Author Topic: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China  (Read 16424 times)


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Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« on: April 24, 2018, 05:35:05 AM »
An article from the Hindu that mentioned the Dalai Lama’s statement that Tibet can be part of China if Beijing guarantees the region’s culture and autonomy.

The Dalai Lama also mentioned that Tibet could benefit economically by staying in China and Chinese citizens could gain from Tibetan Buddhism.

The Dalai Lama is likely to tour India throughout the year although back in March it was mentioned that the Dalai Lama would cut down his travel due to exhaustion.


Tibet can be in China: Dalai Lama

Says times have changed and economic cooperation is a rational option

Tibet can remain a part of China, if Beijing guarantees the region’s culture and autonomy, the Dalai Lama said on Sunday. Tibet could benefit economically by staying in China and Chinese citizens could gain from Tibetan Buddhism, he said in a lecture to commemorate the 60th anniversary of his exile to India.

Tibet could benefit economically by staying in China and Chinese citizens could gain from Tibetan Buddhism, he said in a lecture to commemorate the 60th anniversary of his exile to India. “Historically and culturally, Tibet has been independent. The region’s geography shows where Tibet begins. So long as the constitution of China recognises our culture and Tibetan autonomous region’s special history, they can remain [part of China],” he said in the lecture organised by the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and the Antar-Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad.

The lecture is one of the events planned to celebrate the anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s arrival in India in the late 1950s. The celebrations began earlier this month with a big event at Dharamsala. The Dalai Lama is likely to tour India throughout the year.

However, the Dalai Lama underscored the importance of Tibetan identity and argued that Tibet had been an independent unit in the past, and therefore had a special place in the world. The times had changed, he said, and economic cooperation was the more rational option.

“There was a time when every French looked at the Germans as enemies. But today they are in the European Union. Similarly, we can work together,” he said.

Modi-Xi meet

His remarks are significant as he avoided mentioning Tibetan independence and explained how cooperation and unity could usher in development and peace. The statements are also expected to set the background for the talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, who will have an informal summit on April 27 and 28, the first meeting since China removed the term-limit for the post of President.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2018, 08:19:18 AM »
His Holiness has said this many times but to China, Tibet has always been part of the motherland. China is also in dispute with India on Arunachal Pradesh and some parts of Assam and claimed those states as South Tibet. China is obnoxious in claiming for lands that may not necessarily theirs. In addition, China is also ignoring the 17th point contract, the McMohan Line etc. and did not carry out any of the agreement signed. I wonder what His Holiness has in mind in working with the Chinese since he is labeled as the separatist and openly criticised the Chinese leadership, among all others, including Trump.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2018, 11:08:57 PM »
Given the timing of such loaded statements from the Dalai Lama, it is as if the Dalai Lama is sick and tired of CTA and doing his own thing to shake things around. After all, the Dalai Lama has nothing to lose by issuing such statement to further his goal of returning to China – it looks like he subtly “giving face” to China with his eagerness to return ( and we know “face” is a big thing for China) or CTA will be pressurised to do something as India would definitely not be happy with such open “courting” of China without due regard to the sensitivity with India.

This is especially bearing in mind India’s border dispute with China. In particular, the dispute over Arunachal Pradesh (which China claims as Southern Tibet). Regardless of the Dalai Lama's indicating for China's respect of Tibet's special autonomous history, it is not unforeseeable that as part of the conditions for his return to Tibet, China would insist on the Dalai Lama agreeing that Tibet was always part China (hence, agreeing that historically Tibet was not independent). This would further China’s claim but disastrous for India’s claim – if Tibet was never independent/sovereign then the historical border agreement which established the McMahon line marking the borders of India and Tibet, would be invalid since Tibet has no rights/authority to enter into such agreement back then. Needless to say, this would be very damaging to
India’s claim and India would definitely not be pleased (even at this very real potential risk to India's claims)

As such, the Dalai Lama’s statements have the effect of cornering CTA to really work and deliver on their promises about returning to Tibet (instead of just paying lip service) since there is a real risk of India getting “fed up” with the antics of Tibetans and even with such “betrayal” and retracting all the generous support and subsidies.

Either way, with the Dalai Lama’s loaded statements, things are forced to move (at least a little) instead of just remaining stagnantly status quo at the hands of CTA.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2018, 06:04:26 AM »
I wonder what His Holiness has in mind in working with the Chinese since he is labeled as the separatist and openly criticised the Chinese leadership, among all others, including Trump.

Haha it's funny you should mentioned that Rowntree, I have also thought of the same things. The Dalai Lama has changed his tune so many times and has said differently in different occasions to different media to a point no one is taking him seriously anymore. Definitely, not China. Instead they have been tightening their grip on Tibet even more!

Saw this and reposting it here:
The window of opportunities for Lobsang Sangay to beg for sympathy funds is closing. Japan, one of the few strong nations who supported the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and its lost Tibetan cause is now aligning herself with China. Japan jumping on the bandwagon like the rest of the world is a clear sign that the Tibet issue is of little significance to Japan's national interest. There are proven track records of nations that prospered after they partnered with China, but there is none to show when it comes to the CTA.

It is bad to be seen with the the Tibetan leadership and only trouble will ensue when associating with the CTA. India, the host of Tibetan refugees for 60 years recently slighted the Tibetan leadership claiming "sensitive time in the context of India's relations with China". Not long after, Indian and Chinese companies signed commercial deals worth nearly $2.36 billion. The Chinese Foreign Ministry also stated that it attaches great importance to developing relations with India. Smart leaders will choose to disassociate with the CTA for obvious reasons.



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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2018, 05:11:02 PM »
I think when the Dalai Lama starts his journey back to Tibet, many Tibetan in exile will start moving back to Tibet.

China has so much to offer to Tibetans, being the land of opportunity and China has made so much investments into Tibet, infrastructure and etc.

Given that the Dalai Lama has requested to head back to Tibet, unthinkable in the past but this reality is a lot of more real and is coming true in time.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2018, 02:44:10 PM »
The Dalai Lama can say all he wants but does China want the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in exile back in Tibet? Many of the Tibetans still wish for independence (China calls them separatists). By accepting the Tibetans back in Tibet, it will be a burden to China as they have to monitor the Tibetans even closer.

As it is, look at how much security measurement China has to put in Tibet. Many Tibetans here are brainwashed by the CTA to make troubles and create social instability in China. For example, the Dorje Shugden ban, even though the ban is imposed outside of China but Tibetans in China also discriminate against the Dorje Shugden followers and it has created some social problems. The Chinese government has no choice but to restrict the entry of foreigners to a certain area in Tibet just to ensure negative influence is kept at its minimal.

Lobsang Sangay is very arrogant, he will not want to report to anyone, especially the Chinese officials. He may seem to agree to the Dalai Lama's Middle Way approach, but he will not want to work on it. The main reason is that he is not competent and not capable, the Chinese government will not give him a position in the government should China agree to have them back in Tibet.  Knowing this, Lobsang Sangay has to support Rangzen so he has more time to make money for himself before the CTA  is dissolved due to the political situation.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2018, 06:36:14 PM »
On the contrary, if the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet China, he would no longer be considered as a separatist, and he would be the calming force in Tibet. In addition, China as an influential country would protect the Dalai Lama's safety and prestige. It would be a good thing for the Dalai Lama to return to China.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2018, 09:25:19 PM »
On the contrary, if the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet China, he would no longer be considered as a separatist, and he would be the calming force in Tibet. In addition, China as an influential country would protect the Dalai Lama's safety and prestige. It would be a good thing for the Dalai Lama to return to China.

Yes I would think so too and I am sure Dalai Lama would need to stop talking about DS because China wants religious harmony and freedom. They do not want him to be the separatist they call him out to be. So hopefully this will be the end of discriminating Dorje Shugden!


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2018, 11:36:03 PM »
This is not a big shocker after all. H.H Dalai Lama has been saying that he wants to go back to China on several different locations and different tones. However, the latest incident where H.H Dalai Lama talks about this is quite firm. He clearly said that Tibet can help China spiritually and China and help Tibet materialistically. This is a huge slap on India's face.

India has been helping the Tibetan since 60years ago. Giving them land, protection and resources to build up their settlement. The Tibetans did not give anything back to India, no help, no money, no gratitude. They just organise a cheapskate Thank you India event which recently got downsized by the Indian Government. This shows that Indians are not happy with them anymore.

The Rangzen people are another group that will be affected by this. Tens and thousands of people around the globe has been supporting the Tibetan Cause , giving their money and effort to the cause and now all those effort had gone to waste.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2018, 02:58:22 PM »
The Tibet issue is getting very complicated. Every one is answerable to their own stakeholder. On top of that, everyone has their own agenda.

1. The Rangzen group: for the past 60 years, they have been asking for financial assistance from the west and they get millions and millions of fund every year. Even if they think the Tibet cause is not possible to succeed, they cannot admit it or call it off because they are answerable to those who have been giving them the money. So they have to make sure they organise protests, workshop, talks and other activities mainly to put China down.

2. The CTA: On the surface, they mislead people into thinking they are loyal to the Dalai Lama and will do what he says. But their action is opposite from what the Dalai Lama wants. The Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be autonomous but until today, we don't see the CTA making any effort to make this happens. What they regularly do is to continue to condemn China. They want Tibetans to remain as refugees so they can seek fund from the west. It seems like what the CTA wants is not the success of Tibet cause, is not the autonomous status for Tibet, it is to make more money for themselves while they still can.

3. The Dalai Lama: He knows the Tibet cause will not succeed. In order to fulfill his promise to the Tibetans in exile, the next best thing to do is to compromise and thus the Middle Way approach. He doesn't care if he is going to offend those who have given him the money. At this moment, he worries more about the future of the Tibetans in exile.

Out of the 3 groups, only the Dalai Lama thinks of the future of the Tibetans in exile. Even though he keeps saying he wants to go back to Tibet but I think the real reason is he wants to bring the Tibetans back to Tibet. Once China accepts the 14th Dalai Lama, the Tibetans in exile will also be accepted.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2018, 07:05:19 AM »
The Tibet issue is getting very complicated. Every one is answerable to their own stakeholder. On top of that, everyone has their own agenda.

1. The Rangzen group: for the past 60 years, they have been asking for financial assistance from the west and they get millions and millions of fund every year. Even if they think the Tibet cause is not possible to succeed, they cannot admit it or call it off because they are answerable to those who have been giving them the money. So they have to make sure they organise protests, workshop, talks and other activities mainly to put China down.

2. The CTA: On the surface, they mislead people into thinking they are loyal to the Dalai Lama and will do what he says. But their action is opposite from what the Dalai Lama wants. The Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be autonomous but until today, we don't see the CTA making any effort to make this happens. What they regularly do is to continue to condemn China. They want Tibetans to remain as refugees so they can seek fund from the west. It seems like what the CTA wants is not the success of Tibet cause, is not the autonomous status for Tibet, it is to make more money for themselves while they still can.

3. The Dalai Lama: He knows the Tibet cause will not succeed. In order to fulfill his promise to the Tibetans in exile, the next best thing to do is to compromise and thus the Middle Way approach. He doesn't care if he is going to offend those who have given him the money. At this moment, he worries more about the future of the Tibetans in exile.

Out of the 3 groups, only the Dalai Lama thinks of the future of the Tibetans in exile. Even though he keeps saying he wants to go back to Tibet but I think the real reason is he wants to bring the Tibetans back to Tibet. Once China accepts the 14th Dalai Lama, the Tibetans in exile will also be accepted.

Well, the Dalai Lama has was a rangzen himself in the beginning. He changed to middle way later when he realized rangzen is impossible. However, patriotic Tibetans continue to fight for rangzen in hope to regain their country. Many people self-immolated because of that. If the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet, it is a huge slap on the face of those who sacrificed for rangzen. If Dalai Lama had to go back China eventually, why did he even bothered to flea in the first place?


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2018, 02:12:11 AM »
China is obnoxious in claiming for lands that may not necessarily theirs.

Hardly more obnoxious than US claim for Hawaii, or for the lands stolen from Native American tribes, and so forth.

In addition, China is also ignoring the 17th point contract, the McMohan [sic] Line etc.

And rightly so, as China did *not* sign the Shimla Convention. Tibetans themselves rejected the McMahon line. Even the British rejected it until 1937.

and did not carry out any of the agreement signed.

Lying does help your cause. China did not sign it.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2018, 08:04:04 AM »
I agree that the Dalai Lama is fed up with the CTA and just want to get away from Dharamsala and back to Tibet. This would be such good news for the Tibetans who are waiting for the Dalai Lama to come back!

It has been so long and the CTA has done nothing for the reconciliation with China but only creating problems! I really hope the Dalai Lama's wish will manifest swiftly and he can go back to Tibet.

Now, what will the CTA do, when the Dalai Lama goes back? Well, I think it is bye bye time for the CTA because there will be nobody left in India who they can bully. So, all alone, the CTA can just dissolve. Wouldn't that be good news?? No more scandals for the Dalai Lama, at least no more from the CTA...


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2018, 06:27:04 AM »
YES! If His Holiness goes back to Tibet, CTA will have their fate sealed. China will definitely won't let them hang around to create problems for them. Then, His Holiness will finally have some peace and no one to create trouble behind his back.

Actually, come to think of it, this is the best solution for Tibetans. His Holiness is truly a wise politician to be able to think for the true benefits of Tibetans around the world. His Holiness might be the one who orchestrated all of these to remove factors that will further harm the Tibetans. Tibetan government has proven themselves to only bring troubles to Tibetans. Before they lost their country, Tibet has not developed much and a lot of corruption. Tibetan Government has been rampant and they do whatever they want without any consequences. They had even gone as far as persecuting highly attained lamas and assassinating them just to take over their power and wealth. This has created a lot of negative karma for the whole nation.

After they have lost their country, the Tibetan Government certainly did not learn their lesson and keep doing their evil deeds. In India, they keep their people for 60years as a refugee to generate pity funds from all over the world. They literally do not need to do anything to get money. Kind people all over the world was fooled by the poor me image that the CTA has been showing the world. They intentionally made it hard for their people to get any form of citizenship from any country so they will be trapped in Tibetan settlement in India and forever remain as a refugee to serve their purpose.

Tibetan government has to go and His Holiness knows it. He is making it happen by saying he wants to be under China where the welfare of the Tibetans can be truly protected.

Long Live His Holiness.


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Re: Dalai Lama Said Tibet Can Be with China
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2018, 04:11:43 PM »
I agree that the Dalai Lama is fed up with the CTA and just want to get away from Dharamsala and back to Tibet. This would be such good news for the Tibetans who are waiting for the Dalai Lama to come back!

It has been so long and the CTA has done nothing for the reconciliation with China but only creating problems! I really hope the Dalai Lama's wish will manifest swiftly and he can go back to Tibet.

Now, what will the CTA do, when the Dalai Lama goes back? Well, I think it is bye bye time for the CTA because there will be nobody left in India who they can bully. So, all alone, the CTA can just dissolve. Wouldn't that be good news?? No more scandals for the Dalai Lama, at least no more from the CTA...

If I were the Dalai Lama, I would be very fed up as well. The Dalai Lama has expressed his wish to go back to China but the CTA still has not done anything to help to fulfill Dalai Lama's wish. The Dalai Lama was so fed up that he sent Samdhong Rinpoche to go to China secretly to meet with some Chinese officials.

Lobsang Sangay and the CTA are definitely not thinking about reconciling with China. If they do, they would not have traveling around the world to make friends with the free Tibet activists. They should announce to everyone that they are not pursuing the free Tibet movement anymore and they want to go back to China. If China is pleased, he might be allowed to go back before he becomes too old.

If Lobsang Sangay and the CTA really wants to fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish, they should stop visiting other countries and make an announcement that they are not pursuing the free Tibet movement anymore. They should work with India to connect with China. By doing this the CTA can also help to improve the relationship between China and India. This will be more sincere and better than their Thank You India event.