Author Topic: Indo-China border solution lies in Tibet’s Independence: 4th International Rangz  (Read 3504 times)


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Indo-China border solution lies in Tibet’s Independence: 4th International Rangzen Conference
[Friday, August 25, 2017 20:24]
By Tenzin Monlam

DHARAMSHALA, August 25: Keeping the ongoing territorial dispute between India and China over Doklam region in mind, the 4th International Rangzen Conference declared that the solution lies in Tibet’s independence.

The three-day conference, which concluded in Paris on Wednesday, said, “Recently, tensions have escalated between India and China. The true border is between India and Tibet. China has absolutely no role in this conflict. We assert that until Tibet’s independence is restored, this conflict will not find a solution.”

The conference pledged to keep the Tibetan struggle alive and also to work with the Tibetan government in exile (officially known as Central Tibetan administration).

The Lamest attempt to get India and China against one another. No one will buy their logic, that Tibetan independence solves China-India rivalry. This is actually quite funny and shows the world how lazy the CTA are in doing their job.


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Truly goes to show that CTA reactively twists anything to their advantage without really thinking matters through. Either they are truly incompetent and incapable of doing things right or just maliciously taking actions calculated only to rope in benefits for CTA at the expense of Tibetans in exile. Both do not reflect well on CTA. No wonder there has been no significant progress with Tibetan cause and the sordid situation with welfare of Tibetans in exile.


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It's just amazing that at the 4th  Rangzen  conference in Paris, there should be this statement made about the border dispute being between Tibet and India and not between China and India. But India itself obviously sees Tibet as part of China and not as a sovereign nation. Hence whatever it may be, the dispute IS between China and India!. Nothing will change the status of Tibet, unless negotiations by CTA with China can bring autonomy status to it.

Furthermore , I can't see the logical connection between Tibet's independence struggle and this border dispute!  So how can the solution to this border dispute lie in Tibet getting its independence?


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The conference pledged to keep the Tibetan struggle alive and also to work with the Tibetan government in exile (officially known as Central Tibetan administration).

What is the Tibetan struggle alive? The only struggling thing I see is the Tibetans divided. If they cannot even be in harmony with each other and no respect for one another, forget about voicing anything to China. It makes the Tibetans in exile a laughing stock, hence no one is gonna entertain them. It is pointless.

Then they say the wanna "work with the  Tibetan government in exile" ??? Errrrmmm I thought the CTA is suppose to support HH the Dalai Lama who is asking for UMAYLAM - Tibet autonomy? So shouldn't they try to achieve being friends with China? Everything they do is total opposite and jeopardizing their own freedom and HHDL's plans. I guess this is how they lost their country in the first place.