Author Topic: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’  (Read 25928 times)


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Tibetan spiritual leader The Dalai Lama has asserted that Tibetans are not seeking Tibet’s independence but their emphasis is on preserving the Tibetan culture and language.

The Buddhist monk has in fact stated that if the Chinese government recognises the culture and tradition of Tibet, they will have no problem being its part.“Those area which (Chinese) constitution itself recognise as Tibetan area should have the same right for preservation of our own culture, our own language, then okay, we will remain within premises of the China,” he has said.

Dalai Lama, who delivered a lecture on the “Role of Ethics and Culture in Promoting Global Peace and Harmony” in New Delhi on 22 April, further said, “We are not seeking independence of Tibet. But if you see geographically Tibet is an independent country and it is independent linguistically.” The spiritual leader was on a four-day visit to the national capital, which concluded on Tuesday.

The 14th Dalai Lama felt positive about this initiative and expressed that it is a mutual benefit, where Tibetans will get benefit from Chinese economy.

On the same note, he jokingly added, “We remain part of beautiful China and create more trouble for India.”

Citing the European Union as his example of admiration, The Dalai Lama said, “I believe you can keep your own identity and be part of the Union.”

The history of China taking over Tibet goes back to 1950s when the People’s Republic of China incorporated Tibet in 1950. China has been accused of a “cultural genocide” against the Tibetan people — sometimes by the Dalai Lama himself — over its policy of Sinicisation of the region.

The Dalai Lama has also welcomed the informal summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping that was held on 27 and 28 April in China’s Wuhan city.

Another affirmation by Dalai Lama for tibet to remain as part of the China, if culture and identity is preserved. China is only ever sensitive to states or people who want to split from China. The trauma of being carved up by the West during the end of the Qing Dynasty, subsequent invasion by the Japanese is probably a major driver for China to be so sensitive to preserve their borders. China has many ethnic groups within its borders, as long as such groups do not segregate cause problems within China, want to break away from China, all is fine. This is a fact. 


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2018, 07:58:20 PM »
The Newsweek article has the Dalai Lama on video for saying this.

The Dalai Lama said can benefit from Chinese Money. The Dalai Lama is certainly no Chinese spy, and neither are Dorje Shugden people. 

Basically Dalai Lama wants the Tibet to have the same rights as other regions in China. 


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2018, 03:58:32 PM »
Interestingly, now we have a situation where the Dalai Lama practically toeing the line to court China which is in line with His frequently repeated wish to go back Tibet, China. A more shockingly telling evidencing this is the Dalai Lama’s 180 degree U-turn on the Panchen Lama issue where not only did he validated China’s choice of Panchen Lama as the official Panchen Lama but he also silenced those who have been vilifying of China as holding the “youngest political prisoner” in captive.

So, now that His Holiness is appearing more pro-China, is He too, a Chinese spy under the payroll of CCP or worse, a traitor and enemy of Tibet? After all, Dorje Shugden people who have just been worshipping their Protector and doing nothing remotely pro-China as His Holiness have been accused to be Chinese spies under the payroll of CCP or traitor and enemy of Tibet.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2018, 10:47:18 PM »
His Holiness has lately made it very clear that he wants Tibet and Tibetans to be under Chinese's rules. In order to get on the Chinese's good book, he even recognised the China Panchen Lama as official using the case of Khyetse Wangpo to proof that there can be more than one Panchen Lama, indirectly saying the official one recognised by China holds the throne while other emanations like the one he recognised will do beneficial works without the title. This is a very common phenomenon in the Tibetan Buddhism scene and a logical one as reincarnated lamas are said to be Buddhas or Bodhisattvas who have no limitation to their abilities. Watch his statement here


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2018, 04:24:31 PM »
Is it time to close CTA's office and administration and move towards bringing the Dalai Lama and all Tibetan in exile back to Tibet?

I think really it should,  CTA, is really under performing and riddled with so many scandals and failed projects, Tibetans are more confused than ever. There are divisions and misunderstandings on spiritual and worldly matters. For Tibetans in exile they must feel all manner of karma is manifesting on them.

Its a lot of mental suffering for Tibetans in exile, if you ask.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2018, 09:01:38 AM »
China is doing a lot to preserve the culture of Tibet. So, why is the CTA not making connections with China and fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish?

It is good that the Dalai Lama reconciles with China so that the Tibetans can move forward after such a long time as refugee. There is no hope for getting Tibet back so why don't they move on?

I wish the Dalai Lama can visit Tibet soon and bless the Tibetans who have suffered much but always kept the Dalai Lama in their heart.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2018, 12:36:36 AM »
The world knows that China has been promoting the Tibetan culture much better than the CTA ever can. China has been taking care of Tibet, lifting the Tibetans out of poverty, providing opportunities for Tibetans to be successful, reconstructing monasteries, and promoting Buddhism. Having said this, Lobsang Sangay and his cronies are still going around the world to convince China to preserve Tibetan culture, while the truth is, he just wants money - Shame!


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2018, 04:25:43 PM »
His Holiness already said in one of his videos that he wants to be under China because China can help Tibet materialistically and Tibet can help China spiritually. He said it so clearly and it seems that He had been thinking about this decisions for quite some times already.

Come to think about it, IT IS the best solution since the CTA is too useless to make any move that can bring them back to Tibet. That is why His Holiness is not depending on CTA to take care of the Tibetans after passed into clear light.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2018, 10:21:43 AM »
The Tibetan culture and religion is very well preserved in Tibet by the Chinese government. China is prepared to invest a total of $97 billion in Tibet for the infrastructure project including new airports and highways. In terms of preserving Buddhism in Tibet, China has already spent over $450 million renovating Tibet’s major monasteries and other religious sites since the 1980s. An additional $290 million has been budgeted for the next five years. If the Chinese government is destroying the culture and religion in Tibet, would they invest so much money in doing this?

China is a country that is rich in culture; Tibet, on the other hand, has a long history in the development of Buddhism culture, it is spiritually rich. China will definitely preserve this heritage as they value the culture very much. For example, China has invested $48 million to restore Labrang Monastery, a prominent Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the northwestern province of Gansu in 2012. Will the CTA be able to do that? Is the Chinese government really suppressing the practice of Buddhism?

While the CTA keep saying the Chinese government has invaded their country, suppressed their people, they failed to see how the Chinese government has improved the standard of living of the Tibetans. They failed to see how much restoration and preservation works has the Chinese government done for Tibetan Buddhism. For the past 60 years in exile, what has the Tibetan leadership done for the Tibetans in exile?


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2018, 07:49:04 PM »
Is it time to close CTA's office and administration and move towards bringing the Dalai Lama and all Tibetan in exile back to Tibet?

I think really it should,  CTA, is really under performing and riddled with so many scandals and failed projects, Tibetans are more confused than ever. There are divisions and misunderstandings on spiritual and worldly matters. For Tibetans in exile they must feel all manner of karma is manifesting on them.

Its a lot of mental suffering for Tibetans in exile, if you ask.

Yes I agree that CTA should be shut down. The Dalai Lama should resume the role again. Makes it easy to negotiate with China, having to contend with one rather than a whole bunch of "do nothing but cause problems" gang. China will be more willing too. Besides as mentioned, CTA cares only for their pockets and can't be bothered whether they go back or not. Staying in India is much better, don't need to work and money pour in or at least dwindling in. Wonder if the Dalai Lama will sneak them in during negotiations?? Lol!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2018, 05:01:05 AM »
So says the Dalai Lama, that Tibet is part of Beautiful China, on condition Tibet's culture is preserved.

With such a condition and reservation on Tibet being part of China, can a negotiated agreement be upheld and workable for Tibetans in exile to return to China.

There are 6 million Tibetans in China, a number much larger than all Tibetans in exile.  How come then no settlement can be reached with China.

Question is has the Leaders of CTA tried hard enough or they have too much arrogance to understand that China is a world leader and CTA is a non entity within world organisations.  Wake up CTA don't be blinded by your own financial gains.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2018, 08:12:06 AM »
His Holiness Dalai Lama already said that they should go back to Tibet under China because they can benefit China with their spirituality and China can benefit the Tibetans materialistically. When His Holiness said that, I believe he already has plans on how to do it and how to work with China. CTA certainly does not have the ability to do so and they won't want to do so. Because they are getting so much free money from other countries and if they go back to Tibet, they will lose that and they will have to really work for it. They are not working for the welfare of all Tibetans, they are only working for themselves. That is why after 60 years, they are still in exile and they did not make any real effort to get back Tibet other than acting poor me in front of the whole world and condemning China for violating human rights.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2018, 04:21:41 AM »
There are 56 ethnical groups in China and Tibetans are one of them. Therefore, China is very also very diversified and rich in terms of culture, language and religion. As a communist country, China wants her people to have the same opportunity in everything.

Since China is so huge with so many different ethnical groups, it is important for them to have a common language and Mandarin becomes their national language. Everyone has to learn the national language. However, the minority groups are also allowed to learn and practice their own languages and cultures. Culture is one of the things the Chinese government treasures. Every year, they allocate a lot of fund in preserving the culture and heritage of the people.

China definitely has done a good job of preserving Tibetan culture and religion. Many monasteries were restored for the past 20 years. People in Lhasa are still celebrating their festivals, they are still wearing their Tibetan clothing. China has never stopped them from practicing their tradition or custom. What China doesn't allow is superstitious practice.

I think China has done more preservation work for the culture, heritage, and religion in Tibet more than the CTA. Many Tibetans in exile or in the west are not able to speak Tibetan now. Tibetan culture is not something they are familiar with.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2018, 07:42:50 PM »
China is currently pumping loads of money into Tibet to develop the country. They are building highways, airports and also preserving heritage and culture sites that they have in Tibet. Being an atheist country, they channel funds to the monasteries and repair religious sites. In some of the places where vandalism of the religious sites may occur, they even hired security guards to guard the place.

From what I see, China is serious about Tibet and they really want the best out of Tibet. All of this development and investment is impossible if the Tibetan government is still in charge. Tibet will be still backward and barbaric under the leadership of CTA just like 60 years ago.

I think Tibetans can go back to Tibet now since China is preserving Tibet's culture. They are repairing monasteries, funding monks and giving donations to the monasteries. Tibetan Buddhism is a large chunk of Tibet's culture and if they are willing to do that, im sure they are willing to spend on other aspects of Tibet's culture as well.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2018, 02:28:46 PM »
Sooner or later, the Dalai Lama has to beg China to let him and his people back into Tibet. Because he is getting very old and it's been 60 years in exile and he has made no progress with getting Tibet back. Tibetans will get diluted in India over time and there is no way to preserve their culture. Tibetans around the world find their children are diluted within their host country's culture and losing their Tibetan culture as with all refugees.

Dalai Lama has made many wrong decisions and thought that the world will support him because he is morally correct but guess what? No one is supporting him anymore. He is alone and getting more and more alone.

China is too powerful and the prestige is growing.

More Tibetans and lamas going back to Tibet so they can preserve their culture in Tibet and meet their relatives and friends

The Fifth World Buddhist Forum

The Fifth World Buddhist Forum is held from Oct. 28 to 30 in the coastal city of Putian in east China's Fujian Province. About 800 people, including Chinese and overseas Buddhists, scholars and journalists are attending the event.

The forum emphasizes the positive roles of religious people in economic and social development, the Belt and Road Initiative and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This year's event is covering ten subforums, covering topics such as Buddhism and marine silk road, Buddhism and environmental protection, Buddhism and a community with a share future for mankind. Jointly proposed by Buddhist communities in Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in 2005, the World Buddhist Forum was established as a platform for Buddhists to communicate and cooperate.

Prominent Lamas like Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche are attending this event.

Pictures of Lamas and Dorje Shugden lamas gathering in China for Buddhist conference. In the video is Kundeling Rinpoche speaking at this conference where over 800 Buddhist teachers, students and thinkers from around the world attended in China.