Why speak to him when we can speak to the common practitioner? I understand the purpose of the protests but calling the Dalai Lama a liar outside one of his talks antagonises the people who attend them. As a general example (I'm not referring to you specifically!), if you feel personally attacked when someone defends the Dalai Lama because of how much hurt he has caused you, think about how attacked they feel when someone insults him to their faces...it immediately causes their minds and ears to close. Perhaps engage in dialogue with THEM rather than the Dalai Lama.
Nice idea, but then... uh?! Are you serious, or what? The yap-yap is not meant to be heard directly by either Saruman or the Uruk-Hai.
1 - The DL does not listen in any case, since he resides in the Tower. He has been talked to, but he has refused to talk back in any meaningful way, over three decades. All the yap-yap currently by certain parties is not directed to him, since he is beyond all the voices, having himself cut the telephone lines. The yap-yap is meant to be heard where it is heard, namely, in the foundational structures of the Tower.
2 - But also, if one directly communicates with the general DL audience, one will have no real human response, since those people have at that moment two communication lines: one leading to the top of the Tower, and one leading to us maggots in the gutter. Who will they listen? Think about it. They will listen Saruman. The Uruk-Hai will not listen us Rohirrim. I do know this. Seen that, done that.
3 - The only option is that one tells to all the Free Men of the West, that Saruman is treacherous, whereby one can take the support and supply away from the Isengaard. Neither the Uruk-Hai nor the common people can affect the decisions made in the Iron Tower, but the power of the tower can be taken away by letting the Tower Master to sit alone, all alone. But that requires something specific from our side, you see - the common people, the "free men of the West", will sadly not
disregard Isengaard's evil commandements as long as Saruman is seen as the White Wizard, as the Good Guy! Therefore the treachery must be voiced as treachery, for the commoners to ignore the treacherous policies.