It is amazing that Lobsang Sangay still serves as the President of the CTA after years of disappointment and no results. However, Tibetans in exile are slowly moving further away from CTA as they see that there is no change and improvement in their life after 60 years of being a refugee.
Many Tibetans had moved out of India and many of them found success in the country that they are in. This shows that Tibetans can make it and they are just lacking the opportunity to be successful which CTA can't and won't give.
The CTA wants to keep all the Tibetans in India so that they can use the Tibetans to get donations from the whole world. They manipulated the Tibetans and the sponsors into believing how pity they are and they do not have anywhere else that they can go. That is their main intention.
This is what Tibetans have to suffer from, under the ruling of the backward and corrupted government. Free Tibet movement is the longest movement ever in the world, it has been 60 years now but there is no result. The CTA does not want to take the responsibility so they created the Dorje Shugden ban to put the blame of a Buddhist deity for their failure.
In fact, I think CTA is sabotaging their own movement. Without the Free Tibet movement, CTA can no longer get donations from the west and they will not have money to survive. In order to ensure they continue to get the free money, they have to make sure Free Tibet movement continues. That is why, they are not keen to make the Free Tibet movement a success.
Lobsang Sangay has no shame at all to continue to ask India for help. He thinks Tibetans are entitled for the help given by India and they always take India for granted. The "Thank you India" event was just a show without sincerity. As a result, the Indian government didn't even bother to send representative to attend or make it a big event.