Author Topic: Lobsang Sangay, See You in Court!  (Read 79822 times)


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, See You in Court!
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2020, 04:49:55 AM »
I guess there are still those who don't believe Sangay cares, is regretful and truly sorry for his actions. And I will have to agree with this Norbu because that is just the ugly truth about CTA!

They do not really care about their people. All they care about is how much funds they are gonna get to put in their fat bank accounts while they pretend to work for their people. Just think, look, see, and experience. C'mon, ask what really have they actually done for the Tibetan people in exile and in those in Tibet besides encouraging them to take their own lives, so the population of Tibetans becomes less? I mean how stupid can one government be to ask your own people to kill themselves? Like who cares? One more less burden to worry about for China. Such a dumb advise.
On top of that, the lives of Tibetans in exile are always being threatened or guilt-tripped to do whatever the CTA asks of them. You have to give up your lineage Gurus, your practice, your protector, your family, friends and stay as an exile citizen, because you would be labelled a "traitor" if you decide to become an Indian citizen if you dare, while the CTA leaders themselves have foreign passports and homes like Lobsang Sangay - the biggest hypocrite of all! And he's the so-called President of the Tibetan people? Give up his home in America and his passport first and he become just like the rest exile Tibetans then maybe he can be a good example. Geez, how twisted can Tibetan politics get? This is how twisted it is, and they wonder why they lost their country? Look at the leaders and how they operate, you will know. It's a no brainer.

From Norbu:

I think the written apology with no word of apologies but only regret and soe-soel in Tibetan is so much of wordplay and clearly trying to show displeasure and arrogance from the part of LS and his team of kalons wrt loss of #case20.

An open press conference with tibetan and/or outside media to give audio-visual statements and interview will be the best possible relief to Penpa Tsering la, former Speaker of house and former Representative of HH for North America.

Only then the true justice with case 20 will be served.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, See You in Court!
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2020, 02:00:50 AM »
Is this good news or is it GREAT NEWS for exile Tibetans hu?

Very interesting article here... according to this news, it is confirmed that the dear Sangay will definitely not be in the next election in 2021. Totally no chance to continue creating havoc!?!?! it is as if he is not allowed to run for President ever again. I wonder where this instructions came from... His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Most probably as we all know His Holiness still has the final say.

Well, I'll cheers to that, because honestly LS is such a huge disappointment! In the beginning we thought there is a real genuine thinker, someone who came from Harvard, surely he can be rational and not discriminate his own people and mix religion and politics, but he did you that all for the sake of probably some extra big pocket money. Sad to say, another corrupt snake that did nothing for the exile Tibetans nor the Tibetans in TAR oh except encourage their deaths! Disgusting, I hope he is proud of his legacy.

Former Minister Gyari Dolma announces running for Sikyong elections in 2021

DHARAMSHALA, Jan. 18: Former Home Minister of the exile Tibetan government known officially as the Central Tibetan Administration, Gyari Dolma said she is running for the office of Sikyong (President) in the 2021 elections, becoming the first aspirant to have announced so publicly.

Gyari Dolma was speaking at an event organized by the student body of Kirori Mal College in New Delhi where she was invited as the Chief Guest on Friday. “I can say that I am an aspirant for the elections in 2021. I am not a candidate but I am an aspirant and with everybody’s blessing, I hope I do get the chance to serve my people and especially His Holiness the Dalai Lama closely once again,” Dolma said yesterday.

The former Tibetan minister was also a noted legislator for over a decade during which she was elected the first female deputy speaker of the Tibetan parliament in exile, known then as the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies. In 2010 she ran for the Kalon Tripa preliminary elections but later withdrew from the final elections.

Former North America Representative and Former Speaker of TPiE Penpa Tsering and former Minister for Security of CTA, Dongchung Ngodup are also said to be in contention for the top office of the Tibetan polity although such claims could not be independently verified at the moment.

The incumbent President Dr. Lobsang Sangay who is serving his second term will not feature in the next elections meaning the top office of the Tibetan polity will have a new face come 2021.



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Re: Lobsang Sangay, See You in Court!
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2020, 10:20:46 AM »
Is this good news or is it GREAT NEWS for exile Tibetans hu?

Very interesting article here... according to this news, it is confirmed that the dear Sangay will definitely not be in the next election in 2021. Totally no chance to continue creating havoc!?!?! it is as if he is not allowed to run for President ever again. I wonder where this instructions came from... His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Most probably as we all know His Holiness still has the final say.

Well, I'll cheers to that, because honestly LS is such a huge disappointment! In the beginning we thought there is a real genuine thinker, someone who came from Harvard, surely he can be rational and not discriminate his own people and mix religion and politics, but he did you that all for the sake of probably some extra big pocket money. Sad to say, another corrupt snake that did nothing for the exile Tibetans nor the Tibetans in TAR oh except encourage their deaths! Disgusting, I hope he is proud of his legacy.

Former North America Representative and Former Speaker of TPiE Penpa Tsering and former Minister for Security of CTA, Dongchung Ngodup are also said to be in contention for the top office of the Tibetan polity although such claims could not be independently verified at the moment.

The incumbent President Dr. Lobsang Sangay who is serving his second term will not feature in the next elections meaning the top office of the Tibetan polity will have a new face come 2021.


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
What a huge slap on LS's face... no more chance to con poor Tibetans in exile. I guess His Holiness has had enough of him. However, we need to watch to see if Penpa will run, it would just a bad and LS if he is going to attack Dorje Shugden Lamas and people. He is another one to be careful. He spoke really badly about Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche our lineage father.