Author Topic: As Tibet in China improved, will they welcome their own Tibetan in exile back  (Read 4887 times)

christine V

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Below news is the development on going in China Tibet. As Tibet in China becoming more wealthy, the Tibetans there live in more comfortable environment, will they welcome the CTA or Tibetan Government in Exile back to China? 

Some of my friends are here, their grandparents are from China. As times goes by, Chinese government have treated them as the citizen of the countries they reside. China do not welcome them to turn into Chinese citizen. They are label as oversea Chinese.

Now, look at Tibetan in India. Many of them have reside in India for 60 years, have kid and families there. They could even be the citizen of India. What if the Indian government request the Tibetans to back to China. Will China want the refugees to come back? Not only their lagging behind on their education, their culture would be different.

Thus, CTA if still delaying the return to China, eventually they might end up no land to land.


13 November 2017 • 9:30am
Zhao Shijun

Local development has been given strong government support and will continue to receive it, Party chief says.

Tibet will give equal priority to growth, stability and ecology to ensure sustained socioeconomic improvements, Wu Yingjie, Party chief of the Tibet autonomous region said in an article published in the People’s Daily recently.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the central government have given strong support to Tibet’s development since the 18th National Congress of CPC convened in November 2012 in Beijing, he said.

Over the past five years the central authorities’ support has included starting many infrastructure projects, issuing preferential policies specifically for Tibet, making the region a higher priority in the national development strategy and offering guidance for the autonomous region’s growth, Mr Wu said.

Tibet is now in the best period of development in its history in terms of social stability, economic growth, ecology and people’s quality of life, Mr Wu said.

During the first half of this year, Tibet ranked first in the country in the growth of gross domestic product, industrial gross profit, retail sales of consumer goods and per capita incomes for rural and urban residents, he said. It ranked third in the growth of fixed-asset investment.
"The government will invest 73.7 billion yuan (£8.48 billion) this year in 32 key projects for improving residents’ living conditions."

Tibet will make further efforts to help increase growth, ensure social stability and improve people’s lives, he said. The government will invest 73.7 billion yuan (£8.48 billion) this year in 32 key projects for improving residents’ living conditions.

The spending and other efforts will ensure that 130,000 people in Tibet can be lifted above the poverty line by the end of this year. About 20 counties will be removed from the list of impoverished areas, he said.

Tibet is highlighting the role of industrial development in eradicating poverty, both in cities and the countryside.

Farmers, herders and local businesses are joining efforts to extend industrial chains of local produce such as highland barley and yak dairy products, which are playing an increasingly important role in raising locals’ incomes, he said.

Various measures will be taken to promote employment, especially for new graduates from colleges and universities, he said.

Graduates are encouraged to start their own businesses, and the government has set aside 2 billion yuan for an entrepreneurship fund for graduates. About 3,000 new graduates from universities have opened their own businesses this year in the region, Mr Wu said.

Medical care is crucial for improving local people’s lives, so authorities will adopt preferential policies to attract medical professionals from the rest of the country, to encourage medical workers to work in rural communities and improve education for rural medical professionals, he said.

Mr Wu highlighted the role of religious affairs in maintaining social stability in Tibet.

The Party’s and the government’s management of religious affairs should be enhanced, he said, adding that efforts should be made to ensure freedom of belief and improve the lives of Buddhists and other believers.

On the other hand, the Tibetan people oppose all kinds of separatist activities and violence in the disguise of religions, he said.

Mr Wu said Tibet should strengthen collaboration with other regions of the country. He said Tibet will have more preferential policies to encourage talented people from the rest of China to come to Tibet to work or start businesses — and Tibetans are encouraged to work outside Tibet to learn more skills for working or doing business.

Mr Wu said good ecology plays an important role in Tibet’s development and the well-being of its people.

To protect the local environment, Tibet should take stricter measures to control pollution and restore plateau ecology by minimising the impact of human activities, he said.

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It seems that staying a refugee is not really a good option after 60 years of no results! Either taking Indian citizenship or going back to China seems the only logical solution as the CTA is not really busy to find solutions for the Tibetans...

After such a long struggle and so much help from many people and countries, it is such a deception to see what the CTA has achieved. The government has as it seems only taken care of themselves and made sure they are fine. As far as it concerns me... no need to wait for the CTA's help - it will never come!

Dondrup Shugden

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The policy of the Indian government to grant citizenship to Tibetan in exile within India is extremely gracious and generous to say the least.

As mentioned by the China Daily newspapers, Tibet (China) and Tibetans there are given special concessions and privileges so that Tibetans will improve their livelihood.  These privileges should be an envy of the Tibetans in exile.

Will the Chinese government welcome the return of Tibetans to China, is a risk as there had been no mention of such an offer.

Taking as comparison, the Tibetans in exile who wishes citizenship in the western countries, they also encounter numerous risks and obstacles.  Most of them may succeed as they may have relatives already who are citizens of those western countries.

So the question is if Tibetans in exile still have relatives in China, should they not take the same risks as migrating to USA, Switzerland and so forth.

There is no answer as to whether China will accept returning Tibetans and it is very sad to note that so far Tibetans under CTA have very few choices as to how to be secured citizens of any nation.


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China is taking steps to control pollution and restore plateau ecology by minimizing the impact of human activities. They have also started many infrastructure projects, issuing preferential policies specifically for Tibet, making the region a higher priority in the national development strategy and offering guidance for the autonomous region’s growth. All these are spurring the growth in Tibet.

Even if China were to welcome the exiles back to Tibet, will they be able to fit in with the new sub-culture of hard work and obeying laws strictly and modern trappings. After all, these exiles have been in India living in settlement lives with little modern amenities and still very much in outdated modes. CTA has not brought these poor people up-to-date. The CTA has failed to make any progress for the exiles to be able to return to a free Tibet or a Tibet under autonomous rule; they have failed to provide economic independence for the exiles; they have failed to give them basic amenities and facilities like proper infrastructure.

These exiles left Tibet with high hopes but are living shattered dreams.


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At the rate things are developing, it is looking more and more like the Tibetans in Tibet may have more of a chance at a better life under Chinese leadership than under the Tibetan leadership. After all, if one really looks at the conducts and so-called democratic governance by the Tibetan leadership to date, all that is apparent is their incompetence, inward-looking and self-absorbed actions.

It is painfully obvious with evidence aplenty that the Tibetan leaders are more interested in deepening their own pockets and fulfilling their political vendettas than actually delivering their promises to Tibetans who elected them in the first place or carrying out their responsibilities to do something that will benefit the Tibetan population as a whole.


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What does China gain if the Tibetans return? Actually, they must be thinking it would be better for them if these Tibetans that can cause problems NOT to return. China does not win or lose anything. So actually these Tibetans should really stop all their protest nonsense and go get themselves proper citizenship or go back to China... soon this will be it.

Belinda Mae

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This is indeed a good news for the Tibetans in China. It is nice to hear that they are improving their lives for the better. I guess the Tibetans in China will be happy to welcome their own fellow Tibetans in exile back in China with them. I guess whether or not the CTA wants to go back to China is another issue. If CTA goes back to Tibet in China means they will lost everything especially their donations and probably the CTA will have to be dissolved before going back to Tibet in China. This is a tough decision to make for the CTA. I guess they will prefer to stay in Dharamsala and continue to stay like that until someone take over the government.


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That's the difference of practicing Dorje Shugden and anti Dorje Shugden. Tibet, China, practicing Dorje Shugden, grow. CTA anti Dorje Shugden and lead by a leader that take millions of donation money for his own use, stop growing but walking backward.
On the spiritual side, people who look forward, improvement, development, forget what had China done to Tibet, look forward, improve together. On the other hand, Tibetan leadership in exile, a.k.a CTA, looooooves to look backward, China chase them out of Tibet! China took their land by force! China beat the monk and chase them out of Monastery! While they are still dwelling in the past like baby cry over spilled milk, China has already moved a thousand steps forward. I thought Buddhism teaches us not to dwell in our past? Does CTA practice Buddhism or not?
I won't say Good luck CTA anymore, it is because CTA is doomed. No more luck. I will say, Bye bye CTA, because of you, now your people can't go back to Tibet anymore!


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@Belinda Mae, I doubt the CTA wants to go back to Tibet. After all, there's nothing in Tibet for them to go back to. They have American passports or Indian passports. They have no wish to return to Tibet. It is only the Tibetans in the settlements who may want to go back as the CTA is also not helping them obtain Indian passports. So, they are the ones who are the real refugees, the pawn in the political games that the CTA plays.