Author Topic: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event  (Read 25983 times)


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Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:47:34 AM »
What so now wanna Thank you India after 60 years of taking? This is just another sneaky plot to get on India's good side because they know they are gonna be kicked out soon if they continue being arrogant and demanding and make trouble!

Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
After cancelling events in the national capital, the Tibetan government-in-exile will now start pan-India "Thank You India" programmes.
All India | Indo-Asian News Service | Updated: March 28, 2018 20:12 IST

The president of the the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Lobsang Sangay, on Wednesday said his government-in-exile "doesn't want to cause inconvenience to host India".

Speaking on cancelling of events planned by his administration, earlier in New Delhi, to mark the beginning of the 60th year of the Dalai Lama stepping on India soil, he told reporters in Dharamshala: "Whatever we do, we don't want to cause inconvenience to our hosts or to the persons who want to meet us."
"They may have particular reasons as to why these coming months are sensitive. So, we completely understand and respect that. There is no disappointment at all but rather an understanding of the situation," he said.

Lobsang Sangay was responding to a media query regarding a circular issued by the Indian government relating to the "Thank You India" events starting on March 31.

Without mincing words, he said the government and people of India have done the most for Tibet.
"Every year, in all the formal and non-formal events, we Tibetans always say thank you India. I think it's important that we also demonstrate our gratitude in deeds."

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India'. So, we should be saying thank you a lot. Moreover, our relationship with India is like parent and children. Therefore, we want to thank India," he said.
Amid the recent tensions with China, the Indian government was reported to have cautioned its senior officials last month to stay away from events aimed at marking the start of the Dalai Lama's 60th year of exile.

After cancelling events in the national capital, the Tibetan government-in-exile will now start pan-India "Thank You India" programmes to mark the beginning of the 60th year of the Dalai Lama arriving in India.
The Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet to India in March 1959.

To mark the events, Lobsang Sangay on Wednesday released a "Thank you India" music video, performed and produced by artistes of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, thanking India for its hospitality and assistance.

Lobsang Sangay said the year-long events lined up as part of the campaign include a mass tree plantation drive to support a green India movement, participating in Yoga Day events organised by the government of India, distribution of food to the hungry and homeless and a mass cleanliness drive to observe the Indian government's Swachh Bharat initiative.

Acknowledging the growing Chinese pressure on global leaders on the Tibet issue, Lobsang Sangay said: "Wherever I go, be it Europe, the US, the pressure is increasing."

The CTA is organising a public event in Dharamshala to officially launch the "Thank You India" campaign on March 31.

It will be one of the largest events ever organised by the Tibetans in Dharamsala and hundreds of guests are expected to attend, including Naren Das, a member of the first delegation that received the Dalai Lama when he first set foot on India.

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama will attend the event.

The Dalai Lama, in an interview to CNN News18, has said he "doesn't care about how Chinese pressure forced the cancellation of the events of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Delhi".
He said it was more about "how you feel for Tibetans and how Tibetans feel for India".
The Tibetan administration in exile is based in the north Indian hill town of Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 04:42:30 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2018, 07:46:10 PM »
Real giving is through actions that bring real results that will benefit Indians, for example, cancel the Thank You India event that will irk the Chinese government. Also, an event will not bring any benefits to the Indian people and solve their high unemployment rate, rape issues, inequality gender issues, caste problems, leprosy, poverty etc. The poor remained poor and the social issues remain. The CTA has never cared about India and her issues, and have been asking for financial and political aid for 60 years without contributing towards the growth and development of India.

During this critical juncture where the China and India are working hard to form a bilateral tie, instead of easing the process, the CTA allowed 5 NGOs to organise a protest against China in Dehli even though India ban the March 10 Uprising protest earlier. In addition, the Indian government also warned her national and state officials do not attend the Tibetan event, yet the CTA insisted on going ahead with the meaningless Thank You event.

The CTA and Tibetan people has again proven to bring no harmony and peace to India, let alone benefits the country very much needed. They are a thorn in the Sino-Indian relation that has caused India billions that they can no longer afford. Really, do you think the Tibetans sincerely do not want to discomfort India?


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2018, 06:15:10 PM »
After 60 years of living in India with so much benefits received from their host, the Tibetans finally realise they have to show a tiny bit of appreciation? This Thank You event comes too late, why only say thank you after 60 years, they should do this every since they arrived in India. I personally think there is nothing to be celebrated, 60 years of struggling, the Tibetans are still struggling?

India has been too kind to the Tibetans, they give lands to the Tibetans to rebuild their homes, they are allowed to move freely just like a normal Indian citizen.  Which refugee in other parts of the world has this privilege? If India did not welcome the Tibetans in 1959, what would happen to the Dalai Lama and his people?

Lobsang Sangay, just face the truth. You did not cancel the Thank You India event because you didn't want to discomfort India, the truth is no Indian officials would be attending the event. You just don't want to look bad. If you want to show appreciation to India, help them strengthen their relationship with China, this is more practical than your momo eating party.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 12:43:46 PM »
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India'. So, we should be saying thank you a lot. Moreover, our relationship with India is like parent and children. Therefore, we want to thank India," he said.
Amid the recent tensions with China, the Indian government was reported to have cautioned its senior officials last month to stay away from events aimed at marking the start of the Dalai Lama's 60th year of exile.

Lobsang Sangay said the year-long events lined up as part of the campaign include a mass tree plantation drive to support a green India movement, participating in Yoga Day events organised by the government of India, distribution of food to the hungry and homeless and a mass cleanliness drive to observe the Indian government's Swachh Bharat initiative.

The Dalai Lama is the "Son of India" and yet so many activities are all self-serving. Probably my awareness is very limited but I don't think that the Dalai Lama had really spoken on behalf of India or the Indians to help them, especially during disasters nor had he initiated any real drive to help improve the living conditions of the very poor near or surrounding Dharamsala, much less the rest of India. With the Dalai Lama's influence, he could have at least brought attention to areas of critical need to the world's attention.

CTA had never thank India until this crucial times when India is putting Tibetans aside for the Chinese' advantageous and profitable relationship. Why until now that CTA says thank you? Year long event campaign? Plant a few trees, give some food to the poor, support the cleaning up and urmmm, yoga? So what happened to all the 60 years that they had lived on Indian soil and with their more than generous USD millions in annual sponsorships? They could have started a social program for the Indians but then again, their own people are not even getting care nor help so what's the Indians....

"Like parent and children"? This is so funny. Yeah! Children that never grow up and continue to milk the parent for every cent that they have while causing problem after problems that the parent need to clean up. And these children are so arrogant towards their parent because they feel the parent is just not good enough irregardless such generosity accorded to them. You know how some children turned on their parents or reject them when they become rich or are more educated, which they would never have had gained without their parents in the first place. Such ungratefulness.

Tracy had pointed out India's generosity to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans but missed out that these refugees were given the right of Governance on borrowed land that is not even their country. India had never interfered with the Dalai Lama's ministry or CTA's governance and even most times, when exiled Tibetans brought their grievances to the Indian courts out of desperation, the judges or officials just sided with the Tibetan Leaders. I would say that there are no difference in the Tibetan Leaders being in Tibet or in India when it comes to asserting their rule and nor had they changed to be in tandem with the practice of other sovereign countries's rule on human rights. After 60 years in exile and the arrogance of rule is still very much practiced without realisation of the fact that they are not a country. Tibet is firmly in China's grasp and will not be ceded at any time. The Dalai Lama had realised this but his obstinate officials still hang on to their greed and self interest instead of supporting his stance. It is such a slap in the face as it shows how they disparage the Dalai Lama and discount his enlightened wisdom.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2018, 08:56:18 AM »

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India'. So, we should be saying thank you a lot. Moreover, our relationship with India is like parent and children. Therefore, we want to thank India," he said.
Amid the recent tensions with China, the Indian government was reported to have cautioned its senior officials last month to stay away from events aimed at marking the start of the Dalai Lama's 60th year of exile.

If His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India', he should have stayed in India and not return to Tibet. He mentioned a few times saying that he wants to return to Tibet under China on several events does not reflect that he treats himself as one with the Indians. He even sent Samdhong Rinpoche secretly to China to have a private talk without informing the Indian government.

Indian government got to know about the secret trip and was very not happy with it. The Tibet card is not as useful to India recently and it shows Indian is trying to build a good relationship with China. The leaked memo from the government to their staffs discouraging them to attend Tibetan related events that will make China unhappy is a statement from India showing that they're displeased with the Tibetans.

If Tibetans continue to do their stunts and make India more unhappy, they might face the fate of being chased out of India and they will be forced to go back to Tibet under China. Then, it will be interesting to see what CTA will do. Will His Holiness the Dalai Lama lead his fellow Tibetan back to China or maybe to another country that is willing to give asylum to them?


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2018, 04:39:46 AM »

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India'. So, we should be saying thank you a lot. Moreover, our relationship with India is like parent and children. Therefore, we want to thank India," he said.
Amid the recent tensions with China, the Indian government was reported to have cautioned its senior officials last month to stay away from events aimed at marking the start of the Dalai Lama's 60th year of exile.

If His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls himself a 'son of India', he should have stayed in India and not return to Tibet. He mentioned a few times saying that he wants to return to Tibet under China on several events does not reflect that he treats himself as one with the Indians. He even sent Samdhong Rinpoche secretly to China to have a private talk without informing the Indian government.

Indian government got to know about the secret trip and was very not happy with it. The Tibet card is not as useful to India recently and it shows Indian is trying to build a good relationship with China. The leaked memo from the government to their staffs discouraging them to attend Tibetan related events that will make China unhappy is a statement from India showing that they're displeased with the Tibetans.

If Tibetans continue to do their stunts and make India more unhappy, they might face the fate of being chased out of India and they will be forced to go back to Tibet under China. Then, it will be interesting to see what CTA will do. Will His Holiness the Dalai Lama lead his fellow Tibetan back to China or maybe to another country that is willing to give asylum to them?

Yes, the Tibetan Leaders are afraid of being chased out as they have been creating trouble for India at every possible opportunity. Why? Cos if India becomes pals with China then the Tibetan will have no place to stand at all. Always at the mercy of both India and China. As it is I can just see CTA hanging on with their dear lives until the very end and they will not go easy. See how the Myanmar Rohingyas occupied Myanmar then demand to annex the land to them? Well CTA may just try that with India. I think India better be warned as the Tibetan Leaders are very sneaky and smart in the wrong way. They may just turn on their host of 60 years to fight for their "rights".


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2018, 07:13:46 PM »

Yes, the Tibetan Leaders are afraid of being chased out as they have been creating trouble for India at every possible opportunity. Why? Cos if India becomes pals with China then the Tibetan will have no place to stand at all. Always at the mercy of both India and China. As it is I can just see CTA hanging on with their dear lives until the very end and they will not go easy. See how the Myanmar Rohingyas occupied Myanmar then demand to annex the land to them? Well CTA may just try that with India. I think India better be warned as the Tibetan Leaders are very sneaky and smart in the wrong way. They may just turn on their host of 60 years to fight for their "rights".

Just like immigrants in the US that 'demands' their right to have welfare and support from the government. That is just ridiculous. They come to the US and demanded to have the same welfare that US citizens are enjoying. That does not make sense. US citizens are entitled to the welfare and benefits because their forefathers fight and contributed to the country. They themselves also paid taxes and hence the government takes care of them in return.

The Tibetans might pick this up and mimicked the immigrants in the US. They might start to demand benefits and welfare from the Indian government and it will be interesting to know what will the Indian government do in response to that. The Indians will probably kick them out since they do not really like them in the first place anyway.

But, I think His Holiness the Dalai Lama will lead them towards a better route which is going back to Tibet under China. It is the best way for all Tibetans and he can make sure CTA will not exploit the Tibetans any further for their own benefit. Seems like going back to China is the best choice now.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2018, 11:09:34 PM »

But, I think His Holiness the Dalai Lama will lead them towards a better route which is going back to Tibet under China. It is the best way for all Tibetans and he can make sure CTA will not exploit the Tibetans any further for their own benefit. Seems like going back to China is the best choice now.

The Dalai Lama leading the Tibetans back to China will be good however it is dependant on China if she wants them? With all the propaganda by CTA, it is quite possible that once agreed on allowing them back to Tibet, China may just place them camps again. "Rehabilitation" would be the word to use. China will need to instill her doctrines so that no unrest will take place. China just can't afford to waste the time on settling on unrest when they have so much planned for the progress China's being world no. 1.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2019, 06:54:23 AM »

But, I think His Holiness the Dalai Lama will lead them towards a better route which is going back to Tibet under China. It is the best way for all Tibetans and he can make sure CTA will not exploit the Tibetans any further for their own benefit. Seems like going back to China is the best choice now.

The Dalai Lama leading the Tibetans back to China will be good however it is dependant on China if she wants them? With all the propaganda by CTA, it is quite possible that once agreed on allowing them back to Tibet, China may just place them camps again. "Rehabilitation" would be the word to use. China will need to instill her doctrines so that no unrest will take place. China just can't afford to waste the time on settling on unrest when they have so much planned for the progress China's being world no. 1.

This is very true that even if the Dalai Lama wants to go back and agree to cooperate with the Chinese government, the Chinese government may not necessary wants the Tibetans to go back to China. Without the Dalai Lama, Chinese government still managed to recognise their own Panchen Lama. The 14th Dalai Lama said this Chinese Panchen Lama is a legitimate one. Therefore, the Chinese government actually does not need the the 14th Dalai Lama to be back to China in order to recognise the 15th Dalai Lama.

The Tibetans have to do a lot of work to gain the trust from the Chinese government if they really want to go back to China. The CTA has done so many things that go against the Chinese government and they have been very vocal in criticising the Chinese government. To change the perception of the Chinese government on CTA will take a long time.

The Dalai Lama is getting older every day, if the CTA really cares about what the Dalai Lama wants, they should start to do something to show China they want to be friendly with the Chinese government. In long run, there is no benefit gained by fighting with China.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2019, 07:10:58 AM »
Tibetans don't want to discomfort India? They sure know how to discomfort India's Prime Minister for sure!

See the "Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India"


Just by reading the letter by the so-called "Core Group For Tibetan Cause" to PM Modi, one can't help but to notice the obvious expectations and demands asked for Tibetans. It is interesting that no consideration and respect is given to PM Modi who has many issues to deal with regarding India itself and at the same time create good ties with China to boost India's economy

It mentioned 153 Tibetans inside Tibet self-immolated due to the human rights situation in Tibet but failed to explain how the CTA has encouraged and taught (with printed books) these 153 to take their lives.

They demand talks to be resumed with His Holiness's representatives yet all they do is criticise China? Delusional. And they ask PM Modi to pressure Xi after all the bad rap they caused for themselves by condemning China. Another delusional thought. Whoever is advising the Dalai Lama and the CTA regarding this is clearly delusional that PM Modi would jeopardise the whole of India for troublesome Tibetans who has done nothing much for India.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2019, 10:24:29 AM »
Tibetans don't want to discomfort India? They sure know how to discomfort India's Prime Minister for sure!

See the "Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India"


Just by reading the letter by the so-called "Core Group For Tibetan Cause" to PM Modi, one can't help but to notice the obvious expectations and demands asked for Tibetans. It is interesting that no consideration and respect is given to PM Modi who has many issues to deal with regarding India itself and at the same time create good ties with China to boost India's economy

It mentioned 153 Tibetans inside Tibet self-immolated due to the human rights situation in Tibet but failed to explain how the CTA has encouraged and taught (with printed books) these 153 to take their lives.

They demand talks to be resumed with His Holiness's representatives yet all they do is criticise China? Delusional. And they ask PM Modi to pressure Xi after all the bad rap they caused for themselves by condemning China. Another delusional thought. Whoever is advising the Dalai Lama and the CTA regarding this is clearly delusional that PM Modi would jeopardise the whole of India for troublesome Tibetans who has done nothing much for India.

Tibetans' existence in India itself is already a discomfort for India. They have been in India for 60 years and obviously they did not plan to leave anytime soon. They are pretty happy to stay in India taking over India's welfare privileges and their land. In some places, the Tibetans even lied to the government to be eligible for the welfare that they are distributing.

Now India's relationship with China has been improving and the Indian government has been giving the Tibetan less and less attention. They even downsized the "Thank you, India" event which supposed to be held in Delhi Stadium. Obviously, China is happy with India's action and hence they are more willing to cooperate with India.

Tenzin K

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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2019, 05:35:58 AM »
This request really going to put India in a hot seat. The details are going to irritate the Chinese and with that, the Tibetan wants to request dialogue? Instead of requesting in a more diplomatic way Tibetan really asking for more displeasure from the Chinese. Wondering if the Indian Prime Minister will help Tibetan to pass the letter to the Chinese?

Tibetans don't want to discomfort India? They sure know how to discomfort India's Prime Minister for sure!

See the "Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India"


Just by reading the letter by the so-called "Core Group For Tibetan Cause" to PM Modi, one can't help but to notice the obvious expectations and demands asked for Tibetans. It is interesting that no consideration and respect is given to PM Modi who has many issues to deal with regarding India itself and at the same time create good ties with China to boost India's economy

It mentioned 153 Tibetans inside Tibet self-immolated due to the human rights situation in Tibet but failed to explain how the CTA has encouraged and taught (with printed books) these 153 to take their lives.

They demand talks to be resumed with His Holiness's representatives yet all they do is criticise China? Delusional. And they ask PM Modi to pressure Xi after all the bad rap they caused for themselves by condemning China. Another delusional thought. Whoever is advising the Dalai Lama and the CTA regarding this is clearly delusional that PM Modi would jeopardise the whole of India for troublesome Tibetans who has done nothing much for India.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2019, 05:48:55 AM »
Tibetans don't want to discomfort India? They sure know how to discomfort India's Prime Minister for sure!

See the "Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India"


Just by reading the letter by the so-called "Core Group For Tibetan Cause" to PM Modi, one can't help but to notice the obvious expectations and demands asked for Tibetans. It is interesting that no consideration and respect is given to PM Modi who has many issues to deal with regarding India itself and at the same time create good ties with China to boost India's economy

It mentioned 153 Tibetans inside Tibet self-immolated due to the human rights situation in Tibet but failed to explain how the CTA has encouraged and taught (with printed books) these 153 to take their lives.

They demand talks to be resumed with His Holiness's representatives yet all they do is criticise China? Delusional. And they ask PM Modi to pressure Xi after all the bad rap they caused for themselves by condemning China. Another delusional thought. Whoever is advising the Dalai Lama and the CTA regarding this is clearly delusional that PM Modi would jeopardise the whole of India for troublesome Tibetans who has done nothing much for India.

If the CTA wants to talk about human rights, what human right did they give to Dorje Shugden followers? The CTA segregates Dorje Shugden followers and encourages Tibetans to go against them. Businesses are allowed to put up signs to forbid Dorje Shugden followers to frequent the places. This is pure discrimination.

Why does the CTA and the Tibetans think India should help them? Didn't India help them enough? It has been 60 years since the Tibetans take refuge in India, it is a long time. Did the Tibetans do anything for India to show their appreciation? Not really.

The Tibetans have created so much problems in India but they did not seem to realise that. They even dare to ask India for more support and help. This is very ungrateful of the Tibetans.


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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2019, 05:57:01 AM »
This request really going to put India in a hot seat. The details are going to irritate the Chinese and with that, the Tibetan wants to request dialogue? Instead of requesting in a more diplomatic way Tibetan really asking for more displeasure from the Chinese. Wondering if the Indian Prime Minister will help Tibetan to pass the letter to the Chinese?

Tibetans don't want to discomfort India? They sure know how to discomfort India's Prime Minister for sure!

See the "Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India"


Just by reading the letter by the so-called "Core Group For Tibetan Cause" to PM Modi, one can't help but to notice the obvious expectations and demands asked for Tibetans. It is interesting that no consideration and respect is given to PM Modi who has many issues to deal with regarding India itself and at the same time create good ties with China to boost India's economy

It mentioned 153 Tibetans inside Tibet self-immolated due to the human rights situation in Tibet but failed to explain how the CTA has encouraged and taught (with printed books) these 153 to take their lives.

They demand talks to be resumed with His Holiness's representatives yet all they do is criticise China? Delusional. And they ask PM Modi to pressure Xi after all the bad rap they caused for themselves by condemning China. Another delusional thought. Whoever is advising the Dalai Lama and the CTA regarding this is clearly delusional that PM Modi would jeopardise the whole of India for troublesome Tibetans who has done nothing much for India.

As usual, the Tibetans did not think about the welfare of India. They only think about what they want and the benefits that they can get from their actions. Little did they know, this letter will get India into trouble if they really take heed of the Tibetan's request.

India and China have been not on good terms for many years and this is the first time that the relationship between India and China became better. I do not think India will risk all of these just for a bunch of refugees that has been in India for 60 years and yet contributing nothing to their country.

Tenzin K

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Re: Tibetans 'Don't Want To Discomfort India', Cancel Mega Event
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2019, 11:23:13 AM »
Tibetan should have done this much earlier and must be very sensitive to the local people. The local Indians are very unhappy to see how Tibetan live in such a privilege. Many local Indians are poor and this makes them angrier to see how the Indian government treated the Tibetan. Tibetan leadership should often do something to repay the kindness of the Indian government and treat the local people at their settlement. They must remember that India has been very kind to help Tibetan to them land to stay and preserve their culture and tradition.