Author Topic: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?  (Read 62182 times)


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Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:30:57 PM »
Peljor is at it again on his Facebook profile. The guy just can't help himself, always has to offer his penny worth of thoughts in the guise of encouraging discussion and dialogue. He needs to do that in order to get some traffic to his lagging blog and his distorted views and a semblance to being important. But the trouble is when people take him up on his offer and possess their own opinions, you know what's going to happen. He's going to break out his condescending, holier than thou tone. Because, as a monk his 'career' is based on being the unwanted 'dharma police' of every single happening in the Tibetan Buddhist world. No one solicits his comments or cares for his opinions, yet he forces them on everyone. What makes him the supreme authority to judge everyone? Just because he took a cross-eyed picture together with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, suddenly he is elevated to 10th level perfection!

I'm taken aback by the type of supporters that the Dalai Lama has. So overwhelmed with their own hatred for everybody that they don't realise how inconsistent their views are. On the one hand, he's always writing about how Sogyal has done this and that. Yet when people like Sandra Mesrine talk about the culture of silence in Tibetan monasteries, and offers her opinion, he automatically defends the Tibetan establishment.

Peljor needs take an aspirin or two and get his head out of his Tibetan fever daze. Tibetan Buddhism is in the West now and it's going to be subjected to Western attitudes. Deal with it. Just because this Jäckel is in monk's robes, he thinks he is the authority on all matters Tibetan ???

Yeah, right. I own a dog so I can speak on behalf of all dog owners. No man. Doesn't work that way. You don't get to talk and represent the Dalai Lama...unless those rumours of you being paid by the Tibetan leadership really are true? :o

And do these people actually read what the Dalai Lama says?

The Dalai Lama is talking about neutrality but is it being neutral when you split monasteries in half, or keep talking against them as the Dalai Lama does against you Shugden people? Surely remaining neutral is remaining silent, and not taking sides.

You want to follow the Dalai Lama? You want to be neutral? Stop criticising Geshe Kelsang. Stop criticising Trijang. Stop criticising Sogyal. Stop criticising people who want to take an Indian passport. Stop criticising rangzen people. Just stop.

Yes, the Dalai Lama talks about distancing oneself but he also talked about remaining neutral. Of course, people only see the distancing part. Wish people would take the Dalai Lama's entire meaning into account, and not just words and sentences here and there as and when it suits them.

What's that now 'yogini' aka Lobsang Nyima? Having some doubts in the Dalai Lama? After all, he did choose a Gaden Tripa who didn't have enough merits to stay on the throne  :-\ Whoops. Sorry, someone had to say it. You know, it's really easy to rock this 'yogini's equilibrium, especially now her drag 'career' is over.

Wonder what Aga thinks about how Peljor uses his platform to abuse all monks who don't fit his warped ideals.

I was wondering how long it was going to take before Peljor used all of this as an opportunity for self-promotion. He never promotes Dharma teachings, Dharma articles or information. Only judgements, criticism and attacks. But if he was truly out to expose alleged abuses in Tibetan Buddhism, why does he then go to such lengths to debate against Sandra Mesrine? When will Peljor behave like a monk and not just wear the costume of a monk? Halloween's over.

You're right Peljor, do we rich Westerners have the right to condemn? Perhaps you should get rid of your website which does nothing but condemn everyone. While Sandra Mesrine agrees to disagree, and points out the problems that exist, Peljor doesn't even address her comment. Instead talks about his experience in India, and questions what's right and wrong. Is this 'monk' for real, excusing alleged abuse by saying that the youth would otherwise suffer poor living conditions? Hey, abuse is wrong, full stop, in whatever context it takes place in.

It is interesting that Peljor just ignored Sandra's comment about Dalai Lama's personal monastery of Namgyal monks enjoying pornography. Also there are many career monks in Namgyal meaning they only wear robes and stay near the Dalai Lama for financial gain. Of course if Peljor were to comment on this like the rest of us Westerners, it would make him look bad because the basis of his 'power' to judge and condemn others is his closeness to the sanctified Dalai Lama above all reproach. As a Westerner to me, no one is above reproach especially people of spiritual authorities. If the Dalai Lama, as Sandra said, is ignoring the career monks in his own monastery and ignoring the pornography, what does that look like? You guess. Peljor has to defend the Dalai Lama because it is not faith that draws Peljor to the Dalai Lama but it's a career. For Peljor all of this is simply a job and his robes are part of the uniform. Child molestation in any society is disgusting and should be dealt with by the law. Pornography in any monastery should be banned and stopped. The Dalai Lama allowing this in his monastery is well known and spoken in hushed tones among the Tibetans and Westerners (injis) in McLeod Ganj. Too bad Peljor is so biased in his views. Gotta keep the boss happy.

This monk keeps defending the potential for abuse that Sandra Mesrine is talking about. Why would anyone in their right mind defend sexual abuse? I find it pretty entertaining too that it's a bunch of white folk debating the culture of Asians (or Tibetans in this case), acting like they are experts because they spoke to some Asian friends. Interesting. Would the same people claim and insist they are experts and familiar with black culture? Don't think so.

I guess it wasn't okay for Kalu to be molested, and when he came out to talk about it he was applauded for it. But Peljor doesn't seem to have any problem with it, in fact he seems to be okay with it. Wonder what Kalu, with the traumatic experience he relays here, would think about his 'good' 'friend' Peljor defending sexual abuse.

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Yes Peljor, quality amongst the sangha is an issue. Just look at you. So there's a practice of beating misbehaving monks and you don't agree with this. But look at you and your website that was set up specifically to criticise everyone who doesn't mean your very biased and inconsistent standards. What should the monastic administration do with a 'monk' like you? If you want to have a future life as a monk who isn't abused in the monastery, best you stop spending all of your time abusing others now.

For someone who "believes" in rebirths, I wonder if it will serve you right when you continuously criticise and defame peoples' religion. If you believe in Buddhism, you should know that there's not a single teaching in the Buddha's tantra who teaches one to put down and criticise one's belief.

Yes in the West you are one step ahead and have all kinds of material facilities available but unfortunately, that's when religions don't matter anymore because people no longer worship their beliefs, they worship machinery and materialism.

Talking about fairness, who don't you walk your talk and be fair to Dorje Shugden practitioners too? Why is "fairness" only applied in accordance to your projections? This is not being fair at all, it's called a double standard.

Why are you attacking Sogyal Rinpoche? Dalai Lama has had audience with him and you know the Dalai Lama does not meet just any Tom, Dick and Harry. If you are really "devoted" to the Dalai Lama, why do you criticise your Guru's friend? Is that right?

While the Dalai Lama is open and willing to discuss about integration of Tibetan Buddhism with the West, and the challenges that may come with it, Peljor is in denial and would rather defend the status quo. I guess he must be okay with importing the potential for abuse.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2017, 05:44:43 PM »
Tenzin Peljor, you claim to be a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and that would make him your lama right? You received teachings from him? If he is your lama you need to be practicing what he teaches and view all his actions as the actions of a buddha. But you continue to say bad things about Sogyal Rinpoche, despite the fact that he is close to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama visited Sogyal Rinpoche's centres, and blesses them. If this doesn't show that the Dalai Lama is close to Sogyal Rinpoche, what else does?

So if he is close to Sogyal Rinpoche, likes him, and says good things about him, shouldn't you be too? Or in the least, stay quiet about it? But you have constantly said bad things about him and you criticize him. Where is your guru devotion? saying bad things about Sogyal Rinpoche contradicts the Dalai Lama's own views on Sogyal Rinpoche, which are obviously positive. You challenge him every time you start writing about how bad Sogyal Rinpoche is.   


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2017, 06:08:43 PM »

The Dalai Lama visited Sogyal Rinpoche's centres, and blesses them.

The evil dalie, while a puppet himself, is the master criminal. The corrupt Sogyal is his accomplice. Peljor is anything in between. Why should Shugdenpas care about their intestine infights.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2017, 06:09:55 PM »
The Dalai Lama visited Sogyal Rinpoche's centres, and blesses them.

The evil dalie, while a puppet himself, is the master criminal. The corrupt Sogyal is his accomplice. Peljor is anything in between. Why should Shugdenpas care about their intestine infights.

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2017, 09:27:21 PM »
Its just too bad that this Peljor guy is at it again. Why do we have to hear about his views on this matter? What gives him the right to assess other teachers when he himself is not really qualified to teach. I would never go for his teachings.

On top of that, all he ever would teach would be about the controversial aspect of Buddhism. Why would I wanna learn about that? All he ever talks about is controversy and he is a monk as well. This is does not reflect well on a monk. What can I say, Peljor is tired. Please either enter into a long close retreat or pursue your education and keep quiet already. Please stop embarrassing yourself and especially the sangha. Real sincere sangha members are not like this.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2017, 12:44:55 AM »
What a sad, sad excuse for a monk. Mate if your going to defend sexual abuse, take yer robes off. Bleeding embarrassment to the institution. How do you call yourself one of the Three Jewels when you defend abuse? How can anyone EVER defend alleged sexual abuse? I went to the Raven Page link that Sadrine posted and wonder if Peljor ever read it. Absolutely heartbreaking story of two young monks who were abused in a monastery in Bhutan, how can that sort of thing ever be defended or excused?

Its pretty obvious Peljors completely skipped over the fact the Dalai Lama allows for porn to be circulated through Namgyal. People are obviously going to claim that the Dalai Lama doesnt know but do you hear yourself? The Dalai Lama doesnt know whats going on in his OWN monastery? Chenrezig doesnt know? Yeahhhh sure.

Look mate if your going to defend abuse, keep yer trap shut about Dorje Shugden practice. You have no right to criticise us if thats the sort of thing YOU stand up for and fight acceptable. Hell Im glad were not on the same side if being on your side means aligning to views like yours. If you think relying on Shugden will send us to the Three Lower Realms where do you think your going to end up if you deny and defend sexual abuse? Digusting.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2017, 02:50:14 AM »
Why does this monk have so much time debating, gossiping and criticising others online?
You don't see any other monks doing that and keep on promoting schismatic website that defames other Lamas and Dharma centre. Don't tell me this is something His Holiness agrees and blesses him to do?

There is only one logical conclusion as this statement has mentioned below that Peljor is definitely paid to do so.

I own a dog so I can speak on behalf of all dog owners. No man. Doesn't work that way. You don't get to talk and represent the Dalai Lama...unless those rumours of you being paid by the Tibetan leadership really are true? :o

This is why he contradicts himself so much and has double standards for everything. Everything he says must be taken with a pinch of salt. He really needs to get his story right. First, he defends HH the Dalai Lama and the tradition and basically agree to sexual misconduct in a monastery, yet he slams Sogyal in his blog for sexual misconduct??? Which one is it Peljor? Very confusing.

And if he did considered HH his Guru and/boss, then why does he not apply what HH the Dalai Lama says about not abusing and attacking others even if they were Shugden practitioners and to show compassion?
Then why does he slams Sogyal who is strongly supported by HH the Dalai Lama? He cannot seem to stick to the subject he is supporting and be consistent in applying it simply because he is not truthful and sincere. Whatever reasons he gives, we can see the contradiction. [/size]


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2017, 07:25:23 AM »
Tenzin Peljor brings down the status of those who wear maroon and call themselves spiritual. Reading his comments, posts and thoughts brings anger to one's mind. This is no monk. But a judgemental, insecure person who has need of control and power.  :(
Why would we donate to such a person to support a kind of living that only damages others. Peljor should move to Thailand and stay away from the internet and stay in the forest to meditate and retreat. He needs serious spiritual practice now! He needs healing from all the hate he has accumulated in his life.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2017, 11:20:30 AM »
Everytime I heard about Tenzin Peljor, it is always bad news. He left his teacher, and he criticized other Lamas to draw attention to himself. He does not care if as a consequence of his actions,  the Lamas' students begin to doubt their teacher. Now, he is portraying himself as the representative of the Dalai Lama. I never once heard Peljor conveying real Dharma to sooth people's mind as he makes sure that he thrives in the midst of controversy.

Although you are only a wicked person in monk costume, you better examine your mind as a normal human being. Until you have a conscience, you should just shut your mouth. Take off your monk costume because Halloween is over.

Lawrence L

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2017, 02:40:00 PM »
Tenzin Peljor always contradicting himself. Now I know not only he is busy maintaining his website to criticize Lamas and Dorje Shugden(in particularly) to get his monthly salary, he also busy contradicting himself.

If Tenzin Peljor criticizes Sogyal Rinpoche so much, it must be that he hates and disagrees with sexual abuse/sexual misconduct so much, but why defending sexual abuse this time? Why Tenzin Peljor said nothing at all but solely debate against what other has brought up, and the issue mentioned by Sandra Mesrine is a potential problem and it is valid. If Tenzin Peljor is a pure monk that practices Buddhadharma sincerely, he would have the quality of The 4 Immeasurable, that no bias should be practiced.

In this degenerate time, it is in fact easier to see who is real practitioner and who is not. Tenzin Peljor's motive is obvious - he is a career monk, that wear robes but does all the things a sangha should avoid.

I am not a sangha but just a lay practitioner. I hold my refuge vows and one of my vows is never say words to hurt others. I am sure the sangha vows has the same, but Tenzin Peljor obviously done the opposite. The worst is, he still uses his robes, his sangha "status" to build "credibility" to put down Lamas and Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is a political monks. I am sad to say so but this is the truth. His actions speak this well.

Lawrence L

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2017, 02:51:36 PM »
oh! One more example of Tenzin Peljor busy contradicting himself. Since the very beginning, he contradicted himself. I guess his main practice is "contradicting oneself".

He contradicted his Dorje Shugden belief and left his old Guru Ven. Geshe Kelsang for H.H. Dalai Lama. Well, a picture paints a thousand words. Let the picture speaks. Interesting to know tho.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2017, 03:49:17 PM »
“Peljor” is a close associate of Ringu “tulku”, a confessed recipient of George Soros' money. His political views without exception are aligned with those of the terrorism-supporting Abrahamic financier.

“Peljor” does not declare the source of the money supporting his websites and propagandistic initiatives, which means that it is necessarily dirty money, such as Soros or Tsadra Foundation money.

He is not intent on sincere debate, but solely on mercenary political propaganda. Quoting and refuting the idiot is the action of another idiot. Please let's not conspurcate this website with such a foolish activity.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2017, 04:57:13 PM »
“Peljor” is a close associate of Ringu “tulku”, a confessed recipient of George Soros' money. His political views without exception are aligned with those of the terrorism-supporting Abrahamic financier.

“Peljor” does not declare the source of the money supporting his websites and propagandistic initiatives, which means that it is necessarily dirty money, such as Soros or Tsadra Foundation money.

He is not intent on sincere debate, but solely on mercenary political propaganda. Quoting and refuting the idiot is the action of another idiot. Please let's not conspurcate this website with such a foolish activity.

No one forced you to read the thread or make a comment. People discuss what they like. So if you prefer to discuss other topics, feel free to start your own discussion thread ;) but thanks for the additional info about Peljor and Ringu mate. Did not know about that and yeah your right, he doesnt declare the source of his money. Maybe Ringu is in cahoots and is financially supportive of his activities. That would be disturbing if proven true.

Brian Little

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2017, 05:17:49 PM »
The more i read of Tenzin Peljor's comments and things people say about his action, the more i got put off by his actions. He should not be wearing that robe of his anymore while he still doesn't seems to stop doing all actions that monks should be avoiding of doing. I am also wondering why he left his Guru Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and 'switched' his allegiance from practising Dorje Shugden to hating Dorje Shugden.

There are evidences that actually accounts Dorje Shugden to be genuine and the ban on Dorje Shugden is totally unnecessary because the reasoning behind the ban is very debatable; the most funny one being practising Dorje Shugden can shorten HH Dalai Lama's life (HH is well into His 80s) and Dorje Shugden is a spirit (Dorje Shugden wasn't accused of this before 1996 and already been practised by HH Dalai Lama before this... and of course, the prayers to Dorje Shugden was also composed by the 5th Dalai Lama). 

Why would Tenzin Peljor believe into all that? Did he did that on purpose all because of money?? He even criticised Sogyal Rinpoche and defended sexual abuse. Other than just looking like a monk in an outfit, he doesn't really behave like one certainly. One would really questions his motivation and we don't even need to go into the things that he writes in his website. Shameful. Maybe he should just keep quiet.

Tenzin Peljor always contradicting himself. Now I know not only he is busy maintaining his website to criticize Lamas and Dorje Shugden(in particularly) to get his monthly salary, he also busy contradicting himself.

If Tenzin Peljor criticizes Sogyal Rinpoche so much, it must be that he hates and disagrees with sexual abuse/sexual misconduct so much, but why defending sexual abuse this time? Why Tenzin Peljor said nothing at all but solely debate against what other has brought up, and the issue mentioned by Sandra Mesrine is a potential problem and it is valid. If Tenzin Peljor is a pure monk that practices Buddhadharma sincerely, he would have the quality of The 4 Immeasurable, that no bias should be practiced.

In this degenerate time, it is in fact easier to see who is real practitioner and who is not. Tenzin Peljor's motive is obvious - he is a career monk, that wear robes but does all the things a sangha should avoid.

I am not a sangha but just a lay practitioner. I hold my refuge vows and one of my vows is never say words to hurt others. I am sure the sangha vows has the same, but Tenzin Peljor obviously done the opposite. The worst is, he still uses his robes, his sangha "status" to build "credibility" to put down Lamas and Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is a political monks. I am sad to say so but this is the truth. His actions speak this well.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2017, 12:27:36 AM »
No one forced you to read the thread or make a comment.

If so, why did you feel forced to read my own comment on this thread?

People discuss what they like.

If so, why do you want to forbid me to discuss what I like?

So if you prefer to discuss other topics, feel free to start your own discussion thread ;)

If so, why did you give an answer to my comment on this thread, instead of starting your own thread?

but thanks for the additional info about Peljor and Ringu mate. Did not know about that and yeah your right, he doesnt declare the source of his money. Maybe Ringu is in cahoots and is financially supportive of his activities. That would be disturbing if proven true.

Peljor's mentor Ringu “tulku” is himself a small fish, eating out of George Soros' hands via the latter's Shugden-hating Tsadra Foundation.

If you check Peljor's website at, on the homepage's bottom right, you will see that several of his supported projects (“Unterstütze Projekte”) are CIA-approved, George Soros-funded pseudo-humantarian, actually terrorism supporting organizations, such as Médecins Sans Frontières and Amnesty International, and Western anti-China political propaganda outlets such as TibetInfoNet.

Therefore, dear friends, far from dealing with a sincere although misguided monk who might be accessible to logical arguments, or who might rethink his misbehavior in the light of Buddhist teachings, we are dealing here with a professional agitator, a paid provocator, and mercenary propagandizer, merely transvestite as monk, under the service and stipend of an international criminal terrorist ring.

It's all about China, dear friends. It's all about the great geopolitical game which involves the rise of a superpower, China, and the fall of another, the US, together with the replacement of the perverse, Abrahamic privately-owned, debt-based, dollar-enslaved, and human-enslaving financial system with another, more humanistic, social, political, and economic system as heralded by Buddhist-influenced China.

Tibet is essential for China's security; Buddhism is essential for Tibetan society; Gelugpas are essential for Tibetan Buddhism; and Dorje Shugden is essential for Gelugpas. Therefore, Western greedy imperialists see an absolute need to attack and destroy anything Dorje Shugden in order to ensure Western control over Gelugpas, over Tibetan Buddhism, over Tibet, and ultimately over China itself.

In this game, the current evil dalie lame is a puppet, as a puppet already was the previous, 13th evil dalie lame. Both were and are hostile to the great and glorious Pabhonkga Rinpoche, because he protected the integrity of the Gelugpa lineage, and because his close disciple, the Chinese patriotic warrior Liu Wenhui, destroyed Western-controlled opium routes into China through Nyingma and Rimeypa-controlled areas.

Since the 18th century, Abrahamist drug dealers such as the Jewish opium trader David Sassoon try to destroy China, its people, and Buddhism; and the Western-waged opium wars effectively destroyed and razed immense Buddhists treasuries such as Beijing's Summer Palace together with its hundreds of Buddhist temples, erected and maintained by emanations of Dorje Shugden such as the Qing Emperors.

Coming back to “Peljor”, the salariated agitator will keep performing his paid job of disparaging anything Dorje Shugden; as the evil dalie will keep waging his war against Shugdenpas, and promoting gruesome self-immolations, racist riots, and anti-China separatism; and as the financial terrorist George Soros will keep paying the salaries of both, and of the likes of Ringu “tulku” through is Tsadra Foundation.