intelligence files, in a conspiracy to prevent me from making further visits to Canada. I obtained actual print-outs of the data, showing when Musetescu planted the data, and what they were.

If the above quoted report is accurate, it would mean that Harold Musetescu is someone prone to receive bribes from Jewish groups in order to illegitimately promote their interests.

Since Musetescu, although an active contributor to this forum and to the current thread, did not deny the above report, it is not unlikely that he does not object to its accuracy either.

Besides, Musetescu explicitly confesses, in a recent post to another thread in this forum, to having “received National awards from various Jewish Organization” (sic).

Therefore, the question arises whether Musetescu is receiving bribes, and from whom, in order to defame Buddhism and Buddhist teachers, while pitting Buddhists against each other.

Indeed, Musetescu one day viciously attacks Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, and the next day poisonously slanders Tsem Tulku, maliciously inciting their respective students against each other, and against each other's teachers.

Like a page taken from the much-maligned Protocol of the Elders of Zion, irrespectively of its much-disputed authorship.

Moreover, just recently in another thread, Musetescu absurdly insinuated that the holy Kalachakra Tantra teaches religious intolerance, and hatred against Muslims.

Looks like Musetescu, possibly directed by his sponsors, nurtures some bad feelings against the Kalachakra Tantra, and wants to incite hatred against Buddhist teachings.

This would even strangely fit the sudden cancer diagnosis for the greatest Kalachakra teacher of our times, Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, who until then enjoyed perfect health, while precisely in... Israel.


Beyond minuscule clowns such as Musestescu, the issue of Dorje Shugden, while to an inadvertent observer might look like a small inter-sectarian friction in a distant corner of the world, is on the contrary a topic of far-reaching consequences.

Indeed, Shugdenpas are the backbone of Gelugpas; Gelugpas are the backbone of Tibetan Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism is the backbone of Tibetan nationality and culture; Tibet is a main backbone of China's territorial integrity; and China is the main challenger to Western economic world-dominance.
The Chinese will therefore rely on Shugdenpas in order to maintain the cohesion and integrity of Tibet, and thus of China itself, which would otherwise run the risk of falling pray to Western imperialism, as it did in the past, for instance at the time of the Opium Wars, mentored by the Jewish drug dealer David Sassoon.

Dividing and weakening Shugdenpas, and therefore Gelugpas, Tibetans, and China, ultimately serve the long-standing, far-reaching, maniac obsessive Abrahamic goal of absolute world dominance, as prophesized by our teacher the Buddha in the holy Kalachakra Tantra.

Musetescu is just one more among so many useful idiots employed in the service of such sickly goal.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2017, 09:57:45 PM »

All talk and not one single document.

Tsem (Tooth) Rinpoche, "Show me the money"

Show me the "Documents".

His "Final confirmation was bestowed by the Spiritual Head of Tibetan Buddhism"???

Can't you say it was the Dalai Lama"?

Why not?

Can't say when and were this "special audience" was"?

The Dalai Lama didn't give you an "Official Document" stating your the true incarnation of the real Tsem Tulku?

"Rinpoche was enthroned in 1990".

Where was it, the exact date and who did the enthronement ceremony"?

Zong Rinpoche and Ayang Rinpoche gave you "verbal recognition"?

When and were.

They did not provided you with a document to confirm their "verbal recognition"?


A "verbal recognition" is not a "FORMAL" recognition and you know it.

"Gaden Shartse’s Dharma Protector Setrap Chen, via the Monastery’s oracle, recognized Rinpoche following a request from H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. This session has been recorded down and bears the seal of Setrap’s office. It serves as Rinpoche’s main recognition paper as issued by his Monastery. Rinpoche’s personal seal, as well, has the official backing of Lord Setrap Chen, and hence the entire Monastery"

No date and place were all his occurred Tsem (tooth.

Why not!

Show us the document!!!

"H.E. Drigung Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Chozin, one of Rinpoche’s Gurus, knew his incarnation status upon sight. He had his recognition officiated with his own personal stationery and seal. He also recognized Rinpoche as a mahasattva, which indicates that his line of incarnations go back further beyond Kensur Gedun Nyedrak".

No date and location again Tsem (tooth).

Show us the document.

"When Rinpoche was seven months, monks came and recognized him as a reincarnated Lama".

No proof, just Tsem's (tooth) story.

Every thing Tsem (tooth) has lists on his website about his recognition has not documentary proof.

Why no documents?

If you have them you would have shown them to the world.

But don't worry Tsem (tooth) I'm here to help you solve all that.

I have contacted both the Dalai Lama's office and the CTA and asked them for their help in proving your the real Tsem Tulku.

Not a "Dogs tooth".

Dear Harold,

This forum is not for you to abuse as a platform for your personal vendetta against anyone. If you do not cease this insult immediately, you will be banned from this forum.

Thank you


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2017, 12:04:18 AM »
If you [Harold Musetescu] do not cease this insult immediately, you will be banned from this forum.

Most likely there will be no need at all to ban the clown Musetescu from this forum, just because he has just banned himself forever.

And why? Because, thanks to Erstvollzug's incisive research, Musetescu's sinister sponsors have been exposed, and like worms who act in darkness, being exposed is precisely what they don't want.

Now Musetescu will be punished by his sponsors for allowing them to be so shamefully exposed, thanks to his infantile need for personal recognition. The useful idiot Musetescu, while still an idiot, is not useful anymore, and will therefore be discarded.

And lest we forget, Ringu “tulku”, the mentor of another minuscule agitator, “Tenzin Peljor”, has also been recently exposed as a receiving dirty money from the notorious Abrahamist financial terrorist George Soros, via his Shugden-hating organization Tsadra Foundation.

As one can see, the Abrahamist obsession with destroying and defaming everything Dorje Shugden, which goes back at least to the first Opium War (1839-1842), continues unabated down to our days.


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Re: The Buddha's Tooth (Tsem) and Tsem (Tooth) Tulku
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2017, 11:56:58 AM »
I am informing you that as per legal rules by the courts in Canada comments written on an open comments board are not protected by privacy nor copyright.

They are deemed "Public Domain" and as such may be freely reproduced.

I will be reproducing comments made on this website for inclusion in my book.

This will be my last communication on this website other than to inform you of the launch date of my book in roughly mid 2018.

Hope you buy it and who knows some of you will find yourselves and your comment in my book.

Thanks for all the fun.

The Tengyeling Oracle

I hope you will for once keep your word and hope to no to see you here again. If you do show up again, you really not a man of your words, seriously.

And if you made everything up then why would you sign-off as the fake Tengyeling Oracle? Harold M you sure don't seem all that well up there. I am sorry to say, but you sound like a person who is desperate for some kind of attention... any kind. Perhaps you need some therapy. I wish you would get some and wish you all the best in life. May you find peace, pray to Methar, perhaps he can help you?