Author Topic: Tsem Tulku "Why Doesn't Any High Lama Send Dorje Shugden into the Light?".  (Read 5134 times)

Harold Musetescu

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H.E. Tsem Tulku has done a short youtube video titled "Why Doesn't Any High Lama Send Dorje Shugden into the Light?".

Here is the link

I love you and your teachings Rinpoche but you are "factually" wrong about what you say in this video.

Dorje Shugden was subdued and without the help of the Dharmapala SETRAP he would have been DESTROYED.

Dorje Shugden did not have the "Personal" power to withstand H.H. Mindrolling Rinpoche's "Fire Puja" on his own.

We all know the story of how Mindrolling Rinpoche was asked by the 5th Dalai Lama to destroy Dorje Shugden with a "Fire Puja.


Just as he was placing Dorje Shugden into the fire to destroy him the Dharmapala SETRAP suddenly appeared and saved Dorje Shugden from certain DEATH.

SETRAP took Dorje Shugden to the Sakya where he was placed into the retinue of SETRAP and TSIU MARPO (KACHE MARPO).

What would have happened to Dorje Shugden had SETRAP not appeared?

He would have DIED!

I love Dorje Shugden but I don't know what all this really means in relationship to what H.E. Tsem Tulku spoke about in his video.

So what does these really say and mean about the true powers of Dorje Shugden if he was capable of being subdued and destroyed by Mindrolling Rinpoche?

Harold Musetescu

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There is one and only one "Spirit" who has never been SUBDUED by either the 13th or the  14th Dalai Lama.

H.E. Tsem Tulku has written and article about him on his website.

That "Spirit" is none other then "Nyatrul" who was known in his previous lift as His Eminence Nyari Tulku.

H.E. Nyari Tulku of Tengyeling Monastery infamy.

He was murdered (skinned alive from head to toe) by orders of the 13th Dalai Lama and his Government.

H.E. Nyari Tulku arose as the "Spirit" named "Nyatrul".

Here is the link to Tsem Tulku's article.

Nyatrul wounded and defeated H.E. Serkong Dorje Chang who attempted to kill him during a "Fire Puja".

A quote from Tsem Tulku's article about Nyatrul's victory or H.E. Serkong Dorje Chang.
"At the order of the 13th Dalai Lama therefore, the Tibetan government sponsored a wrathful fire puja led by Serkong Dorjechang and involved 20 Gyuto and Gyume monks who had completed the retreats for the yidam practice. This fire puja was to destroy Nyatrul.

Before the puja started, the night sky was so clear that all the stars could be seen. As soon as the puja started however, black clouds covered the sky. It started to rain heavily with sleet and the fire for the puja nearly died out. Staff from the Tibetan government arrived to add a lot of oil and butter to the fire to stop this. During the fire puja, Serkong Dorjechang had finished making offerings to the yidam (meditational deity). When he was about to make offerings to the entourage, the fire became very red and inside the fire, a loud snap could be heard. A sparking ember flew from the fire and landed on the side of Serkong Dorjechang’s nose. It burned him and he cried out, “Ah tsao!” At that time, the other 20 monks whispered amongst themselves that this was not good.There are many requirements of a fire puja but the main three compulsory ones are:

You cannot speak or make any sound other than chanting the prayers
Your elbows have to be kept close to your body, no wider than your knees
Your hands must grasp the vajra and bell at all times
In crying out due to being burned, and the subsequent whispering after that, all of the monks involved in the fire puja had broken one of the three compulsory requirements of a fire puja. So it was said that the fire puja was not completed well and it was not a good sign / auspicious. Sure enough, after the fire puja, nothing changed and Nyatrul still continued to harm."

Even the great Tagphu Pemavarja could not defeat Nyatrul.

The very same Tagphu Pemavarja who astral traveled and returned with the Dorje Shugden practice.

The very same Tagphu Peamavajra who was the Root Guru of H.H. Pabongka Rinpoche.

Again a quote from Tsem Tulku's article.

"The Dalai Lama said, “Yes, exactly. Nyatrul has been troubling us by taking trance of the Nechung Oracle. This has resulted in a lot of harm to us. So I have gone through many lamas to destroy Nyatrul but I found out you are the best of them. Now you have to take responsibility of this. So whatever things you need to do the fire puja, the government will arrange these things for you.”

Tagphu Pemavajra had no choice, he had to agree to this. He said, “This is very important. I will stop my pilgrimage now. I have done many retreats in the past. I want to go back to my homeland Ngashu to do one more year of retreat, then I will return to Lhasa and do the fire puja.” So he returned to Ngashu and went to his meditation place, and entered into deep retreat.

After a year, Tagphu Pemavajra completed his retreat and prepared to go to Lhasa. He and a small group of assistants set off for Lhasa. Halfway on their journey, they came across a big river with a grassland nearby. They set up camp there for the night. The weather that night was very pleasant at first. Suddenly, a black cloud covered the sky and it became very windy. It started to rain very heavily with thunder and lightning. Tagphu Pemavajra was wearing a raw silk zen so he held it out in front of him. When the lightning struck, he suddenly and quickly trapped some liquid and some unknown object in his zen. He very loudly shouted, “OI!” and asked for a container to quickly be brought to him. Startled by the sudden loud shouting, his assistants became nervous and scrambled to find a container. In their haste, they picked up the dog bowl and brought it to Tagphu Pemavajra. When they put it in front of him, Tagphu Pemavajra said, “This is not right, I cannot put this in a dirty container. This is not a good sign.”

Then whatever he had trapped in his zen, Tagphu Pemavajra threw into the nearby river. On the spot, he composed a letter to the Dalai Lama. In the letter, he wrote, “I have finished my one year retreat. I did set out for Lhasa after my retreat to fulfil the commitment I made to you. In the middle of my journey, we had stopped at this place” then he wrote about the sign he had received at that place, and that they missed that good sign. He wrote, “Therefore in this life, I cannot subdue Nyatrul. I will pray for the possibility in my next life.”

After this, many subsequent attempts were made to subdue Nyatrul including recitation of the Kangyur, fire pujas, torgyas, etc. but none of the attempts so far have been successful."

So you an see that H.E. Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) of Tengyeling Monastery infamy was never subdued by the 13th or the 14th Dalai Lama or their governments. 

Nyatrul the only avenging spirit never to lose in single, one on one combat.

He did not need the help of SETRAP as Dorje Shugden did to escape certain death.


Harold Musetescu

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Tsem Tulku's two minute youtube video "Why Doesn't Any High Lama Send Dorje Shugden into the Light" is part of a much larger video.

That youtube video is titled, "In the Face of Dorje Shugden, are the High Lamas of Tibet Impotent".

Here is the link,

As its title implies Tsem Tulku claims no High Tibetan Lama can subdue Dorje Shugden.

That Dorje Shugden is stronger than any High Tibetan Lama, even the 13th and 14th Dalai Lama's.

But Dorje Shugden's history tells all of us a different story than what Tsem Tulku is publicly claiming.

Without the help of SETRAP our Dorje Shugden would now be dead.

We never would of known about King Dorje Shugden.

So "are the High Lamas of Tibet Impotent"?


Harold Musetescu

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Praise to Nyatrul

Praise to Nyari Tulku the great Tamdrin Yangsang Tantric Master.
You who have sung Tamdrin Yangsang's mantra millions of times.
You who were so cruelly murdered arose as the avenging spirit Nyatrul.
No one, no Lama, no Geshe, no Tulku could or can ever destroy you the great Black Hat Master.
No one can subdue the great Nyari Tulku because you hold the “POWER OF TRUTH”.
Innocent of all crimes accused by the 13th Dalai Lama, his Government and the corrupt Nechung Oracle.
As they skinned you alive from head to toe you cursed them all with you righteous vengence.
You cursed them all with your "POWER OF TRUTH".
Avenge yourself Nyatrul for all their evil crimes against you.
Let their blood and essence be repayment to you the great avenging spirit Nyatrul.


Harold Musetescu

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Today Dorje Shugden can not be subdued by anyone.

Today he stands with an army surrounding and protecting him.

When he first became Dorje Shugden for a brief time he stood alone.

At the moment of his near destruction by Mindrolling Tulku, SETRAP came to his aid and rescue.

SETRAP took him to the Sakya where he joined SETRAP and TSIU MARPO as the "Gyalpo Sum".

Today Dorje Shugen has on his right side SETRAP and his peaceful emanation TSANGPA KARPO protecting him.

On his left side he has TSIU MARPO and his six brothers protecting him.

Dorje Shugden now has three personal body guards in KACHE MARPO, METHAR and NAMKAR BARZIN.

Today Dorje Shugden can not be touched.

Harold Musetescu

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Here is a link to a video on Tsem Tulku's youtube channel.

It is titled "The Relationship Between Dorje Shugden and Setrap".

The video was produced on May 19, 2015 and done by Ms Phng Li Kheng.

Harold Musetescu

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When you look at a Dorje Shugden thangka  you will see something very interesting.

You will find Dorje Shugden on what is commonly called the "First Floor".

You will find on the same thangka Setrap on what is commonly called the "Second Floor" above Dorje Shugden.

Why is Setrap placed above Dorje Shugden's head in his thangka?

To "Honor" Setrap for saving Dorje Shugden's life when he saved him at Mindrolling Tulku's "Fire Puja" to destroy Dorje Shugden.


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Praise to Nyatrul

Praise to Nyari Tulku the great Tamdrin Yangsang Tantric Master.
You who have sung Tamdrin Yangsang's mantra millions of times.
You who were so cruelly murdered arose as the avenging spirit Nyatrul.
No one, no Lama, no Geshe, no Tulku could or can ever destroy you the great Black Hat Master.
No one can subdue the great Nyari Tulku because you hold the “POWER OF TRUTH”.
Innocent of all crimes accused by the 13th Dalai Lama, his Government and the corrupt Nechung Oracle.
As they skinned you alive from head to toe you cursed them all with you righteous vengence.
You cursed them all with your "POWER OF TRUTH".
Avenge yourself Nyatrul for all their evil crimes against you.
Let their blood and essence be repayment to you the great avenging spirit Nyatrul.


Are you trying to support Shugden or replace him with a worldly spirit?  Because the article clearly states him as a worldly spirit probably replacing Nechung.  Is your guru aware of your praise to such a worldly spirit and making up a mantra to thus while comparing the supposedly "weak" power of Shugden as inferior to Nyatrul?