Author Topic: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas  (Read 20980 times)


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Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« on: April 21, 2018, 04:14:18 AM »
Check out this really logical article on Tai Situ Rinpoche's latest debacle:

It is a shame that Tai Situ Rinpoche is abusing his position as one of the leaders of the Karma Kagyu school to spread misleading, unsubstantiated fears and distorted information to the tens of thousands of adherents of his lineage, and to worsen an already-wide rift amongst Tibetan society. In fact, Tai Situ is very well-known to follow politics of the majority in order to have access to financial gain. By him sticking his nose and interfering with Gelugpa and Sakya business, and criticizing a Protector that has nothing to do with them, he is trying to nuzzle up to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile, and to be seen to be on the ‘right’ side. When he is seen to be on the ‘right’ side and he is supported by the Dalai Lama, it will mean more fame for him which will of course translate into more donations. This could be his only motive for speaking up on a subject that he knows nothing about. By speaking against Dorje Shugden, he is automatically criticizing the great Sakya and Gelug lamas who are much more senior than him, and much greater in knowledge than himself.

The conclusion extracted above sums it well.

For someone of his stature, it really is disappointing that Tai Situpa is still causing rifts, within and beyond his lineage. Instead of doing justice to his highly revered position, he wastes it all for lesser samsaric benefits with his self-serving actions which are so destructive and harmful to Buddhists. Then again, if he can betray his own lineage for self-gains, what more when it comes to other traditions?

There is really no logical reason for Tai Situ Rinpoche saying the things he said in the video other than to attempt to degrade Dorje Shugden and to further his own self-interests. And if anyone seeks to attempt to chalk Tai Situ Rinpoche’s destructive actions up as a manifestation of crazy wisdom, it is NOT.

“Crazy wisdom” fundamentally entails controversial  unconventional methods customised by the Guru for his students based the Guru’s intimate observation and careful assessment of the students’ state of mind/conditions. It is clearly not the case with Tai Situpa’s reckless statements which are disseminated beyond such relationships or boundaries. One does not need to be clairvoyant to be able to see that the words of Tai Situpa, one of the oldest lineages of tulkus in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, second only to the Sharmapa will have far-reaching impact. Further, the damage he inflicts with his comment is even rapidly multiplied and intensified given how immediate messages can be electronically disseminated nowadays.

Seriously, what kind of Buddhist monk becomes associated more with severely destructive and harmful activities instead of constructive and compassionate activities? To say that Tai Situpa is a disgrace to the Sangha and even entire Tibetan Buddhism is definitely a gross understatement.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2018, 04:01:03 PM »
The fact that Tai Situ claimed that Dorje Shugden is a very scary but powerful spirit, he is telling people that he is powerless in handling this 'spirit' and the 'spirit' is actually more powerful. This is a slap in his own face because he is saying that whatever vows he is holding is not effective since a spirit can easily harm him. This is the same logic as His Holiness saying that those who propitiate this 'spirit' will shorten his life. It has been proven that this statement is incorrect as His Holiness is healthy and still alive after 20 years since he banned the practice. He also claimed that he had a dream that he will live up to 100 or so. If propitiate the protector will result in His Holiness' shorter lifespan, he would not live today, definitely won't make it to 100. The power of refuge vows is enough to protect oneself from spirit harm, not to mention those with monk/nun's vow, bodhisattva vow, and tantric vow. Clearly, Tai Situ is only making such statement to be politically correct and that he aligned himself with the CTA's nonsense so that he can be benefitted from that. What kind of Rinpoche is this?


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2018, 04:23:12 PM »
Very shocking from Tai Situ Rinpoche, instead of making more harmony amongst the people from his tradition he goes and talks about the protector from another tradition.

The way Tai Situ says it, to me it feels like in not so many words, a spirit is much more powerful than Buddhas.

I think thinking like this or saying such statements, gives no credit to reincarnation lineage of Tai Situ Rinpoche. It is almost saying that Fire Pujas and Buddhist prayers have no power against mere spirits. If a Rinpoche cannot overcome a mere spirit, then we all should be worried.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2018, 07:14:26 PM »
This is extremely disappointing to see. :-[  This ban on Dorje Shugden has really caused so much disharmony and suffering on so many levels. It has created broken samayas of great teachers and students. It has created families to split and betray one another. The Dorje Shugden ban has caused friends to become enemies.

How can a spiritual leader say something that would cause further disunity and further suffering to so many? This is clearly political and it is such a shame that someone of Tai Situ Rinpoche's calibre and status, supposedly an emanation of Maitreya to join in the bandwagon in condemning Dorje Shugden.  :-\   

A person of his status should actually do the opposite and try to mend the broken, segregated Tibetan community and bring people together out of compassion. That is a true spiritual leader. Well, he lost the chance to show the world he is a Bodhisattva, instead, he just showed the world he is one of those with an agenda. Nothing special. I lost respect to yet another great Lama - not so great after all.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2018, 07:44:31 PM »
This is seriously wrong on so many levels, and it really logically points to Tai Situpa selling out his own lineage and faith for samsaric political gains. 

After (i) effectively causing the split in Karma Kagyu, (ii) opening the door for political influence into the spiritual affairs of the lineage to further his own goal to enthrone the candidate of his choice and (iii) even inciting and causing violence within his lineage with the Rumtek Monastery incident, he now moves on to flame the controversy relating to other tradition just to cozy up to CTA.

In the first place, it is totally unnecessary for Tai Situpa to get involved. After all, what right does he have to comment or condemn the Dharma protectors of other traditions considering he has created so much division, fighting and anger within his own lineage with his alleged deceptions?

Especially when doing so he not only spreads false information and renders the great masters of Sakya and Gelug as useless but also makes a mockery out of the powers of refuge and also vows. Doesn’t he realise the harm and heavy karma of causing doubts, divisiveness and capitalising on the Dharma at the cost of bringing the entire Tibetan Buddhism into disrepute?

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2018, 08:34:48 PM »
Was Tai Situ Rinpoche really criticizing the Sakya and Gelug Lamas?

He may have been in fact secretly condemned the Dalai Lama, the CTA and all the anti Dorje Shugden followers for their silly views.

He may have in fact been supporting the 17th Karmapa's position on criticizing the actions of the MURDEROUS Dalai Lama "Lineage".

In February 2018 the 17th Karmapa publicly condemned the violent and murderous actions of the then 5th Dalai Lama.

He publicly stated that the then 5th Dalai Lama and his Mongolian friends MURDERED Kagyu Tulkus, Lamas and DESTROYED their lineages and monasteries.

See the following link for an article on this incredible development.

Let us now see what Tai Situ really may have been saying to the world.

He states "Regarding KING Shugden", not the evil demon Shugden.

He gave Dorje Shugden the title of "KING".


Then "THREE" times he stated "I already just said his name".

Like he has no FEAR of the name Dorje Shugden.

He does mention "Three" times the fear that name etc. has on none Dorje Shugden people.

Tai Situ states "In [the Tibetan] psyche' it is very frightening to say his name.....people will be very afraid...people of very scared of him.....".

But Tai Situ is not afraid to "...SAY HIS NAME..".

He does it three times to make a point to the world.

What Tai Situ is saying comes straight out of Harry Potter and "HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED".

Harry Potters "Voldemort" is the Dalai Lama's and CTA's version of "Voldemort".

Dorje Shugden is "HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED".

Tai Situ is MOCKING all those who will not say the name of Dorje (He who must not be named)

Just like the 17th Karmapa stated the 5th Dalai Lama MURDERED TULKUS AND THEIR TULKU LINEAGES.

Tai Situ in his own CODED and SECRET manner is stating the 5th Dalai Lama MURDERED TULKU DRAKPA GYALTSEN AND HIS TULKU LINEAGE.

That the 14th Dalai Lama and his CTA are continuing the MURDER OF TULKU DRAKPA GYALTSEN AND HIS TULKU LINEAGE.

Do you not find it strange that since 1996 when the ban started Tai Situ had remained silent about Dorje Shugden.

Why after 22 years would he suddenly start to attack Dorje Shugden.

I believe he might just be agreeing and endorsing what the head of his Karma Kagyu sect has publicly stated.

That is what I believe Tai Situ Rinpoche maybe doing in that statement.

Dorje Shugden, Dorje Shugden, Dorje Shuden.

I said his name three times publicly and I am still alive.

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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2018, 08:50:17 PM »
This footage was recorded using a mobile phone from another video. I'd love to see the full video the clip came from. Does anyone know or recognize where the original video came from? Was it from a teaching? Was his answer in reply to a question? Does anyone here know?


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2018, 08:50:32 PM »
Most people took refuge in their lama and the three jewels to receive guidance and protection. If the so-called emanation of Buddha Maitreya - Tai Situ Rinpoche cannot provide or recommend protection to his followers against harmful spirits, then why do they need to take refuge in him at all?

Instead of creating conflict and disharmony within his own lineage creating a Karmapa controversy and questioning the judgment of the high lamas from other lineages (i.e., Sakya and Gelug) in seeing the world peace protector Dorje Shugden as the emanation of Buddha of Wisdom Manjushri. Tai Situ should follow the example of the 16th Karmapa, his teacher. The 16th Karmapa, recognizing the enlightened qualities of Dorje Shugden, advised those who criticize the deity that there will be a time in the future when they will need Dorje Shugden.

So if the 16th Karmapa recognized the enlightened quality of Dorje Shugden, why Tai Situ does not conform to his teacher's approach and instead encourage his followers to fear Dorje Shugden. His stand on the matter make people doubt his qualification.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2018, 10:19:14 PM »
So if the 16th Karmapa recognized the enlightened quality of Dorje Shugden, why Tai Situ does not conform to his teacher's approach and instead encourage his followers to fear Dorje Shugden. His stand on the matter make people doubt his qualification.

Isn't it obvious... he did for fame, money and glory. Many do that, to be on the Dalai Lama's good books. To be seen as politically correct at the expense of so many people suffering. It makes Tibetan master/lamas and leadership not trustworthy.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2018, 10:22:02 PM »
“Regarding King Shugden, I already just said his name. In [the Tibetan] psyche, it’s very frightening to even say his name.” ~ Tai Situ Rinpoche

Wow! Isn’t this rich coming from the 2nd highest person in charge of the Karma Kagyu sect? If Tai Situ Rinpoche is so afraid to mention a so-called spirit, Dorje Shugden, then is he really an emanation of the Buddha Maitreya? Why does Tai Situ incite unfounded fear among Tibetans and publicly humiliate Tibetan Buddhism by saying a high lama of his calibre cannot handle a mere spirit? He should follow the example of his great teacher His Holiness the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje who was well-known to respect all traditions. 

It is extremely disappointing, not to mention unfitting for a lama of his status to take part in political propaganda and create more schism among the already divided Tibetan community. By criticising Dorje Shugden, he is also criticising every Sakya and Gelug lineage master who has practised Dorje Shugden. Tai Situ is himself not without fault. He has caused huge rifts and schism within his own Karma Kagyu tradition by purposely installing his own Karmapa candidate and even had his candidate endorsed by the Dalai Lama. Tai Situ Rinpoche has no right to speak about, let alone criticize another tradition’s practices or masters, especially since they are not related to his own lineage.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2019, 08:37:10 AM »
How reliable and credible is Tai Situ Rinpoche? He has gone against the protocol of his own lineage to recognise the 17th Karmapa. Not only that, he went to the CTA and Dalai Lama to get their endorsement on the Karmapa he has chosen.

According to the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage, the reincarnation of the Karmapa should be recognised by the Sharmapa Rinpoche, not Tai Situ Rinpoche. Tai Situ Rinpoche might be one of the close disciples of the Karmapa, but that does not give him the authority to overwrite the tradition of Karma Kagyu lineage.

It is very obvious that even in the Sangha community there are politics. The Sharmapa Rinpoche and Tai Situ Rinpoche are not in good terms. Are the differences due to craving for power and status? If this problem is not resolved, it will definitely affect the preservation and spread of the lineage. Now that the two Karmapas have met up, I hope thing will get better for the sake of protecting the lineage.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2019, 01:33:00 PM »
A high lama like Tai Situ Rinpoche is highly respected by many from the Karma Kagyu sect and many more from other sects in Buddhism. He should use his influence appropriately and not create more sufferings for other people. When he talks bad about Dorje Shugden practice, it creates unnecessary sufferings for the Dorje Shugden practitioners and it is not beneficial for anyone. On top of that, his statement tells everyone that Buddhism is ineffective and all the highly attained masters are not as powerful as they can't even handle an evil spirit. What he said about Dorje Shugden is obviously wrong and inaccurate.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2019, 02:19:38 PM »
A high lama like Tai Situ Rinpoche is highly respected by many from the Karma Kagyu sect and many more from other sects in Buddhism. He should use his influence appropriately and not create more sufferings for other people. When he talks bad about Dorje Shugden practice, it creates unnecessary sufferings for the Dorje Shugden practitioners and it is not beneficial for anyone. On top of that, his statement tells everyone that Buddhism is ineffective and all the highly attained masters are not as powerful as they can't even handle an evil spirit. What he said about Dorje Shugden is obviously wrong and inaccurate.

Obviously all this is done due to political reasons. All because of the three poisons, all because of power and money. What else is new? But it goes to show what kind of mentality and mindset Tai Situ Rinpoche has which does not serve him well because it shows he is not very highly attained and definitely acts like an ordinary being who thinks so lowly. So not much we can say and expect from his followers too. Too bad for him. Collect more negative karma and degenration.


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2019, 08:02:47 AM »
What is Tai Situ Rinpoche's thought that the 17th Karmapa he recognised has jointly written a long life prayer for the Sharmapa Rinpoche. Is this the end of the two Karmapa dispute? Will things change for the Tai Situ Rinpoche?

The jointly written prayer is a surprising turn of events for the Karma Kagyu lineage. Everyone thinks the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and the Sharmapa Rinpoche will not get along well but who knows, the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje is helping to recognise the reincarnation of the Sharmapa.

Are both the two Karmapas the reincarnation of the 16th Karmapa? If they are, who is the mind emanation? Who will be enthroned as THE Karmapa?


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Re: Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2019, 09:19:34 AM »
Tai Situ Rinpoche should just focus on teaching Dharma, don't make unnecessary comments on another tradition. As a religious figure, Tai Situ Rinpoche should promote harmony and peace among the Tibetan Buddhist community. What he was doing, is creating more schism and disharmony. Why did he has to do that? What can he get by doing that? As a high lama, he could have use his fame to teach people on the importance of peace and harmony.