Author Topic: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?  (Read 62212 times)


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2017, 02:04:36 PM »
Why would real Buddhists read gossips and bad news about Buddhist monks and centers when there is not even enough time to read real Buddhist stuff, like Dzogchen for example.

Interesting your point. It suggests that what moves the criticism against Peljor is not his alleged “defense of sexual abuse”, which is rather the speciality of infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's fanboys.

Indeed, it makes clear that just what is behind the criticism against Peljor is the mere “Nyingma” anti-Gelug sectarian hatred, whence your need to mention “dzogchen” as an “argument” against Peljor.

Therefore, it's no coincidence that those brandishing the “dzogchen” label as an “evidence” against Peljor are the same silencing about infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

Bottom line, what we are witnessing here is merely a cheap sectarian vendetta waged by Nyingmapa fanboys against Gelugpa in general, and of course in defense of their cult leader infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

I was quite disturbed when someone pointed out to me that perhaps he is obsessed with the topic of sexual abuse in a sick way.

Are you suggesting that defending infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse is “not sick”? Or that not defending, rather exposing it, is “sick”? Please make your mind clear.

The person told me that beside his articles about sexual abuse on his website, Peljor also posts on twitter about sexual abuse and sex in general. I went on to see and here are some examples.

Obviously, you and that “person” are sickly obsessed with Peljor's activities, to the point of obsessively spending your time digging for examples of Peljor's supposed “obsession”, and then complaining about lack of time to read what you call “real Buddhist stuff”, as you call “dzogchen”!

The conclusion is clear. The unavoidable fate of sectarianists belching about “dzogchen” is obsessively to spend their miserable lives digging the internet for “evidence” against Gelugpa monks, just because a Gelugpa monk, good or bad, exposed infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly record of serial sexual abuse!

Why would a monk post about sex?  :o

So what? The dzogchen mercenary sectarian propagandist and Nyingma monk Mipham wrote about the kama sutra.

Why would Peljor post about 10 nations where the penalty for gay sex is death anyway?

Another of Peljor's excellent deeds, to denounce sexual intolerance in countries which fake news mass media, and stooges like the evil dalie, silence about. Bravo Peljor!

But now I see that you support death penalty against homosexuals, and thus that you are a mere follower of the Jewish Torah and sympathizer of the Islamic State, according to both of which homosexuals should be “put to death”.

Now, it is interesting to see how your love for “dzogchen” and hate for Buddhist monastic tradition combines with your love for Jewish law, even in its most obnoxious commandments.

In fact, looks like the little emphasis placed on “idols”, which are the yidams, and on monasticism, by dzogchen makes of it a favorite choice of Jews somehow inclined to Buddhism.

This might also explain why Sandra Mesrine, the one who like you see porn everywhere, hates so much Buddhist monastic tradition, and therefore the Gelugpa, all the while loving Jewish rabbis, no matter how much they may be involved in the traffic of human organs.

Anyway, for your honorable deed of denouncing the Jewish law's hatred against homosexuals, specially in rogue countries following the Jewish Torah (as echoed by the Islamic Quran), bravo, bravissimo Peljor!!!

The lesson to be learned here is how much even a bad Gelugpa monk, such as Peljor, is infinitely better than any “dzogchen” fanboy suchas you.


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And here is the bottom line of this whole thread: it is just mistitled, as its subject should read: “Are dzogchen sectarian fanboys and Torah followers trying to use Peljor in order to defame Gelugpas, and thus Buddhist monastic tradition in general?”

Since Peljor wrongly defames Shugdenpas, such sectarian intriguers found a good opportunity to leverage this unfortunate circumstance in order to put Gelugpas against Gelugpas, and to demean Buddhist monasticism, both Gelugpa and non-Gelugpa.

This is shown by the recent post which takes the opportunity gratuitously to smear Thai Theravadin monks, which have absolutely nothing to do with Peljor.

This is shown by Sandra Mesrine's generic, unproven, gratuitous attacks against Buddhist monastic tradition in general, all the while showing their love for Jewish rabbis, no matter how much some of them are guilty of trafficking human organs.

This is shown by the reverence shown to Sandra Mesrine's idiotic statements by those “dzogchen” sectarian fanboys.

And this is shown by their need to attack Peljor precisely when he directly contradicted Jewish law, which explicitly commands putting homosexuals to death, and their need to defend those who apply this beastly depraved law (as echoed by the Quran), such as the barbaric Islamic State.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #62 on: July 12, 2017, 07:27:50 PM »
Indeed, it makes clear that just what is behind the criticism against Peljor is the mere “Nyingma” anti-Gelug sectarian hatred, whence your need to mention “dzogchen” as an “argument” against Peljor.

Therefore, it's no coincidence that those brandishing the “dzogchen” label as an “evidence” against Peljor are the same silencing about infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

Bottom line, what we are witnessing here is merely a cheap sectarian vendetta waged by Nyingmapa fanboys against Gelugpa in general, and of course in defense of their cult leader infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

Why is this hatred just because I mention dzogchen. Please do not simply create issue on this forum when there is none. If Peljor wants to, he can bring it up to European Buddhist Union, but what I see is that he uses the opportunity to write on these topics in a tabloid manner to bring views to his website. I really wish that the website can be taken down. It attacks Zen monks, Thai monks, Tibetan monks. There is no solution or advice provided, merely airing dirty laundry  >:( and making monks look bad.

And Matibhadra, let's not bring Soros in the picture and the conspiracy theory.  I really wish someone would shut this monk up, an ex-NKT monk Gelug monk who studies with a Kagyu teacher, I don't even know what to label him.


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And here is the bottom line of this whole thread: it is just mistitled, as its subject should read: “Are dzogchen sectarian fanboys and Torah followers trying to use Peljor in order to defame Gelugpas, and thus Buddhist monastic tradition in general?”

Matibhadra stop creating schism, this has nothing to do with Dzongchen Nyingma and you brought it up to stir sectarianism, please spend more time in Dharma practice than to create schism here. Shame.


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Are dzogchen fanboys trying to use Peljor in order to defame Gelugpas?
« Reply #64 on: July 12, 2017, 10:20:05 PM »
Why is this hatred

The source of your hatred is your vicious addiction to the Jewish command to put homosexuals to death, combined with your ridiculously sectarian “dzogcghen” fanboyism.

just because I mention dzogchen.

Which showed that your own sectarian “dzogchen” fanboyism is at the root of your vile attempt to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas.

Please do not simply create issue on this forum when there is none.

Of course there is the issue of “dzogchen” fanboys addicted to beastly depraved Jewish commands using Peljor as a pretext to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, and even to support putting homosexuals to death.

If Peljor wants to, he can bring it up to European Buddhist Union,

Why don't you bring to the European Buddhist Union your own suggestion, that Buddhists should adopt the Jewish beastly depraved command to put homosexuals to death? And that in the free time between putting homosexuals to death Buddhists should read “real Buddhist” stuff such as the  profound “dzogchen” books written by infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal of ugly records of serial sexual abuse? Or maybe the infamous “termas” praising the invented Nyingma Padmasambhava who killed 432.000 men and raped 432.000 women?

but what I see is that he uses the opportunity to write on these topics in a tabloid manner to bring views to his website.

So what? What do you have against Peljor's bringing views to his website? Are you paid by someone to decrease Peljor's website views? Are you upset because Peljor criticized countries putting homosexuals to death and thus opposed the Jewish murderous, beastly, depraved command? Are you nervous because Peljor denounced infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly record of serial sexual abuse? Are you disturbed because Peljor effectively and intelligently defended Gelugpa and Buddhist monastic tradition against rabbi-lover Sandra Mesrine's sordid and baseless attacks? Or are you just frustrated because the more you read what you call “real Buddhist stuff” as you call “dzogchen”, a more shameful person you become?

I really wish that the website can be taken down. It attacks Zen monks, Thai monks, Tibetan monks.

Smokescreen. You are just upset because Peljor denounced infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse, whence your need to propagandize your “dzogchen” sectarianism in the context of trying to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas.

There is no solution or advice provided, merely airing dirty laundry  >:( and making monks look bad.

So what? Where is it written that Peljor has to provide any solution? And why do you pretend to be so concerned with monks, when you are solely concerned with covering infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of sexual abuse?

And Matibhadra, let's not bring Soros in the picture and the conspiracy theory.

Why not? Do you prefer the idiocy theory that there is no Soros money behind Shugden-hating Tsadra Andrea Soros Foundation?

I really wish someone would shut this monk up,

Not only you want to put homosexuals to death but you want repress freedom of expression, just because Peljor denounced infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly record of serial sexual abuse? Is this one from the Torah of from some “dzogchen real Buddhist stuff” teaching mass murder and mass rape?

an ex-NKT monk Gelug monk who studies with a Kagyu teacher, I don't even know what to label him.

As a “dzogchen” fanboy who you should be less concerned with “labels”.

Besides, instead of Peljor, you should be more concerned with infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse, instead of shamefully trying to use Peljor to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, which is your sole and sordid purpose here.


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Matibhadra stop creating schism,

Then denouncing a “dzogchen” supremacist fanboy who tries to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas is according to you “creating schism”, is it?

Then, according to you, diagnosing the disease is the same as creating it, right?

This means that you would prefer that the sordid attempt by a “dzogchen” supremacist fanboy to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas goes unnoticed, which makes of you his accomplice.

this has nothing to do with Dzongchen Nyingma

Of course it has! The mentioned “dzogchen” supremacist fanboy confessed to it! He even said that “dzogchen”, the teaching ascribed to a mass murderer and mass raper invented by the “termas”, is the “real Buddhist stuff” that the Gelugpa monk Peljor should learn! 

Indeed, not only he felt the sectarianist need to proclaim the supremacy of “dzogchen” barbaric teachings while criticizing a Gelugpa monk; and not only he attacked a Gelugpa monk such as Peljor just in order to cover infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly record of serial sexual abuse; but also he tried to use Peljor to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, thus showing his poisonous wish to exacerbate the already existent schism among Gelugpas.

and you brought it up to stir sectarianism,

Wrong. I'm just denouncing the ugly sectarianist attempt to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas perpetrated by the sectarian “dzogchen” supremacist fanboy and supported by you.

please spend more time in Dharma practice than to create schism here.

Do you mean, I should spend more time reading infamous playboy Sogyal's “dzogchen” books and thus emulate his ugly records of serial sexual abuse?

Or should I accuse Peljor of “defending sexual abuse” just because he denounced infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse?

Or should I practice “Dharma” trying to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, following the example of the frustrated “dzogchen” supremacist sectarianist fanboy?

Or maybe I should study “real Buddhist stuff” and learn the beauties of mass murder and mass rape as practiced by the imaginary “Padmasambhava” invented by the “termas”?

Or according to you supporting the Jewish command to put homosexuals to death, as criticized by Peljor but supported by his defamers on this forum, is practicing Dharma as well?

Seeing that you are an expert practitioner of all such “Dharmas”, what should I say about you?


You took the word right out of my mouth!


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And here is the bottom line of this whole thread: it is just mistitled, as its subject should read: “Are dzogchen sectarian fanboys and Torah followers trying to use Peljor in order to defame Gelugpas, and thus Buddhist monastic tradition in general?”

Matibhadra stop creating schism, this has nothing to do with Dzongchen Nyingma and you brought it up to stir sectarianism, please spend more time in Dharma practice than to create schism here. Shame.

I think we should clear-out from the discussion of sectarianism. It is not the purpose of this forum to create further conflict with other sects of Tibetan Buddhism. The point is Peljor is a trouble maker who continues to create various controversies with his and attack other lamas to draw attention to himself. And this has to be stopped especially considering his reputation of changing teachers and changing centers, etc.

It is best if he just keep quiet and concentrate on his Buddhist studies.


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I think we should clear-out from the discussion of sectarianism.

How cute!

Peljor is sordidly abused, and accused of something which he absolutely did not do, such as “defending sexual abuse”, until the putrid sectarian agenda of his abusers and accusers is exposed, and then you want to limit the discussion only to keep abusing and accusing Peljor, while shamelessly trying to forbid and silence the discussion about the sectarian agenda of his abusers and accusers!

While not even one comma of evidence has ever been produced that Peljor has ever “defended sexual abuse”, tons of evidence have been produced that such contemptible accusations are a mere vendetta waged against Peljor by disgruntled fanboys of infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal, just because Peljor exposed his ugly records of serial sexual abuse!

Now that the Peljor's accusers and abusers have been exposed as “dzogchen” supremacist sectarianists, as haters of Gelugpa monasticism, and as proponents of putting homosexuals to death, and that their only sordid purpose is to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, and thus to exacerbate the already existent division within the Gelugpas, you want to change the topic!

And what is worse, you want to change the topic back to falsely and without any evidence keep bashing Peljor for something he never did! This shows that you are no different from any of the aforementioned “dzogchen” sectarian supremacists, and that just what you want here is to save the face of infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal, whose ugly records of serial sexual abuse were exposed by Peljor!

It is not the purpose of this forum to create further conflict with other sects of Tibetan Buddhism.

If so, why do you want to keep accusing Peljor of what he never did, such as “defending sexual abuse”, thus supporting your beloved “dzogchen” supremacist sectarianists, thus trying to silence Peljor's efforts to expose infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse, thus pitting Gelugpas against each other, and thus exacerbating the already existent rift among Gelugpas?

The point is Peljor is a trouble maker who continues to create various controversies with his and attack other lamas to draw attention to himself.

So what. This does not justify your filthy, sectarianist attempt to pit Gelugpas against each other, and to exacerbate the already existent rift among Gelugpas.

If you are dissatisfied with Peljor, have the guts to go to him and complain directly, instead of coming to this website, which has nothing to do with Peljor, just in order to pit Gelugpas against each other.

And this has to be stopped especially considering his reputation of changing teachers and changing centers, etc.

And what is your job with his reputation? Peljor has every right to change teachers and centers as much as he wants, and this is still no reason for you to falsely accuse him of what he never did, as a cheap vendetta just aimed at saving the face of infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal, and at exacerbating already existent divisions among Gelugpas.

It is best if he just keep quiet and concentrate on his Buddhist studies.

Why don't you have the guts to offer your unasked advice directly to him, instead of hypocritically trying to use this forum and website just to wage your contemptible vendetta, and to fulfill your own sectarian agenda?


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #68 on: July 13, 2017, 12:54:37 PM »
I see how he disregards Sandra's statements, hushing her up and deviating from it.

So what. Maybe Sandra's statements did deserve to be disregarded, and Sandra did deserve to be hushed up, if this is indeed what Peljor did.

Besides, what did you see of so sacred in Sandra's statements that you don't even have the guts to quote them, knowing as you do that they lack any worth anyway?

Actually, if you go through Sadra's idiotic statements you'll see that they are worthless indeed, and that Sandra is just a militant hater of Buddhistic monastic tradition, and therefore of Gelugpas.

You will see as well her special love for Jewish orthodox rabbis, some of whom involved in the traffick of human organs so near to her in New Jersey, which explains her need to find fault in Buddhist traditional monastic education in far away India.

Well, this is what we discussing here and the above is proof

“The above” *what*? *Where*? *When*? Get the courage and quote the specific passage which you believe to be a proof of specifically what, instead of hiding yourself behind blanket accusations.

The fact that you eschew showing your supposed evidence is itself a proof of your lack of confidence in your own argument, and that you know perfectly that your contrived case does not hold water at all.

that what he says is indirectly defending sexual abuse,

What specifically did Peljor say that you don't even dare to quote?

Which supposed sexual abuse happened to whom, where, and when, that Peljor indirectly defended, and why do you believe that this is the case?

Since you lack the guts to show your evidence, this can only means that you have no evidence at all, and that just what you want is a cheap vendetta against Peljor, and just because he exposed infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

Now the appropriate question is: If Peljor defended infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse would you care to accuse Peljor of “defending sexual abuse”? And, in such case, would Peljor's defense of sexual abuse be “direct” or “indirect”?

But to your satisfaction, I can provide irrefutable evidence that Peljor does directly defend sexual abuse!

Indeed, this is precisely what Peljor does when he wrotes a whole article defending the evil dalie's thundering silence about infamous playboy Sogyal ugly and extensive records of sexual abuse.

But this proof you don't want to hear about and you deviate from, because it exposes your wicked cult leaders, the evil dalie and his pal infamous playboy Sogyal.

Therefore, here we are again where we started from: this whole thread is nothing but a cheap vendetta against Peljor, wrongly accusing him of “defending sexual abuse”, just because he denounced infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.


Would quote exactly where did Peljor “defend” porn?

Besides, where did you see “porn” except in the mind of militant anti-Buddhist hater and Jewish rabbi lover Sandra Mesrine?

and basically telling Sandra that she has no clue about Tibetan Lamas/monks and Buddhism.

Which is exactly the case, and Peljor did very well if he indeed told her what she had to hear. This by the way proves that Peljor with all his mistakes has his store of merits as well.

Besides, since when dismissing idiotic Sandra Mesrine, the one who says nothing about Jewish rabbis trafficking human organs, is tantamount to “defending sexual abuse”?

Well, he kind authorised himself to be the "police" for Tibetan Buddhism LOL

Actually the one who ridiculously gave herself this role is precisely Sandra Mesrine, the one who loves so much her Jewish rabbis, and says nothing about their traffick of human organs just next door to her, but who goes to far away India in order to find fault in Buddhist monastic tradition, and the one who sees “porn” everywhere.

Anyway, all this also shows that he is indeed free as a bird!

At least he had the freedom to expose infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly record of serial sexual abuse, which both you and rabbi lover Sandra Mesrine lack the freedom to.

He sure can write a lot and talk a lot.. gossiping, creating schism and conflict.

So what? Did you authorize yourself to be the “police” of Tibetan Buddhism?

What kind of monk does this?

Is it your job? Did you now become the “police” of Tibetan Buddhism?

It is okay to come on to social media to spread Dharma,

Why then do you come to social media, which this website is, to spread gossips about Peljor?

but I have never seen any monks who is as active as him on social media, not very befitting of a monk.

You are anyway a mere hater of Buddhist monastic tradition just like your porn idol Sandra Mesrine, the one who sees porn everywhere, whereby your opinion is irrelevant.

Someone sure has a lot of "FREE" time to be dissecting people's words one at a time. And talk about hate... Mati you sound like a hater yourself. Fuming in fact. Such strong words, my-my. Is this forum the only thing that keeps you busy? I am not about to spoon feed you how Peljor is defending sexual abuse if 99 person out of 100 person sees, then that 1 person is obviously blind. I am not going to succumb to you "dare" nonsense, what do you think this is, grade 5? Lol. There is no point discussing anything with you because you only choose to see in your perspective. 99 people are wrong and you are right. You must be a Buddha! But Buddhas do not require this much attention and do not speak so rudely to people when they don't get it or get what they want, and get into a fit.

Good luck and good bye to you Miti, I don't think you want really be here to share, discuss and learn, it is more to get everyone to agree with your views.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2017, 10:11:28 PM »
Someone sure has a lot of "FREE" time to be dissecting people's words one at a time. And talk about hate...

Took the words right out of my mouth. I dont bother reading what he has to say any more because its just vitriol. Its clear judging from the volume of his writing and the depth he goes into, picking apart peoples replies line by line, that hes either got nowt better to do or hes got some agenda hes trying to push across.

The art of communication is about conveying information in a manner that makes the recipient willing to listen but Mitis styles about recording his pennies worth of thoughts and satisfying his need to have the last word. Never mind if youve actually read it or not. Thats not the point, he doesnt actually care about that. His tactic is simple - shout you down AND shut you down with as much information as possible, to demonstrate what a brilliant and in-depth analyst he is (if only youd listen, see, so the faults with you for not reading everything  ::) ). Of course, when your not happy, out come the insults about Sogyal and Tsem and all of that.

Frankly, hes turned off the lot of us and weve got better things to do like discuss why the Dalai Lamas stayed silent on the topic of Namgyal monks circulating pornography, and why "monks" like Tenzin Peljor think its acceptable to perpetuate this culture of silence.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2017, 06:11:26 AM »
Isn't it obvious by now that Peljor is promoting a side of HHDL hoping that he will be seen in the same light so people will respect him and suck up to him and his corny site that is being used to create schisms? Peljor is obviously avoiding the truth about what is happening in Namgyal monastery under that tutelary protector the Dalai Lama - his guru who gave him the monk's vinaya which we doubt that he holds purely. He is incapable of rationalized the pornography phenomena and the best thing to do is to avoid it. Peljor is stupid because everyone knows about it and it is all over the net and widely spread within the Tibetan community. In case some of you may be wondering since his site is supposed to police all the DON'Ts in the Buddhist scene and he didn't mention anything about the Namgyal monastery pornography phenomena, this is one of the many whys.

Another one is that he himself is doing the same thing and there are no reasons to bring it up since he obviously thinks that it is not important. Afterall, we are all born in the desire realm and we should all have desires and it is acceptable because Peljor is guilty of it. Come to think of it, his height and small built could due to malnutrition for playing himself too much and so he didn't grow properly.

It is so pathetic that we have so many negative things to talk about Peljor and he is supposed to be a monk, one of the Three Jewels that a Buddhist should take refuge in. How sad is this?

Frankly, hes turned off the lot of us and weve got better things to do like discuss why the Dalai Lamas stayed silent on the topic of Namgyal monks circulating pornography, and why "monks" like Tenzin Peljor think its acceptable to perpetuate this culture of silence.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2017, 05:23:07 AM »
why the Dalai Lamas stayed silent on the topic of Namgyal monks circulating pornography, and why "monks" like Tenzin Peljor think its acceptable to perpetuate this culture of silence.

Well Namgyal Monastery was founded by His Holiness, so if He criticises the monastery/monks if would be not only shameful for they are his monks, it would also tarnish the so called great reputation they have as His Holiness's personal assistant monks.

Namgyal Monastery was founded in 16th-century Tibet by the second Dalai Lama, Gendun Gyatso. Since its founding, the Namgyal monks have assisted the Dalai Lamas in public religious affairs and have performed ritual prayer ceremonies for the welfare of Tibet.

Because Namgyal monks assist His Holiness the Dalai Lama and are frequently traveling with him, they require a more streamlined course of study focusing on the essentials of sutra and tantra. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has innovatively addressed and modified the traditional curriculum, including a new syllabus and program of study, which is becoming a model for other Tibetan monasteries.
- From Namgyal Monastery website.

Sounds like a special elite group of monks... and so streamlined are their studies that they have time for porn lol. Well obviously everyone highly respects this bunch of elite monks who are supposedly very close to the Dalai Lama and personally assist Him with rituals etc. So of course Dalai Lama cannot say anything and turns a blind eye and ear... unless someone starts exposing it all over the media.

As for Peljor... why is he accepting it... simple he is probably watching such things himself! Ha! I would not be surprised, all we have to do is take one look at his blog site, you will know what kind of character we're dealing with. Nothing DHarmic about Peljor, just gossip, scandals, schism and lies. I think someone from Sogyal side pissed him off or told him off for something he did and that is why he is writing all the nasty things about Sogyal, because this thing about Sogyal sex scandals is OLD NEWS, why did he suddenly rehashed it and start spreading it? I sense there is an ulterior motive here.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2017, 08:30:20 PM »
Someone sure has a lot of "FREE" time to be dissecting people's words one at a time.

Now he is posting about a Kagyu teacher from Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery. When is Peljor ever going to stop? I think this is the first time I know about a 'monk' who is so obsessed with sexual abuse  ???

Any psychology major here? Perhaps some theories why Peljor likes to share about sexual abuse  ??? ???


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2017, 08:59:39 PM »
Someone sure has a lot of "FREE" time to be dissecting people's words one at a time.

Now he is posting about a Kagyu teacher from Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery. When is Peljor ever going to stop? I think this is the first time I know about a 'monk' who is so obsessed with sexual abuse  ???

Any psychology major here? Perhaps some theories why Peljor likes to share about sexual abuse  ??? ???

Actually Ive noticed a fair bit of inconsistency in his views. Hes got an entire blog dedicated to tearing down teachers who dont meet his standards. At the same time when he finds out that the Dalai Lamas own monasterys got the same sordid activities going on, hes silent about it. Wheres his blog posts about Namgyal Monastery monks distributing pornography?


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2017, 10:08:11 PM »
Now he is posting about a Kagyu teacher from Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery. When is Peljor ever going to stop? I think this is the first time I know about a 'monk' who is so obsessed with sexual abuse

Makes you really wonder if he isn't doing something himself. I mean when your that obsessed with something, its bound to be coming from somewhere. Now, I do not claim to know what this somewhere would be but i think it must be very strong in him. His obsession with sexual abuse and tearing other teachers down speaks volumes about his emotional and mental state.

Actually Ive noticed a fair bit of inconsistency in his views. Hes got an entire blog dedicated to tearing down teachers who dont meet his standards. At the same time when he finds out that the Dalai Lamas own monasterys got the same sordid activities going on, hes silent about it. Wheres his blog posts about Namgyal Monastery monks distributing pornography?

I haven't studied psychology at all but these inconsistencies and his double standards point to either of two possibilities that I can think of. The first is that he is just an attention seeker. Craving this above all else, all logic flies out of the window. Alternatively he has some sort of mental or emotional issues that are unresolved. But that would be strange given that he is a Buddhist "teacher", surely he should have more control over his emotional state, it is the case. Just my two cents.