Author Topic: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?  (Read 62219 times)


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I think we should clear-out from the discussion of sectarianism.

If so, why then do you relentlessly support this sordid vendetta against Peljor, accusing him without any evidence of “defending sexual abuse”, just because he denounced with tons of evidence infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse?

Why then do you support this sectarian attempt to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, thus exacerbating an already existent division, thus playing in the hands of those sectarian “rimeypas” at the root of such division, and whose only job here is to revenge their cult leader Sogyal?

It is not the purpose of this forum to create further conflict with other sects of Tibetan Buddhism.

Which is no reason to protect from criticism malicious “dzogchen” fanboys, who intruded this forum only in order to exacerbate the already existent division among Gelugpas, which they do sordidly attacking Peljor without any evidence, and trying to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas.

Your attempt to protect such sectarian fanboys intent on such a cheap sectarian vendetta shows that your “concern” with creating further sectarian conflicts is insincere, and just a cover for your actual wish to fuel such conflicts.

The point is Peljor is a trouble maker who continues to create various controversies with his and attack other lamas to draw attention to himself.

So what. Confessed “dzogchen” fanboys are doing much worse on this very forum and thread, and you have just words of support to them.

And this has to be stopped especially considering his reputation of changing teachers and changing centers, etc.

What's your job with Peljor's reputation and his changing or not teachers and centers?

You should be more concerned with your own support to false and unproven accusations “of defending sexual abuse” levelled against him by confessed dzogchenpa fanboys only in order maliciously to exacerbate the already existent rift among Gelugpas.

It is best if he just keep quiet and concentrate on his Buddhist studies.

And even better if you refrain from irresponsibly supporting false and unproven accusations, thus playing in the hands of malicious, confessed dzogchen fanboys and Gelugpa-hating sectarianists.


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Someone sure has a lot of "FREE" time to be dissecting people's words one at a time.

In samsara there is no third choice: one uses one's time either telling lies, as you do, or dissecting them, as I do.

And talk about hate... Mati you sound like a hater yourself. Fuming in fact.

You just want to make bad propaganda about the joy and fun of dissecting lies, itself a clear sign of your own frustration!

Such strong words, my-my.

My words are not strong; your lies are weak.

Is this forum the only thing that keeps you busy?

Why should I look for lies to dissect elsewhere, if you provide so many here?

I am not about to spoon feed you how Peljor is defending sexual abuse

Which you would do *with pleasure* if only you had any evidence at all!

The fact that you just repeat you empty accusations but never produce your supposed evidence just shows that you have nothing to show anyway, and that you know that what you might call “evidence” is just a piece of crap proving nothing.

if 99 person out of 100 person sees,

So you call yourself “99 person”, is it?

And all of you “99” can “see”, but cannot produce one single piece of evidence!

then that 1 person is obviously blind.

Like the child who could not see the new clothes of the foolish king, despite the 99 idiots telling him how beautiful they were!

I am not going to succumb to you "dare" nonsense, what do you think this is, grade 5? Lol.

I'm aware that according to you showing evidence is “nonsense”. Even a 5th grader could teach you something here!

There is no point discussing anything with you because you only choose to see in your perspective.

I can see your perspective: the perspective of someone who falsely accuses others without having the guts to show any evidence!

99 people are wrong and you are right.

Sorry that you still believe that you are “99 people”. Maybe you just want to compensate for your confessed lack of guts with inflated numbers about yourself, or with an imaginary legion of supporters.

Still, even the opinion of 99 people without any evidence would be worthless anyway!

You must be a Buddha!

If I were a Buddha I would not ask for any evidence in support of your false accusations, as I would see directly that you are lying!

But Buddhas do not require this much attention

You are giving this much attention because you want; just what I asked for is *evidence*, which you lacked the guts to offer.

and do not speak so rudely to people when they don't get it or get what they want,

Sorry if just asking evidence in support of your false accusations sounded “rude” to you, but I see that from your perspective of a false accuser this must indeed be the case!

and get into a fit.

May I remember that it's you upset, not me. Your attempted projection shows the level of your frustration!

Good luck and good bye to you Miti, .

Why do you say “good bye” if you will keep compulsively blabbering answers?

I don't think you want really be here to share, discuss and learn, it is more to get everyone to agree with your views

I would happily agree with your views, if only you had any evidence to support them.


Bottom line, so much said but still not even one single iota of evidence that Peljor has ever “defended sexual abuse”.

This shows that such false, unproven accusations are just a cheap vendetta against Peljor, just because he elsewhere denounced infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse!

And what is worse, such vendetta is waged by confessed “dzogchen” fanboys on this website, in a malicious attempt to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, and to exacerbate an already existing division among Gelugpas, thus exposing for all to see the sectarian motivation behind this sordid attempt.


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I dont bother reading what he has to say any more because its just vitriol.

Analysis is toxic to false accusers and liars in general.

Its clear judging from the volume of his writing and the depth he goes into,

An interesting confession that you favor shallow accusations without proof rather than the careful analysis of such lies, which says a lot about yourself!

picking apart peoples replies line by line,

Only when they lie, which is obviously what upsets you.

that hes either got nowt better to do

What's there better to do in samsara than picking lies apart? Maybe you prefer spreading lies, is it?

or hes got some agenda hes trying to push across.

Of course, the agenda of picking lies.

The art of communication is about conveying information in a manner that makes the recipient willing to listen but Mitis styles about recording his pennies worth of thoughts and satisfying his need to have the last word.

Sorry if the liar did not insist on their lie, thus giving me the last word.

Never mind if youve actually read it or not. Thats not the point, he doesnt actually care about that. His tactic is simple - shout you down AND shut you down with as much information as possible, to demonstrate what a brilliant and in-depth analyst he is (if only youd listen, see, so the faults with you for not reading everything  ::) ).

Yawn. Just excuses for the liar's lack of answer.

Of course, when your not happy, out come the insults about Sogyal

I've never insulted infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal; his own ugly records of serial sexual abuse do the job by themselves.

and Tsem and all of that.

How ugly, how coward of you! A moderator trying to pit members of this forum against another member, falsely accusing him of insulting a well-loved lama!

Now show your guts if you have any, and show exactly where did I ever “insult” Tsem Tulku?

Or according to you criticizing the sentence “His Holiness, Dorje Shugden is just a small part of me” fits the bill?

Frankly, hes turned off the lot of us and weve got better things to do like discuss why the Dalai Lamas stayed silent on the topic of Namgyal monks circulating pornography,

The topic of “Namgyal monks circulating pornography” was invented by a Sandra Mesrine who has never shown any evidence in support of her solitary allegations.

This Sandra Mesrine is an activist defamer of traditional Buddhist monastic education. As such, it's clear that she went to far away Namgyal already with plenty of porn in her mind.

And, while she sees so much “porn” among Buddhist monastics in far away India, she strangely fails to see how many Jewish rabbis are guilty of trafficking human organs so near to her in New Jersey, and even makes endearing movies about them!

The evil dalie does silence about many dirty things, such as infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of sexual abuse, but I cannot see why he should comment on Sandra Mesrine's pornographic visions!

By the way, this same Sandra Mesrine does not have one word to say about infamous non-monastic playboy Sogyal ugly record of serial sexual abuse (together with her beloved rabbis' traffic of human organs, of course)!

and why "monks" like Tenzin Peljor think its acceptable to perpetuate this culture of silence.

Silence about what? About Buddhist-hater and rabbi-lover Sandra Mesrine's scandalous pornographic visions in Namgyal? Should he talk about it instead of denouncing infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse? Or is it *you* wanting to perpetuate the culture of silence about infamous playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse?


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Peljor is obviously avoiding the truth about what is happening in Namgyal monastery

Then your new definition of “truth” are the pornographic visions of “Sandra Mesrine”, a professional hater of Buddhist traditional monasticism who nevertheless makes endearing videos about Jewish rabbis, no matter how many of them are involved in the traffic of human organs, right?

He is incapable of rationalized the pornography phenomena

The “pornography phenomenon” is only in your and rabbi-lover Sandra Mesrine's minds, and you try to rationalize such phenomenon projecting it on Peljor. How sick!

and the best thing to do is to avoid it.

What Peljor was supposed to do? To embark in your and Sandra Mesrine's pornographic fantasies?

Peljor is stupid because everyone knows about it and it is all over the net

Everyone knows all over the net that both you and Sandra Mesrine cannot stop thinking about porn.

and widely spread within the Tibetan community.

You know a lot about pornography within the Tibetan community! Did you learn it from Sandra Mesrine?

In case some of you may be wondering since his site is supposed to police all the DON'Ts in the Buddhist scene and he didn't mention anything about the Namgyal monastery pornography phenomena, this is one of the many whys.

Rather the opposite: you mention the pornography topic, which only exists in your and Sandra Mesrine's minds, because you want to cover infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse.

The funny thing here is that the original accusation against Peljor was “defending sexual abuse”. Since there was no act of abuse, no abused person, and no evidence at all of any abuse, the accusation now shifted to merely “silencing about pornography”, while there is no evidence of such pornography, apart from your and Sandra Mesrine's agitated minds.

Should Peljor write blogs descrbing the porn in your mind? Are you not already aware enough of it? Is Peljor your sex therapist? Even if he were, is he supposed to describe your obsession with porn in public?

Another one is that he himself is doing the same thing

Is he? How do you know? Or are you just fantasizing about Peljor's private life? Is he at the root of your obsession with porn?

and there are no reasons to bring it up since he obviously thinks that it is not important.

But since obviously porn is obviously very important to you, why do you blame Peljor for your own addiction?

Afterall, we are all born in the desire realm and we should all have desires and it is acceptable because Peljor is guilty of it.

Porn makes you feel guilty? Accusing Peljor is your method to relieve yourself (from your feeling of guilt, I mean)?

Come to think of it, his height and small built could due to malnutrition for playing himself too much and so he didn't grow properly.

Trying to ridicule someone else's physical features is often an ugly, primitive attempt to overcome unreciprocated love. Maybe you look for a good therapist.

It is so pathetic that we have so many negative things to talk about Peljor

Like porn, whatever negative you have to say about others is just in your mind.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #79 on: July 19, 2017, 02:03:48 AM »
I think someone's missed their daily dose ???


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #80 on: July 19, 2017, 02:14:33 AM »
I think someone's missed their daily dose

Sure. This someone is you, and that's why you came over here. And now that you got it just relax and enjoy.


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Re:Are dzogchen fanboys trying to use Peljor in order to defame Gelugpas?
« Reply #81 on: July 19, 2017, 04:39:54 AM »
Sounds like a special elite group of monks... and so streamlined are their studies that they have time for porn lol.

Interesting how you have cowardly and silently abandoned your unproven, false accusations of Peljor's “defending sexual abuse” in favor of the current mere gossips about “porn” in Namgyal! 

What is even more interesting is how your idle sexual gossip about “porn” in Namgyal is itself solely based on your oracle of truth, the rabbi-lover Sandra Mesrine own pornographic visions!

Whether cowardly accusing without evidence, or gossiping about your own pornographic fantasies, the fact remains that your only intent is to wage a cheap vendetta against Peljor, just because he denounced infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of sexual abuse.

So of course Dalai Lama cannot say anything and turns a blind eye and ear... unless someone starts exposing it all over the media.

Wrong. Even after infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse were exposed all over the media, his pal the evil dalie, just like you, kept turning a blind eye to them.

As for Peljor... why is he accepting it... simple he is probably watching such things himself!

Is there something else in your mind apart from porn?

Ha! I would not be surprised, all we have to do is take one look at his blog site, you will know what kind of character we're dealing with. Nothing DHarmic about Peljor, just gossip, scandals, schism and lies.

And still the one who cannot stop talking about porn is you, not Peljor!

I think someone from Sogyal side pissed him off or told him off for something he did and that is why he is writing all the nasty things about Sogyal, because this thing about Sogyal sex scandals is OLD NEWS, why did he suddenly rehashed it and start spreading it? I sense there is an ulterior motive here.

Now you have revealed yourself. Your only concern here is indeed to cover infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse, whence your own need falsely to accuse Peljor of the same, and since the trick did not work (because you could not prove your accusation), your subsequent need to  resort to the ignoble, debauched gossip about how you imagine Peljor's sexual tastes and habits!

Besides, as long as infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's ugly records of serial sexual abuse are not publicly cleaned they will never be “old news” as you desperately want them to be, and your brazen attempt to ignore, cover, and dismiss such records shows that you are exactly what you accuse Peljor of being, to wit, a shameless, bold-faced defender of sexual abuse.


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And here is the bottom line of this thread: infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal never ever came clean about his ugly record of serial sexual abuse, a fact to which Peljor rightly drew attention, and therefore infamous playboy Sogyal's fanboys and fangirls waged a cheap vendetta against Peljor, falsely and without any evidence accusing him precisely of what they do themselves, to wit, of defending and silencing about sexual abuse, and, of course, taking the opportunity to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, thus maliciously exacerbating the already existent division amongst Gelugpas, and thus serving their own odious sectarianist “dzogchen” supremacism, itself at the very root of the anti-Shugden witch-hunt.

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And here is the bottom line of this thread: infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal never ever came clean about his ugly record of serial sexual abuse, a fact to which Peljor rightly drew attention, and therefore infamous playboy Sogyal's fanboys and fangirls waged a cheap vendetta against Peljor, falsely and without any evidence accusing him precisely of what they do themselves, to wit, of defending and silencing about sexual abuse, and, of course, taking the opportunity to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, thus maliciously exacerbating the already existent division amongst Gelugpas, and thus serving their own odious sectarianist “dzogchen” supremacism, itself at the very root of the anti-Shugden witch-hunt.

I don't think you get what this is all about. It has got nothing about Sogyal as he is guilty but it has got everything to do with Peljor's motives in serving salicious news just to earn a viewership on his blog. He may have turned away from Shugden lama and issue but thats because he is constantly looking for more content of such nature. It's  just a matter of time before he starts another round at Shugden issues and lamas. In other words, its all about Peljor, who is a monk and not suppose to be doing this. First of all, a monk shouldn't be going around looking for smut and second of all, is there ultimately, all the smut and mudslinging from Peljor is not going to do anybody good for Buddhism as a whole regardless of whether Sogyal is truly guilty or not.

Ringo Starr

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #84 on: July 23, 2017, 09:18:19 AM »
Why has whichever monastery that allowed TP's ordination not taken any action to publicly admonish or disrobe him? Just asking...


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2017, 08:12:33 AM »
Peljor is taking advantage of the recent events happening at RIGPA and is attacking Sogyal Rinpoche again.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2017, 10:47:21 AM »
Why has whichever monastery that allowed TP's ordination not taken any action to publicly admonish or disrobe him? Just asking...
He doesn't belong to a monastery, but he is a resident teacher in a centre in Germany. I was reading through some client cases and came across this. Perhaps this explains why there is such obsession towards sexual abuse on his blog.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #87 on: July 29, 2017, 01:38:55 AM »
Why has whichever monastery that allowed TP's ordination not taken any action to publicly admonish or disrobe him? Just asking...
He doesn't belong to a monastery, but he is a resident teacher in a centre in Germany. I was reading through some client cases and came across this. Perhaps this explains why there is such obsession towards sexual abuse on his blog.

I have noticed that too, that weird obsession with sexual abuse and the like. It's the same story with him and his group of friends who only talk about sexual abuse, sexual acts, people disrobing due to sexual misconduct.

Sex is one of the things they use to criticize the New Kadampa Tradition. Tenzin Peljor and his rabid gang say that some New Kadampa monks and nuns ran off with one another and that reflects the standards of their geshe's teachings. They simultaneously claim that New Kadampa 'sangha' are not fully ordained. So if that's the case, what does it say about the Dalai Lama when monks they accept as fully ordained are circulating pornography in his personal Namgyal Monastery?

It's just always sex, sex, sex. Can't help but think they're sexually repressed or something (amirite or amirite?). Look if Peljor wants to make sexual abuse his thing, that's up to him but the 'monk' needs to play fair if he's really out to expose sexual abuse like SOME people on this thread claim, and not have some personal vendetta against people who are more successful than him (and that list is LONG). If Peljor's on a crusade to rid Tibetan Buddhism of sexual abuse, he should start with Namgyal Monastery too, for staying silent and sanctioning the circulation of pornography in the monastery.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #88 on: July 29, 2017, 02:12:23 AM »
He doesn't belong to a monastery, but he is a resident teacher in a centre in Germany. I was reading through some client cases and came across this. Perhaps this explains why there is such obsession towards sexual abuse on his blog.

Sounds failed to me. Guess it must rub him the wrong way that he who acts as though he is so learned and in-the-know, is unrecognised, unrewarded and unacknowledged. And that begs the question of whether you think Peljor sits in his room all day romanticising himself to be some kind of online crusader for the truth. In reality, he's nothing more than a cyberbully masquerading as a monk and defending alleged sexual abuse? While the rest of us can be excused for our behaviour, I think we should be allowed to hold him to a higher standard since he took those vows and should actually attempt to hold them.

And that includes being clear in his words. Sexual abuse is wrong, even in the Dalai Lama's monastery where lewd material is being openly circulated. Imagine if a female visitor were to find these materials and how their faith might be affected by this. Yet the Namgyal Monastery authorities stay silent, and people like Peljor allow it to happen because it's the Dalai Lama's monastery, and therefore the Dalai Lama and his monks are exempt from being held accountable for this atrocious behaviour. And since that's the case, it is as good as defending sexual abuse when they fail to condemn it.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2017, 04:59:58 AM »

And that includes being clear in his words. Sexual abuse is wrong, even in the Dalai Lama's monastery where lewd material is being openly circulated. Imagine if a female visitor were to find these materials and how their faith might be affected by this. Yet the Namgyal Monastery authorities stay silent, and people like Peljor allow it to happen because it's the Dalai Lama's monastery, and therefore the Dalai Lama and his monks are exempt from being held accountable for this atrocious behaviour. And since that's the case, it is as good as defending sexual abuse when they fail to condemn it.

In a way, Tenzin Peljor is also one of Dalai Lama's monk. He makes sure that everybody knows that by stating it clearly on his website, and that the Sangha of Namgyal Monastery Thekchen Choeling granted full ordination to him. The quality of monks in Namgyal Monastery is questionable if a Gelong is someone of Tenzin Peljor's character. I am ashamed to say that this is a fully ordained monk, a Buddhist monastic observing the entire Vinaya.

The Dhammapada states that,"He is not a monk just because he lives on others' alms. Not by adopting outward form does one become a true monk. Whoever here (in the Dispensation) lives a holy life, transcending both merit and demerit, and walks with understanding in this world — he is truly called a monk.

Seems he spends most of his time writing negatively about others to bring attention to his website and facebook to feel some self-worth, or to be seen close to the Dalai Lama or famous teachers because he himself is not one  8) Very different from other Gelongs I know, who spend their time teaching or meditating.