Author Topic: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?  (Read 62222 times)

Big Uncle

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #90 on: July 30, 2017, 06:26:20 PM »
I have been seeing a lot of news on this previously unknown Western monk here and I often wonder whats going on? From the looks of it, he is a teaching monk but of little repute and I am guessing, his teaching career has not taken off.

From the look of the varied controversial news he posts on his blog, he is not really into the Dharma and that he is getting some kind of gratification from receiving comments and feedback. It is definitely not for any cause because he keeps changing from Shugden lamas to commentating on various sexual-related cases. It's sad that a monk would see a need to do this in order to get some sort of attention.

Furthermore, there is an allegation of his own sexual preference which may explain his clarion call for attention as he is not getting any as a monk. It's just too bad and both aspects compound each other and compels this so-called monk by the name of Tenzin Peljor to act accordingly. We can only hope that he will come to terms that he will never be famous but at least be a good monk, hold his vows well and generate tremendous merits through retreats. That would way better than what he is doing right now.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #91 on: July 30, 2017, 10:48:18 PM »
I have been seeing a lot of news on this previously unknown Western monk here and I often wonder whats going on? From the looks of it, he is a teaching monk but of little repute and I am guessing, his teaching career has not taken off.

Big Uncle, you have a very valid point. I think it has been mentioned previously, but he is not well-known at all. If he was as big and great of a teacher like her portrays I think more people would have heard his name by now. I wonder if he has published any books or videos of any of his classes. I'm not sure if he has or not, but i certainly have not seen them, neither has anyone i know, both in person or online, and i've been asking around a lot since i saw this post about him originally.

As others have rightly concluded, it seems all he does is talk about controversial subjects, trying to seem all holy. But the very reason he is so embroiled in these speaks volumes about his character. Which is that all he is after is attention, in any way he can.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #92 on: August 01, 2017, 02:30:45 PM »
I think Peljor seriously need help. For many years now he has been shooting at everyone except for the Lama that he is currently trying to align himself with at the time. Now that he is trying to align himself with the famous Dalai Lama, Peljor is making the most of it. He is riding on the Dalai Lama's popularity. Unfortunately, this does not make him a qualified teacher. The truth is a real qualified teacher does not need to jump from one controversy to another just to make sure people pay attention to him. A real teacher focus on real Dharma and the students' welfare.

Nothing that Peljor do suggest that he is a good teacher. No wonder the number of his students does not grow that much after so many years proclaiming himself as a Dharma teacher.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #93 on: August 01, 2017, 03:55:43 PM »
Furthermore, there is an allegation of his own sexual preference which may explain his clarion call for attention as he is not getting any as a monk. It's just too bad and both aspects compound each other and compels this so-called monk by the name of Tenzin Peljor to act accordingly. We can only hope that he will come to terms that he will never be famous but at least be a good monk, hold his vows well and generate tremendous merits through retreats. That would way better than what he is doing right now.

Oh this is something I did not think of and it makes a lot of sense in a way why he needs soooo much attention and so much drama in his online life because not getting any in real life! LOL Sorry to say but if this monk is wanting to go around a gossip, b!@#h and slander and slam other Dharma teachers, I do not think he is such a great, kind monk and karma does come back! So I truly truly hope for his own good, he would at least wear the robes of a monk and act like one, otherwise, bring out the parade and rainbows. Better to be himself then to pretend to be a sangah... why tarnish Buddhism please Peljor!


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #94 on: August 02, 2017, 12:47:00 AM »
I have been seeing a lot of news on this previously unknown Western monk here and I often wonder whats going on? From the looks of it, he is a teaching monk but of little repute and I am guessing, his teaching career has not taken off.

From the look of the varied controversial news he posts on his blog, he is not really into the Dharma and that he is getting some kind of gratification from receiving comments and feedback. It is definitely not for any cause because he keeps changing from Shugden lamas to commentating on various sexual-related cases. It's sad that a monk would see a need to do this in order to get some sort of attention.

Furthermore, there is an allegation of his own sexual preference which may explain his clarion call for attention as he is not getting any as a monk. It's just too bad and both aspects compound each other and compels this so-called monk by the name of Tenzin Peljor to act accordingly. We can only hope that he will come to terms that he will never be famous but at least be a good monk, hold his vows well and generate tremendous merits through retreats. That would way better than what he is doing right now.

No he hasnt gotten far from what I can tell. Yknow mate the diff between him and us is that were not trying to pass ourselves off as summit were not. But youve got this fella running bout the place in robes, pretending hes a monk and a teacher, and acting like hes the next messiah. Meanwhile hes attacking people he claims are sexual abusers but he doesnt apply his same sexual abuse principles to all. Wots he doing about the monks in Namgyal Monastery circulating porn, how come hes said nowt about that? Because its the Dalai Lamas monastery, its okay? No it does not work that way.

And wots he doing about the sexual abuse allegations that have arrisen with the various organisations? Does he encourage the alleged victims towards counselling or does he just blog about it, and rehash their pain over and over again just to get traffic for his own blog? I think Ive said this before but it warrants a mention again and that is Peljors not the solution oriented sort. Hes like my nan in fact. She loves a good natter over a cup of tea and thats about it really. Stops there and theres no consideration about the people shes discussing and how they can get help if they need it. Shes a lovely bird, my nan is, just not very compassionate.

No, Peljors got to stop saying hes a monk and trying to pass himself off as a teacher. Your not a monk when you try and profit off other peoples misery, whether its for traffic, reputation or fame.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #95 on: August 03, 2017, 07:37:51 AM »
Big Uncle, you have a very valid point. I think it has been mentioned previously, but he is not well-known at all. If he was as big and great of a teacher like her portrays I think more people would have heard his name by now. I wonder if he has published any books or videos of any of his classes. I'm not sure if he has or not, but i certainly have not seen them, neither has anyone i know, both in person or online, and i've been asking around a lot since i saw this post about him originally.

Yes, he had some videos published on Youtube but very sad ones, with a handful of people attended. I mean there is still a market for him, but at the rate he is going, I don't think he will go very far. He doesn't understand the real essence of success is actually to be a real practitioner, to become the living dharma that inspires others. What he does is totally the opposite, promoting himself and focusing on getting fame and of course money. He has been living off the name of dharma by wearing the robes. It is really an easy life to camouflage all his negative qualities with the robes without needing to practice genuinely. Furthermore, he hops around dharma centres so he will always be new to the people and will take some time for people to finally see his negative threads. He has a few years to leech off others until people find out his thread then he will leave. This is the trend.

It will be really good that he comes to terms with his own thread and really practise the dharma and be a real dharma practitioner.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #96 on: August 03, 2017, 08:03:33 AM »

And wots he doing about the sexual abuse allegations that have arrisen with the various organisations? Does he encourage the alleged victims towards counselling or does he just blog about it, and rehash their pain over and over again just to get traffic for his own blog? I think Ive said this before but it warrants a mention again and that is Peljors not the solution oriented sort. Hes like my nan in fact. She loves a good natter over a cup of tea and thats about it really. Stops there and theres no consideration about the people shes discussing and how they can get help if they need it. Shes a lovely bird, my nan is, just not very compassionate.

No, Peljors got to stop saying hes a monk and trying to pass himself off as a teacher. Your not a monk when you try and profit off other peoples misery, whether its for traffic, reputation or fame.


You have a point there Dharma Defender... ALL Peljor and his group of senior citizens nanny is complain, complain, complain but what are they actually doing about the problem they complain? What steps or solutions do they have except their less than 50cents worth of opinion? The world does NOT revolve around their great opinion, like who do they think they are, why would ANYONE care to Listen to them? What centre have they built, open up? How many thousands of followers do they have? What qualifies them to be the so called "judge" or to even have credit to talk?

How can anyone believe in someone who skipped and hop around with so many Gurus. Not only did he quit his Guru... he goes around talking bad things and creating more negative karma and schism! What kind of monk does that? If he knew the DHarma, he would know that is a No No and a huge negative karma he is collecting there! But I guess like what DD has pointed, he is clearly just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY... no not a monk, sorry. People like him should never be a monk, they shame Buddhism and bring it down.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #97 on: August 03, 2017, 11:09:14 AM »
I have been seeing a lot of news on this previously unknown Western monk here and I often wonder whats going on? From the looks of it, he is a teaching monk but of little repute and I am guessing, his teaching career has not taken off.

From the look of the varied controversial news he posts on his blog, he is not really into the Dharma and that he is getting some kind of gratification from receiving comments and feedback. It is definitely not for any cause because he keeps changing from Shugden lamas to commentating on various sexual-related cases. It's sad that a monk would see a need to do this in order to get some sort of attention.

Furthermore, there is an allegation of his own sexual preference which may explain his clarion call for attention as he is not getting any as a monk. It's just too bad and both aspects compound each other and compels this so-called monk by the name of Tenzin Peljor to act accordingly. We can only hope that he will come to terms that he will never be famous but at least be a good monk, hold his vows well and generate tremendous merits through retreats. That would way better than what he is doing right now.

No he hasnt gotten far from what I can tell. Yknow mate the diff between him and us is that were not trying to pass ourselves off as summit were not. But youve got this fella running bout the place in robes, pretending hes a monk and a teacher, and acting like hes the next messiah. Meanwhile hes attacking people he claims are sexual abusers but he doesnt apply his same sexual abuse principles to all. Wots he doing about the monks in Namgyal Monastery circulating porn, how come hes said nowt about that? Because its the Dalai Lamas monastery, its okay? No it does not work that way.

And wots he doing about the sexual abuse allegations that have arrisen with the various organisations? Does he encourage the alleged victims towards counselling or does he just blog about it, and rehash their pain over and over again just to get traffic for his own blog? I think Ive said this before but it warrants a mention again and that is Peljors not the solution oriented sort. Hes like my nan in fact. She loves a good natter over a cup of tea and thats about it really. Stops there and theres no consideration about the people shes discussing and how they can get help if they need it. Shes a lovely bird, my nan is, just not very compassionate.

No, Peljors got to stop saying hes a monk and trying to pass himself off as a teacher. Your not a monk when you try and profit off other peoples misery, whether its for traffic, reputation or fame.


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That's a very good point there @DharmaDefender. A real dharma teacher will not openly defame others no matter how wrong they are, and of course a real teacher also will not create a blog solely to discuss and create schisms about another lama or person. Peljor is not practising the Buddha dharma at all, he should really stop calling himself a monk and further create more karma for committing in all these negative actions daily. A REAL dharma teacher focuses on one's own practice, I mean do you see great masters such as Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche running around creating schisms and separating people? With all the respect, Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche with his caliber, does not go around bragging and showing off unlike what Peljor does. Peljor really has to work on himself...


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #98 on: August 06, 2017, 10:32:08 AM »
There is a real problem as some do not choose Dharma but are ashaming themselves.

On one hand side criticising the Dalai Lama and his monastery and on the other side referring to him.
Peljor, what kind of monk are you?

It does not seem that you are 'quality' sangha as they would learn, meditate and practice. 


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #99 on: August 08, 2017, 06:33:06 AM »
There is a real problem as some do not choose Dharma but are ashaming themselves.

On one hand side criticising the Dalai Lama and his monastery and on the other side referring to him.
Peljor, what kind of monk are you?

It does not seem that you are 'quality' sangha as they would learn, meditate and practice.

So then NOT to follow the Dalai Lama's advised does not necessarily mean that the motivation is bad is what he is saying right? So this means ALL the Dorje Shugden Lamas who did not follow the Dalai Lama's advised to abandoned Dorje Shugden and their Gurus is also - NOT NECESSARY BAD. So WHY on earth do YOU Peljor discriminate them? Why do you say one thing and do another or TWIST it to your CONVENIENCE? Because....

1. You are do not advocate the truth
2. You are a liar
3. You are not a true Buddhist forget about monk
4. You are not loyal to anyone, not even your own Gurus
5. You are in this for ulterior motives, not spiritual... it is for your own benefit - income perhaps? fame?
6. You are not a true sangha
7. You are delusional
8. You are not well
9. You are not a scholar
10. You are just bitter, jealous, angry monk who has nothing and is dying for some kind of attention and recognition and hence you make trouble for anyone you think in your little projections is wrong and write nasty things about them. Thinking the world cares about your little opinion. Oh my gosh talk about no life... also no career and a totally failed dharma teacher. Because real dharma teachers do not go around creating nasty, defamation blog sites! They do not have time to do that because they are busy benefiting the world not adding more grief into it!


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I don't think you get what this is all about.

To be more precise, you don't think at all.

Which is why you have been duped into accusing Peljor of what he did not do (such as defending sexual abuse) just in order to cover Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuse.

You have been used by Sogyal's minions, and could not realize it.

It has got nothing about Sogyal as he is guilty but it has got everything to do with Peljor's motives in serving salicious news just to earn a viewership on his blog.

Wrong. This thread was only and strictly a desperate, futile attempt, to cover Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuse.

And the chosen method to achieve this end was falsely accusing Peljor of defending sexual abuse, a false accusation you have been duped into joining.

He may have turned away from Shugden lama and issue but thats because he is constantly looking for more content of such nature.

It's irrelevant whether or not Peljor “turned away from Shugden lama and issue”.

What matters here is that Peljor has been falsely accused of “defending sexual abuse”, and that you have been fooled into joining this false accusation.

It's  just a matter of time before he starts another round at Shugden issues and lamas.

Who cares. Is this a reason falsely to accuse him of defending sexual abuse?

In other words, its all about Peljor, who is a monk and not suppose to be doing this.

What is he supposed to do? Falsely to accuse others as you do? Or to cover Sogyal's depravity as you similarly do?

First of all, a monk shouldn't be going around looking for smut and second of all, is there ultimately, all the smut and mudslinging from Peljor is not going to do anybody good for Buddhism as a whole regardless of whether Sogyal is truly guilty or not.

Instead of unaskedly patrolling others' behavior, why don't you patrol your own behavior, and refrain from falsely accusing others just in order to cover a fake lama's depravity?


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I have noticed that too, that weird obsession with sexual abuse and the like. It's the same story with him and his group of friends who only talk about sexual abuse, sexual acts, people disrobing due to sexual misconduct.

Funny enough this whole tread is about accusing someone (Peljor) of sexual abuse, an accusation you revelatory you delight on.

Therefore, it's obvious that your purpose here is falsely to accuse Peljor just in order cover Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuse.

They simultaneously claim that New Kadampa 'sangha' are not fully ordained. So if that's the case, what does it say about the Dalai Lama when monks they accept as fully ordained are circulating pornography in his personal Namgyal Monastery?

Are they? What's your evidence, beyond notorious rabbi-lover and anti-Buddhist activist Sandra Mesrine's irresponsible statements?

It's just always sex, sex, sex. Can't help but think they're sexually repressed or something (amirite or amirite?).

What about you, considering that your main concern is falsely to accuse Peljor precisely of... defending sexual abuse!

Look if Peljor wants to make sexual abuse his thing, that's up to him but the 'monk' needs to play fair if he's really out to expose sexual abuse like SOME people on this thread claim,

How should the monk play “fair”? Covering Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuse as you do?

and not have some personal vendetta against people who are more successful than him (and that list is LONG).

Are you suggesting that disgraced cult leader and sexual abuser Sogyal is successful? Or that the only motivation to denounce sexual abuse is some personal vendetta?

If Peljor's on a crusade to rid Tibetan Buddhism of sexual abuse, he should start with Namgyal Monastery too, for staying silent and sanctioning the circulation of pornography in the monastery.

Again, where is your evidence beyond notorious rabbi-lover and anti-Buddhist activist Sandra Mesrine's irresponsible statement?

Besides, have you ever checked the porn pictures behind your disgraced dzogchen cult leader and sexual abuser Sogyal's thangkas?

Your slanderous attempt blanketly to disparage pure monks without any evidence betray your rabid anti-monastic hatred, doubtlessly inspired by your disgraced “dzogchen” cult leader and sexual abuser Sogyal.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #102 on: August 15, 2017, 07:52:48 AM »
This whole thread has been exposed as noting but a cheap vendetta against Gelugpa monks and monasticism waged by rabid minions of disgraced Nyingmapa cult leader and sexual abuser Sogyal.

False accusations of “sexual abuse” were leveled against Peljor, a Gelugpa monk, just because he denounced Soyal's depravity and serial sexual abuses.

Besides, insidious accusations of “circulating porn” were blanketly leveled against Namgyal monastery's pure Gelugpa monks without the slightest tint of evidence.

The perfidious intention to disparage Gelugpas, to pit Shugdenpas against other Gelugpas, and to exacerbate the already painful division among Gelugpas was quite evident.

The sectarian motivation behind such a schema was obvious: demeaning and further dividing Gelugpas while covering the corrupt, depraved behavior of the Nyingma cult leader Sogyal.

Here follows an interesting witness to the sectarian motivation behind this dirty plot (please check the full article here
“Victoria Barlow encountered Sogyal on his first visit to the West Coast.  According to Victoria, he aired views which are diametrically opposed to his present role as a champion of the Dalai Lama, who belongs to the monastic Gelug school. Sogyal is a Nyingmapa– an older, largely non-celibate tradition.

Sogyal loathed the Gelugpas and the DL,“ she says, “ I heard him in Berkeley being a staggering sectarian hater — he expressed real rage to all who would listen, trashing the Dalai Lama.”

This is the reality, dear friends. The destructive, poisonous, relentless anti-Gelugpa, anti-Shugden campaign we all know about has its roots nowhere apart from the circle of corrupt Nyingma dirty politicians such as the depraved cult leader Sogyal. The power greedy, opportunistic, fake dalie lame, anxious to consolidate his personal political power, gave in to the sectarian demands of those dirty Nyingma politicians, and in order to appease them enforced the anti-Gelugpa, anti-Shugden ban destroying our tradition.

Now the depraved cult leader Sogyal duly entered the garbage bin of Buddhist records where he has always belonged. May his accomplice the abominable puppet the evil dalie follow him soon.

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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #103 on: August 19, 2017, 04:50:17 AM »
Peljor should really disrobe and stop humiliating Buddhism and monkhood. He's setting such a bad example for people who merely know anything about dharma and what he does it that, he further drifts people away from dharma through his actions. Wake up Peljor! Stop collecting bad karma!


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #104 on: August 19, 2017, 05:07:08 AM »
Peljor should really disrobe and stop humiliating Buddhism and monkhood.

Whatever Peljor is doing wrong cannot be compared to the wrong done by several members of this forum including you who falsely accused him as you do right now of “defending sexual abuse” just in order to cover the infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuses.