As His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama said, observe your teacher and vice versa before taking on the quest to enlightenment.
For instance, one should observe that the evil dalie is a crooked criminal, and therefore reject any connection with the disgraceful entity, no matter how much the main dirty stream media glorifies it.
Whether Sogyal is a qualified teacher or not, I do not know.
But I know, and I can tell you that Sogyal is a very qualified teacher of the subject of how to sexually exploit and abuse the vulnerable and scam the naïve for self-gratification and personal profit.
As such, he is as recognized Nyingma teacher, endorsed by many lineage holders of this tradition, and a brazen supporter of the evil dalie and his anti-Shugden witch-hunts. Do you still doubt his qualifications?
Fundamentally, the teacher-student relationship is the bond of pure samaya, correct view of the teacher and complete trust, in which the student not only vows total submissiveness to the teacher (training),
This is a false, wrong statement. In Buddhism there is no such thing as “total submissiveness” to anyone, not even to the Buddha. The teaching of the Buddha is that you (anyone) should
“be a light unto yourself, be a refuge to yourself. Take yourself to no external refuge. Hold fast to the Truth as a light; hold fast to the Truth as a refuge. Look not for a refuge in anyone beside yourself” (Mahaparinibbana Sutta)“Total submissiveness” is the hallmark of evil, dehumanizing ideologies such as Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, or the Abrahamic so-called religions, those flagged by the Kalachakra Tantra as the religions of the
mlechchha, or the barbarians.
Such evil ideologies assert a central, non-transparent, all-powerful authority, which they call “god”, to which one must fully surrender or submit, and blindly obey, out of fear of eternal punishment. Their essence is fear, lack of self-reliance, submission, and slavery.
Now, the essence of Buddhism is freedom, self-confidence, and the courage to help other sentient beings no matter what, even if one has to endure endless ages in the deepest hell. Nothing could be farther from Buddhism than submissiveness, let alone “total submissiveness”.