Author Topic: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?  (Read 62211 times)


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Re: Another dzogchen celebrity defending sexual abuse
« Reply #105 on: August 19, 2017, 05:47:47 AM »
Another “rimey” dzogchen celebrity defending sexual abuse. Now Dzongsar brazenly supports depraved Sogyal, and people keep falsely accusing Peljor of “defending sexual abuse”!

Copy-pasted from Peljor's website at

Guest Post By Joanne Clark
As a woman living in a Western country with laws, as a liberal with a subscription to The New York Times, and as a follower of HH Dalai Lama, I found the recent statement from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche regarding the troubles at Rigpa to be deeply disturbing. I stopped reading after he said that students who spoke out against Sogyal Rinpoche’s behaviours had broken samaya—and that Vajrayana masters might even break Western laws if they needed to and there was nothing students could do. There was a moment, after reading this, when I had the feeling that I could no longer continue as a Buddhist. I felt physically ill.


Then I regained my perspective and remembered that Rinpoche had advised readers to finish reading all 10,000 words of his article before judging. So I thought maybe he had something to say that would ameliorate his horrible claim. I slogged on through. What did I find? After dropping what I considered to be an ethical bombshell, he simply continued blithely onto other subjects. He distracted. By the time he finished, the main point—that a Tibetan, Vajrayana lama, who had been given asylum in a law-abiding, Western country, could break the laws of that country, could rape and beat women, and if his students spoke out, they would go to hell—was lost.

I am not saying that Rinpoche doesn’t make some good points in the article, though he makes some points that I question and some points that seem a little trivial to my mind. I mean, I really don’t think that the press treat Buddhists badly or are to be blamed for this situation! Nonetheless, none of the points he makes speak directly to the fact that students are being harmed. None of them show any compassion or concern that suffering might be occurring. All of them are mere shiny objects that distract from that point. Students then find some distractions or antidotes that they like, such as the point that we have to communicate better or that lamas have to warn students about Vajrayana—or the quips about the New York Times—and then they forget the main point.


And once people start losing their outrage and being distracted in this way, then momentum is lost. Students slogging through all 10,000 words of this article become side-tracked and lose their shock. They forget that this is about fellow students being harmed—and about students who would defend them being silenced. Their clear ideas of right and wrong are diminished. I cannot help but wonder if this isn’t an intentional strategy—why else did he request that students read the entire article? Why did he refuse to have it edited? I cannot help but wonder if this is not the first step towards business as usual at Rigpa centers.

And in the context of the clear, economical statements made by HH Dalai Lama and Mingyur Rinpoche, this rambling, disconnected rant seems very troublesome. And I fear that while, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche might act very hip, he is clearly coming from an ancient, misogynistic view point and students need to not lose sight of that. Women have worked too hard to get where we are now. Rape is rape and it is not the victim’s fault. This stand has taken millennia to sort out and as a woman, I appeal to students: Don’t let yourself be duped!

Of course, Vajrayana is meant to be practiced in secret with a few qualified students and a highly qualified master. When this happens, it is a truly precious path and rules of samaya and pure perception can be upheld in unexpected ways. The stories of Milarepa and Naropa are examples of that. However, when the qualifications of the Vajra masters erode badly and when the Vajrayana is given to unqualified students, then it is hard to speak of pure perception. Then it’s a difficult situation, not one that can be resolved by black and white rules of samaya, such as the ones laid down by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in his article. There is no clear-cut solution. Then we need the guidance of clear sighted, gifted leaders who are prepared to take courageous steps.

This is not a movie. This is about sentient beings who are suffering, really suffering, and needing clear guidance at this time. They are needing to retain their discerning wisdom and compassion, which are the bases of the strength and courage required by the Mahayana and Vajrayana. And wrong is wrong. To say otherwise, in the context of pure perception, borders on nihilism in my very humble opinion. It puts blinkers over our eyes, eyes that we need in order to navigate our way to enlightenment.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #106 on: August 20, 2017, 12:06:42 AM »
Well thats illogical, using an anti-Shugden persons website who has made a career out of criticising and destroying our practice, to support your point 8) yeah the fella who walks around taking pictures of our protestors to send to Dharamsala and sets up fake accounts under the pseudonym "Blake Smith" is a credible source :) let it go mate, your not convincing anyone here.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #107 on: August 20, 2017, 12:07:27 AM »
infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuses.

You sound like Peljor.

Abusing the robes isnt as bad as whats going on on this forum? Interesting perspective. Your the only one defending him. Maybe you are Peljor posting on this forum. Wouldnt surprise me.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2017, 12:09:42 AM by DharmaDefender »


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #108 on: August 20, 2017, 06:09:05 PM »
infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuses.

You sound like Peljor.

Abusing the robes isnt as bad as whats going on on this forum? Interesting perspective. Your the only one defending him. Maybe you are Peljor posting on this forum. Wouldnt surprise me.

DharmaDefender it sounds possible actually OR maybe he is paid by Peljor? Who knows. So much passion in defending Dalai Lama's puppet "Peljor", yet he condemns Dalai Lama? Sounds very off to me!


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #109 on: August 20, 2017, 07:43:44 PM »
Peljor should really disrobe and stop humiliating Buddhism and monkhood.

Whatever Peljor is doing wrong cannot be compared to the wrong done by several members of this forum including you who falsely accused him as you do right now of “defending sexual abuse” just in order to cover the infamous dzogchen playboy Sogyal's depravity and sexual abuses.

I do believe that this blog post is not about Sogyal Rinpoche or his lawsuits. I think this is about Peljor and how he is always creating controversy after controversy to draw attention to himself. Prior to Sogyal Rinpoche, Peljor has been riding on other controversies that defame other people. He has changed teachers many times and now he is rubbing shoulder with the Dalai Lama because he is a famous and powerful lama. With his flimsy track record, what kind of examples that he is giving to his students or the people he influenced? That is the very reason why he has to go back to school and learn Dharma sincerely and seriously.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #110 on: January 14, 2018, 02:13:53 AM »
I read about this article on the misinterpretation on the guru-relationship where it touches very briefly on the Dalai Lama's ban on Dorje Shugden. Within the content, it highlights Sogyal's sexual scandal and how it should be avoided. It suggested the need to check the teacher out before we choose to follow a guru.

Having a teacher like Peljor, it discouraged people, especially those in the West to have much lesser faith in the Dharma which source is one's guru. The lack of understanding on the Tibetan's culture, the guru-student relationship has caused so much problem in the West, they just need to know not everyone is a Chogyam Trungpa and has what it takes to train student the way he does.

For Peljor, as long it gives him a chance to be in the limelight, he wouldn't mind to support anything even if it is wrong. He supports just everything and they are all seen on his sites and social media accounts. He is always the first to say something NEGATIVE always to make sure he gets the first say and be 'quoted'.

Having a few sites do not necessarily means he is 'famous' and really 'practise' the Dharma, and can be a teacher one can learn from. Peljor is definitely not and you will end up on the wrong path learning from him. The contents on his sites is nothing but like a venom that spread wrong views and add further sufferings on to many already disturbed mind. Why should he continue at all?


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #111 on: March 01, 2018, 09:07:04 PM »
Peljor and his gang really seem to enjoy supporting and associating with sex offenders. What excuse are they going to make now? Not satisfied with Dhardon Sharling, Lobsang Sangay has moved on to assaulting Western women. No one gets accused of these things over and over again unless there is some truth to it.

So let's spell it out for everyone. First, you have Kalu Rinpoche admitting to being abused as a child. Later you have Namgyal Monastery monks circulating pornography. Then Sogyal, who has the Dalai Lama's support, basically admits to being a sexual abuser. This is rounded off by Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's personal emissary, having inappropriate sexual relations with women even though he's a monk.

And in the ring, holding things up for the secular corner, you have Lobsang Sangay accepting sexual favours from people like Ms Sharling in exchange for political prominence. When that runs out, he takes to abusing Western women. Maybe Ms Sharling said no, maybe she wasn't able to satisfy him any more, maybe their trysts stopped being exciting, who knows?

But when he's exposed, what does he do? Like every typical guilty person, he shoots the messenger! Look, if you are NOT guilty, you're going to demand facts and evidence. You're going to say, "No, at that time you say I was assaulting Ms Butterfield, I was actually 10,000 miles away at this conference and here are the pictures."

Why would Mila Rangzen drag this poor girl's name into fray if he didn't have proof? If he was wrong, if it was false, she would speak up since she's very much a real person!

And through it all, Peljor, Carol McQuire and everyone else continues to support this group of repressed sex deviants. Yes, Peljor and McQuire support the abuse of women. They REALLY need to update their concept of "liberation"!

President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield

President Sangay launches attacks on Mila Rangzen

Revealed: Dalai Lama’s ‘personal emissary’ suspended over corruption claims


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #112 on: March 16, 2018, 02:36:11 PM »
Peljor and his gang really seem to enjoy supporting and associating with sex offenders. What excuse are they going to make now? Not satisfied with Dhardon Sharling, Lobsang Sangay has moved on to assaulting Western women. No one gets accused of these things over and over again unless there is some truth to it.

So let's spell it out for everyone. First, you have Kalu Rinpoche admitting to being abused as a child. Later you have Namgyal Monastery monks circulating pornography. Then Sogyal, who has the Dalai Lama's support, basically admits to being a sexual abuser. This is rounded off by Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's personal emissary, having inappropriate sexual relations with women even though he's a monk.

And then you have the 17th Karmapa exposing and blaming the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for interrupting the Karmapa choice, the inadequate education system within the Karma Kagyu sect., the less of cooperation between the high lamas that resulted in constant changing of the monlam prayers event...listening in between lines, he may also suffer from sexual assault as well.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #113 on: March 20, 2018, 06:59:38 AM »
You are right Rowntree !  This was my thought as well.

1. It is a shame that the Karmapa's education was not organised in a proper way!
2. What he sexually abused? He did not say it openly but the way he speaks about his education makes me wonder too.

Such beings can help us so much but the CTA did only think of how to exploit them and making money of them instead of giving them all the support they need. Another huge failure of the CTA!


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #114 on: March 20, 2018, 07:47:27 PM »
Peljor and his gang really seem to enjoy supporting and associating with sex offenders. What excuse are they going to make now? Not satisfied with Dhardon Sharling, Lobsang Sangay has moved on to assaulting Western women. No one gets accused of these things over and over again unless there is some truth to it.

So let's spell it out for everyone. First, you have Kalu Rinpoche admitting to being abused as a child. Later you have Namgyal Monastery monks circulating pornography. Then Sogyal, who has the Dalai Lama's support, basically admits to being a sexual abuser. This is rounded off by Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's personal emissary, having inappropriate sexual relations with women even though he's a monk.

And in the ring, holding things up for the secular corner, you have Lobsang Sangay accepting sexual favours from people like Ms Sharling in exchange for political prominence. When that runs out, he takes to abusing Western women. Maybe Ms Sharling said no, maybe she wasn't able to satisfy him any more, maybe their trysts stopped being exciting, who knows?

But when he's exposed, what does he do? Like every typical guilty person, he shoots the messenger! Look, if you are NOT guilty, you're going to demand facts and evidence. You're going to say, "No, at that time you say I was assaulting Ms Butterfield, I was actually 10,000 miles away at this conference and here are the pictures."

Why would Mila Rangzen drag this poor girl's name into fray if he didn't have proof? If he was wrong, if it was false, she would speak up since she's very much a real person!

And through it all, Peljor, Carol McQuire and everyone else continues to support this group of repressed sex deviants. Yes, Peljor and McQuire support the abuse of women. They REALLY need to update their concept of "liberation"!

You know I have a suspicion that this disgusting gossip queen Peljor is paid by the CTA. This is why he goes around only condemning those not in CTA's favour. Why does he not gosip about Sangay and Dhardon then? Because it's obvious, they are the pay master. We Need to Talk about Shugden is just a gossip club for bitten, old, no life spinster, let them talk... that's all they have to look forward for in their life. But this Peljor, he deserves to be persecuted for being a fake monk, wearing monk's robes, no monk goes around gossiping as much as he does! Something is just not right about him!


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #115 on: March 20, 2018, 07:58:12 PM »

You know I have a suspicion that this disgusting gossip queen Peljor is paid by the CTA. This is why he goes around only condemning those not in CTA's favour. Why does he not gosip about Sangay and Dhardon then? Because it's obvious, they are the pay master. We Need to Talk about Shugden is just a gossip club for bitten, old, no life spinster, let them talk... that's all they have to look forward for in their life. But this Peljor, he deserves to be persecuted for being a fake monk, wearing monk's robes, no monk goes around gossiping as much as he does! Something is just not right about him!

The stasi gossip queen not gossiping about Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling is a clear indication about who his bosses are. In fact, the recent Tibet Star "President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield" could be Peljor's favourite subject, very suspicious.

Meanwhile, he continues to post his favourite topics, sexual abuse on his Facebook. I still don't get it. What's his obsession with sexual abuse? A monk who is so obsessed with sexual abuse, it's scary.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #116 on: March 25, 2018, 04:15:54 AM »
You sound like Peljor.

Right you are on this one, as Peljor boldly denounced infamous, and now duly disgraced, serial sexual abuser Sogyal, whom you shamelessly try to defend.

Abusing the robes isnt as bad as whats going on on this forum?

The only bad thing going on on this forum is you trying to cover Sogyal's depravity.

Interesting perspective. Your the only one defending him.

Idiots are typically afraid of being the only ones.

Maybe you are Peljor posting on this forum. Wouldnt surprise me.

Actually, I've been the only one here denouncing Peljor as a puppet of the sinister terrorist financier George Soros, via his (Peljor's) Soros-paid mentor Ringu “tulku”, and Soros-owned Tsadra Foundation.

Still, this does not make of infamous and now disgraced Sogyal less of a sexual offender, and of you less of a shameless abetter of his crimes.


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Re: Another dzogchen celebrity defending sexual abuse
« Reply #117 on: March 25, 2018, 12:41:43 PM »
Of course, Vajrayana is meant to be practiced in secret with a few qualified students and a highly qualified master. When this happens, it is a truly precious path and rules of samaya and pure perception can be upheld in unexpected ways. The stories of Milarepa and Naropa are examples of that. However, when the qualifications of the Vajra masters erode badly and when the Vajrayana is given to unqualified students, then it is hard to speak of pure perception. Then it’s a difficult situation, not one that can be resolved by black and white rules of samaya, such as the ones laid down by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in his article. There is no clear-cut solution. Then we need the guidance of clear sighted, gifted leaders who are prepared to take courageous steps.

As His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama said, observe your teacher and vice versa before taking on the quest to enlightenment. The teacher-student relationship is a sacred one, it is not one that requires sex, generally speaking, and even if sex is involved, again, generally speaking, with one consort. In the case of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, he does not have a harem of young women with him, and all his actions based on the crazy wisdom was published at his request (Dragon Thunder by Diana Mukpo his consort, and The Mah?siddha and His Idiot Servant by John Riley Perks) without any need to covert the truth. This is totally different from Sogyal.

Whether Sogyal is a qualified teacher or not, I do not know. But from the passage below, one can say that he looked upon Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche as a business model and he sees the opportunity to manipulate that into the Western world as the people lacked the correct understanding of Tibetan Buddhism. He has proven to be successful but karma seems to catch up. Hence the big hoo-ha and expose time.
In 1976, Sogyal visited America to meet with another Tibetan lama, Chogyam Trungpa, who was regarded as the most extreme exemplar of ‘crazy wisdom’ teachings. Trungpa drank like a fish (he would die in 1987 from complications arising due to alcoholism), openly slept with his students and ran his organisation like a feudal court, surrounding himself with an elite bodyguard, sometimes amusing himself by dressing as a Grenadier guard. ‘The real function of the guru,’ he once said, ‘is to insult you.’ ‘Sogyal looked at what Trungpa had,’ says Mary Finnigan, ‘and said “That’s what I want.”’

Fundamentally, the teacher-student relationship is the bond of pure samaya, correct view of the teacher and complete trust, in which the student not only vows total submissiveness to the teacher (training), the teacher also vows to act solely for the benefit of the student. Breaking the samaya is held to have the most terrible consequences, including banishment to ‘vajra hell’ and infinite unfortunate rebirths. This is not a threat, but a logical metaphor for the consequences that follow. An example would be the teacher gave different teachings and assignments to an individual in order for him or her to go beyond the self-made limitations that have brought only suffering to his or her life before they meet the dharma/teacher.

During the training, if dharma is not utilized or applied, the wrong perceptions will only get deepened and eventually push the student to leave dharma/teacher. Having already wrong perceptions prior to the dharma and the intensified versions of them when leaving, one's actions will be even further from dharma and the amount of suffering will be increased. Before the end of their life, they would have been overwhelmed with negativities that only bring about any amount of sufferings. With this kind of mindset, it will only further open the door to the lower realms and this can only be logical.

The relationship with the teacher is the key element in our capacity to follow the Buddhist path in the most effective way. Meeting a qualified teacher is very much necessary for enlightenment to be realized at the end of the day. So, observe and choose wisely with dharma as the guide always.


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Re: Is Peljor defending sexual abuse?
« Reply #118 on: March 25, 2018, 03:53:50 PM »
As His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama said, observe your teacher and vice versa before taking on the quest to enlightenment.

For instance, one should observe that the evil dalie is a crooked criminal, and therefore reject any connection with the disgraceful entity, no matter how much the main dirty stream media glorifies it.

Whether Sogyal is a qualified teacher or not, I do not know.

But I know, and I can tell you that Sogyal is a very qualified teacher of the subject of how to sexually exploit and abuse the vulnerable and scam the naïve for self-gratification and personal profit.

As such, he is as recognized Nyingma teacher, endorsed by many lineage holders of this tradition, and a brazen supporter of the evil dalie and his anti-Shugden witch-hunts. Do you still doubt his qualifications?

Fundamentally, the teacher-student relationship is the bond of pure samaya, correct view of the teacher and complete trust, in which the student not only vows total submissiveness to the teacher (training),

This is a false, wrong statement. In Buddhism there is no such thing as “total submissiveness” to anyone, not even to the Buddha. The teaching of the Buddha is that you (anyone) should

“be a light unto yourself, be a refuge to yourself. Take yourself to no external refuge. Hold fast to the Truth as a light; hold fast to the Truth as a refuge. Look not for a refuge in anyone beside yourself” (Mahaparinibbana Sutta)

“Total submissiveness” is the hallmark of evil, dehumanizing ideologies such as Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, or the Abrahamic so-called religions, those flagged by the Kalachakra Tantra as the religions of the mlechchha, or the barbarians.

Such evil ideologies assert a central, non-transparent, all-powerful authority, which they call “god”, to which one must fully surrender or submit, and blindly obey, out of fear of eternal punishment. Their essence is fear, lack of self-reliance, submission, and slavery.

Now, the essence of Buddhism is freedom, self-confidence, and the courage to help other sentient beings no matter what, even if one has to endure endless ages in the deepest hell. Nothing could be farther from Buddhism than submissiveness, let alone “total submissiveness”.