Author Topic: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian  (Read 11001 times)


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The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« on: April 19, 2018, 05:29:40 PM »
Well, isn't this just rich. The Dalai Lama criticized the ancient Indian caste system and called it backward. What I would like to ask is how about the Dorje Shugden discrimination and persecution of Shugden practitioners? Isn't that backward too? How could a spiritual person preach compassion for all sentient beings except Dorje Shugden practitioners? How come this is not being criticized? Please Dalai Lama be fair, be logical and be kind to all sentient beings including Dorje Shugden practitioners, we urge you!


Indian caste system is very bad: Dalai Lama

DHARAMSHALA: Indian caste system is very bad which creates differences between the society, at a younger age nobody cares but at the later stage people realise about its bad effects. This is the only backwardness in this country despite the constitution giving equal right to everybody here, said Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in Mcleodganj on Monday morning.

Office of the Dalai Lama had organised a special program where hundreds of tourists from various parts of the country underwent a dialogue with the Dalai Lama at main Buddhist temple near his exile residence.

"At the emotional level we all are the same human being. We have same potential of forgiveness, compassion and tolerance. Also we all have anger, hatred but there are two types of emotions, one is destructive and constructive emotion," said Dalai Lama adding that ancient Indian psychology states that destructive emotions were the result of ignorance.

Talking about the inequality notions spread in other parts of the world, Dalai Lama said that he was once in South Africa and a person started arguing about the difference between black and white.

"I told him to get brain specialists and get a test of difference between the brain of a white and black person," he said adding that God has made no difference in human beings.

On lighter vein, Dalai Lama said that he thought that showing his face to tourists coming to meet him was not enough. "I thought I should show you how brilliant this brain is," he said.

He praised India for religious harmony. Budha laid emphasis against the caste system 2,000 years ago, this is the only backwardness left in this country which divides it, he told tourists. "This is high time to give up this old notion of caste system," said Dalai Lama.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 10:01:22 AM »
The 14th Dalai Lama, should be very careful with his words, being the spiritual figure.

The Caste system is still very much practiced in many parts of India, and it is a part of their culture and traditions.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2018, 08:15:00 PM »
For someone who is a guest in India for the last 60 years, HHDL really should not be criticising India's culture.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2018, 11:08:45 PM »
Why do I get this feeling that the Dalai Lama is purposely making things worst for himself. He cannot be that careless and unaware of his sensitive words. He is a spiritual leader, he should know better and I believe he does, but it seems like he is doing this deliberately. Could it be he is trying to change the whole entire system of administration for Tibetans? Perhaps, who knows, because I do believe the Dalai Lama is not that dumb.
Maybe he is trying to dissolve the CTA from another angle.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2018, 07:11:34 AM »
Seriously, H.H. Dalai Lama, what is the difference between the discrimination against Dorje Shugden devotees and the Indian caste system?

The Indian caste system had been in place even before democracy in India and still the equality constitution of democracy cannot help to eliminate the caste system totally.

Then how about the so called democracy of the Central Tibetan Authority?  Are they able to practise democracy and permit religious freedom in the Tibetan exile communities. 


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2018, 02:07:54 PM »
For someone who is a guest in India for the last 60 years, HHDL really should not be criticising India's culture.

Agreed especially given the Dalai Lama’s (poor) timing for such comments. Already many unhappy Indians are really dissatisfied with Tibetans and have taken to the streets as well as the Internet to protest against Tibetans. In fact, many Indians are harping on how Tibetans freeloaded from India enough for the past 60 years and feels strongly that Tibetans should leave India ;

Such statement from Dalai Lama at this juncture would definitely not work to the best interest of Tibetans.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2018, 05:02:12 AM »
Seriously, H.H. Dalai Lama, what is the difference between the discrimination against Dorje Shugden devotees and the Indian caste system?

The Indian caste system had been in place even before democracy in India and still the equality constitution of democracy cannot help to eliminate the caste system totally.

Then how about the so called democracy of the Central Tibetan Authority?  Are they able to practise democracy and permit religious freedom in the Tibetan exile communities.

True very true what you said and VERY GOOD QUESTION you ask about their so-called democracy. It is basically all just for show to the West in order for them to gain more sympathy and funds! All that FREE and EASY money for them TAX-FREE! That's right India does not tax them for all these donations that comes pouring into creating their golden temples! I saw this meme around Twitter and I must say whoever did this summarised it very well. And this is why Indians are getting really pissed off with Tibetan refugees. They keep sucking up all of India's resources but gives back very little. Just look at the huge difference between the locals and the Tibetans living there and you'll know what I mean!


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2018, 12:03:32 PM »
The Dalai Lama has retired from the political role many years ago. Since he said he wants to focus as a spiritual leader, he should do what he says. Why is he still making a comment like this?

India was very kind to accept the Tibetans 60 years ago, giving them the lands to rebuild their homes. The Tibetans were even given the permission to establish their government in exile in India. Which country in this world is so kind to allow that?

The Dalai Lama should always think of the kindness of India and stay away from their internal affair. He can praise India but never criticise even if he does not agree. His statement on the caste system has angered a lot of India. This is not wise at all, he has to know he is still living in India, so be polite.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2018, 12:32:38 PM »
It is only since the past few years that the Dalai Lama keeps making offensive comments and surprises everyone. To many, he is a saint, a holy man, he is the man of peace. It is shocking to hear him make comments on other people's culture and issues.

The comments he makes most of the time are not constructive, they don't help to improve any situation or solve a problem. He is a real PR disaster to the CTA. Why is the CTA not doing anything to rectify the situation? For example, making an apology on behalf of the Dalai Lama or just don't allow him to attend public events.

The Dalai Lama should just focus on doing spiritual works, promoting Buddha's teachings. He has the charisma to attract people to listen to Dharma and practice Dharma. He should just do Dharma work and not getting involved in secular activity anymore.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2018, 04:33:17 PM »
I actually agree to His Holiness about the caste system in Indian society. The caste system is a system that was created purely to exert control onto the population. The system enables the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor and be exploited by the rich. The whole system is created by a selfish man to serve a selfish agenda.

However, if His Holiness agrees on how bad the caste system in India is, he should acknowledge the problem that Dorje Shugden practitioners had been facing since he announced the ban. We are being discriminated just like the Dalits in the caste system in India. We are being rejected by society just like the Dalits. We are not allowed to go to public schools and even clinics.

If His Holiness thinks that this is a good time to remove the caste system because it is holding back the country, he should release the ban on Dorje Shugden as well. The ban is holding back Tibetan Buddhism as well as the protector practice. I pray that Dorje Shugden ban will be removed and equal rights will be given to Dorje Shugden people.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2018, 08:12:36 PM »
It seems that everything the Dalai Lama does or say are geared towards looking goodie goodie to the Western audience. It seems that he holds a quite low regard for Asian countries as he kind of offends them in a self-righteous way. Hypocrite no doubt. While he criticized others, the Dalai Lama had created so much sufferings for his own people with the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. It is really sad that an ancient authentic practice that had benefitted countless is treated with such revilement from the Dalai Lama's government and followers. And just as a cover-up for their failures in promises made. At this current state, I think China is the better government for Tibet from the preservation, protection and up-grades that China is paying attention to.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2018, 03:43:40 AM »
I think firstly the Dalai Lama has to be equally fair to the Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhists, the ban like the Dorje Shugden is something that needs to be removed before he goes on to promote harmony and equality amongst men.

Also Dalai Lama who has received so much protection and care from mother India, should be somewhat more sensitive and careful, as a spiritual leader under the nation of India.

Furthermore in India the caste system was heavily opposed to by Dr Ambdekar, who managed to provide social equality to the Dalits. As a result of this, Dr Ambedkar brought the dharma to many Indians, and brought a renaissance of sorts amongst the Indian community.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2018, 01:10:52 PM »
I think firstly the Dalai Lama has to be equally fair to the Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhists, the ban like the Dorje Shugden is something that needs to be removed before he goes on to promote harmony and equality amongst men.

Also Dalai Lama who has received so much protection and care from mother India, should be somewhat more sensitive and careful, as a spiritual leader under the nation of India.

Furthermore in India the caste system was heavily opposed to by Dr Ambdekar, who managed to provide social equality to the Dalits. As a result of this, Dr Ambedkar brought the dharma to many Indians, and brought a renaissance of sorts amongst the Indian community.

To treat people equally in the Tibetan community is a mission impossible. From before until now, there is always double standards practiced by the Tibetan leadership. Dorje Shugden is one of the very obvious ones.

It seems like ungratefulness is a Tibetan culture. They have never shown sincere appreciation to India. They cheat money from the Indian government and they organise demonstrations against China in India. This type of demonstration has created tension in the India-China relationship.

With so much help from India, the CTA and the Dalai Lama have not shown their appreciation to India. Instead, the Dalai Lama keeps criticising India of her leadership and her tradition. What kind of example is the Dalai Lama showing to the Tibetans? The Tibetans are creating a lot of troubles for India, the Tibetan leadership has to resolve them. If they don't, one day India might just as them to leave!


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2018, 10:50:18 PM »
I think firstly the Dalai Lama has to be equally fair to the Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhists, the ban like the Dorje Shugden is something that needs to be removed before he goes on to promote harmony and equality amongst men.

Also Dalai Lama who has received so much protection and care from mother India, should be somewhat more sensitive and careful, as a spiritual leader under the nation of India.

Furthermore in India the caste system was heavily opposed to by Dr Ambdekar, who managed to provide social equality to the Dalits. As a result of this, Dr Ambedkar brought the dharma to many Indians, and brought a renaissance of sorts amongst the Indian community.

To treat people equally in the Tibetan community is a mission impossible. From before until now, there is always double standards practiced by the Tibetan leadership. Dorje Shugden is one of the very obvious ones.

It seems like ungratefulness is a Tibetan culture. They have never shown sincere appreciation to India. They cheat money from the Indian government and they organise demonstrations against China in India. This type of demonstration has created tension in the India-China relationship.

With so much help from India, the CTA and the Dalai Lama have not shown their appreciation to India. Instead, the Dalai Lama keeps criticising India of her leadership and her tradition. What kind of example is the Dalai Lama showing to the Tibetans? The Tibetans are creating a lot of troubles for India, the Tibetan leadership has to resolve them. If they don't, one day India might just as them to leave!

On top of that, Tibetans actually look down on the Indians. They think that Indians are not as good as them and they are better. To prove this, we can take a look at how Tibetans react to the fact that India purposely made it easier for Tibetans to be an Indian citizen. CTA did not think India for this but in fact, they made it harder on their side for Tibetans to become an Indian citizen.

They are doing this because they think Tibetans becoming Indian is not a good choice. Secondly, they prefer Tibetans to go to western countries because that country is considered to be "Better". Thirdly, they want to stop their citizens becoming Indian citizens because CTA will have fewer people to control and they might get lesser donations due to the sheer number of Tibetans in exile is decreasing every now and then.

After all the kindness that India had shown to Tibetans, they have no shame to act like they are better than the Indians. They forgot that they are the one who is living on donations. They have no right to feel almighty in front of poor Indians who worked hard to escape from poverty. They should be ashamed for not performing even with all the help that they get.


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Re: The Dalai Lama criticized caste system in Indian
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2018, 02:42:44 PM »
I think firstly the Dalai Lama has to be equally fair to the Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhists, the ban like the Dorje Shugden is something that needs to be removed before he goes on to promote harmony and equality amongst men.

Also Dalai Lama who has received so much protection and care from mother India, should be somewhat more sensitive and careful, as a spiritual leader under the nation of India.

Furthermore in India the caste system was heavily opposed to by Dr Ambdekar, who managed to provide social equality to the Dalits. As a result of this, Dr Ambedkar brought the dharma to many Indians, and brought a renaissance of sorts amongst the Indian community.

To treat people equally in the Tibetan community is a mission impossible. From before until now, there is always double standards practiced by the Tibetan leadership. Dorje Shugden is one of the very obvious ones.

It seems like ungratefulness is a Tibetan culture. They have never shown sincere appreciation to India. They cheat money from the Indian government and they organise demonstrations against China in India. This type of demonstration has created tension in the India-China relationship.

With so much help from India, the CTA and the Dalai Lama have not shown their appreciation to India. Instead, the Dalai Lama keeps criticising India of her leadership and her tradition. What kind of example is the Dalai Lama showing to the Tibetans? The Tibetans are creating a lot of troubles for India, the Tibetan leadership has to resolve them. If they don't, one day India might just as them to leave!

On top of that, Tibetans actually look down on the Indians. They think that Indians are not as good as them and they are better. To prove this, we can take a look at how Tibetans react to the fact that India purposely made it easier for Tibetans to be an Indian citizen. CTA did not think India for this but in fact, they made it harder on their side for Tibetans to become an Indian citizen.

They are doing this because they think Tibetans becoming Indian is not a good choice. Secondly, they prefer Tibetans to go to western countries because that country is considered to be "Better". Thirdly, they want to stop their citizens becoming Indian citizens because CTA will have fewer people to control and they might get lesser donations due to the sheer number of Tibetans in exile is decreasing every now and then.

After all the kindness that India had shown to Tibetans, they have no shame to act like they are better than the Indians. They forgot that they are the one who is living on donations. They have no right to feel almighty in front of poor Indians who worked hard to escape from poverty. They should be ashamed for not performing even with all the help that they get.

The Tibetans prefer to go to the western countries, they think they can get a better opportunity there. They don't know Asia is rising as the most powerful economy in the world and after China, India is the next one to rise. There will be so many possibilities and opportunities waiting for them in China and India.

Perhaps there are also many Tibetans who want to integrate and become an Indian citizen. But the CTA is not making it any easier. They are trying to stop the Tibetans to take the Indian citizenship by not issuing them documents that are required by the Indian government to process their application.

I think the reason why the CTA doesn't want the Tibetans to integrate is that if there is not more Tibetans in exile, what will be their role? They will not be needed anymore. If there are no more refugees, they will not be able to ask for donations from western countries, how are they going to survive?