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MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student

By: Solaray Kusco

MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, who was filmed publicly attacking an American-Chinese tourist

In the latest shocking incident to take place in Dharamsala, the member of parliament (MP) Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar has been filmed violently attacking an American-Chinese tourist, a Ms. Wen Qi Zhu. MP Lhagyari ignored Ms. Zhu’s protestations that she is a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, continuing to attack her with her fists after a disagreement arose between the two women on the topic of Tibet’s history.

MP Lhagyari has been in the news quite a lot recently, and never for good reasons. She was seen in August 2017 attending an all-expenses paid rangzen conference in Paris, where she enjoyed nice hotels, cafes and sightseeing whilst gathering with other Tibetan rangzen activists to discuss strategies for a fully independent Tibet. Their meeting was in total opposition to the Dalai Lama’s umaylam approach (meaningful autonomy) which, as everyone knows, the Dalai Lama has strongly advocated for many years.

MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar seen here publicly accosting Ms. Zhu, who was protesting an exhibition about Tibetan history. Ms. Zhu is a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and had just come from an audience with His Holiness.

Clearly however, MP Lhagyari has no respect for the Dalai Lama, his advice and his decisions. Her attending the conference put her squarely in the company of the rangzen people whom ex-Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche has previously said are the most dangerous in Tibetan society.

So in these shocking images and video above, as first reported by Phayul, MP Lhagyari can be seen attacking a Chinese student of the Dalai Lama. The lady, a Chinese-born American citizen by the name of Wen Qi Zhu, had just had an audience with His Holiness when she was attacked. Ms. Zhu also happens to be a sponsor of the Tibetan leadership, having made financial contributions to the recent teachings given by His Holiness. Despite these facts being made evident to MP Lhagyari, she continued to attack Ms. Zhu. Surely anyone including Ms. Zhu, would have been shocked to attend Dalai Lama’s teachings on forgiveness, tolerance and love towards all beings including enemies and their Chinese brothers and sisters. Then when she walks out, she encounters displays by MP Lhagyari that she disagrees with and MP Lhagyari became violent. Does MP Lhagyari represent the Dalai Lama’s exiled government correctly? The Dalai Lama preaches tolerance but his MP Lhagyari enacts violence on the streets outside his temple where the teachings were just given. People who disagree with exiled government of Tibet hear one thing from the Dalai Lama and experience the opposite from his government members.

Ms. Zhu, circled in red, seen here at an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama after receiving teachings from him. MP Lhagyari attacked a student and sponsor of the Dalai Lama.

Questions have been raised about MP Lhagyari’s conduct, as she appears to be against anything the Dalai Lama supports. Not only does she advocate rangzen and gather with people who are against the Dalai Lama’s meaningful autonomy, but now she has also been caught on film attacking supporters and students of the Dalai Lama. Her behavior has been widely condemned as embarrassing of the Tibetan leadership and there are now calls for her resignation.

These are the facts:

    Regardless of whatever Ms. Zhu said, and whether MP Lhagyari agreed with it, her behavior was most unbecoming as a member of parliament and representative of the Dalai Lama’s government. Is this the version of democracy that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership) espouses, one characterized by intolerance and violence?

    Whatever the disagreement between the two ladies, Ms. Zhu was in India which is a democratic nation. Hence she was well within her rights to protest the exhibition. Likewise, if MP Lhagyari was going to establish an exhibition like that, she should have been prepared for opposition and learned how to deal with it properly. Even if Ms. Zhu did not agree with her, MP Lhagyari as a government official should have remained courteous and polite to someone who is a tourist and guest of India.

    The Tibetan leadership are therefore immature, ill-informed and ill-equipped to deal with dissenting views. If anyone does not agree with the beliefs, their method of dealing with them is arrogant violence.

The brawl was witnessed by many people, who filmed the incident. Rather than helping, they gawked at the sight of their member of parliament attacking a tourist. The news is circulating on Tibetan social media now, with people making fun of MP Lhagyari’s questionable and embarrassing behavior.

    For the Tibetan leaders, democratic principles are only applicable when it suits them. When they want to promote their own ideas, or when it will impress potential sponsors to give them money, then they will roll out the red carpet to show how democratic they are. But when other people have their own, different beliefs, they are not allowed to have them and in that case, there is no democracy. This has been experienced by many in the Tibetan settlements who have seen their freedom of speech stifled and freedom of movement restricted over the years.

    MP Lhagyari’s inability to control her emotions, and to get proper authorities like the police to deal with incidents like these, makes her a poor candidate for any leadership position.

    If this is the type of person who occupies a seat in parliament, as someone with so much latent violence in their character, it is therefore extremely conceivable that the CTA is very capable of organizing the same type of violence against anyone else who does not agree with their views. An example of this are Dorje Shugden practitioners who have been rioted against, stabbed, murdered and segregated against.

    The CTA have so many policies that divide and segregate their own people on the basis of religion. Now they are getting some of their own karma back, why are they upset?

It remains to be seen how China will react to this latest incident but China may just bring up this incident as yet another reason to deny dialogue with the Tibetan leadership. After all, why open dialogue with a group of people who so violently and physically attack Chinese-born individuals?

A composite image featuring the details page of Ms. Zhu’s passport, indicating she is an American citizen born in China.

As for MP Lhagyari herself, she is now in a no-win situation. She is a very bad representative of the Tibetan government-in-exile. As a member of parliament of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, she should understand and know how to deal politely with people against her views and not retaliate in violence with any member of the public. She can easily ask for the police which are nearby to intervene. The police stations are very nearby. MP Lhagyari and some Tibetans expressed shock that even in the Dalai Lama’s headquarters of Dharamsala, someone ‘dare’ opposes their view of Tibetan history. This shows pure arrogance and ignorance which is reflective of the Tibetan leaders in Dharamsala located in Himachel Pradesh state of North India. The American-Chinese national was not happy that Tibetans paint all Chinese in the wrong light and indeed not all Chinese agreed with the policy and events in Tibet. MP Lhagyari would not hear of this. No one is allowed to question, doubt or be in opposition of MP Lhagyari’s views which represents her exiled government’s views. If they do, violence breaks out as you see here. This is the Tibetan government-in-exile’s version of democracy. It is no wonder after 60 years of being ‘refugees’ they still cannot make any headway with China regarding Tibet. Who stays refugees for 60 years anyway unless staying a ‘refugee’ brings in free sympathy money from ignorant foreigners?

Thanks to MP Lhagyari’s actions, the CTA or exiled Tibetan government is now a laughing stock of the world. The Tibetan leadership has to learn to accept that the world is not going to agree with them on everything anymore. After 60 years of playing the refugee card to gain sympathy, while living the high life in India and immigrating all over the world, there is very little sympathy left for them. MP Lhagyari should resign and or apologize if she wishes to be dignified and represent the Tibetan government-in-exile as civilized and educated.

the original article

Read the article here:

« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 11:00:59 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 11:00:05 PM »
Even if the Chinese woman was trying to cut up the pictures displaying all Chinese people in a bad light, MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar does not need to shout, scream and be violent. MP Lhagyari works for the government, and she should have some dignity. She can be dignified and call the police which is very nearby. She is not dignified. If she is going to display things in democratic India, she should expect opposition and not be violent in return. She represents how the Tibetan government is towards anyone that opposes them which is violence. Shame.?

Why does MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar have Indian citizenship when the Tibetan government do their best to bar ordinary Tibetans to get Indian citizenship? She must have money and connections. You can see here clearly:

Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should immediatly resign and give honor to the disonorable CTA or Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala. Since she wishes to post Anti China pictures and propaganda in a democratic and Free India, then she should expect opposition too. Dharamsala may be headquarters to the Dalai Lama but it is still in India and India is a democracy and has free speech. Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar really should not shout and fight with anyone who opposes her. She should just ask someone to call the police immediately. Dharamsala is small and the police are nearby. It is wrong for an elected government official like her to fight with the public. Bad form and bad manners. Wrong message sent to the world. I support CTA and Tibetans but not this type of behaviour.?


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 11:02:52 PM »
Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar attacks Chinese Dalai Lama student.

Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who is an MP of the Tibetan ‘parliament’ in Dharamsala seems to like to make trouble. She was recently in Paris on an all-expense-paid luxury trip to have meetings against the Dalai Lama’s middle way. They stayed in nice hotels, enjoyed the cafes and went sight-seeing also. She and other independence (rangzen) activists gathered together to have a meeting on how to oppose the Dalai Lama’s middle way. If you are having a meeting on rangzen, then naturally you are opposing the Dalai Lama’s views. She is against the Dalai Lama as blatantly as it can get. She advocates full independence for Tibet which Professor Samdhong Rinpoche the former prime minister said is very dangerous. ????????Samdhong Rinpoche said clearly that Rangzen activists and supporters are the most dangerous people in Tibetan society. Because they go against what the Dalai Lama is asking the world to support which is autonomy of Tibet under China. Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is seen in these pictures in October 2017 in Dharamsala fighting violently with a female Chinese tourist from the USA. ????This Chinese woman Ms. Wen Qi Zhu had just had audience with the Dalai Lama as you can see in the pictures. But when she left the audience after blessings she was affronted by a CTA member Ms. Lhagyari violently on the streets just below the Dalai Lama’s nose. A random video was taken of this event and in the video Ms. Wen Qi Zhu was saying she is also a student of the Dalai Lama. She has also contributed to the donations of the recent teachings by Dalai Lama to cover the expenditure.????

Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should conduct herself with more decorum and good manners since she is representing the Dalai Lama’s government. Often they are violent. Of course Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar has the democratic rights to post, protest and speak for Tibet in Dharamsala, but she should also be ready for opposition. Opposition even in Dharamsala must be tolerated as it is a democratic India. ????Some may be shocked someone opposes Ms. Lhagyari’s views in Dharamsala the headquarters of the Dalai Lama, but that just shows you how arrogant some Tibetans may be thinking if you oppose their views, they can violently strike back. Democracy only works for Tibetans so they think and it should not work against them is their convoluted thinking. Many in the audience may not agree with Ms. Lhagyari Namygal Drolkar’s views on Tibet and as an elected official of the Tibetan government, she should be more courteous, polite and explain things well and not resort to a catfight with a paying tourist. After all she is the official and representative of the government. She should educate the masses and not violently fight with them. She should resign as obviously she is not fit for this job.???? It is a disgrace and shame. After all the paying tourist Ms. Wen Qi Zhu has every right to protest back or speak against the view of Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar, since India is democratic and allows freedom of speech which goes both ways.???? Some Tibetans have to learn manners, being polite and accepting that the world is not going to agree with them on everything anymore. Tibetans have to accept their 60 years of playing up the refugee card while living well in India and immigrating all over the world will not gain sympathy anymore. The CTA or Tibetan government in exile have many policies that divide and segregate their own people on the basis of religion so now that they are getting some of their own karma back, why are they upset?????

Here is an article on how Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar went to Paris for a rangzen meeting against the Dalai Lama:

Isn’t Mr. PM Lobsang Sangay and his Sharling Dhardon going to comment on MP Lhagyari la and her extreme violence on the streets of Dharamsala?

Mr Sangay and Ms. Dhardon was last seen at the five star Taj Mahal hotel in the VARQ restaurant in Delhi together. They often go for dinners together and alone. They are very close and she got her position due to the ‘kindness’ of Mr. Sangay the PM of Tibetan government. ????????????????

Why does MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar have Indian citizenship when the Tibetan government do their best to bar ordinary Tibetans to get Indian citizenship? She must have money and connections. You can see here clearly:

Photo of Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar with her Indian passport.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 11:08:54 PM »
Lhagyari Namgyal's action brings shame to Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, especially as a Member of Parliament (MP). Instead of creating awareness about Tibetan cause and welfare, she is attacking a visitor, who is a student of the Dalai Lama. It is obvious that Lhagyari Namgyal is against the Dalai Lama by attending Rangzen conference in France, and then instead of explaining so that a visitor (Chinese or not) knows more and sympathize with the Tibetan cause and welfare, she pisses a tourist off, especially one that is a student of the Dalai Lama. I think MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar luxury trip to France to support Tibetan independence is a clear sign that she is disloyal, and is betraying the Dalai Lama's policy. Read here for more details:

I believe this innocent Chinese woman just wants Tibetans to have peace and unity with the Chinese. A friend who understand Chinese said that the Chinese woman said something about "I am a Chinese (national), I am also a Tibetan" - although it was not very clearly audible. Lhagyari Namgyal should resign and quit the Tibetan government. This would infuriate the Chinese government and create more problems for autonomy (Middle Way policy) that the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan administration have worked very hard to get every Tibetan in exile to support.?


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2017, 02:09:15 AM »
Thanks again for making Tibetans look like Shiiiiiiiiiit! What Prof Samdhong said is so true and Lhagyari Namgyal proved it that Rangzen people are really more dangerous than Dogyal people!

These Rangzen people are against the Dalai Lama and clearly trouble makers and they do not even show decency to even the Dalai Lama's students/sponsor - shameful shame, shame. And this is Tibetans so-called MPs and leaders? How to ever get Tibet back? And even if they did get Tibet back they would probably lose it again. I guess Lobsang Sangay is also against the Dalai Lama since he say nothing and allow this kind of behaviour.

The Chinese lady was lucky that she was being recorded cos who knows, they might have been more violent. And everyone was just standing there watching. If this  Lhagyari Namgyal is an MP, imagine the rest of them. Now the CCP will really have a good laugh at silly Tibetans.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2017, 03:10:56 AM »
Tibetan MP Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar should really reflect how she represents the Tibetan Government. Not only does she set a bad example but also does she go against HH Dalai Lama's wishes for Umaylam.

Already by attending Rangzen meetings, she expresses herself against the Dalai Lama. Her position and of many members of the CTA does only create more problems. Why are they in the Tibetan Government? Why are they not finding solutions for the Tibetans but instead attend meetings in France?

It is obvious that they do not want end being refugees but they want to continue getting secondary benefits! Or am I wrong??


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2017, 05:28:07 AM »
All people inside CTA only want money, power and control. They say they want independence so they can continue to rip sponsors of their money who give generously thinking it’s for the right cause. But donations are shared among CTA people.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2017, 05:40:45 AM »
There are many evidence that this woman, Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, and her MP rangzen friends are against the Dalai Lama’s middle way. No person with a good conscience can enjoy all expenses luxurious trip to France to make sure the Dalai Lama’s middle way lose its footing and credibility. If you don’t trust the Dalai Lama, why keep your position in the CTA and enjoy the benefits of being an MP? Or did you go to France to enjoy the perks at the expense of discrediting the Dalai Lama’s middle way?

Please find below the article about their luxurious trip to Paris:

In addition to Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, her colleagues MP Monlam Tharchin and MP Juchen Konchok as well as Former MP Tethong Wangpo also attended the Paris Rangzen meeting.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 05:53:08 AM »
An interesting comment fan acquaintance of mine:

There are many evidence that this woman, Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, and her MP rangzen friends are against the Dalai Lama’s middle way. No person with a good conscience can enjoy all expenses luxurious trip to France to make sure the Dalai Lama’s middle way lose its footing and credibility. If you don’t trust the Dalai Lama, why keep your position in the CTA and enjoy the benefits of being an MP? Or did you go to France to enjoy the perks at the expense of discrediting the Dalai Lama’s middle way?

Please find below the article about their luxurious trip to Paris:

In addition to Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, her colleagues MP Monlam Tharchin and MP Juchen Konchok as well as Former MP Tethong Wangpo also attended the Paris Rangzen meeting.

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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2017, 11:46:56 AM »
Such person are allowed to be sitting in the 'parliament' of CTA??? This is interesting. Has CTA ran out of people to elect? How did people like her can be elected as one MP? It is sad to see this and she along with all the inept officers in CTA esp Lobsang Sangye should just resign or be removed! Disgusting!


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2017, 12:46:17 PM »
Look what I have found on the Youtube video that recorded this embarrassing fight in Dharamsala! What Smith said is true, there is no reliable MPs and candidates in the Tibetan Leadership and they are obnoxiously corrupted! The painted the Chinese woman negatively to reflect how Chinese behave to justify their claim on the Chinese and their suppression of the Tibetan people.

However, the other side of the coin is that it reflects how badly Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar represents the Tibetan Leadership and the rangzen activists. She might thinks that she is doing something for the rangzen cause but instead, her actions further proven that she cannot contribute positively to the cause and no success can be yielded from her behaviour. Also, she outrightly display her anti-Dalai Lama sentiment by fighting with the Dalai Lama's student right where the Dalai Lama's abode is.

This video says so much about the Tibetan Leadership. Whether you choose the Middle Way or Rangzen, none of these groups have real capable leaders that see a bigger picture and behave like one. In fact, the current Tibetan Leadership is filled with snakes, scorpions, rats etc. who took up the position solely for their own benefits. Sad...


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2017, 03:33:43 PM »

Lhagyari Namgyal’s action brings shame to Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, especially as a Member of Parliament (MP). Shame for her for attacking a visitor, especially one who is a student of the Dalai Lama.

It is obvious that Lhagyari Namgyal and the few MPs who attended the Rangzen conference in France are against the Dalai Lama. I think her luxury trip to France to support Tibetan independence is a clear sign that she is disloyal, and is betraying the Dalai Lama’s policy. Lhagyari, who was Chief Guest, made it clear that fighting for independence was at the heart of the Tibetan people’s struggle and that many had sacrificed their life for it.

Read here for more details:


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2017, 08:14:32 AM »
It really looks like MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is becoming more and more emboldened in her defiance of the Dalai Lama’s wishes, from her involvement in the Rangzen conference to now violently attacking Dalai Lama’s student and sponsor. If she truly was serving the interests of the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, she would behave like how any self-respecting MP in a democratic establishment would i.e. decently respecting other dissenting views whilst making her position clear instead of resorting to violence and tyranny against those who disagree with her.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2017, 08:31:25 AM »
It really looks like MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is becoming more and more emboldened in her defiance of the Dalai Lama’s wishes, from her involvement in the Rangzen conference to now violently attacking Dalai Lama’s student and sponsor. If she truly was serving the interests of the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, she would behave like how any self-respecting MP in a democratic establishment would i.e. decently respecting other dissenting views whilst making her position clear instead of resorting to violence and tyranny against those who disagree with her.

Then again, we are talking about CTA and so she is just applying CTA’s typical and ultimate manner of dealing with those with dissenting views – intimidation and violence to stamp out differing views and forcefully shove CTA’s position across. It is the same tactic used by CTA against Dorje Shugden practitioners. With MPs like these, it is no wonder that there has been no significant progress with the Tibetan cause or the welfare of Tibetans.


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Re: MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2017, 02:01:07 PM »
Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar apparently said in an interview that she could not imagine that this incident can happen near the temple. She should think about what she said and how she reacted near the temple in response to the tourist who is also a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. As a young female parliamentarian, with her family's royal lineage dating back thousand of years in Tibet, her response to a tourist is unacceptable.

Many on Facebook discussed this incident, especially concerning the Tibetan cause and interest, this incident will definitely affect the Sino-Tibetan relations and dialogue, another black mark and excuse for China to not make any progress with the exile Tibetan administration. As we all know, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been working very hard to advocate Sino-Tibetan interaction and Tibetans around the world can only lament about their misfortune, and be embarrassed that this matter was not handled well by their royalty and MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar.