Author Topic: Pakistan reiterates its support to China's stance on Tibet, South China Sea  (Read 3799 times)


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Pakistan is very friendly with China now. They reiterate their support to China’s stance on Tibet and the South China Sea

Pakistan reiterates its support to China's stance on Tibet, South China Sea

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has reiterated its support for the China regarding the issues of South China Sea and Tibet. President Mamnoon Hussain expressed concern over the reported Indian incursions into the Chinese territory and said that Pakistan fully supports the stance of China on the issue.

"The president, while talking to Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang at the President House, appreciated China for its adept handling of the issue and reiterated that Pakistan stands by China on the issues of Tibet, Xinjiang and South China Sea”, a statement from the President House reads.

According the China’s People's Daily, the president said that Pakistan desired to resolve all issues, including Jammu and Kashmir, with India through dialogue.

He said that Pakistan was looking forward to the visit of the Chinese premier to Pakistan soon.

President Hussain said that Pakistan would also continue to work along with China for eliminating terrorism. He hailed the role of China in bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan and hoped that it would bring positive results and the issue would be resolved at the earliest.

Both the leaders discussed the whole range of their bilateral affairs, with a particular focus on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and expressed the resolve to ensure its early completion as the project is vital to the regional peace, security, stability and prosperity.

He thanked the Chinese vice premier for participating in the Pakistan’s 70th Independence Day anniversary celebrations and said it was reflective of their strong bonds and friendship.

Wang Yang said that Pakistan-China friendship was higher than the political considerations. He said Pakistan had played a positive role in countering terrorism. He assured his country's complete cooperation in this regard.

He underlined the need for stronger Pakistan-China economic cooperation and said China would increase imports from Pakistan for a better balance in trade.


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Hey Michaela... thank you for posting up all these "political" news... perhaps you would also like to LEAVE A COMMENT on how it is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners? Otherwise, the forum topics by YOU here are beginning to sound like politics and that is all! Having said that how is your topic on Pakistan supporting China related to Dorje Shugden?


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Hey Michaela... thank you for posting up all these "political" news... perhaps you would also like to LEAVE A COMMENT on how it is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners?

While I cannot speak for Michaela, the relevance of Sino-Pakistani relations to Dorje Shugden practitioners is crystal clear.

Indeed, China is the foremost country protecting Dorje Shugden practitioners; India is the foremost country brazenly supporting the anti-Shugden ban; and the implications of Sino-Pakistani relations are paramount to India. What else should be said?

India is the country fully supporting the anti-Shugden witch-hunters, the evil dalie and the CTA gangsters. India boast of its “religious freedom” but closes its eyes to the anti-Shugden witch-hunt, thus giving a free hand to the evil dalie and his minions to perpetrate their atrocities, and refusing to provide constitutional protection to Shugdenpas.

Moreover, depending on India, the evil dalie and his minions would be reinstalled in the Potala, which would inevitably lead to the full extermination of Shugdenpas in Tibet. India regularly challenges China's sovereignty in Tibet, as in Doklam, Pangtso Lake, and South Tibet (which Indians call “Arunachal Pradesh”), thus jeopardizing the security of the only country in the world, China, providing and enforcing full protection to Shugdenpas.

India, possessed by its inferiority complex in relation to China, chose to be China's antagonist. I looks for strategic and military association with China's other antagonists such as Japan, US, and Taiwan. Unable to emulate China's successes, and with its own failures and uncontrolled envy, India resorts to cheap provocation and aggression against China, which includes supporting the evil dalie, the CTA, and their separatist agenda, and therefore the anti-Shugden witch-hunt.

The CTA anti-Shugden witch-hunters expressed their full support to India in the ongoing Doklam stand-off immediately after India's invasion of this chunk of Tibet, thus showing the traitors they are of the Tibetan nation, just as the evil 13th dalie was, who donated South Tibet to the Jewish-British East India Company.

Therefore, yes, there is hardly a topic more relevant to Shugdenpas than whatever relates to the border and the relations between China and India, a field where Sino-Pakistani relations is paramount.
Otherwise, the forum topics by YOU here are beginning to sound like politics and that is all! Having said that how is your topic on Pakistan supporting China related to Dorje Shugden?

The anti-Shugden witch-hunt *is* politics, and whatever topic is related to it, such as Sino-Pakistani relations, as political as it is, is therefore perfectly adequate here.

What is not adequate, on the other hand, is your and others' dirty slandering campaign waged against the Gelugpa monk Tenzin Peljor, falsely accusing him of what he never did, such as of “defending sexual abuse”, just because he denounced the failed sectarianist cult leader and transvestite lama Sogyal's serial sexual abuses.

Could you explain to the rest of us how slandering and falsely accusing a monk, and brazenly defending perverted Sogyal's sexual abuses relates to Dorje Shugden more than Sino-Pakistani relations?


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[same as above, typos fixed]

Hey Michaela... thank you for posting up all these "political" news... perhaps you would also like to LEAVE A COMMENT on how it is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners?

While I cannot speak for Michaela, the relevance of Sino-Pakistani relations to Dorje Shugden practitioners is crystal clear.

Indeed, China is the foremost country protecting Dorje Shugden practitioners; India is the foremost country brazenly supporting the anti-Shugden ban; and the implications of Sino-Pakistani relations are paramount to India. What else should be said?

India is the country fully supporting the anti-Shugden witch-hunters, the evil dalie and the CTA gangsters. India boasts of its “religious freedom” but closes its eyes to the anti-Shugden witch-hunt, thus giving a free hand to the evil dalie and his minions to perpetrate their atrocities, and refusing to provide constitutional protection to Shugdenpas.

Moreover, depending on India, the evil dalie and his minions would be reinstalled in the Potala, which would inevitably lead to the full extermination of Shugdenpas in Tibet. India regularly challenges China's sovereignty in Tibet, as in Doklam, Pangtso Lake, and South Tibet (which Indians call “Arunachal Pradesh”), thus jeopardizing the security of the only country in the world, China, providing and enforcing full protection to Shugdenpas.

India, possessed by its inferiority complex in relation to China, chose to be China's antagonist. It looks for strategic and military association with China's other antagonists such as Japan, US, and Taiwan. Unable to emulate China's successes, and to deal with its own failures and uncontrolled envy, India resorts to cheap provocation and aggression against China, which includes supporting the evil dalie, the CTA, and their separatist agenda, and therefore the anti-Shugden witch-hunt.

The CTA anti-Shugden witch-hunters expressed their full support to India in the ongoing Doklam stand-off immediately after India's invasion of this chunk of Tibet, thus showing the traitors they are of the Tibetan nation, just as the evil 13th dalie was, who donated South Tibet to the Jewish-British East India Company.

Therefore, yes, there is hardly a topic more relevant to Shugdenpas than whatever relates to the border and the relations between China and India, a field where Sino-Pakistani relations are paramount.
Otherwise, the forum topics by YOU here are beginning to sound like politics and that is all! Having said that how is your topic on Pakistan supporting China related to Dorje Shugden?

The anti-Shugden witch-hunt *is* politics, and whatever topic is related to it, such as Sino-Pakistani relations, as political as it is, is therefore perfectly adequate here.

What is not adequate, on the other hand, is your and others' dirty slandering campaign waged against the Gelugpa monk Tenzin Peljor, falsely accusing him of what he never did, such as of “defending sexual abuse”, just because he denounced the failed sectarianist cult leader and transvestite lama Sogyal's serial sexual abuses.

Could you explain to the rest of us how slandering and falsely accusing a monk, and brazenly defending perverted Sogyal's sexual abuses, relates to Dorje Shugden more than Sino-Pakistani relations?


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Hey Michaela... thank you for posting up all these "political" news... perhaps you would also like to LEAVE A COMMENT on how it is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners? Otherwise, the forum topics by YOU here are beginning to sound like politics and that is all! Having said that how is your topic on Pakistan supporting China related to Dorje Shugden?

Dear Dsnowlion

Pakistan reiterating its support for China's claim on Tibet is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners because I believe the real opponent to Dorje Shugden practice right now is the Central Tibetan Administration that continuously use Dorje Shugden as a scapegoat to cover their failure in advancing their Tibetan cause and objectives.

By posting these types of article, I wish to show that the CTA is weak and going nowhere and it is not because of Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan government in exile is failing. But it is because the CTA is incapable of commanding respect from the world leaders, who are increasingly siding with China.


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Dear Dsnowlion

Pakistan reiterating its support for China's claim on Tibet is relevant to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners because I believe the real opponent to Dorje Shugden practice right now is the Central Tibetan Administration that continuously use Dorje Shugden as a scapegoat to cover their failure in advancing their Tibetan cause and objectives.

By posting these types of article, I wish to show that the CTA is weak and going nowhere and it is not because of Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan government in exile is failing. But it is because the CTA is incapable of commanding respect from the world leaders, who are increasingly siding with China.

Well THANKS Michaela... next time add an OPINION so people would know what you are trying to say here instead of just cutting a pasting a news clip  ;)

Yes, we all know CTA's days are number and Pakistan siding China... well it is because China supplies them arm forces. I'm not here to take China's side, but any war is BAD and should be AVOIDED at all cost. China & Pakistan have had a long-term relationship for years and this is what irritates India and this creates more friction between the two great countries China and India. And of course India's use of Dalai Lama as a pawn to further irk China, but that will not be forever. Sorry to say HHDL is not going to live forever.

INMO dont particularly think this was a good news to show how weak CTA is... because CTA is weak and irrelevant. I think the ones that show that they directly reject the Dalai Lama or CTA would have been more obvious that is weak such as these article on the website:  OR Taiwan calls time on Mongolia and Tibet affairs commission  This was a huge slap in CTA's face. Hope more countries reject and more offices gets shut down until no more CTA!


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After Pakistan expresses support for China's stance on Tibet, now China is defending Pakistan from Trump's criticism. In the article below, after Trump accused Pakistan of harboring terrorist, China mentioned that "...Pakistan was on the front line in the struggle against terrorism and had made "great sacrifices" and "important contributions" in the fight."

Now Pakistan and China relationship will be stronger. In the past, It will be interesting to see how India will react to the friendly relationship between China and Pakistan. In the past India has acknowledged that Tibet is part of China. Will India be more courteous towards China considering that India is highly dependent on Chinese imports and it makes more sense economically and politically to align themselves with China than with the lousy Tibetan government in exile? If so that would be the death of the CTA.

*China defends ally Pakistan after Trump criticism*

BEIJING (Reuters) - China defended its ally Pakistan on Tuesday after U.S. President Donald Trump said the United States could no longer be silent about Pakistan's "safe havens" for militants and warned it had much to lose by continuing to "harbor terrorists".
Trump on Monday committed the United States to an open-ended conflict in Afghanistan, signaling he would dispatch more troops to America's longest war and vowing "a fight to win".

Trump insisted that others - the Afghan government, Pakistan, India and NATO allies - step up their own commitment to resolving the 16-year conflict, but he saved his sharpest words for Pakistan.

Senior U.S. officials warned security assistance for Pakistan could be reduced unless the nuclear-armed nation cooperated more in preventing militants from using safe havens on its soil.

Critics say Pakistan sees militants such as the Taliban as useful tools to limit the influence of old rival India. Pakistan denies allowing militants refuge on its territory, saying it takes action against all groups.

Asked about Trump's speech, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Pakistan was on the front line in the struggle against terrorism and had made "great sacrifices" and "important contributions" in the fight.

"We believe that the international community should fully recognize Pakistan's anti-terrorism," she told a daily news briefing.
"We are happy to see Pakistan and the United States carry out anti-terror cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, and work together for security and stability in the region and world."

China and Pakistan consider each other "all-weather friends" and have close diplomatic, economic and security ties.

China has its own security concerns in the region, in particular any links between militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Islamist groups China blames for violence in its far western region of Xinjiang.

"We hope the relevant U.S. policies can help promote the security, stability and development of Afghanistan and the region," Hua said.