Author Topic: LAMA TSETA EXPOSED AS A LIAR!  (Read 34658 times)


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« on: April 02, 2018, 09:20:32 AM »

Exposed by a former friend, no less ;D Dhamchoe Nyima doesnt even practise Shugden bahahaha and now hes just filmed a video saying that he invited Lama Tseta to stay at his house and kept asking him for the proof. And there were excuse after excuse and it turns out, nowt proof of his claims against Shugden practitioners. Theres the English summary of Dhamchoes vid thats been posted here, makes for interesting (and very funny) reading:

What elses the CTA lied about??


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« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2018, 04:51:07 PM »
Since Lama Tseta was clearly lying, it was just a matter of time before the truth came out. Although was hoping the expose would come sooner but better late than never. As highlighted in the article, what is compelling about this video is the fact that the speaker, Dhamchoe Nyima who worked for Gaden Phodrang (another name for the Tibetan govt) until 2014, is neither a practitioner of Dorje Shugden nor a sympathizer, himself having given up the practice in 2015.

Having observed the Tibetan leadership manipulate the truth to their advantage in so many occasions, Dhamchoe felt it necessary to investigate the truth about Dorje Shugden after being strongly led to believe in the negative views about Dorje Shugden by the Tibetan government.

It is also very pertinent to note;
•   When Dhamchoe Nyima asked Lama Tseta for proof that Dorje Shugden people were indeed connected with China, Lama Tseta replied that all the proof was in Tibet.
•   Dhamchoe Nyima asked him if he could get it and Lama Tseta said that he could but it would take some time.
•   After a while, it became clear that Lama Tseta did not actually have any proof that Dorje Shugden people were connected with China. He had a couple of pictures but it was not anywhere near good enough to be conclusive evidence.
•   Further, after Lama Tseta’s video was released, the European Shugden society spoke against Lama Tseta and debunked his claims. Thereafter anti-Shugden people began speaking negatively about Lama Tseta. That is when Dhamchoe Nyima began having doubts about Lama Tseta’s credibility because it was not just Dorje Shugden people speaking up against Lama Tseta, but anti-Dorje Shugden people too.

Not surprisingly, Dhamchoe Nyima came to the conclusion that Lama Tseta is a liar and a ‘society destroyer’, and has since cut all ties with him.


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« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2018, 11:19:37 PM »
I knew it! So glad that Dhamchoe Nyima exposes Lama Tseta the liar! So glad to know that there are decent people in the Central Tibetan Adminitration that actually cared enough to investigate and exposed this liar!

What I cannot believe is Reuters not investigating properly or checking the sources from where their journalist is getting their information from. What a shame because now I am doubtful of Reuters.


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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2018, 05:19:51 PM »
It is more powerful when Tibetans expose its own kind. It is better than when it is being said by a Westerner, worst still, by an Asian, especially a Chinese. Since Dhamchoe Nyima is neither a Dorje Shugden practitioner nor a sympathizer, there are no benefits for him to tell the truth, so it is reliable. Truth will always reveal regardless.


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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2018, 01:56:10 AM »
For many years because of what Lama Tseta said, Shugden people are branded as Chinese spy. Now that Lama Tseta's claim has been proven to be untrue - The good name of Shugden people should be restored. He should be tried for creating the schism and defamation and caused suffering to so many people.


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« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2018, 01:08:41 AM »
It is well known in the Shugden circle that Lama Tseta was a liar, greedy for fame. When the report came out, the European Shugden society spoke against Lama Tseta and debunked his claims. However, the debunking was not taken so seriously.

It's good that Dhamchoe Nyima exposes Lama Tseta as Dhamchoe Nyima was an ex-CTA employee, with his proof and investigation giving another perspective and more unbias source.

It goes to show that even the Tibetans themselves are not willing to put up with the CTA's lies and self-serving attitude and just use the CTA as a vehicle to get money, or power. I wish more Tibetans are like Dhamchoe Nyima.


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« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2018, 06:47:38 PM »
It's about time. This guy Lama Tseta has done much damaged to the lineage. He is a disgrace to the Tibetan Buddhism and did not represent the Sangha well. For years we have wondered who is this Lama Tseta - the only person who claims to have seen the evidence that Shugden practitioners are paid by Chinese government. Everything is only based on his words and because of him, Shugden practitioners are being given a bad name.

Lama Tseta has defamed a lot of honest lamas and practitioners, and he should be held accountable for his lies and the suffering he had caused.

phyag na rlangs pa

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« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2018, 08:46:23 PM »
Lama Tseta is a disgrace to the entire worldwide Tibetan Buddhist community and Reuters should retract their article and issue an official apology!!! This is seriously irresponsible behaviour from Lama Tseta for lying with the intent to create schism and Reuters too, for irresponsible journalism!!!


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« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2018, 09:10:01 PM »
Lama Tseta’s main claim to fame is his untruthful “expose” relating to Dorje Shugden. Seriously, what kind of Buddhist monk becomes associated with more with destructive and harmful activities instead of constructive ones?

In fact, almost all public information on him centers on his damaging anti-Dorje Shugden activities rather than any efforts towards promoting compassion, unity and harmony or even an ounce of Dharma. Even the Dalai Lama who instituted the ban on Dorje Shugden, is known more for his teachings on compassion rather than the ban. 

To say that Lama Tseta is a disgrace to the Sangha and even Tibetan Buddhism is definitely a gross understatement.


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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2018, 10:17:25 AM »
Many thanks to Dhamchoe Nyima, for putting an end to the Lama Tseta allegations that Dorje Shugden people were Chinese collaborators.

It is so typical of the Tibetans from CTA, anytime they want to make a move on you, surely calling you a Chinese spy and collaborator surfaces. Still Dhamchoe Nyima, is very courageous to do what is right and not let things slide.

As a non practicing Dorje Shugden person, he I think wants to protect Dorje Shugden Tibetans from further slander and lies. Shame on you Lama Tseta, you bring ignominy to the robes that you wear.


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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2018, 05:52:55 PM »
I can't believe an international news agency like Reuters would just believe someone without asking for the proof. We all know journalist should report based on fact and proof, not some stories told by someone. Did Reuters do a background check on this person? Did they ask him for evidence before releasing the article? Can the readers still trust Reuters after this incident? This is very disappointing.

Lama Tseta is a disgrace to the Sangha community, still wearing a monk’s robe, he tells lies, creates schisms in the Tibetan community. The ban on Dorje Shugden separated the Tibetan community into two, the Dorje Shugden group and the Anti Dorje Shugden group. The disharmony was caused by the CTA when they imposed the ban.

Lama Tseta said the Dorje Shugden followers are Chinese spies and they take money from the Chinese government to go against the Dalai Lama, he said he personally has received some money from the Chinese but until today, he is not able to provide any proof. So whose money is he taking to accuse the Dorje Shugden practitioners? Looks like the money is from the CTA.

This is how despicable the CTA is, they use Dorje Shugden as a scapegoat to distract people from their failure in Tibet cause, they don’t want Tibetan community to be in harmony and unity because if that happens, the Tibetans will most likely ask them to resign and elect a more transparent and capable government.


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« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2018, 06:20:22 AM »
There should be more Dhamchoe Nyima in the Tibetan community to expose the dirty work of the CTA. Dhamchoe Nyima's finding is unbiased because he is not a Dorje Shugden practitioners and he has no reason to be in favour of Dorje Shugden practitioners. His years of working with the Tibetan leadership has led him to believe what the CTA says all this while may be lies.

Dhamchoe Nyima also finds it is ridiculous to accuse Dorje Shugden practitioners are Chinese spies and they take money from China. This triggers him to investigate further with Lama Tseta. True enough, Lama Tseta is telling lies and he is not able to produce any evidence to support what he says about Dorje Shugden practitioners. But what upset Dhamchoe Nyima is the disharmony and division Lama Tseta caused with his speech.

Lama Tseta is a big disappointment. As a monk, he should be spreading Dharma, not divisive speech. But for the sake of money, he tells lies and disparages a Buddha. He should disrobe immediately since he is not keeping his vows, he gives Sangha community a bad name.


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« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2018, 07:05:07 AM »
The whole Dorje Shugden ban is fabricated from scratch just to act as a scapegoat for CTA to blame their failures on. I am not surprised that whatever so-called "evidence" that is produced by CTA will be lies, lies and more lies. However, I am more surprised that the Tibetans took the lies so easily without investigating further themselves.

It is very obvious that CTA is lying about Dorje Shugden's practice all along from the start if only they really examined those reasons given by CTA with some common sense and logic. I guess other than not being exposed much to the world, they also priorities fame, money and acceptance over their Guru samaya. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama imposed the ban, many Dorje Shugden practitioners gave up their practice just to look good because it is not acceptable for anyone to not agree with His Holiness.

Hence, the ban escalates and the whole community sort of "gang" up on Dorje Shugden practitioners. This results in Dorje Shugden practitioners being rejected by their own community and suffered quite alot. All of these just because CTA needed a scapegoat for their failures and Tibetans themselves does not investigate the matter thoroughly before acting on it.


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« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2018, 01:35:55 PM »
The whole Dorje Shugden ban is fabricated from scratch just to act as a scapegoat for CTA to blame their failures on. I am not surprised that whatever so-called "evidence" that is produced by CTA will be lies, lies and more lies. However, I am more surprised that the Tibetans took the lies so easily without investigating further themselves.

It is very obvious that CTA is lying about Dorje Shugden's practice all along from the start if only they really examined those reasons given by CTA with some common sense and logic. I guess other than not being exposed much to the world, they also priorities fame, money and acceptance over their Guru samaya. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama imposed the ban, many Dorje Shugden practitioners gave up their practice just to look good because it is not acceptable for anyone to not agree with His Holiness.

Hence, the ban escalates and the whole community sort of "gang" up on Dorje Shugden practitioners. This results in Dorje Shugden practitioners being rejected by their own community and suffered quite alot. All of these just because CTA needed a scapegoat for their failures and Tibetans themselves does not investigate the matter thoroughly before acting on it.

Well Alex, coming from a feudal state of governance, I am not surprised that anything the Tibetan Leaders said, the people will take as rule. Have you seen the state of the serfs in Tibet. No wonder no one dares protest. So to take the lies of Tibetan Leaders as the golden law would be quite understandable. What I don't understand is that with the advent of their "freedom" in new found countries, USA, UK or any other countries, they still fear the Tibetan Leaders. Imagine how horrendous it must have been in Tibet that their fear still remains. After 60 years, the people in Tibet are already prospering and I certainly don't think they wish to have CTA there making a mess of things for them.


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« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2019, 11:29:09 AM »
The whole Dorje Shugden ban is based on lies and accusations from the CTA which does not have any evidence to prove what they say are the truth. Everyone knows that the reason why Dorje Shugden ban exists is because CTA had failed miserably in their job and they need something to distract the public's attention away from their failure. This is the same tactic as used by the media everywhere in the world to divert the public's attention away from what the government does not want the public to focus their attention on.

In CTA's case, they failed to bring Tibetans home as per promised. Hence, they have to find a scapegoat to bear the responsibility for their failure. That is why the Dorje Shugden ban existed to be the scapegoat for that reason. WHo is a better scapegoat than an unseen being that cannot explain himself? CTA can say whatever they want and there is no way anyone can prove them wrong since CTA has His Holiness the Dalai Lama on their side.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a Noble peace price laureate that has a tremendous amount of followers all around the world. He is revered as the god-king of Tibet and Tibetans will follow whatever he says. CTA as a representative of Dalai Lama can definitely get away with whatever lies they say because of His Holiness's reputation.

Anyone with the background of Tibetan Buddhism will be able to know immediately what CTA is accusing about Dorje Shugden practice are lies. That is why I am not surprised that they found out that Lama Tseta lied about what he said.