Author Topic: More troubles from Tibetans  (Read 13906 times)


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2018, 03:32:58 PM »
This is not something new. Tibetans are sneaky as ever just like their government. Tibetans have been living in India for 60 years now taking their land and resources for free. They give literally nothing back. They are exempted from paying tax as well. Why are they still cheating Indian government to get extra benefit for themselves? There are so many Indian that needs the resources from the government but they can't get any.

Recently, Mr Lobsang Sangay the president of CTA had just announced that the Tibetan Cause will last for another 50 years. He practically tells India that they will continue to freeload in their country for another half a century. What will India think? Tibetan have the audacity to say something like that. Instead of putting in more effort to get back their country and make a connection with China, they just casually announced that they will be staying another 50 years in India.

What kind of government is that? Who stays as a refugee for 60 years and announce that they will be a refugee for another 50 years? Assimilate into India already. India is kind enough to make the process of a Tibetan to become an India citizen easier but CTA discourages their own citizen to become an Indian citizen by making the process hard. CTA is hands down the worst government in the world.

For the past 60 years until today, the Tibetans survive on the donations from the western countries and also the benefits from the Indian government. The Tibetan leadership's work is easier now compared to when they had to run a country when during the old Tibet time. All the CTA has to do is to compile a statistic and show some photos to the sponsors to get money from them.

After so much was given to the Tibetans, they are still not satisfied. Lobsang Sangay wants more help from India but offers nothing back. He is taking India for granted thinking India will always be there for the Tibetans. What makes him think India will continue to support them? Modi will choose China over Tibet because  China can give while Tibetans are only taking from India.

Lobsang Sangay is very selfish and self-centered. He only wants to take but not thinking of giving back. When the news about the Tibetans is cheating the benefits from the Indian government is exposed, he should have apologised to the Indian government. He should stop the Tibetans from protesting against China in India knowing how important the India-China relationship is. But he is not doing anything, he just wants to please his sponsors. There is no appreciation or gratitude towards Indians who have been so kind to the Tibetans.


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2018, 05:30:05 PM »
This is not something new. Tibetans are sneaky as ever just like their government. Tibetans have been living in India for 60 years now taking their land and resources for free. They give literally nothing back. They are exempted from paying tax as well. Why are they still cheating Indian government to get extra benefit for themselves? There are so many Indian that needs the resources from the government but they can't get any.

Recently, Mr Lobsang Sangay the president of CTA had just announced that the Tibetan Cause will last for another 50 years. He practically tells India that they will continue to freeload in their country for another half a century. What will India think? Tibetan have the audacity to say something like that. Instead of putting in more effort to get back their country and make a connection with China, they just casually announced that they will be staying another 50 years in India.

What kind of government is that? Who stays as a refugee for 60 years and announce that they will be a refugee for another 50 years? Assimilate into India already. India is kind enough to make the process of a Tibetan to become an India citizen easier but CTA discourages their own citizen to become an Indian citizen by making the process hard. CTA is hands down the worst government in the world.

For the past 60 years until today, the Tibetans survive on the donations from the western countries and also the benefits from the Indian government. The Tibetan leadership's work is easier now compared to when they had to run a country when during the old Tibet time. All the CTA has to do is to compile a statistic and show some photos to the sponsors to get money from them.

After so much was given to the Tibetans, they are still not satisfied. Lobsang Sangay wants more help from India but offers nothing back. He is taking India for granted thinking India will always be there for the Tibetans. What makes him think India will continue to support them? Modi will choose China over Tibet because  China can give while Tibetans are only taking from India.

Lobsang Sangay is very selfish and self-centered. He only wants to take but not thinking of giving back. When the news about the Tibetans is cheating the benefits from the Indian government is exposed, he should have apologised to the Indian government. He should stop the Tibetans from protesting against China in India knowing how important the India-China relationship is. But he is not doing anything, he just wants to please his sponsors. There is no appreciation or gratitude towards Indians who have been so kind to the Tibetans.

Tibetans have been like this since they are in India. They received so much kindness from India but they do not reciprocate the kindness that was shown to them. They are given free land to stay, exempted from tax, travel documents for a refugee. Where on earth can a refugee have such privileges? India is more than kind to them. India is taking care of them like their own citizens.

However, Tibetans only look down on Indians because they are not on par with them. That is what they think. They rather go overseas and become a refugee there than becoming an Indian citizen. India even made the process for them to become a citizen easy but still they do not appreciate it. They rather stay in their Tibetan settlement as a refugee than being an Indian citizen.

This is how they mock and disrespect India. Indian's patience with Tibetans is running out quite fast. Many Indians now leave messages against Tibetans and their leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on public social media platforms. If Tibetans still continue with their way, soon Indians will have to make them leave their country.


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2018, 03:48:59 AM »
The CTA is basically doomed with the passing of Lodi Gyari who was the key man behind the PR machinery for the Tibetans in exile. Though Richard Gere has taken over ICT since Lodi's departure from the ICT in 2014, the stronger case for the Tibetan in the US Congress and Senate are hardly seen, rather, news like the Dalai Lama had to take the back door after his meeting with President Obama are making headlines.

The CTA will lose more and more important people like this and this is just the beginning of the taste of their negative karmas coming back to them!

Dalai Lama will miss his Chanakya, Lodi Gyari
Vijay Kranti

Lodi Gyari at International Tibet Support Groups conference in Brussels in 2007. Photo: Vijay Kranti
On many occasions he made positive contributions to India-US relations and lobbied for Indian interests at Capitol Hill.

In the history of modern diplomacy, there have been few diplomats like Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari—who died on 29 October 2018—of Tibet, who delivered stunning results despite the most limiting and unfavourable situations. As a Tibetan he belonged to one of the smallest refugee Diasporas—total population lower than 150-thousand across the globe—and represented a government-in-exile, which does not enjoy recognition from even a single government in the list of nations. Yet, he was able to push the United Nations to shun its inertia on Tibet; influence US policies like no non-American could ever do; and enjoyed more personal access to a wide range of policymakers on both sides of US Congress and White House than the best of international career diplomats.

His master, the Dalai Lama sent him to the United States as his special envoy in 1990, where he had already founded the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT)—a think-tank and advocacy group—in 1988, with his Tibetan colleague Tenzin Namgyal Tethong. Working as the president of ICT between 1991 and 1999 and later as the chairman of its executive board in Washington DC, until 2014, Lodi successfully won active support from, and influenced, innumerable statesmen, heads of states, policymakers, think-tanks and advocacy groups from across the world on the Tibetan cause.

Lodi Gyari’s team at ICT, which included famous Hollywood star Richard Gere and Matteo Mecacci, was able to get the issue of Tibet institutionalised in the US political system. So much so that he could successfully mobilise Congressmen from opposing sides of the US Congress to adopt the famous Tibet Policy Act (2002)’. This Act mandated the US government to appoint a “Special Coordinator for Tibet”, which provoked Beijing to cross the limits of accepted diplomatic norms.

His first major success came in 1991 when the UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities passed a resolution on Tibet despite all threats and pressures from China. Lodi Gyari’s work and reputation grew beyond Tibet as he was trusted and consulted by many world leaders, think-tanks and policymakers on issues as wide as US-China, India-China and India-US relations. Many US watchers would certify that very few individual career diplomats have had as clear an understanding of the functioning of Capitol Hill or had as much personal access to its functionaries, including the White House, as Lodi commanded as an individual “representative” of “no government”.

No surprise, Lodi won the extraordinary distinction of a foreign diplomat who was formally praised by the US Senate. In a special resolution in 2012 (S. Res. 557) the US Senate admired Lodi Gyari’s personal contributions by stating that it “honors the services of Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari as Special Envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama; commends the achievements of Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari in building an international coalition of support for Tibet…”

There were many occasions when he made positive contributions to India-US relations and lobbied for Indian interests at the Capitol Hill. Lodi had his own logic behind his pro-India attitude. “As Tibetan refugees we have received so much of love and support from India. So it’s our duty to stand for India and support her whenever the situation demands”, he told this author on many occasions.

Lodi was born in 1949 as an incarnate Lama in an influential Khampa family of Nyarong in the eastern Kham province of Tibet. In the years following the Chinese occupation of Tibet, his parents took shelter in India. Looking back one can say that Lodi was born to create institutions. He was 18 when he founded and edited Voice of Tibet, the first English news magazine which has come to stay as Tibetan Review today. He also founded Sheja, the first Tibetan newspaper in exile. He was also one of three founders of Tibetan Youth Congress, which is the largest socio-political organisation of the exiled community.

In the 1970s, this author was deeply impressed by the ease with which Lodi would mix and rub shoulders with senior Indian stalwarts like Jay Prakash Narayan, Acharya Kripalani, Morarji Desai, George Fernandes, Madhu Limaye, Balraj Madhok, Ashok Mehta, M.L. Sondhi, P.N. Lekhi, Major General S.S. Uban and T.N. Kaw, among others. You name a leader or senior Indian bureaucrat and good chances were that Lodi could call at his or her home within the next one hour.

As an activist himself, Lodi won elections for the exile-Parliament and soon became the youngest Speaker of the Tibetan House. Later, Dalai Lama inducted him into his Cabinet, where he served until he was deputed to the United States as his special envoy. Later he represented Dalai Lama as his chief negotiator with Beijing from 2002 to 2010. Unfortunately, Beijing used this period to fortify its position inside occupied Tibet and did not allow the talks to succeed.

Richard Gere, famous Hollywood personality and Lodi’s best friend and successor in ICT, paid tributes to him by describing him as “my dear friend and partner and mentor for over 30 years”. In her statement condoling Lodi’s demise, Nancy Pelosi, a leading Democrat leader expressed her gratitude to him as her “teacher”. She said: “The world has lost an extraordinary champion for the Tibetan people…Lodi Gyari was a religious leader and a diplomat, an administrator and an activist, but, most of all, he was a teacher. Through diplomacy, he taught us to how to seek understanding and create peace. Through advocacy, he taught us how to share the spirit of resilience with our children. Through faith, he taught us that all nations and all people are interconnected.”

Also, there are innumerable admirers and friends of Lodi Gyari like me who will miss him as a great friend who remembered each individual’s personal choices and tendencies. Tibet, especially Dalai Lama, will miss their Chanakya.

Vijay Kranti is a senior journalist, Tibetologist and Chairman, Centre for Himalayan Asia Studies and Engagement.


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2018, 02:09:02 AM »
India and China now pushing ahead with resolution of their border disputes. It looks like India is finally ready to officially drop the Tibet card. Excerpt: “India and China will have “early harvest” talks on their vexed border dispute as many agreements have been reached by both sides since their top leaders met in Wuhan, Beijing said on Monday”. Too bad for Tibetans in India. Too bad for Tibetan leadership. Their karma coming back soon for all the harms they have done.

India, China for ‘early harvest’ talks on border
November 27, 2018

BEIJING: India and China will have “early harvest” talks on their vexed border dispute as many agreements have been reached by both sides since their top leaders met in Wuhan, Beijing said on Monday.

Days after India and China pledged to intensify their efforts to resolve a decades-long boundary feud in their border talks, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that New Delhi and Beijing have agreed to authorise the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on border affairs to start “early harvest consultations.”

The Ministry’s spokesperson Geng Shuang said India’s National Security Advisor and Chinese State Councillor had a constructive and forward-looking meeting at the 21st round of border talks last week.

Asked what he meant by “early harvest,” Geng did not elaborate.

“After the Wuhan summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the bilateral relations have made very positive progress and made new developments.

Indo-Asian News Service


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2018, 03:49:49 AM »
India and China now pushing ahead with resolution of their border disputes. It looks like India is finally ready to officially drop the Tibet card. Excerpt: “India and China will have “early harvest” talks on their vexed border dispute as many agreements have been reached by both sides since their top leaders met in Wuhan, Beijing said on Monday”. Too bad for Tibetans in India. Too bad for Tibetan leadership. Their karma coming back soon for all the harms they have done.

India, China for ‘early harvest’ talks on border
November 27, 2018

BEIJING: India and China will have “early harvest” talks on their vexed border dispute as many agreements have been reached by both sides since their top leaders met in Wuhan, Beijing said on Monday.

Days after India and China pledged to intensify their efforts to resolve a decades-long boundary feud in their border talks, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that New Delhi and Beijing have agreed to authorise the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on border affairs to start “early harvest consultations.”

The Ministry’s spokesperson Geng Shuang said India’s National Security Advisor and Chinese State Councillor had a constructive and forward-looking meeting at the 21st round of border talks last week.

Asked what he meant by “early harvest,” Geng did not elaborate.

“After the Wuhan summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the bilateral relations have made very positive progress and made new developments.

Indo-Asian News Service

Tibetans should really take a good look at their current position now. They are not in the same situation as 60 years ago. They were once useful for India to use it against China because India has not exactly been in friendly terms with China at that time. Since China had risen to be the most powerful country in the region, India starts to realise the benefits of having a good relationship with this Giant.

However, the fact that Tibetans are staying in India does not make China happy and India have to make a choice between China and Tibet. The choice was easy because Tibetans never prove themselves to be useful to India other than irking China. Now that the use for Tibetans is gone, India will drop them like a hot potato to save themselves from offending China.

Now that even their host country is not standing on their side, Tibetans will face alot of cold shoulder treatment from now on. They really have to think about their future already. Once India has no use for Tibetans, they can just kick them out mercilessly since Tibetans have been creating alot of troubles for India.


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2019, 06:14:00 AM »

Tibetans should really take a good look at their current position now. They are not in the same situation as 60 years ago. They were once useful for India to use it against China because India has not exactly been in friendly terms with China at that time. Since China had risen to be the most powerful country in the region, India starts to realise the benefits of having a good relationship with this Giant.

However, the fact that Tibetans are staying in India does not make China happy and India have to make a choice between China and Tibet. The choice was easy because Tibetans never prove themselves to be useful to India other than irking China. Now that the use for Tibetans is gone, India will drop them like a hot potato to save themselves from offending China.

Now that even their host country is not standing on their side, Tibetans will face alot of cold shoulder treatment from now on. They really have to think about their future already. Once India has no use for Tibetans, they can just kick them out mercilessly since Tibetans have been creating alot of troubles for India.

Tibet issue has always been a 'card' for countries who want to go against China for all these years. The CTA knows it very well and they are quite happy to be used because they can get easy money. All they have to do is to continue causing troubles to China which is their expertise.

But this is not going to last for long. As China is growing stronger, many countries now want to be a friend of China, many countries have officially disassociated with the CTA. China can give these countries economic benefits, but the CTA gives only troubles. Even though the US is still supporting the CTA, but they have reduced their financial aids to the CTA substantially.

The free Tibet movement will never be a success, it is a waste of time and money. The CTA does not care about the welfare of the Tibetans, they split the Tibetan community into fractions by creating conflicts. Almost everyone in the CTA has made a plan for themselves. Should the CTA collapses, they will be fine, it will not affect them. But for the normal Tibetans, they will be the ones who suffer the most.


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2019, 09:00:05 AM »
The Indian government and the Indian ministers have said numerous times that they support the Tibetans to go back to China. The Indian government doesn't support the Tibetans as much as before because they don't want to offen China. Building a better relationship with China is more important than protecting the Tibetans. The CTA is getting less significance every day.

Not only that, but the US also have reduced their funding to the CTA substantially in the last couple of years. It is mainly due to the weaker economy in the US and also because the Tibet card is not useful anymore! Many people are avoiding to deal with the Tibet issue now because it leads to nowhere and it is meaningless.

Tibetans are also worried about their future, instead of waiting for the CTA to give them the direction, they plan for themselves. Some of them have migrated overseas, some of them want to go back to China and some of them become Indian citizens. The CTA's position is pretty shaky, as there are fewer Tibetans, they will get even lesser fund. This useless government should be dissolved as soon as possible!


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Re: More troubles from Tibetans
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2019, 01:54:02 PM »
I can't believe the Tibetans are actually doing this to the country that treated them so well for the past 60 years. The Indians have been nothing but kind towards the Tibetans and instead of thanking the Indians by contributing towards the society, they sneakily abuse their privilege and steal from the people.

Is this how the Tibetans are repaying the kindness of the country that accepted them without any condition when they fled to India when their lives are in danger? This show what kind of people the Tibetans are. They are a bunch of selfish people that only take and never give back.

No wonder the Tibetans will forever stay being a refugee. They are too selfish to think about other people. Tibetan leadership are exactly the same. That is why they abuse their own people without having any guilt. In the end, the entire leadership is busy getting benefits for themselves and did nothing for the Tibetan cause. There is no progress at all for the past 60 years and it will probably stay stagnant for the next 50 years. Tibetans can forget about the cause already.