Author Topic: Chinese scholar says Tibetans must not lose hope on MWA  (Read 3414 times)


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Chinese scholar says Tibetans must not lose hope on MWA
« on: October 14, 2017, 03:51:30 PM »
Professor Ming Xia speaking on Middle Way Approach at a public talk in Yongling School on October 11, 2017. Phayul Photo- Kunsang Gashon
Professor Ming Xia speaking on Middle Way Approach at a public talk in Yongling School on October 11, 2017. Phayul Photo- Kunsang Gashon
DHARAMSHALA, October 12: Tibetans must not lose hope on Middle Way Approach (MWA) and the Chinese government must not doubt the approach, said Professor Ming Xia, professor of Political Science at City University of New York (CUNY).

Prof. Xia who was in Dharamshala for the 5-50 Forum organized by the Tibetan government in exile, was speaking at a public event organized jointly by six Dharamshala-based Tibetan associations at Yongling school here.

“Through this platform I want to urge my fellow Chinese that this approach is beneficial for both Tibet and China. I am sure of a fruitful result if Tibetans don’t lose hope and China disperse their doubt,” the professor said at the talk.

He also extended his confidence over a ‘change’ in the outlook and policies of China towards the ethnic minorities by citing example of abolishing of ‘One Child Policy’ and the growing number of Chinese following Buddhism.

“Nothing is permanent. So the repressive policies in Tibet will change,” he said in Chinese, which was translated by Chinese Liaison Officer with Office of Tibet Washington DC, Kunga Tashi.

The professor said he first met His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2008 and since have met the Tibetan leader over 15 times. Through these meetings and discussions with the Dalai Lama he said that he has developed a ‘complete faith’ in the non-violence approach adopted by the Tibetan spiritual leader.

However, as a consequence he has not been to China for over nine years and has been often confronted and warned by Chinese secret service to not support the approach. He said, “I may have left my motherland but I know that I have chosen the right path devised by His Holiness. It is only beneficial and I have no regret in my choice.”

Since the professor has grown up studying the ‘Chinese version’ of Tibetan history and global affairs, he said that Chinese government has always curbed the awareness on the actual goals of MWA amongst the general public and since it was proposed by the Dalai Lama, the authorities apply more restriction on it.

Calling it the best approach for both China and Tibet, he said he was not the only Chinese scholar, inside and outside China, who supports MWA approach.

The Middle Way Approach was proposed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1974 as the policy of moving forward in resolving the Tibet issue. In June 1998, the approach was adopted democratically by the Tibetan parliament in exile as the official policy of the exile Tibetan administration.

It is quite typical of CTA to get others to be their mouthpiece. This news was only covered in Phayul, which indicative of how important this declaration of how good is MWA is.


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Re: Chinese scholar says Tibetans must not lose hope on MWA
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2017, 03:53:31 PM »
This is the link to the article here


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Re: Chinese scholar says Tibetans must not lose hope on MWA
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2017, 10:08:36 PM »
If CTA wants to really achieve the middle way approach they would just stop irritating China. C'mon why would you keep carrying your flag when you know very well Tibet is now China. So carry the Chinese flag instead and stop all the Rangzen people from protesting and further irritate China! Period. Doesn't take a rocket Scientist to figure this one out.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Chinese scholar says Tibetans must not lose hope on MWA
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2017, 05:13:37 AM »
Does it really makes sense for Professor Ming Xia to comment on the Middle Way Approach as propagated by the Dalai Lama?  Sad to note that Professor Ming Xia also left China just like the Tibetans in exile, so where are the grounds to induct China to trust what Professor is saying. 

Kind of silly for CTA to use a mouth piece like Professor Ming Xia to expound the Middle Way Approach by the Dalai Lama, as his circumstances are not perfect.

Maybe it is another stance of CTA to seem to be begging for Chinese authority to invite them, which will not happen and then lay blame on China again for being difficult.

Interesting strategy that leads no way.  Typical