Author Topic: China warns Trump not to push it for talks with Dalai Lama-By PTI | Feb 05,2017  (Read 3999 times)


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From K J M Varma
Beijing, Feb 4 (PTI) Warning Trump administration of  "endless trouble and burden" if it uses the Dalai Lama against it, China today sharply criticised the new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for his "amateurish" suggestion that he would encourage talks between Beijing and Dharmsala-based Tibetan government in exile.
The US should stop using Dalai Lama to create trouble for China, as it brings no benefit to the US but damages Sino-US relations, Zhu Weiqun, head of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee, the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, said.
"The US government had used the Dalai Lama to create problems for Chinas unity and stability, which has brought no benefit to Washington while it caused damage to Sino-US relations," he said apparently referring to former US Presidents including Barack Obamas meetings with the Tibetan spiritual leader.
Reacting to Tillersons reported remarks that he will continue to encourage dialogue between Beijing and Dharmsala- based "Tibetan government-in-exile," Zhu told state-run Global Times that its impossible for the Chinese government to "have a dialogue" with the illegal group that is aiming to split China.
Tillersons remarks shows he is a "complete amateur" on Tibet-related questions, he said.   
The US Secretary of State in a response to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said he will continue to encourage dialogue between Beijing and representatives of "Tibetan government-in-exile," the daily report quoted as saying.
Tillerson also gave an affirmative answer to whether he would commit to receiving and meeting with the Dalai Lama, it said.
Taking exception to Tillersons comments, Zhu said the one and only sensible thing the government-in-exile can do is to "dissolve itself".
China in the past had held talks with the Dalai Lama representatives to discuss his return to Tibet but the talks were discontinued for several years.
Beijing has made no move for dialogues with him after Chinese President Xi Jinping took over power in 2013.
Zhu said China will not change its policy to support the development of the Tibetan society, nor will the country stop protecting its sovereignty over the region.
"The new US government should carefully study the policy and that its attention to the Tibet question will only bring endless trouble and burden for the US," he said. PTI KJV SUA AKJ  SUA

This is an old news, but this was something China said back in February 2017, and ever since the Trump administration has shied away from the Tibetan issue with China, preferring to use other methods to engage with China.

When was the last time the Tibetan issue was discussed in the UN? 


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I just wish the Tibetan Leadership will stop harming, hurting, splitting and causing disharmony for their own people.

Stop cheating them and using them for their own agendas. The CTA is very good at playing with people's emotions and is cheating their own people, making them feel guilty if they become citizens of India and making them feel bad and wrong and ostracised if they worship Shugden, make friends with Shugden people and live in harmony with Shugden people.

CTA says they want Tibet autonomy yet their actions are the total opposite. If they truly want this, they would stop all the Rangzen movement, but they don't and continue to criticise China. Make up your mind! What the hell are you doing to your people? Are you creating a future for them or destroying it? What future would they actually have when their leaders CANNOT even decide where they stand!

If they were SMART, they would read all the articles here and get an idea how to make friends with China so that Tibetans can go back to Tibet! I think CTA should just shut down/change leadership.... otherwise it's just doomed days ahead for all Tibetans in exile. The rich are lucky as they can migrate to other countries... oh ya like Lobsang Sangay their president who has a GREEN CARD mind you!


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Many countries don't believe anymore in FreeTibet and the Rangzen movement. Such as for example Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, ... and they see through the works of the CTA, who only seeks to benefit themselves instead of the Tibetan refugees.

So, of course, the US finds no benefit in making enemies with China because of Tibet and the Dalai Lama. Also Trump recognises that it is better to communicate with China and stay in contact with each other.

When will the CTA get this too and stops fighting China but works together with them for the benefit of all the Tibetans. 


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Many countries don't believe anymore in FreeTibet and the Rangzen movement. Such as for example Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, ... and they see through the works of the CTA, who only seeks to benefit themselves instead of the Tibetan refugees.

So, of course, the US finds no benefit in making enemies with China because of Tibet and the Dalai Lama. Also Trump recognises that it is better to communicate with China and stay in contact with each other.

When will the CTA get this too and stops fighting China but works together with them for the benefit of all the Tibetans.

We will need to watch the news closely to see how Trump and Xi's relationship turn out. As it is both are not in good terms right now so I wouldn't say too much at this time. Although I do hope Trump do not agitate China further. We really do not need more conflict and war... as it is the Doklam standoff does not look good.
War is never good and  no one wins.


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Mr. Rex Tillerson has shown sympathy to Tibetan cause in the past, so it is understandable that he is encouraging dialog between the CTA and China which has not happened since 2010. Mr. Donald Trump himself has never mentioned or shown any interest in the Tibetan issue and the Dalai Lama.

Put the rhetoric aside; I think sooner or later China should talk with the CTA about the fate of Tibetan refugee in exile because the CTA is just a temporary government body in exile and should not exist on a long-term basis. For this dialog to happen, the CTA officials should stop condemning and blaming China on every possible occasion. I hope the CTA would not only think of themselves but also think  for the greater group of Tibetan refugees in exile.


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Tibetan leader hopes Trump will support Tibet cause

IANS  |  Dharamsala  February 13, 2017 Last Updated at 19:52 IST
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    Dalai-Pranab meet sends message to world: Sangay Tibet's PM in-exile slams China for opposing Dalai-Prez meet Dalai Lama solution, not obstacle: Tibetan PM in-exile to China Tibetan leader rejects China's demand for recalling Tibetan pilgrims Trump should meet Dalai Lama to promote peace: Congressman

Tibetan Prime Minister in-exile Lobsang Sangay on Monday said he hoped US President Donald Trump will meet the Dalai Lama and support human rights issues in Tibet.

"We also hope that President Trump will continue the past tradition of US Presidents meeting with the Dalai Lama, support the middle-way approach and human rights of the Tibetan people," Sangay, the head of the self-declared Tibetan government, told reporters in Tokyo.

Urging the Japanese government to support the "middle-way approach" of the Tibetan people towards seeking genuine autonomy for Tibet, he said: "It does not contradict China's sovereignty and is a win-win solution for Tibetans and Chinese."

"We are seeking genuine autonomy for Tibet through non-violence and Chinese government can't say no to this. During their meetings with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, former US Presidents Barack Obama have expressed their strong and consistent support for the middle-way approach," he said.

"Your support is not for the six million Tibetans but it is a support for justice, human rights and environment of Tibet," Sangay said during a public talk on the way forward to resolve the problem of Tibet in Tokyo.

He said that to understand China, one must understand Tibet.

"China is everywhere in Asia. All this happened because people did not pay attention to what happened in Tibet 60 years ago," he added

Sangay is currently in Japan to meet Japanese officials and Tibetan supporters to resolve the problem of Tibet.

The Dalai Lama fled Tibet with many of his supporters and took refuge in India when the Chinese troops moved in and took control of Lhasa in 1959.

The Tibetan administration is based in Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh.



(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Its been 5-6 months since, since Lobsang Sangay have said this. I can hear a pin drop, there is absolutely silence from the US administration.  Apart from Trump saying they are cutting aid for the CTA, there are no other news in relation to Tibet.

Safe to say 2017, CTA has been abandoned by the US, as CTA have not made themselves as important and essential to the US and the world. 


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Its been 5-6 months since, since Lobsang Sangay have said this. I can hear a pin drop, there is absolutely silence from the US administration.  Apart from Trump saying they are cutting aid for the CTA, there are no other news in relation to Tibet.

Safe to say 2017, CTA has been abandoned by the US, as CTA have not made themselves as important and essential to the US and the world.

The US is now too preoccupied with their own issues and problems on racism in their homeland as well as trying to deal with North Korea. Trump has never had an agenda for the Tibetans. If he wanted to build a wall between US and Mexico, what do you he would like to do with Tibetans? If I am not wrong he has already accepted the one CHina policy and shook hands to that long time ago. SO CTA sorry, this year is not going to be easy free money anymore!