Author Topic: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang  (Read 4346 times)

Ringo Starr

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In a move to control damage, Thupten Jinpa, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s longtime translator, in a letter sent to Dalai Lama Trust members and obtained by Tricycle writes:

"For someone who have [sic] had the honor and good fortune to serve His Holiness for over three decades, it had been painful to see how His Holiness’ name and legacy was slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions (Albany-based NXIVM) and discordant messages (of rich and celebrity orientation). Especially, for the Trust, which is effectively His Holiness’ principal charitable foundation for the outside world, the last two years’ record has been, to put it mildly, quite embarrassing. The Trust has alienated most of its inter-organizational relationships, almost destroyed its infrastructure of the Tibetan graduate scholarship program with a majority of the independent reviewers resigning, and failed to support those international organizations that were actively inspired by His Holiness’ vision for the world and were undertaking high profile initiatives furthering His Holiness’ vision. Most sadly, the Trust has unfortunately acquired a reputation of being authoritarian, confrontational, petty, and uncaring, characteristics so far removed from His Holiness’ personal ethics. In particular, for those organizations and individuals who had been the recipients of grants from the Trust, frankly, the behavior of the Trust can be best characterized as that of bullying. If ever, some of the email communications from the Trust during this period were to come to light within the public domain, it would be a source of embarrassment for everyone connected with the Trust."


It seems to me that Thupten Jinpa is trying to sweep everything underneath the carpet by blaming everything squarely on the rascal Tenzin Dhonden.

But there are many more rascals amongst the Tibetan leadership.

For one, the above article links us to the website of "The Dalai Lama Trust"

Two things stand out:

1. The Dalai Lama Trust's last audited accounts were for the year ending 31 March 2015. Nothing after that.

2. Kaydor Aukatsang is the Trust's trustee. (OMG!)

Penpa Tsering was recently summarily dismissed by Lobsang Sangay for revealing "Loan-Gate" in which Penpa Tsering had asked valid questions about the borrower of US$1,500,000 - Tibetan Community Development Fund Inc. in which Kelsang 'Kaydor' Aukatsang is the principal officer of the fund.

Guess what?
Tibetan Community Development Fund Inc.'s last filed IRS Form 990-N was in 2013.
That was before the "loan" was taken in 2014.

So the common factor here is Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukutsang and lack of required financial audits and reporting.

I smell a big RAT.

Kaydor and Richard

Kaydor and Nancy


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Re: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2017, 02:35:03 AM »
Scary...  ???


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Re: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 05:34:38 AM »
@Ringo Starr, thanks for this piece of news. They would have loved to keep this buried in the deepest darkest pit they can find. So, while Penpa Tsering and Lobsang Sangay are pointing fingers at each other, the BIG RAT is happily keeping a low profile.


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Re: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2017, 12:25:54 AM »
@Pema8, the current CTA is never going to do what the Dalai Lama wants. They do what they want. That is the sad thing. They are using the Dalai Lama's good name and nature of coerce and brainwash the Tibetans into their way of thinking for them to run amok with the funds collected as evidenced by the disputes going on now with Penpa Tsering and Lobsang Sangay and dragging Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang into the fray. What a party this is promising to be.


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Re: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2018, 07:13:47 AM »
Whilst this is indeed a serious controversy, somehow it is something that is hardly surprising and one can foresee CTA doing given CTA’s history of dodgy actions. How can such irresponsible questionable dealings be allowed in the first place? Taking into account all CTA’s actions to date which are riddled with controversy or downright questionable, @grandmapele certainly hit it on the nail with the pertinent question of whether CTA can be entrusted with bigger responsibilities when CTA constantly screw up majorly with their current limited scope.


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Re: Penpa Tsering could be right with regards to Kelsang "Kaydor" Aukatsang
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2018, 12:53:12 PM »
Do we see now that Thupten Jinpa is also part of this controversy? I wonder what his role is but I am sure he gets some benefits out of it. He is known to have to courage and hide behind the Dalai Lama's fame and name. He earned so much from being the Dalai Lama's translator. His scholarship and knowledge, of course, is the foundation of his success but you cannot deny the fact that he got himself the best opportunity and made the best out of it. Otherwise, why would he disrobe? Because the income and opportunity can only be enjoyed as a layperson. Think about this. If he was a geshe and supposed to be learned and know the Dharma by heart, he should know very well being an ordained person is the ultimate and best path one should be on in dharma. The more you dig, the more you see how people are people, whether Tibetans or not, all filled with the three poisons, only a handful is in control of their poisons while the majority are still deeply influenced by that because actual dharma has not be actualized.